From: Jim Newcomb <jnewc@verinet.com>
To: "Marc Virata" <MVIRATA@fcgov.com>
Date: 9/9/04 10:19AM
Subject: Re: HOA - LOI
I appreciate your new details. Now I have a code, a procedure, an
understanding from you of the frontage, who is behind the concern and what
to do about it. I am not too sure about the practical concern - it sounds
overstated. I will discuss with Kent. TKS JIM
At 08:27 AM 9/9/2004 -0600, Marc Virata wrote:
>Just to follow up on my own message, if it's a question in your mind of
>code, please see our residential street standard (Figure 7-9F of
>LCUASS). The cross section and the text shows parking: "Two lanes 7'
>wide". Our standards are always considered as minimums, and for you not
>to provide parking along FPW along this one lot would be a variance
>request. Again, if you wish to take driveway access off of PVD, we're
>willing to forego the variance procedure and not require parking
>adjacent to the lot in question. However driveway access to FPW
>requires the additional parking width and would require a variance
>request from your engineer for consideration to the contrary.
> »»»»»»>
>I am honestly frustrated having to re -explain the City's position on
>this. Garage access on FPW needs to allow for parking on FPW. It's a
>practical concern Transportation Staff has of people potentially needing
>to have a place to park off their driveway, REGARDLESS of where the home
>could front. Please see previous emails as I don't wish to attempt to
>re -justify this every email. This entire issue is more than me not
>being comfortable with it, this decision was made among Transportation
>Staff at our standard weekly meetings. This group consists of the City
>Engineer, Traffic Engineer, Transportation Planning staff and more, thus
>it's not my "whim" but a decision that was thought amongst a group of
>Transportation Staff.
>I don't see how we limit you in regards to options, if you want access
>off FPW, that's fine just allow for additional width for parking on
>In the end, you're entitled to appeal a decision by Transportation
>Staff, if you wish to use your email as your justification for the
>appeal, I can send this out. If I may be blunt, I don't feel your email
>adequately addresses our position and in its current form wouldn't have
>much chance for changing the opinion of Transportation Staff.
>Marc P. Virata, P.E.
>Civil Engineer II
>City of Fort Collins - Engineering Department