To whom it may concern,
111y/ qs
This is in regards to the proposed development property at 620 South Sherwood.
There are a number of concerns I would like to address during your evaluation process.
First is the concern I have regarding the increase in traffic, congestion, parking and noise
that will result due to an increase in the density of population as a result of a 4-plex being
built at this location. The neighborhood already has a high amount of noise, congestion
and traffic, problems we just don't need anymore of.
I also have a real concern about the quality of my life and the value of my property and
how this will all be affected by a large complex right next door. I am concerned about
the noise from the increased proximity of students next to our house, the trash they leave
around and their intrusion into our backyard privacy. To have a large complex and
parking area a few feet from my house and family will definitely be intrusive and will
affect the quality of our lives and neighborhood.
There is also a long standing concern about the owner of the property and his terrible
record of lack of upkeep and maintenance on the current structure and property. Over an
eight year period he has refused to provide any maintenance or repairs on any structures
that border our properties not to mention the trees or grounds maintenance. Lawns, both
front and back have never been maintained by him or his tenants resulting in a front lawn
of dirt, never repaired concrete and knee high weeds in the back. At times, the trash and
garbage have accumulated so badly that the city had to be called in to have it hauled
away. All fence and tree maintenance over the years has been taken care of by me,
usually as a result of'damages caused by his tenants. When receipts for my costs were
presented to the owner through his tenants I never received compensations nor did the
owner handle any repairs or upkeep himself.
Over the years his tenants have damaged our property, threatened family members,
thrown garbage into our yard, let their dogs run loose and in general have been a royal
pain. When we would try to contact the owner about these problems he would never
respond. This is not the type of property owner we look forward to having increase the
size of his influence in our neighborhood. He has not been an asset to the area.
Finally, I hope that during your review process you will consider putting into place some
restrictions or conditions so that the character and quality of our neighborhood will not be
unduly negatively affected by this new dwelling. Most of us homeowners enjoy where
we live and the quality of life we enjoy. However, there are some real concerns about
how this new structure will impact our lives and the quality of our neighborhood.
Thank you for your considerations.
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