HomeMy WebLinkAboutPVH HARMONY CAMPUS (PHASE 1) - PDP - 32-98A - CORRESPONDENCE - REVISIONS (3)Response: Once Harmony and Timberline alignments have been finalized, this issue will be addressed. The median in Timberline Road will need to be designed to allow for pedestrian refuge. Hence, it needs to be pulled into the crosswalk. Response: Once Harmony and Timberline alignments have been finalized, this issue will be addressed. Please provide stations and elevations at the noses and pc's of the medians in Harmony Road. Response: Once Harmony and Timberline alignments have been finalized, this issue will be addressed. Please show interim and ultimate improvements to Harmony Road. I would suggest having two different sheets (1 for the interim/short range improvements and another sheet for the long range/ultimate improvements). Response: Once Harmony and Timberline alignments have been finalized, this issue will be addressed. Please provide profiles of the north and south edges of the medians as well as flowline/edge of asphalt profiles. Response: Once Harmony and Timberline alignments have been finalized, this issue will be addressed. Please provide a signing and striping plan for Harmony Road. Response: Once Harmony and Timberline alignments have been finalized, this issue will be addressed. Please provide full cross sections Harmony Road. Include cross slopes, flowline/EOA elevations, ROW limits, medians; major utility crossings, etc. Response: Once Harmony and Timberline alignments have been finalized, this issue will be addressed. As stated in the letter sent to you dated August 5, 1998, because the City has not yet determined the datum/centerline along Harmony Road, this development is proceeding at some risk in the fact that the determination of the datum line may adversely affect the location of buildings, setbacks, and landscaping. Once the datum line has been determined, more formal and accurate comments will be made. Response: Once Harmony and Timberline alignments have been finalized, this issue will be addressed. You will need to apply for a State Highway Access Permit for the access on Harmony Road as well as for Timberline Road. Response: Once Harmony and Timberline alignments have been finalized, this issue will be addressed. You will need to do intersection improvements to the intersection of Harmony Road and Timberline Road. Response: Once Harmony and Timberline alignments have been finalized, this issue will be addressed. The sidewalk along Harmony Road will need to connect to the nearest improved sidewalk network as per the Land Use Code and Transportation Planning standards. Response: Once Harmony and Timberline alignments have been finalized, this issue will be addressed. You will need to acquire offsite easements and possibly ROW for the improvements to the Harmony Road/Timberline Road intersection. Response: Once Harmony and Timberline alignments have been finalized, this issue will be addressed. Response: OK. At this time, the State has not approved of the right-in/right-out access on Harmony Road. Response: OK. If the State approves the right-in/right-out access, you will need to provide a right turn lane with the appropriate amount of lane length , storage length, and taper length as stated in the State Highway Access Code (SHAG). Response: Once Harmony and Timberline alignments have been finalized and access issues approved, this issue will be addressed. Please dedicate the appropriate amount of right-of-way (ROW) along Harmony Road to account for three 12 foot travel lanes, one 10 foot bike lane, one 12 foot right- turn/deceleration/acceleration lane (State requirement), and one 4 foot shoulder (State requirement), one 10 foot parkway, and one 7 foot sidewalk. (See the preceding comment regarding the datum line) Response: Once Harmony and Timberline alignments have been finalized, this issue will be addressed. Please include the appropriate side slopes as stated in the SHAC. This includes, beginning at the edge of asphalt, a 6:1 slope for 12 feet, 4:1 slope for 6 feet, and no steeper than 3:1 slope thereafter. Response: Once Harmony and Timberline alignments have been finalized, this issue will be addressed. Please provide double left turns on Hannony Road(WB) and on Timberline Road (NB and SB). Response: Once Harmony and Timberline alignments have been finalized, this issue will be addressed. Please provide a preliminary design of Harmony Road 1000 feet beyond the construction limits. You will need to show the interim and ultimate improvements. The design of Harmony will need to meet the requirements stated in the new State Highway Access Code. Response: Once Harmony and Timberline alignments have been finalized, this issue will be addressed. You will need to revise the A -Line Agreement with CDOT. Response: Once Harmony and Timberline alignments have been finalized, this issue will be addressed. Please provide curb return profiles. Response: Once Harmony and Timberline alignments have been finalized, this issue will be addressed. Please provide profiles of the north and south edges of the medians as well as flowline/edge of asphalt profiles. Response: Once Harmony and Timberline alignments have been finalized, this issue will be addressed. Please provide signing and striping plans for Timberline Road, Timberwood Drive and Snow Mesa Drive. Response: Striping plans for Timberwood and Snow Mesa will be submitted when the streets are designed. Once the alignment for Timberline Road has been established, design will proceed and this comment will be addressed. Please provide stations and elevations of the tapers and transitions along Timberline Road. Keep in mind that redirect tapers for a speed limit of 40mph is 30:1. Response: Once Harmony and Timberline alignments have been finalized, this issue will be addressed. Please provide full cross sections of Timberline Road. Include cross slopes, flowline elevations, ROW limits, medians, major utility crossings, etc. Response: Once Harmony and Timberline alignments have been finalized, this issue will be addressed. Please provide enhanced crosswalks on all four legs of the Timberline Road/Harmony Road Intersection. Provide a detail of the crosswalks with dimensions, patterns, colors, etc. (Talk with Kathleen Reavis regarding this). Response: Once Hannony and Timberline alignments have been finalized, this issue will be addressed. At this time, the City is requiring that double left turns be added on all four legs of the Timberline Road/Harmony Road intersection. This will mean that the intersection needs to be reconfigured. The City also will not allow for vehicles to shift 8 feet (plus or minus) through the intersection. We may want to meet with Eric Bracke and possibly Matt Baker to discuss this issue. I would suggest doing this after the centerline of Harmony Road is determined. Please provide plan and profile sheets for Timberwood Drive and Snow Mesa Drive. Profiles need to be flowline profiles of both sides of the street. Alignment will need to meet the City standards for a collector street. Response: Timberwood Drive has been discussed further with City personnel and will be constructed with future phases of the project. Snow Mesa will also be constructed with future phases of the project. The intersection of Timberwood Drive and Timberline Road will need to be reconfigured to meet City standards for a collector street. Response: The road layouts have been adjusted. The City will not allow for a full movement access onto Harmony Road at the mobile home entrance and therefore the access will not be able to be constructed at this time per Eric Bracke. Once the 2"d phase is constructed, the access can be opened. At the time the 2"d phase is constructed, we will determine if the traffic volumes meet the warrants to signalize that intersection. Response: OK. The "loop road" will need to be 36 feet in width. This includes 28 feet of travel lanes and two foot bike lanes. The centerline radius will need to be designed at 240 feet. Sidewalks may be necessary if adequate pedestrian connections are not provided. Please consult with Kathleen Reavis regarding the sidewalks and bike lanes. If these improvements are not made, the City cannot support the request for the right-in/right-out access on Harmony Road. Response: These issues have been discussed with the City and addressed where necessary. Please provide stations and elevations at the noses and pc's of the medians in Timberline Road. Response: Once Harmony and Timberline alignments have been finalized, this issue will be addressed. Please provide the necessary curb return information for all curb return intersecting a public street. This information includes the radius, angle, arc length, bearing, label, stationing of pc's, elevations of pc's, etc. Please remove the reference to a PUD. There are no PUD's under the Land Use Code. Response: Text changed. Please modify the General Notes and add the notes required by CDOT (see attached' sheet) Response: Notes adjusted. Please modify the Attorney's signature block to represent the current language. Response: Signature block changed. Timberwood Drive will need to be dedicated ROW to the City and not a utility and access easement. Response: Plat changed. Snow Mesa needs to be dedicated ROW to the city and not a utility and access easement. Response: Plat changed. At our Transportation Coordination Meeting City staff discussed the Timberwood Drive issue and have determined that the City will require the construction of Timberwood Drive from Timberline Road to Wildwood Townhomes as stated in Section 3.6.3.(E) of the Land Use Code and Section 24-95 of the City Code. Timberwood Drive will need to be constructed as a collector (without parking) street and will need to meet City standards. Response: Timberwood Drive has been discussed further with City personnel and will be constructed with future phases of the project. The intersection of Snow Mesa and Timberwood will need to meet the standards for intersections, i.e. tangent lengths, sight distance, etc. Response: Road layout has been adjusted. Sheet 14 - Alignment changed. Sheet 17 - Agreed to 32' width in meeting. Centerline radius adjusted. Sheet 20 - Road reconfigured. Sheet 21 - Waiting for CDOT approval. Engineering 1. Please provide a legal description of the property Response: Legal description has been included. 2. Indicate the types of accesses there will be, i.e. 3/4 access, full -movement, etc. Response: 3. Please show any established easements. Response: See plat, a title search is under way. 4. Please indicate the signalized intersections. Response: See road design. 5. Please add the following note to each access off of Harmony Road: "Access is subject to CDOT approval" Response: Note added. 6. Please label the internal streets. Response: Streets have been labeled. 7. Both Timber -wood and Snow Mesa will be collector streets. Please indicate. Response: This issue has been discussed in meetings with City personnel. 8. Please show the accesses to the Harmony Village project and to the mobile home park. Response: Accesses shown. 9. Please include the additional notes under the General Notes. Response: Notes added. 10. Please provide the maximum floor area for each parcel. Response: See Landscape plans. Standard ARV used. Stormwater Sheet 8 - Drainage Basins and Concepts have been changed. Sheet 9 - Orifice plate detail added. Sheet 10 - Spot elevations shown at valley pans. Storm appurtenances shown. Sheet 11 - Valley pan spot elevations added. Grading plan adjusted. Sheet 12 - Spots elevations added to valley pan. Sheet 24 - See plan for lengths, etc. It is typical not to show information two times. Sheet 25 - See plan for lengths, etc. It is typical not to show information two-times. Engineering The design of Harmony and Timberline has been modified based on meetings with the City. However, in order to fully answer all concerns, comments relating to Harmony and Timberline Roads will be fully addressed once the alignments have been established by the City of Fort Collins and CDOT. Sheet 1 - Addressed comments. Sheet 6 - Revised road configuration. Sheet 7 - Flowline shown on drawing. Sheet 13 - ROW to be dedicated by separate document. Road layout revised. Valve and manhole adjustments called out. Replaced 90' bends with 2-45" bends. Sheet 15 - Waterline changed and looped. Changed fire hydrants. Future services shown. Meter pit adjusted. Notes moved and changed. Sheet 16 - Connected to 30" water main and adjusted accordingly. Changed fire hydrants. Sheet 18 - Raised Road and adjusted grades. Sheet 19 - 30" Waterline added to all views. Sheet 20 - 30" Waterline shown in profile. Sheet 21 - 30" Waterline shown in profile. Sheet 23 - Changed sanitary sewer. Sheet 24 - Changed waterline, 90' bend replaced with 45' bends. Standard notes added. Utility crossings shown. Sheet 25 - Fittings called out. 90' bend replaced with 45' bends. Note added. ARV's revised. Sheet 26 - Connected to 30" Water main. Utility conflicts addressed. Sheet 30 - Detail for 30" connection added. 10. Show all storm, sanitary and water crossings in profile views. RESPONSE: Utility crossings added to drawings. 11. Connect 12-inch water main along east side of development to the existing 30-inch along north edge of this development. RESPONSE: Water line layout adjusted. 12. Connect 12-inch water main from Snow Mesa Drive to 12" in Timberwood Drive. RESPONSE: Connection added. 13. Will sanitary sewer extended North behind future building be located under asphalt in the future? RESPONSE: Sanitary service relocated under estimated location of future parking areas. Utilities Sheet 10 - 30" Water main added to drawings. Berming has been adjusted. Valve and Manhole adjustments called out. Sheet 1I- 30" Water main added to drawings. Berming has been adjusted. Valve and Manhole adjustments called out. Sheet 12 - 30" Water main added to drawings. Berming has been adjusted. Valve and Manhole adjustments called out. Sheet 13 - Irrigation tap has been provided. Waterline alignment changed. Connected to 30" Water main. Manhole layout adjusted. ARV's added to drawings. Moved Sanitary Sewer. Sheet 14 - Waterline easement adjusted. Waterline changed. Changed fire hydrants. �l PVH COMMENTS Water & Wastewater 1. Coordinate landscape design with civil design. Include standard general notes on landscape plans pertaining to landscape/utility separation distances (i.e. trees 10 feet to all water/sewer and shrubs 4 feet to all water/sewer). RESPONSE: See landscape plan. 2. Show all water/sewer mains and services on landscape plans and provide required landscape/utility separation distances. RESPONSE: See landscape plan. 3. Limit heights of berms over existing 30-inch water main to 2 feet. RESPONSE: Berms adjusted. 4. Clearly define location of existing 30-inch water main and its associated appurtenances in all view. RESPONSE: 30" water main added to drawings. 5. Provide 20 feet utility easements for all waterlines and 30 feet utility easements for all sanitary sewer lines. RESPONSE: Easements adjusted. 6. Place sanitary sewer manholes on approximately 400 foot spacing when possible. RESPONSE: Manholes adjusted. 7. Place all fire hydrants 2 feet behind curb and gutters or sidewalks. RESPONSE: Fire hydrants adjusted. 8. Show location of water and sewer services in all views. Label size of proposed services on overall utility plan. RESPONSE: Services added and labeled. 9. Eliminate unnecessary valves, manholes and 90-degree fitting. RESPONSE: Utility drawings revised.