To whom it may concern,
I own and operate Almost Home Daycare and Preschool Center that offers
children ages 1 - 6 a loving as well as an academic learning experience. We
have 10 full-time children as well as 10 partime, or drop -in children enrolled.
I am requesting a zone change for my residential home business to allow
Almost Home to accept up to 28 children. My home lies on a large corner lot
with a front northwest entrance, as well as a gated outside entrance to the
southwest. The recess area is fully gated and includes most. of the
backyard. Because of the flexible scheduling of the children's parents, we
usually have no more than 4 cars picking up, or dropping off at any one time.
The children's recesses are also staggered. Only one class, which is divided
by age groups, are allowed to recess at any one time:
I am requesting this zone change for two reasons. First, I would like to
expand my business and have invested a. great deal of money in converting
the entire basement into several classrooms in order to allow for different
age groups and class structures. I have had stairs, a separate preschool
entrance, ramps and fencing all installed. to code in order to expand Almost
Home. Second, I try to help out parents who are only in need of daycare a
few days a week, or occasionally need to drop their children by for a half -
day. I offer pre-school Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays from 8:30 - 12:30
which is when most of the part-time children attend. I however try to help
out low-income parents who need daycare fora few hours a day, sparatically
throughout the week.
I feel Almost Home.meets and exceeds all the necessary requirements in
order to facilitate a professional, yet home -like and loving, daycare center
for children.