JOE VANSANT • P O. BOX 98 • FORT COLONS, COLORADO 80522 • (303) 482-6312
July 7, 1997
Mr. Steve Olt
Fort Collins Planning Dept.
281 North College Avc.
Fort Collins, Colorado
RE: On going discussions with THE RIDGE
There have been and still are ongoing interactions with THE RIDGE. I have had phone conversations and
met with THE RIDGE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION at their monthly meeting this past Junc. As of
this date there is no general consensus among their group of what is wanted of HARMONY RIDGE. At
the homeowners' meeting, one homeowner bordering our project still wanted an equal buffer on our
property to match the one on theirs. I have increased the building set back against the eastern most
property line to 30'. Others of the group had no objections with this.
There are items that could be agreed upon completely. Of concern is the lightning of our project. The
lighting is to be of a style to direct the light downward, very little in other directions. This is appropriate
for us also. We have agreed to put a three split wood rail fence on our eastern most property line at their
suggestion. The bike path between the two projects is acceptable to them, as long as that it does not
allow car access. .
The architectural, colors and type of materials, used in the project, both single family and townhouses are
satisfactory to THE RIDGE. The desire for all single family to be of only one story was expressLd by the
same person who wanted the large bluffer. We are willing to limit the single family to a two story or the
height of a two story as is the case in most of their project. 'this is probably 35 - 36'.
We are still talking of a berm. The size of a continuous berm, the height and width can not be agreed
upon by them. We will have at least a small one if nothing else on our side of the property line although
we arc still willing to place all the dirt necessary to have a rather large one between us if they still want to
put it in their bluffer area. There is still some thought of them putting trees on the west side of their buffer
area if there is or is not a berm, but the kind and height and style is still in discussion. The installation of
trees would probably not affect us directly.
THE RIDGE is going to work on getting more of a consensus in the next month or two to focus on what
items they still think need attention. I have told them that I am willing to meat with them again to further
discuss itel s of interest. There is generally an over all acceptance of the project
Joe Varian
1-U51tIVC I:IlV1TUIlIIldI1tJ Inc.