March 19, 1996
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However, in an effort to reach a negotiated settlement for the right-of-way acquisition in a timely
manner, I am willing to amend the City's offer for compensation to include the following:
As I mentioned when we met, you are entitled to obtain a second appraisal and receive
reimbursement for that appraisal from the City. Based on a discussion with our Right -of -
Way Agent, I understand the cost of such an appraisal would probably be around $2000.
If you do not wish to obtain a second appraisal, I am willing to increase our offer for
compensation by this amount. Our previous offer for compensation was $8,000. Our new
offer is $10,000 with the understanding that you will not be requesting reimbursement for
a second appraisal.
2. In accordance with Ron Phillips' earlier offer, the City is willing to contract with an
engineering consultant, JR Engineering, for the professional services outlined in their letter
to Rusty McDaniel dated March 1, 1996. You received a copy of this letter at our last
meeting. The cost of these services will be deducted from the amount we agree to as
compensation for the ROW. That is, if we agree to a compensation amount of $10,000
and the cost of JR's services is $6,650, the compensation the City will pay to you for the
ROW will be $10,000 minus $6,650, for a total of $3,350.
Please let me know as soon as possible if you wish to pursue the offer I have outlined above. If
you have any questions, I can be reached at the City Engineering Department, 221-6605.
& eu�---,
Marc Eng oen
Engineering Manager
cc: Ron Mills
Mike Ludwig
Bob Blanchard
Engineering Department
March 19, 1996
Avram and Belinda Eskin
123 East Drake Road
Fort Collins, Colorado 80525
Re: Acquisition of Right -of -Way for Drake Road Improvements
Dear Dr. and Mrs. Eskin:
When Rusty McDaniel and I met with you the other day, you asked me to look into several
matters related to the planned Drake Road improvements and your current request for a change in
use for your property: Specifically, you asked me to make certain the City's planners were aware
of the proposed construction on Drake Road and the effects of this construction on your
property, and you asked me to check on the status of a reply to a letter you had written to Bob
Blanchard, the Current Planning Director. I understand you sent a letter to Ron Mills, our Right -
of -Way Agent, on March 14 requesting a reply to similar concerns.
Following our meeting, I met with Mike Ludwig of the Planning Department. I pointed out to
Mike the changes which would take place with the proposed Drake Road construction,
particularly that the back of the new sidewalk would be approximately 7.5 feet from the edge of
the building. Mike indicated that the acquisition of right-of-way and the widening of Drake Road
are not among the LDGS review criteria that Staff or the Planning & Zoning Board would
consider in evaluating your proposal. Mike also indicated that Bob Blanchard would be
responding to your letter shortly, and this morning I received a copy of that letter.
Ron Mills has discussed the issues raised in your letter with our appraiser, and the appraiser has
confirmed that the change in setback for the building from Drake Road would not change his
opinion of the highest and best use of the property. The highest and best use remains the current
use --an office and residential mixed use.
In talking with Mike and reading Bob's letter it appears you have several options in terms of
proceeding through the planning process from this point, and you will need to decide which
option to pursue. It is not possible for use to "negotiate" an outcome for your request for a
change in use as part of our negotiations for the right-of-way for the Drake Road improvements.
281 North College Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6605