is currently in existence a $> mil/ion wood chip problem in our city, this
building material might be modeled as a green solution in at least a
portion of this development, such that it would again be highly
marketable, and yet be something other than a continuation of all the
attendant problems that come with most current development plans and
technologies. It might help to be solution oriented towards the entire
city, and again, because the Minattas don't have the overhead problem, they
might consider taking the time to plan it right to use these better
technologies, and model a better, nicer development that would be
considered an asset to the entire regional "neighborhood."
Thank you for your consideration of these important issues.
nis Stenson
would make it ideal as the educational and re -creational center it would
be. Also, the south facing slope that butts the existing park would be
ideal for Community Orchards. And, the Pleasant Valley Ditch would
provide excellant water resouces, with its potential to dovetail into the
existing retention ponds of the existing park
D) This mixed use approach could make it possible for the
Minattas to make their needed amount of money, to get some homes into
the plan, and yet mitigate some of the degree of the problems attendant
with 115 homes. It would be an alternative that would be a real asset to
the unique character of our neighborhood. Funding could also be mixed,
with the private homes being very desirable from a location standpoint,
and the public funding coming from GOCO partnerships with local funds
from the openspace referendum, etc.
E) Because there is no existing "overhead" on the land, the time
could be taken to plan a really nice mixed .use development that would
truly satisfy the stated Minatta goal of something "different and nice."
3) Elizabeth Stshould at a// costs be "downs/zed" at this
west end to a designated alternative transpartat/on expressway.
A) Automobile East-West traffic collection should be routed to
Prospect to the south and Mulberry to the North. This is in reflection of
existing reality and will save countless thousands of taxpayer dollars in
the long run, with little needed but signage and paint to manifest a real
"incentive" for alternative useinstead of more costly street widening and
lanes for conjestion.
B) This street is already on the Transfort route, and is one of the
main bicycle expressways to recreational riding in the western
openspaces. This move would be a costless incentive to enhance stated
City transportation goals, without heavy regulatory mandates; i.e.., cars
could still use the street, but it would be officially designated for
prioritization to other modes.
4) There are "green" building materials that might be
considered for the construct/on of at least a port/on of the
Intended houses. One, in particular, called Faswall, is a 91 % wood
chip, 9% portland "cinderblock" which is totally adjustable to conventional
house construccution techniques, and yet is very environmentally superior
to other technologies, both to the house dweller and the earth. Since there
Dennis Stenson To: the P&Z Committee
2820 W. Elizabeth Re: The Minatta Development
482-3448 x4 Thru: Ted Shepard
Date: October 20,1995
1 need to make four points.
1 ) / was not notified of the meeting in which the changes from
the 1st "neighborhood meeting" were brought forward. I believe that
there is a distinct possibility that a significant number of the
neighbors weren't notified, as the official roster for the 2nd
meeting showed only 8 or 9 people that weren't Minattas in
attendance. This is way down from the 65 people who attended
the 1st meeting, many of whom passionately expressed the
desire for the follow-up meeting.
Ted Shepard has stated two points on this.
A) There is no proceedural requirement for the 2nd meeting;
that it was merely a "courtesy" to the neighbors. However, the second
meeting was called because there were so few real answers to the
questions posed, and so few "experts" from the various departments at the
1st meeting who could address the issues.
B) After a spot check of a few people whom he thought
might be there, he had found that they had been notified in the official
manner. This is not a very scientific sampling, however, and I believe that
the possibility still exists that more persons than myself weren't
I feel it would be prudent to pull this item from the
October 23rd P&Z adjenda and rescheduled for reasons that the
so-called neighborhood meeting part of the official proceedure
has not been properly administered.
2) This site should be serious/y considered for its potent/al
for the Community Horticultural Center as a part of the
de velopinent. '
A ) It was the expressed desire of Al Minatta to me before he died
that the land remain some kind of open space or be turned into a park.
B) A site design is possible that would be like the "fairway
homes" that are developed around golf courses that would still
acommodate a number of house deveelopments, and yet still maintain and
enhance the open character of the existing use.
C) Proximity to the Pioneer Park and to the Happy Heart Farm