Planning Objectives
Eakin PUD
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are asking staff to help us define a PUD that will protect the neighborhood, and still
allow Dr. Eskin to change his place of residence. Alternative A is Dr. Eskin's
preference and we believe offers the neighborhood some advantages over the residential
alternative. An office use would not be used during the evening and could potentially
be more quiet and less intrusive than a residential use. It may be possible to orient Dr.
Eskin's office entry to the west side of the building, keeping parking stalls on the east
side reserved for office employees. This would decrease the chances of patients parking
on Harvard Street, thereby improving the parking situation over what currently exists in
the neighborhood.
We understand the neighborhood's and staffs concerns regarding the protection of the
"neighborhood" from commercial encroachment, increased traffic and parking problems.
We believe both Alternative A and Alternative B address those concerns more than
adequately. The proposed PUD clearly meets the All Development Criteria in the LAND
DEVELOPMENT GUIDANCE SYSTEM. It appears that a variance for Point Chart E
Business Service Uses would be required for Alternative A. We believe the land use
proposal in Alternative A is "better than" alternative plans that could gain the required
number of points. In order to gain points for being on a transit route, being part of a
center and/or being two acres or more would require acquisition of more land and major
redevelopment of this area. Since a more radical plan could meet the point chart easily,
we believe a variance is clearly justified.
The Preliminary PUD submittal does not include building elevations at this time because
the applicant is not proposing significant changes to the appearance of the building.
Thank you for your consideration and we look forward to working with you during the
development review process.
Linda Ripley
October 16, 1995
Planning and Zoning Board Members
c/o Mike Ludwig
Project Planner
The applicant, Dr. Avram Eskin, is requesting the Planning and Zoning Board to approve
a change of use at his residence located at 123 East Drake Road. Currently, Dr. Eskin's
chiropractic office is located on the first floor and he and his wife Belinda live upstairs.
The City's zoning ordinance classifies this circumstance as a Home Occupation. The
request for a change in land use is necessary because Dr. Eskin and his wife want to
change their place of residence, but do not want to change the location of Dr. Eskin's
office. After eight years of living in this increasingly urban environment, they want to
move to a house with a larger yard and a neighborhood with less traffic. Dr. Eskin
would prefer to keep his chiropractic practice at its current location because it has been
successful there and he values the neighborhood and his neighbors. Dr. Eskin would like
to accomplish his objectives without alienating his neighbors and he certainly does not
want to put his neighborhood at risk by increasing traffic or creating parking problems.
Therefore, we are asking staff and/or the Planning and Zoning Board to consider
alternative land use options and provide Dr. Eskin with some guidance regarding which
land use alternative makes the most sense in this neighborhood.
We offer the following alternatives for review:
Dr. Eskin's office remains in its current location. The portion of the building
which is currently Dr. Eskin's residence would be leased to professional office
tenants such as accountants, architects, engineers, therapists, consultants, etc.
Adequate off-street parking can be provided west of the building, east of the
building or both. A maximum of seventeen parking spaces can be provided for
building tenants. New tenants would use building entrances located on the west
Dr. Eskin's office remains in its current location. The portion of the building
which is currently Dr. Eskin's residence would be leased to residential tenants,
thereby keeping the land use pattern essentially the same as what currently exists.
Additional parking could be provided if necessary.
The existing building which was designed to be either a home occupation or an office
provides a transitional land use between commercial uses on College Avenue and single
family residential uses on the east side of Harvard Street. It is our belief that either of
the above scenarios keep this needed land use transition intact and does not put the
neighborhood "at risk" for commercial encroachment or decline of property values. We
Landscape Architecture
Urban Design
223 Jefferson Strect
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Port Collins, Colorado 80524
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