HomeMy WebLinkAboutHARMONY RIDGE PUD, PHASE ONE - PRELIMINARY ..... SECOND P & Z BOARD HEARING - 49-95A - REPORTS - RECOMMENDATION/REPORT W/ATTACHMENTSHARMONY RIDGE SOLAR ORIENTED LOTS -VARIANCE REQUEST The total number of SOLAR ORIENTATM LOTS is below the normal requested, (see Preliminary Plan for numbers). A solar orientation variance is requested for the following reasons. The natural topographic features of this PUD development are such that the natural occurring drainage tributaries of the Fossil Creek drainage basin and the occupying bluffs run pretty much north and south. The resulting contours are steep and narrow enough in a east/west cross section to cause design limitations. To layout the streets to run in these east/west directions over these contours would cause steep and short streets, not amenable to the elderly clientele sought after. Winter driving could also be somewhat of a consideration. Also this would necessitate a great deal of over lot grading, thus destroying the natural contours and aesthetic advantages of this particular unique development. Also to lay out streets a majority of east/west street between the natural drainage's would reduce the over all required densities to make this development financially viable. The majority of Townhouse units, even though they are slightly off the east/west required alignment, are still facing south west. This with the dynamic vista of the mountains across the Cathy Fomrme Prairie invite design elements of south west facing large glass expanses to take advantage of the natural view and therefor still gain much solar imput. Accompanying this is the fact that most of these row houses have common walls with other units. This reduces much heat loss or heat gain which ever season is applicable. The request is therefore asked for to make best use of this unique topographical situation without doing any unnecesmy grading and disrupting natural contours. *HARMONY RIDGE* PLANNING OBJECTIVES OWNERS/ DEVELOPERS: FREE ENTERPRISES INC., LEE A. STARK, G. D. McGARVEY 1803 N. GARFIELD STREET, LOVELAND, CO This PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT will utilize the natural rolling bluffs, make use of the proposed natural area, and also meet the goals that the City Land Use Policy. This is an infill development that is bordered on two sides by existing subdivisions, the Overlook at Woodridge on the north, the Ridge on the east and on the south and west by the proposed city's Cathy Fromme Natural Prairie. The architectural covenants and controlled architectural style of the row housing will ensure that a cohesive environment blends with the landscaping and the neighboring natural area. This development is designed to promote the security of neighborhood interaction and yet allow easy movement throughout in a pedestrian manner. Most lots and living units are able to take advantage of the views to the Southwest and also make use of the same solar orientation. Building heights will be maintained to one level above the main entrance to the living unit without a variance review. This will sustain the open feeling of the project and maintain open views. Besides the constant awareness of the natural area on the south, open space will be maintained throughout the site with pedestrian paths following meandering water courses down to the natural areas. These paths will all connect and be usable by both the single family lots and the multifamily units. These natural water courses will not only give interesting interruptions in densities but will provide natural breaks between single family and multifamily units. The pedestrian path will all connect to out looks next to the natural areas where residents can enjoy the view and wild life. Landscape groupings will be placed on the comers at all street and cul-de sac intersections. The intent of the location and alignment of the streets so to leave the natural formation of the land undisturbed as much as possible, while still conforming to the City of Fort Collins street standards. Townhouses will own a potentially private piece of ground extending 20 feet out from the living unit, opposite from the garage side of the house and also a 20 foot pad in front of the garage. The intent of the design and placement of the townhouses is to disturb the natural formation of the land as little as possible, be means of grade entrance at more than one level per unit where necessary, Contours will be disturbed as little as possible between units. There will be approximately one off street parking place per unit in the townhouse areas above the four parking places provided on each unit, Other than this, all land will be maintain open space which will reflect the natural open space to the south in some areas and in others they may be landscaped green areas that are close to living units and also periodically along water courses. There will be a 20 foot wide undulating berm between Harmony Road and the living units. This land will be landscaped with a combination of evergreens and broad leaf trees. P0S1TjLVjE.1wEA%VM0PQ9U4-TS mc� JOE VANSANT • P.O. BOX 98 • FORT COLONS, COLORADO 80522 • (303) 482.8312 April 26, 1996 Steve Olt Fort Collins Planning Dept. 281 North College Ave. Fort Collins, CO 80524 RE: Traffic interaction between HARMONY RIDGE & shopping center to north. Steve, The owner of HARMONY RIDGE and of the SHOPPING CENTER to the north of Harmony Ridge and my self have had a number of interactions in the past month an a half. All parties and myself met at Lee Stack's house first and tried to come to some solution satisfactory to both parties. This meeting concluded with a suggestion by me to try the following ( see enclosed plan ). The OLD HARMONY ROAD alignment and SENICA would mostly stay the same as I have shown in our recent submitted drawings. The use and intensity would change on OLD HARMONY ROAD. The intersection of OLD HARMONY and SENICA would almost totally be used as the SHOPPING CENTER ENTRANCE. OLD HARMONY ROAD west of the commercial area would only be used as an access to a trail head near the future closed intersection of OLD HARMONY and TAFT HILL RD. HARMONY RIDGE would only have access to the OLD HARMONY ROAD in one or two places as a fire access only. The advantages are numerous. First it would give almost an exclusive access to the SHOPPING CENTER. It would allow a more safe bike path and trail head access without traffic. This would give the residential neighbors bordering the road on the north a almost nonexmtent amount of traffic to deal and a wide buffer between themselves and any buildings to the south. Of course it would allow HARMONY RIDGE the advantage of having a most ideally located fire access with maximum flexibility and no reduction in density in the interior of our project for a road not other wise needed except for a fire access. Also The City of Fort Collins, The neighbors to the north, The Shopping Center, and Harmony Ridge would not have the extensive expense of removal of a PERFECTLY good existing road. Presently I have not: heard back form the SHOPPING CENTER owners on their feelings. I have deliver the enclosed plan to Dave Pietenpol and talked to him on the phone a couple of time since delivery to clarify some points on the drawings. Joe Vansant POSITIVE ENVIRONMENTS INC. AdftL POSTTl otco JOE VANSANT • P.O. BOX 98 • FORT COLONS, COLORAOO 80522 • (303) 482-6312 Ap:i1, 2t, 10% Steve Olt Fort Collins Planning Dept. 281 North College Ave Fort Collins, CO 80524 RE: HARMONY RIDGE & THE RIDGE HOMEOWNERS. Steve, This letter is to document some interactions that have taken place between THE RIDGE NEIGHBORHOOD ASS. and the HARMONY RIDGE OWNERS since the Harmony Ridge Neighborhood Meeting. The following items have generally been agreed upon between the two 1. A bike trail will connect the two subdivisions approximately mid way on HARMONY RIDGE's east boundary. This will take place at some point in the future when Harmony Ridge is 50% occupied. 2. The single family density next to THE RIDGE was lowered to 2 units / acre from the original submitted density. 3. A larger set back for structures or permanent buildings was increased to 20" on the east side of HARMONY RIDGE, joining the two developments. 4. There will be a joint effort to install a berm between the two developments some time in the future HARMONY RIDGE will provide the dirt for a berm that will be installed on or mostly installed in the 60 foot green space that THE RIDGE has on its west boundary. Tree will be provided by THE RIDGE. 5. We were also agreeable to not installing any type of public used retail area in our development 6. We have agreed to m;nunized street lighting to produce less glare to surrounding developments at night HARMONY RIDGE feels that we have developed a rather pleasant working relationship with our neighbors to the east. I hope you will convey these notes to the P&Z Board and interested parties. Joe Vankant POSTTIVE ENVIRONMENTS INC. South Fort Collins Sanitation District MEMO TO: Mr. Joe Vansant, Positive Environments Inc. f FROM: Mr. Terry W. Farrill, Systems Engineer DATE: April 2, 1996 RE: Harmony Ridge PUD The purpose of this memo is to follow-up our telephone conversation, March 13, 1996, and the current status of the above mentioned project. Sanitary Sewer Service The public hearing requirements for the Petition of Inclusion will be held at the Board of Director's meeting on April 10, 1996. The petition is based on 44.46 acres and a maximum of 252 residential units. Apprgxrnately 2,148 feet of eight (9) inch off -site sanitary sewer line will need to be replaced with ten (10) inch sanitary sewer line, as identified by the District's master plan. The estimated cost, based on 1994 figures, is $70,088.00. All required easements are to be provided on the District's standard easement form Water Service Approximately 2,400 of off -site water line is required to provide adequate flow and pressure to the project. The District's capital improvement plan includes the installation of the water line, but was not planned for construction until after the year 2000. The District will require advanced notice, approximately eighteen months, and a commitment from the developer prior to the installation of the off -site water line. All required easements are to be provided on the District's standard easement form. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 226-3104, ext. 14, if you have any questions or require additional information. xc: Mr. Michael D. DiTullio, Manager 06/10/96 16:41 FAX CNHP Q 002 M MEMORANDUM TO: City of Fort Collins Pluming and Zoning Board Community Planning and Environmental Services 281 North College Avenue, P.O. Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 90522-0580 FROM: Chris and Katie Pague 1525 Hepplewhite Fort Collins, CO 80526 CC: Community Planning and Environmental Services SUGJECT: The Harmony Ridge PUD We would lice the following comments to be taken into consideration for the Harmony Ridge overall development plan - #49-95: We have reviewed the development plan for Harmony Ridge and find it to be thorough and well done. We live in the adjacent PUD, The Ridge. We have observed in the past six months numerous hawks, eagles, and other wildlife species using the existing and possible Cathy Fromme Prairie Natural Area and would lice to note that the existing trees in the southeast corner ofthe proposed development were used greater than 80% of the days for perching, hunting, rousting, and courtship_ Knowing that, the proponents, the City, and current residents of The Ridge all seek to maximize the benefits of the natural area We would recommend for consideration deletion from development' the two southern most quads in the single family portion of the development, Le_, the southeast comer. This would provide an ample buffer for the hawks and eagles to continue their long-term use of the area while providing views for the Harmony Ridge enhabitants. Thank you for this consideration. Please feel free to contact us for fin Cher comments/information (204-5209). Y ra1"011 1 %. jIr\/%a l_mama I Eama C-ireroa If the site or adja==property Contains i historic building or place. a boners =y be earned for the following: Credi g 3% Far preventing or mitiga lag outside influences adverse to its presm'acon (e.g. envamtmeanL land use, aecthetie, eecm mic and soaal face=): 3% For assm'ing that new s==cs will be is keeping with the einaes-of the building or place, while. avoiding mail units: H 3% Forgroposiag adaptive use of the bttildiag orplace drazwill lead m. its c*i- ce ptrsevarioa and — im^rovemem m as appropriate maffies Z t If a portion or all of the requited parking is the multiple family project is provided Mad err^^_^+_. within the Obuilding. or m an elevared pamidag sutteare as an accessory use m the primary suarmae. a bonus may be euaed as m follows: 9% Forptovidmg 75% or more of the parkongin a saucr= �y 6% - For providing 50 - 74% of the pariaag in a snnecozz: j 3% For providing 25 - 49% of the pa:idng is a snnernn:- V If a comtniunzca is being made m provide approved automatic foe extinguishing systan's for the dwelling traits. I an= a bonus of 1095. V If the applicant commin to providing adecuate, safe and canvemeat pedessaian and bieyeie counacdons between the projeer and any of the desinxdon coon= desesbed below. C11=1= die bores as follows: 5� For connecting m the nearest exisdag City sidewalks and biryeie padulaaG _- dL=mcrs 90 to any existing public school. panic and as =smp wither t as d-drod is this O 54e Far connecting in an erscing Cky bicycle mail which is adjaeem to or =vexes the project. TOTAL Land Deveiv zment Guidance System -for Planned Unit Developments _ The City of Fart Collins: Colorado. Revised September 1994 - 79a - Ctiteron ■ !.taxunurn an ; Credit C.d. •e a Zg00 fat at an eztsang netgnoornooa snoppng cotter; or __1 2000 feet at an snproved but not cons: uc;ed neighborhood shopping center, ' — — — "— — 20% r — yF 650 feetof an existing transit stop (applicable only to pmjecs having a dauuy of u !eau six (61 dwelling units per ace on a gross u=eage basis) j ZOTO C 4000 feet of an existing or approve d regional, shopping =tcr — j l Cm ' - W d 3500feeto_tan_ex_isdngneighb_or_hoodaeommutrirypar!=orb„N,;nihtEaeiliit�Cdc:ao{G�,�.%Lj.Tj 3500 feu of a publicly owner. but sac lsv — neighborhood Leo _ _u _,n _ _ _ _ 1 _ ,part comtauniry facliry (except golf toms-): or , L 2O�o _ _ _ _ _ 10% _ ___ V! m — — _�� 3100 feel of i oucliely owned golf era --se. wheMer dcwe!aoed or noL _ I to% e I Z500 feet of an existing scnooL meting all requirements of of Cal, compulsory education laws a 101G I 10% I `� f 3000 feet of a major employment termer l; 204e 1000 feet of a child case crsrer I 5?0 h I ":North" Fort Collins I 20?e j 1 The Catual Business Disurlct ( ZO?e j A pmje cz wb=a baumdary is mgcgucus w existing urban development Credit may be esmed as follows: 3000 0% For pro :s whose property boundary bets 0 - 10% marigaitlr; 10 - 15% %pro jeez wherry boundary bets 10 - zM coatigttity; tI3 - mjeea whose puts rLS ZU - ju% ty� �Oeca W�d3rcpery Doan .�lT- eonagmZy;� 25 - 30% For projects whose property boundary has 40 - 50% contiguity.. - k If it can be demonstared thu the projectt +ill oduca non-renewable energy usage e:d= through the aonliatcna of vy alternative enersystems or through commiaed energy conservation measures beycnd:rose nornally required by Cry Cade a 6% bonus may be earned for every 5% teducoa in energy use j I Calcalace a 1% bonus for every 50 =s inc!udcd in the pmier m Calculate the percraacs i ge of the total n the project are that devoted to rec-.adomi am = UZ Enter of tat percentage as a bonus- n IIf the "'coat commits m presavmg ?""seta' off"" poem span that "'am the Cry•s === eau:'en", catculaie the percentage of this open space acreage to the total deveiwmeat acreage and enter Cis pe:,~nage u a bona& If part of the tool development budget is to be spent on neighborhood public nnsit faclidea which are not otherwise reaum= by C* Cade. ernes a Z% banns for every $100 per dwelling unit invested. P IIf part of the total devgi=meur budget is to be spew on neighberhood factices and servtcs which are not oth_--wise required by City Cade- sater a 1% bonus for every $100 per dwelling = invested y q If a commitment is being made to develop a specified peranage of uie total number of dwelling units for low income f•ctums enter that pacenrage as a bongs. up to a maxinmm of 30%. Z QIf cc f a comn3aneat is being made to develop a soccUled paceaage of :he total number of dwelling units for Tyve "A" and Type "3" hanrt:^*ped housing as dei3ned by the Ciry of Tit Callus, calculate Cc bonus as follows: . oT ul Units In no use shall the combined bonus be greater than 30% Type-3 l.O x i'^'^ "g" TTr m Toad Units .; Continued Land Development Guidance System for Planned Unit Developments The City of For, Collins. Colatado, Revised September 1994 i9 - P.TTnC-MENT ACTIVITY: Residen t ial Uses DEFINITION: H ,all residential uses. Uses include single family attached dwellings, townhomes, duplexes. mobile homes, and multiple far..'; d•:: eilings: group homes. boarding and rooming houses: fraternity and sorority houses: nursing Imes: public and private schools: public and non-profit quasi -public re adonal uses as a principal use: ;:ses providing meeting places and piaces for public assembly with incidental office space: and child - e centers. CRITERIA: 7te following app'__hie criterion must be answere"yes" and implemented w _.e deveiopment pian. Yes No N/,^, DOES i -P C:'CT E.aRti 7HE MLVI'VMTM ?E-? C-`ITACE POL'N1TS -S C Za%D ON 7`-- - FOLLOwT�;G ":)F- S= CHART" FORS--?ROPOScD DE-`iS=OF SM)ENN-17 L PROJECT ^. ' :tired earned Credit for a resideatii -roject shall be based on the fcVowing: 60 0 - ^a e inns = 6 or fewer dwelling units ^er acre (A °`o = 4 b5 DU`aLre� 60 - _ _rage points = 5 - 7 dweHing units per act 70 - 80 er_aaage points = i, - 8 dwelling units per acre 80 - 90 per entage points = 8 - 9 dweilir units per awe 90-100 percenrsae points = 9-10 dwelling units per ace 100 or more petceatagc points = 10 or more dwelling .mina per acre Land Development Guidance System for Planned Unit Developments : ae City of Fort Collins. Colorado. Revised August 1994 �% A ..ram .�I_ n. Ar-7 14 vy - mar Activity A: ALL DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA ALL CRITERIA I APPLICABLE CRITERIA ONLY Is :he c—,coon aeeliacle? wiu the = tie satistec? If no, please exclain ' • s Yes I No A.1. COMIv1UNITY-WIDE CRITERIA. 1.1 SCIaf Cnentation I ✓I I I I �/ I yolYi�.ur� 1.2 Ccmorehensive Plan I ✓I I I I I 1.3 Wildlife Habitat I I I I I 1 1.4 Mineral Deocsit I 1 10 I 1.= ESZiccically Sensitive Areas I reserved 1.6 Lands cf Acricultural Imoorance I reser.ed I I I I I I 1.7 Energy Cor,se:vatian I I I I I 1 a Air Duality I' I✓ I I 1 C W=tar C. ,aIlIV I A I I 17 1 �o�t �oc1 dYv11AL�1SOLY�(l. 10 S=-wace =_rc VV=_SteS I✓' I 1 11 Wat rC'on rvati I I I I I V/ 1.12 ResideniialDensity I ✓I I I 1 1 ' NE!GHEOP.HCCD CCMPA=. i 1EILl -Y CRI 7 =R1;41 I I Venic::iar. P=des;ran. Bike Transocraiicn I I. I I✓ I I c Pla=^=nt and Orient=tier, �1 I I' ✓ I I =uiidiry- 2' Natural Fe-atures I i/ I I I✓ I I L= V=nip -l=r Circuiation any Parking 10 I I✓ I I 2.55 En, ergericy AccBss - I ✓I I I ✓ I I 2.5 Pedestrian Circulation I I I I I I 2.1 arc: ,it_cwre I ✓1 I I✓ I I ='=uilding heignt and Views I I 11A I I `2.-a . Shading I ✓I I I 2.10 Sclar Ac-=ss I✓ I l l✓ I I" 2.11 Historic Rescuras I I I I I 2.12 Sett:acks I✓I I 2.13 Landscape I I I I✓ I I 2.14 S i c n s ✓ I ( I✓ I 2.15 Site Lighting I✓1 I I I I 2.16 Ncise and Vibration 1 I I I I 2.11 Glare or Heat I ✓I I I 2.18 Hazardous Materials I ✓1 1 A 3. ENGINEERING CRITERIA - 3.1 Utility Capacity I 1 3.2 Design Standards 1 1 I 3.3 Water Hazards ✓I 3.4 Geologic Hazards . 1 ! - - Land Development Guidance System for Planned Unit Developments The City of Fort Collins, Colorado. Revised . ch 1994 -61- �' �J uCE5r I SCHOOL PROJECTIONS Proposal: Harmony Pidge_Phase I PUD Description: Mixed -use development, which includes 129 dwelling units (17 single family, 6 zero lot line and 106 townhome units). Density: 31.37 du/acre (net) General Population: 17 (single family units) x 3.2*(persons/unit) = 54 112 (multi family units) x 2.8#(persons/unit) = 314 TOTAL = 368 School Age Population: Elementary: 17(units) x .450(pupils/unit) = 8 112 x .120 = 13 Junior High: 17(units) x .210(pupils/unit) = 4 112 x .055 = 6 Senior High: 17(units) x .185(pupils/unit) = 3 112 x .050 = 6 TOTAL = 40 *Figures assume a mix of 2- and 3-bedroom single family residential. #Figures assume a mix of 2- and 3-bedroom multi family residentaal. "Wjr� SECT. A01/18" HIM S=. C 0 1/18' C- Y yip y� I iWA CONCEPTUAL SITE SECTIONS ror1 uANasrwxl� ruu a.a VPOSITIVE'ENVIRONMENTS INC. ARCHITECTURE • PLANNING 970-482-6312 • P.O. Box 98 • Fort Collins. Colorado 80522 SECT. Do Vitt, SECT. E 0 1 / I B' OPTIONAL SECT. WO 1/ 18' - - ,,,_,_ ���_::�_-k '.-. ��--�= �•_- — fir_,.,- —.� . �_7 .-.'. -- rm mmc rmmmms vmw VPOSITIVE'ENVIRONMENTS INC ARCHITECTURE • PLANNING 970-482-6312 • P.O. Box 98 • Fort Co9ins, Colorado 80522 �a 1 �I j.. I 1L4I'", 0 1 1111! I I. 'I, 0 11 ei-.In1..11 Y21 . • tlll51111l11 L I1IIiII I101111184 ! +� a111 IluI IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Il tl '�' Ir�1 ib11 �'. LIIII "Oil 3S,II�111 11,I'!LrI II-� r INTERIOR STREET PERSPECTIVE VIEW. ate:. `�IUl�ulllli +� 111111111111111`I�' 1 Illllul 1l���jl J muulluuuulluulllll� ll1k,' r,lmlui ✓'• _fd.: I�Mw �` I■�IIIIIIIII n'r•I�',.i II. i ENDEIEVATION 1/6'-l*-W HARMONY RIDGE' PUD......,.,_ 0 POSITIVE Er4V1WNMENTS INC. AYCIL7 X-JVZE • PLANAWNG 303-482-6= • P.Q Banc 98 • FDrl Colds, Colorado 80522 -O LANDSCAPING NOTES: q YPmtY O.R lbN��.x9.p R]tl4TnIlrt IC[..W.Y ♦natvaevw{Ntm nnrt�nm munanw� uq.wmmoa w m i HARMONY_ RIDGE -' ,oercwiu+s.mneun PLLASE ONE LANDSCAPE PLAN 3CA181'�P— 1b i0 Y�F>MNS1>19 y \ 1 ��NNNXeess 1 1 I LLY. INFPJTY GMXF]i5: GD. tl6ARVEYJtR A TANK. lllkl.: 4:MIFFFNIZES. VAC. { ANfIFI I) I[WFIAXG (A191U1%J ��� I I ,� l�(��L.Yr6JD{2( 189] XOkll G VPOSITIVE ENVIRONMENTS INC. ARCHITECTURE • PLANNING 303-482-6312 • P.O. Box 98 • Fort Collins. Colorado 80522 IAN�I)5(iy\1�4: LfLFXO 1 11 l N.�.ANis f9Q.5 CB LNbalpapiares TLNml�erc¢ �, �YUNR.xp19164 VV``{� `Nmav tgxinp HA$MOW RR](3F. • PUR PHASE ONE LANDSCAPE PLAN n r/ A Wf�� T I ', n �prtr�ceu 11 - ou A` <4;w y �awauarnr.s rrm_urn[v m.rooar..rR Im ..ra raw 19d8 `\'. R �r� r.+rawrrrrr iNLLaf `" \\ qe rarrrrrrr�_ warn runn.no_rx.ason PROPOSED 1 ti•' Il; 1 rb�yrr.r_wrarr.r. v r+l u._Rr.._ CA771Y PROMME PRAIRk IA- rir_r.._R.rw R,.rrr. r 1___.A__,r• HARN[OLVY, 12iDGE"- j 'I . ,, ��� = ; ,�•;--�. PHASE ONE PRELIMINARY PLAN y�aaa�aw_wrr4rr.or uRw Rr.w4r•r R[A SrwlB f-� - �,' ` � -� �.` urar.r..rawwrww.rr at\iu[uuluwraaaare � �rewnu�r Z' • i �� ��>A: .o.uatsrr.rrr.rwr.rr. Y�DY I ,t' ��r•rwrrra_rrrw []RIIAOlaPQW gaMp{y Gyrypl9;G.O.IYGWYEl,IfF. A.4tAW.fAi1L FJRFJtRIVJS.IMG 1 � �� Ygr�[�rrr Ima naxnlaalQRL,.In+n.AxG.cprmAnG �t`��_ .S�' [ POSITIVE ENVIRONMENTS INC.'. V ARCRTTEC7URE • PLANNING:.,_ - r / jj�••�� [ A�\;j 970J82-8312 P.Q BON 98 • Fort Collins. Colorado 80522 �r � �... —� —�_ ��_ lu. ;uay.rr•uv[armr.Tn HARMONY RIDGE PUD PHASE ONE PRELIMINARY son . rraa Webber Junior High School ins Iq ONES IN �� ~I�p rri11 ���� ; �R��i► ����% ���i��i�r� o • •� �1���`�� iii�� ,emu, /��/►�, I . ■ i ■ Cathy Frornme Prairie Natural Area II VICINITY MAP #49-95A HARMONY RIDGE PUD Phase 1 - Preliminary 02/22/96 N 1"= 600' n:lnninrl_ we a i nn . ....................... uiA►.du. • ♦ ..null Harmony Ridge PUD, Phase One, Preliminary, #49-95A September 9, 1996 Page 10 4. At the time of final PUD submittal the developer must provide designs for the intersection of "old" Harmony Road with the Harmony Ridge PUD entry and the intersection of "old" Harmony Road with "new" Harmony Road. The designs must meet All Development Criterion A-3.2 of the LDGS and the criteria in the City's Street Design Standards prior to recording the PUD plans. 5. The layout and density of this development may have to change based on evaluation of a street width variance request, the configuration and design of the street intersections both on -site and off -site at "old" and "new" Harmony Roads (All Development Criterion A-3.2), and the information regarding views, building mass, transition zones, and site layout (All Development Criteria A- 2.3 and A-2.7). The ultimate layout and density for the Harmony Ridge PUD, Phase One will be determined at time of final PUD review and approval. Harmony Ridge PUD, Phase One, Preliminary, #49-95A September 9, 1996 Page 9 RECOMMENDATION: Staff is recommending approval of the applicant's request for a variance to the Solar Orientation Ordinance. Staff is recommending approval of the Harmony Ridge PUD, Phase One - Preliminary - #49-95A, with the following conditions: Letters of intent for necessary off -site drainage easements, to allow the stormwater from Harmony Ridge PUD to pass across the natural area (including the Cathy Fromme Prairie) into the Burns Tributary, must be provided at time of submittal of the final PUD documents. The actual easement agreements must be provided to the City by the plan revision due date for the final PUD review. The easement agreements must be accepted by the Stormwater Utility prior to Planning and Zoning Board approval of the final PUD. 2. At time of submittal of final PUD documents the developer must provide design for the stormwater conveyance channels and structures from the Harmony Ridge PUD to the Burns Tributary to the south. Upon review it will be determined if the design adequately addresses the Stormwater Utility's requirements and meets the requirements as set forth in All Development Criterion A-1.9 in the LDGS The runoff generated by the development shall be routed through water quality (treatment) sedimentation ponds prior to being released into the potential natural area acquisition property. Such ponds shall be designed in accordance with Volume 3 of the UDFC District's "Drainage Criteria Manual" or other industry "Best Management Practices" standard and shall comply with the City of Fort Collins design criteria and standards. Any downstream discharge from these ponds into the potential natural area shall be designed to minimize potential channel instability and shall take into account the bicycle trail crossings of the drainage channels. The stabilizing measures could include both structural and non-structural (vegetative and bio-technical) measures. All of these measures shall be reviewed and approved by the Natural Resources Division, from a technical and aesthetic standpoint, and by the Stormwater Utility, for conformance with drainage design criteria, prior to Planning and Zoning Board approval of the final PUD. 3. At the time of final PUD submittal the developer must provide a request for a variance to the City's Street Design Standards to allow some of the internal local streets to be narrower than the minimum 36' width. The request must be approved by the Director of Engineering prior to recording the PUD plans. Harmony Ridge PUD, Phase One, Preliminary, #49-95A September 9, 1996 Page 8 the time the proposed natural area acquisition occurs. In addition, off -site easements will be required to cross the Cathy Fromme Prairie. Letters of intent for the easements must be provided at time of submittal of the final PUD documents and the actual easement agreements must be provided to the City by the plan revision due date for the final PUD review. 7. Resource Protection: The existing Cathy Fromme Prairie Natural Area is adjacent to Parcels 3 and 4 of the Harmony Ridge ODP, to the south, and the prairie is also across South Taft Hill Road to the west. Parcels 3 and 4, being the southerly 141.4 acres of the property, are being considered for acquisition by the City Natural Resource Division for addition to the natural area. Negotiations are underway between the property owners and the City for acquisition and it is possible that the acquisition could be completed in 1996. The Natural Resources Division has concerns regarding the appearance of the proposed residential uses on the views from and user experience within the adjacent Cathy Fromme Prairie Natural Area and the Planning staff has concerns over the view of the project from South Taft Hill Road. The concern is that this project should be designed with consideration given to color, architectural design, building mass and height, site layout, transition zones, and landscaping to assure that the project is compatible with the neighborhood and surrounding area and is in conformance with All Development Neighborhood Compatibility Criteria A-2.3 Natural Features and A-2.7 Architecture of the LDGS. Conformance to the All Development Criteria could affect the final layout and density of this project. The applicant and the City have been working with an outside consultant on the development of visual simulations that will provide adequate information to determine if the proposed project addresses these concerns. FINDINGS OF FACT/CONCLUSIONS: In evaluating the request for the Harmony Ridge PUD, Phase One - Preliminary, staff makes the following findings of fact: It is in conformance with the Harmony Ridge O.D.P. " It earns 63% on the Residential Uses Density Point Chart, which supports the proposed gross residential density of 4.18 dwelling units per acre. It does not meet the All Development Criteria A-1.1, A-1.9, and A-3.2 of the LDGS. Either variances are requested or a condition of approval is recommended that addresses each of the criteria. The property is in the Residential Neighborhood Sign District. All signage for this development is subject to the strict interpretation and requirements of the City Sign Code. Harmony Ridge PUD, Phase One, Preliminary, #49-95A September 9, 1996 Page 7 5. Transportation/Engineering: Phase One of the Harmony Ridge PUD will be accessed from the proposed extension of Seneca Street south of "new" Harmony Road, which would connect to an internal local street network within the development. A future second point of access would be from Phase Two, to the west, from the existing "old" Harmony Road. This would be approximately 800' west of the access street into Phase One. All streets within the development are to be dedicated public streets and no streets are proposed to be continued south from the development through the potential natural area. With the exception of the street that runs east -west and curves south into the single family portion of Phase One, culminating at a cul-de-sac, all the other streets are proposed to be of widths that are less than the City's minimum standard for local streets. A variance request (to be prepared and justified by a registered engineer) for the reduced street width is required and no request has yet been submitted by the developer to the Engineering Department for review. This will be provided at time of final PUD submittal. Also, design for the off -site intersection of 'old" Harmony Road with "new" Harmony Road and the intersection of "old" Harmony Road with the entry street into the Harmony Ridge PUD must be part of the final PUD submittal. All Development Criterion A-3.2 Design Standards of the LDGS has not been adequately addressed with the information provided to date to the City for review. Both the designs of the intersections and the ultimate internal street widths could affect the final layout and density of this project. Staff is recommending conditions regarding a street width variance request and the requirement for design of both on -site and off -site street intersections. 6. Storm Drainage: The existing Trilby Ditch Lateral assumes the south boundary of this phase of development. Harmony Ridge PUD is not allowed to release any of its surface stormwater into this ditch. The stormwater will have to be conveyed under or over the ditch and the conveyance channels will contain very steep drops from the development down to the Burns Tributary to the south. There will have to be erosion control devices built into these channels. The developer must provide design for the stormwater conveyance channels from the Harmony Ridge PUD to the Burns Tributary. All Development Criterion A-1.9 Water Quality of the LDGS has not been adequately addressed with the information provided to date to the City for review. Staff is recommending a condition regarding the review documentation requirements for the design of the stormwater conveyance channels and structures at time of final PUD submittal. Off -site drainage easements, into the potential natural area on this property, will be necessary to allow the stormwater from Harmony Ridge to pass across the natural area into the Burns Tributary. These easements will be required from the City of Fort Collins at Harmony Ridge PUD, Phase One, Preliminary, #49-95A September 9, 1996 Page 6 d. What are the stormwater detention requirements and how will the stormwater affect the Cathy Fromme Prairie? Concerns about water quality and pollution. The Stormwater Utility is reviewing these issues as part of the development review for the Harmony Ridge PUD. See the Storm Drainage section and Condition 2 of this staff report. e. The level of site lighting is critical to adjacent developments. Lighting levels should be low and contained on -site, as possible. The site lighting is being evaluated against All Development Criterion A-2.15 of the LDGS. f. Do not want special considerations given to the developers just because the City is interested in acquisition of a portion of the overall Harmony Ridge property. The development proposal has gone through a very extensive review process that has been as thorough as for any other development proposal. g. How will this development further impact the traffic on Harmony Road and the intersection of Harmony Road and South Shields Street? Improvements to West Harmony Road are not happening as they were promised. The traffic impacts to streets and intersection in the area have been evaluated as part of the formal development review process. The improvements to West Harmony Road are occurring as new development comes on line and completes them. h. Surrounding neighborhoods do not want a convenience store included in this development. A neighborhood convenience store is not being proposed in this development. There is, however, a convenience store site approved in the Arapahoe Farms ODP just to the north of the "old" Harmony Road alignment. A copy of the minutes of this neighborhood information meeting is attached to the staff report. Harmony Ridge PUD, Phase One, Preliminary, #49-95A September 9, 1996 Page 5 Signage: The property is in the Residential Neighborhood Sign District and all proposed signage is subject to the requirements of the City Sign Code. This District is more restrictive than other more commercially oriented Districts. 4. Neighborhood Compatibility: A neighborhood information meeting was held on September 14, 1995 at the Light House Church on West Harmony Road, adjacent to the subject property. There were approximately 45 people present, including the property owners and their planning consultant, the president of the Trilby Lateral Ditch Company, and the City's project planner. The majority of the affected property owners present were from the Ridge PUD to the east. The expressed concerns are as follows: a. The overall density of this proposed development is too high. The Ridge, to the east, is on one+ acre lots. Do not want high density similar to the development on the north side of Harmony Road (Overlook @ Woodridge, Arapahoe Farm Townhomes). The LDGS has an All Development Criterion (A-1.12) that requires a minimum residential density of 3 dwelling units per acre in all PUD developments unless a variance (with proper justification) is granted that allows a density lower than the minimum requirement. b. The Ridge has a greenbelt along the west side of their development. This plan would use the Ridge greenbelt as the buffer to $300,000+ homes. Harmony Ridge should provide additional buffer of its own. The developers of Harmony Ridge are working with the Ridge homeowners on provisions for additional berming and landscaping along the common boundary between the two developments. C. The height of the homes in this development is critical to surrounding developments. There is concern about loss of views to the natural areas and foothills to the west. The height of the single family homes on the eastern portion of the development will probably be similar to those in the Ridge, to the east. As the development continues to the west, into the townhomes, the property drops down somewhat. The townhomes at the top of the ridge overlooking the proposed natural area will appear similar to normal two-story homes. Harmony Ridge PUD, Phase One, Preliminary, #49-95A September 9, 1996 Page 4 (3) The applicant demonstrates that the plan as submitted is equal to or better than such plan incorporating the provision for which a variance is requested. The applicant has submitted a request for a variance to the Solar Orientation Ordinance based on reason (1) regarding the existing, natural topographic features of the site. The applicant's justification states that "The natural topographic features of this PUD development are such that the natural occurring drainage tributaries of the Fossil Creek drainage basin and the occupying bluffs run pretty much north and south. The resulting contours are steep and narrow enough in a east/west cross section to cause design limitations. To lay out the streets to run in these east/west directions over these contours would cause steep and short streets, not amenable to the elderly clientele sought after. Winter driving could also be somewhat of a consideration. Also, this would necessitate a great deal of overlot grading, thus destroying the natural contours and aesthetic advantages of this particular unique development". In evaluating the applicant's variance request, staff has determined that as the interior street providing access to the single family lots continues to the east and curves to the south it penetrates an area on the property that is constrained by the eastern property boundary and a significant drainage ravine to the west. This area contains 17 single family and 6 patio -style lots, of which 15 are subject to the Solar Orientation Ordinance (8 lots are in excess of 15,000 square feet in size). Only 2 of these lots meet the definitions of a solar oriented lot. This area is, however, a relatively narrow north -south oriented parcel of ground (between approximately 250' and 550' in width) that contains single family residential lots, with the majority being larger than the normal suburban lot. The larger lots are designed to provide a transition/buffer from the townhome area in the Harmony Ridge PUD to the existing larger single family lots in the Ridge PUD. Staff is recommending approval of the request for a variance to the Solar Orientation Ordinance based on reason (1). Parking: The overall parking provisions in the development are considered to be adequate for the proposed residential uses. Each dwelling unit in the townhome (multi -family) area will have a two -car garage (212 covered parking spaces) and there will be 95 uncovered off-street, common parking spaces distributed throughout this area. Total parking for the townhomes will be 307 spaces. This is a ratio of 2.90 spaces per dwelling unit. There will be a mix of 2-, 3-, and 4-bedroom dwelling units in this portion of the development, requiring between 1.75 and 2.5 parking spaces per dwelling unit. Harmony Ridge PUD, Phase One, Preliminary, #49-95A September 9, 1996 Page 3 3. Design: Architecture: The building massing in the townhome (multi -family) area will be comprised of 4-plexes, 5-plexes, and 6-plexes, a maximum of 30' in height (excluding chimneys). The average horizontal length of a building will range from 100' to 150', dependent on the number of dwelling units contained. A minimum of 50' horizontal distance will be maintained between any two townhome buildings. Building materials will be wood siding with stone facing/brick facing on the chimneys and as accent materials on the facades. The roofing material will be lightweight concrete roof tile. Building exterior colors will be medium to dark natural earth tones. Landscaping: The proposed landscaping on the preliminary plan provides for a mix of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs. Consideration is being given for use of native plant materials where they are deemed to be appropriate. Details on plant species, numbers, and locations will be provided on the final PUD Landscape Plan. All landscaping in common green space areas and in the street rights -of -way will be maintained by the Harmony Ridge Homeowners Association. Solar Orientation Ordinance: There are 15 single family and zero lot line (patio -style homes) lots that are subject to the City's adopted Solar Orientation Ordinance and All Development Criterion A-1.1 in the LDGS. A total of 2 of the lots meet the intent of the Solar Orientation Ordinance (2 of 15 = 13%) that requires a minimum of 65% of all single family and two-family lots comply with the ordinance. The Planning and Zoning Board is authorized to grant variances to this ordinance upon finding that the following requirements in (1), (2), or (3) have been satisfied: (1) That by reason of exceptional topographical, soil or other subsurface conditions or other conditions peculiar to the site, hardship would be caused to a subdivider by the strict application of any provisions of this Article. Such variances shall not be granted if it would be detrimental to the public good or impair the intent and purposes of this Article. (2) That by reason of exceptional conditions or difficulties with regard to solar orientation or access, hardship would be caused to a subdivider by the strict application of any provisions of this Article. Such variance shall not be granted if the same would be detrimental to the public good or impair the intent and purposes of this Article. Harmony Ridge PUD, Phase One, Preliminary, #49-95A September 9, 1996 Page 2 COMMENTS: 1. Background: The surrounding zoning and land uses are as follows: N: rlp; existing single family and townhome residential (Overlook @ Woodridge, Arapahoe Farm Townhomes); future neighborhood convenience shopping center (Arapahoe Farm ODP) S: T; existing public natural area (Cathy Fromme Prairie) E: RLP; existing single family residential (the Ridge PUD) W: T; existing public natural area (Cathy Fromme Prairie) The property was annexed into the City with the Harmony - Taft Hill Annexation in January, 1989. The Harmony Ridge ODP is being reviewed concurrent with this preliminary PUD plan. The property is a total of 186.87 acres in size, containing 252 residential dwelling units on 45.47 acres (including street right-of-way) and a potential public natural/open space area on 141.40 acres. The property has not been previously subdivided and there is no approved preliminary PUD or final PUD on this property. 2. Land Use: This is a request for preliminary PUD approval for 129 residential dwelling units on 31.37 acres (including street right-of-way). The various residential areas will consist of 17 standard single family residential lots, 6 zero lot line (patio -style) residential lots, and 106 townhome dwelling units. The gross residential density is 4.11 dwelling units per acre. The request was evaluated against the Residential Uses Density Point Chart and the All Development Criteria of the LDGS. The proposal scores 63% on the Density Chart, earning points for a) being within 3,500 feet of a publicly owned, but not developed, neighborhood park (Westfield Park); b) being within 2,500 feet of an existing school (Webber Junior High School); c) being within 3,000 feet of a major employment center (Front Range Community College); d) contiguity to existing urban development (north of West Harmony Road); e) having a portion of the required parking in the townhome (multi -family) area contained within the buildings; and f) providing bicycle/pedestrian connections to existing City sidewalks and providing bicycle/pedestrian connections to a City bicycle trail (future trail in the natural area). The proposal earns more than the minimum percentage points (60%) necessary to support the residential density of 4.11 dwelling units per acre within Phase One. ITEM NO. 21 MEETING DATE 9/9/96 iii STAFF Steve Olt City of Fort Collins PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD STAFF REPORT PROJECT: Harmony Ridge PUD, Phase One - Preliminary - #49-95A APPLICANT: Joe Vansant Positive Environments Inc. P.O. Box 98 Fort Collins, CO. 80522 OWNER: G. D. McGarvey Lee A. Stark Free Enterprises, Inc. 1803 North Garfield Loveland, CO. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This is a request for preliminary planned unit development (PUD) approval for 129 residential dwelling units on 31.37 acres. The property is located south of the existing 'old" Harmony Road, south of the Overlook at Woodridge (Filing One) and the Arapahoe Farm Townhomes, west of the Ridge PUD, north of the potential natural area portion of the Overall Development Plan (ODP), and east of a portion of the existing Cathy Fromme Prairie Natural Area. It is zoned RLP - Low Density Planned Residential. RECOMMENDATION: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Approval with conditions This request for preliminary PUD approval: is in conformance with the Harmony Ridge ODP; earns 63 points on the Residential Uses Density Point Chart; does not meet the All Development Criteria A-1.1, A-1.9, and A-3.2 of the Land Development Guidance System LDGS). Either variances are requested or a condition of approval is recommended that addresses each of the criteria. COMMUNITY PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 281 N. College Ave. P.O. Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 (303) 221-6750 PLANNING DEPARTMENT