July 21, 2005
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so that somebody that is parked in the west building will not get in their car and drive all
the way around where they might of walked across the path.
Ms. Milewski replied that they feel they have provided good connections to the places
where people walk. There is a continuous walk between the building entrances of this
walk and the buildings to the west.
Member Craig also had a concern about the sidewalk on Snow Mesa on the private
drive north of the parking lot, there is a sidewalk across the street, but there is not a
sidewalk along the parking lot itself. She wondered why they were making people cross
the street instead of being able to go down Snow Mesa down into this building.
Ms. Milewski replied that they are continuing the design that was done with phase one.
That design has an outer sidewalk and the thought is that they have concentric circles;
the main arterial roadways, then the loop road, parking and then buildings. Along the
building faces, between the building and the parking, the intent and it is beginning now
with the phases that are in, is there will be a full pedestrian pathway circuit system.
They thought that the outer connection might be used for staff on a lunch break to take
a longer walk not just around the building face. They would go out the pedestrian
connections that go right out the entrances and go across that drive and then take a
continuous path alignment around the outside without having to cross multiple
driveways. In this area, every 60 feet there is a driveway access into the parking lot. If
we put the walk on the inside on this private drive section, you would be crossing
multiple drive accesses.
Member Lingle asked if staff was confident that we have adequate triggers to require
the development of this inter -core. For instance if the development never proceeds past
this building and then everything to the south would come in as a completely different
plan at some point, do we have the mechanisms in place to build the pedestrian open
Director Gloss replied that as Ms. Milewski indicated that the Overall Development Plan
calls for this grouping of buildings to be in a campus setting. There are 11 buildings
total in the entire development site and there are six of them that compose the area that
she was speaking of that brings in open space. It is conceivable that these future
phases don't come to fruition and we would have to work with the applicant on how that
would develop.
Member Torgerson moved for approval of the Poudre Valley Health Systems
Healthy Living PDP, #32-981.
Member Carpenter seconded the motion. The motion was approved 7-0.
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
July 21, 2005
Page 3
work to the south. There is a planning bubble that is designated on the Overall
Development Plan that is required to become the pedestrian campus core area. This
particular project does not build the entire campus core; it is being developed over time
and will come in in a later phase and not with this phase. They have worked very hard
with city staff on an infrastructure plan for the entire campus and how that is phased
over time. This is still part of what is the first phase of that infrastructure plan. Also
included with the first phase is a significant amount of infrastructure that was not part of
the pedestrian open space. They built a significant portion of Snow Mesa Drive, a
signalized intersection at Snow Mesa Drive; there is a second main landscaped entry
now on Harmony Road to help identify that as a second major entryway to the campus.
The hospital has been prioritizing the infrastructure piece of this, one of which is the
pedestrian campus core as the needs arise and it is basically being built right now from
the north to the south with this project included. This plan does not preclude that
pedestrian space from happening, in fact they have worked hard to adjust its site plan to
be sure they are anticipating the future campus area to occur. There are early plans in
place for what that will look like, including a lot of pedestrian connectivity. Initially it will
not be constructed, and the reason it is not being constructed in an early phase is
because there is another ring of buildings that are as yet unknown uses that they also
want to incorporate into that space. The reason it is a later phase of the infrastructure
piece is they don't want to preclude those buildings from occurring as well. They want
that space to be designed to connect all the buildings together.
Member Craig asked if what she was hearing is that phase will not happen until build
Ms. Milewski replied not necessarily at build out, there are phases that go from north
around east and then south; that does not mean it will be the final phase. It is part of
the last phase, which is the whole south west portion of the site.
Member Craig asked what the reason was that we can't start connecting.
Ms. Milewski replied that it is a complicated issue. There are topographic changes, the
storm drainage from a master plan standpoint will have to go through this area and will
have to go through future buildings to the south. We don't want to put something in that
will preclude the way those buildings can be built to that area. It is a key part of the plan
and she wanted to assure the Board that it is not at all something they are skating
Member Craig stated that it was reassuring that we have it on the record that it will
happen. She is somewhat disappointed because there are enough buildings to the
west that there could have been some inter -connection between this building and those
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
July 21, 2005
Page 2
Project: Poudre Valley Health System — Harmony Medical
Campus, 5th Filing, Healthy Living Center, #32-981
Project Description: Request for a Project Development Plan to construct
a 2-story 138,000 s.f. building housing a medical spa,
patient rehabilitation, preventative care, and
community health education facilities, medical offices,
a health -focused cafe and a membership health club.
The project is located near the southwest corner of
Snow Mesa Drive and Harmony Road and zoned HC,
Harmony Corridor.
Hearinq Testimony, Written Comments and Other Evidence:
Member Craig stated that she would like to see the site plan and have the applicant
address her concern. Her concern was that she remembered when this came before
the Board and they sold the Board on this campus affect with the parking on the
outside, which is completely against what we had been aiming for for quite awhile. Part
of the sale was that the buildings would have a center core of open space that would be
full of pedestrian walkways, gathering places and so forth, and on the site plan that
came before the Board for the Healthy Living Center, she saw none of those items. She
wanted the applicant to talk about and explain why it is not on the site plan and reassure
her that that is what this campus affect is going to have in the end.
Angie Milewski, BHA Design responded to Member Craig's concern. She stated that
they did not have a slide of the Master Plan and that was unfortunate because they do
have a fully developed Master Plan that each building that has come forward is in
compliance with that Plan and this is no exception. The western two-thirds of the entire
PVH Harmony Campus site is designed as a campus; meaning they did not meet the
build to line criteria for the buildings. The first phase is already constructed and the
concept around it is rather than have the buildings up to Harmony Road and up to
Timberline Road, they have an internal loop road system and part of that is a private
loop road, part of it is part of Timberwood Drive that surrounds and circles the entire
campus area from Snow Mesa to Timberline Road. Within that external loop road
system, there is a parking area around the outside edges, inside that there is a ring of
building area where the buildings go and inside that is a pedestrian campus core area.
What has been built to date; Phase 1 Medical Office Building and Ambulatory Care
Center which is in the northwest corner of the Master Plan. This is filling out the
northeast corner of the Master Plan and what is not being shown is all the rest of the
Council Liaison: Karen Weitkunat
Chairperson: Judy Meyer
Vice Chair: Dave Lingle
Staff Liaison: Cameron Gloss
Phone: (W) 490-2172
Phone: (W) 223-1820
Vice Chair Lingle called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Roll Call: Meyer, Schmidt, Craig, Torgerson, Carpenter, Stockover and Lingle.
Staff Present: Wray, Eckman, Shepard, Gloss, Buffington and Deines.
Citizen Participation: None.
Director of Current Planning Pete Wray reviewed the Consent and Discussion Agendas:
Consent Agenda:
Minutes of the May 19th and June 16, 2005 Planning and Zoning
Board Hearings. (Continued)
Resolution PZ05-09 - Easement Dedication.
Resolution PZ05-10 - Easement Dedication.
4. #32-981
Poudre Valley Health System - Harmony Medical Campus, 51h
Filing, Healthy Living Center - Project Development Plan.
Choice City Business Park - Out of City Service Request.
6. #18-05B
Kingdom Hall - Overall Development Plan.
7. #36-96N
Mulberry and Lemay Crossings, Filing Two, Centennial Bank -
Major Amendment.
8. #20-0013
State Highway 14 - East Frontage Road - Annexation and Zoning.
Discussion Agenda:
9. #17-04A
Interchange Lands First - Annexation and Zoning. (Continued)
10. #18-04A
Interchange Lands Second - Annexation and Zoning. (Continued)
11. #27-05A
Waterdale First - Annexation and Zoning.
12. #16-05
Airpark Village - Annexation and Zoning and Structure Plan
Items 4, 5 and 8 were pulled for discussion.
Member Lingle moved to approve consent items 2, 3, 6 and 7. Member Schmidt
seconded the motion. The motion was approved 7-0.