f. Section 3.5.3(D)(3) specifies that facades that face a street of connecting walkway (ail
of the facades on this proposed building) must be subdivided and proportioned using
features such as windows, entrances, arcades, arbors, awnings, trellage with vines,
etc. along no less that 50% of the fagade. Your eastern, western and northern facades
fall short of this requirement.
As we discussed with you in the meeting of 11/12199, this is an addition to a building that
has been approved and we have maintained the same design elements of that existing building
and overall the project meets this requirement. We have provided drawings that show the
addition in a larger context to illustrate this.
g. Section 3.5.3(D)(4) specifies that building entrances be clearly defined and recessed
with a sheltering element. Your western entrance falls short of this requirement.
As we discussed with you in the meeting of 11112199, this is an exit and not a primary
h. Section 3.5.3(D)(6) specifies that all facades shall have recognizable "base" and "top"
treatments. A "base" treatment consists of (but not limited to): thicker walls, ledges
or sills; integrally colored and patterned materials such as smooth -finished stone or
tile; lighter or darker colored materials, mullions or panels; or planters. A "top"
treatment consists of (but not limited to): cornice treatments, other than just colored
"stripes" or "bands", with integrally textured materials such as stone or other
masonry or differently colored materials; sloping roof overhangs and brackets;
stepped parapets.
As we discussed with you in the meeting of 11112199, this is an addition to a building that
has been approved and we have maintained the same design elements of that existing building.
All brick colors and handing is carried over from the existing building at the same elevations.
The "base' and "top" treatments match the existing building. The north end of the addition is
bermed and heavily landscaped.
i. Please indicate all building dimensions, including doors, windows, et cetera, on the
building elevations.
We will indicate dimensions on elevations.
Chip Larson
P:\520\520-31Vetcers\Comments 11-19-99.doc
Page 2
c. Section 3.5.3(C) of the LUC requires that all facades of your building cannot exceed a
height:width ratio of 1:3 without substantial variation in massing that includes a
change in height and a projecting or recessed element. The change in mass that is
required shall be part of the integral structure of the building and not merely a
tacked -on cosmetic effect. Your building as proposed is in serious violation of the
standard particularly on the east, west and north elevations.
Per our meeting on 11112199 the height/width ratio has been clarified and further defined
and it is our understanding the design now meets this requirement.
d. Section 3.5.3(D)(1) of the LUC specifies that in the case of multiple building
developments, each individual building shall include predominant characteristics
shared by all buildings in the development so that the development forms a cohesive
place within the community. Similar architectural features should be carried over
from the main building to the design of the smaller building.
As we discussed with you in the meeting of 11/12199, this is an addition to a building that
has been approved and we have maintained the same design elements of that existing building.
The architectural elevations we are re -submitting show proper context by including more of the
existing building.
e. Section 3.5.3(C) of the LUC specifies minimum wall articulation that must be
achieved on all facades.
• The proposed design does not provide the proper architectural features to visually
establish the required minimum 30-foot spacing. The bays shall be established by
architectural features such as columns, ribs or pilasters, piers and fenestration
• The proposed design does not provide enough fa4ade articulation on several facades.
This section of the code specifies that in order to add architectural interest and
variety and to avoid the effect of a single, long or massive wall with no relation to
human size, no wall that faces a street or connecting walkway (basically all of your
facades) can have a blank uninterrupted length exceeding 30 feet without including
al least two of the following: change in plane, change in texture or masonry
pattern, windows, trellage with vines, or an equivalent element that subdivides the
wall into human scale proportions. If you don't want to put windows on the west,
east, and north facades because of the nature of the use of the building, you may
include false windows and/or door openings defined by frames, sills and lintels, or
similarly proportioned modulations of the wall.
We have further clarified the design showing change -in -plane projections, medallions, and
landscape and per our meeting on 11112199 understand the project now meets this
B o U L D E R A s s o c I A T E S
Architecture + Interior Design
November 22, 1999
Ron Fuchs
Current Planning Department
City of Fort Collins
281 North College Avenue
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
RE: Poudre Valley Health System Major Amendment Tier One Comments (City File #32-98C)
Dear Ron,
We have addressed the architectural comments as follows:
P) Current Planning Department: provides the following:
2. The following comments apply to the architectural elevations:
a. Section 3.5.1(F)(3)(c) requires that windows must be placed to visually establish
human scale and proportion and must be individually defined with detail elements
such as frames, sills and lintels. Pedestrian scale/human scale is defined in Section 5
of the code as "the proportional relationship between the dimensions of a building or
building element, street, outdoor space or streetscape element and the average
dimensions of the human body, taking into account the perceptions and walking
speed of a typical pedestrian. It appears that the window types and placements that
you have proposed do not meet these requirements.
As we discussed with you in the meeting of 11112199, this is an addition to a building that
has been approved and we have maintained the same design elements of that existing building.
In areas where fenestration is not possible, we have added architectural features and
landscaping to create a pleasing and proportional appearance.
b. Section 3.5.1(J)(2) requires that any wall mounted utility meters and rooftop of
ground mounted mechanical equipment shall allow the architectural design to be
continuous. These functions must be screened from view from adjacent properties
and public streets by materials that are not inferior to the principal materials of the
building and landscape. Please specify where the utility meters and mechanical
equipment will be located, and show proper screening measures. Rooftop
mechanical must be hidden from view by a parapet.
We have clarified that there is a screen around the mechanical units on the roof. Utilities will
come from existing building, so there will not be any utility meters associated with this
A Professional Corporation
4747 Table Mesa Drive Suite 202 Boulder, Colorado 80303
303.499.7795 Facsimile 303.499.7767