-similar to what Harmony/College
-Traffic volumes-6000 over 10 hrs.-600/hr.-10/min.
-movie theater peaks at different times
-analyzers based on peaked conditions
-acceptable levels of service with improvements
-Secondary uses -wide range of opportunities -what is prevent hotels/motels in residential area
-will define more specifics
Comment: Would like to see as low -profile building as possible and as wide of a corridor
-Assisted living facility in plan across street -could you do that on this site?
-Pedestrian tunnels/bridges being considered
-When do you forsee starting/completing the rest? Master Plan?
-having the flexibilty to grow
-other functions done in partnership with PVH-haven't been approached -no timeframe
-When decide what these are -future meetings?
-Yes-go through some planning processes -could be Type 1
-Warrants for traffic signal?
-when enough traffic volume to warrant it -primarily left turns
-How many cars?
-in peak hour, 75 left turns for warrant to be met
-Improvements to Timberline?
-Yes-could involve widening intersection to accomodate
-Address through -connection -Snow Mesa/Timberwood connections
-Given growth of community -looking at buying property elsewhere?
-Purchased property at Windsor/I-25
-Is there any way to avoid the stoplight on Harmony?
-Access control plan -chances of not being signalized are slim
-What do with Mountain Crest?
-ext. of psychiatric care -looking to more fully integrate
-Low maintenance fence along parcel D to separate from Wildwood
Any way to speed up Timberwood connection?
-Is detention pond area needed for 1st phase?
-temporary ponds to ditch designed with Timberwood
-impact on speed limit on HR?
-traffic Eng. In future down
-What is the projected volume?
-1300 MOB
-6000 trip ends -includes staff, DRS, janitors
-What is being done to left -turn movement on HR/TL
-dual lefts, 2 thais, rg. trn.-raised median per city requirements
-How far north improvements to T-line?
-heart center
-diagnostic imag.
-women's center-mammo/ultrasounds
-urgent care
-office support
-outpatient surgery
-knee surgery/removing cysts
-Associated these things as done in the doctor's office
-These are things that 10 years ago required overnight stay
-Where are Wildwood TH?
-east of proposed 1 st Phase
-1st Phase will last how long?
-From the time the ground is broken-15 mos?
-Setbacks from residences?
-Standard zoning -setbacks
-residential uses at same scale as WW-TH
-Decreasing impact from Harmony to residential, can we assume continue to "step down"
-Topos show site slopes so that a 3-story appears to be a 2-story building
-We neighbors looking at the other side which appears larger
-What about the hotel piece?
-not along lines of Holiday Inn -designed as suites -serving those from outside
- How many stories?
-biggest seen is 4-stories
-"crystal-balling" plan
-certain that decrease in intensity as you go away from the core of the campus
-secondary uses in HC zone limited to 25%-exceeds this somewhat
-Primary uses-100%
-If urgent care facility is like the one at the hospital, why not ambulances?
-urgent care is defined differently than emergency trauma care
-How many parking spaces?
-850 spaces
-Day-time facility activity?
-primarily/urgent care open until 10 p.m.; earliest surgery 6:30 a.m.
-Lighting/parking at night -using lights cast down only
-HC plan requires high quality type -down -directional
-Will parking areas continue to be lit at night?
-that hasn't come up
Relative sizes:
Symbios building-118,000 sq. ft.
-Building oriented towards H.RJF
-Pedestrian access -connect out to H.R./T
-Transfort bus shelter
-Complete intersection-TIS indicating need?
-ri/ro from Harmony
-signal warrants met on 1st phase -signalized at time two projects are completed
-Harmony Corridor Plan
-80' setback with benning/trees
-generous setback along T-line
-Re-aligning loop road to protect trees
-"still loose"
-generally "good-looking project"
-Brick detailing/windows "to scale down" building
-HC zone allows for 6 stories -decided to maintain at 3 stories
-non-reflective glass
-fully-screened ac-mechanical equipment
-articulation on building
-Road in the northeast?
-may likely not happen
-LUC requires road every 660'
-Zoned to allow full -service hospital?
-at this time, outpatient only
-zoning allows it
-Expected opening/occ. date?
-break ground 11/98- MOB-12-13 mos.
ACC-15 mos. (Feb/March 2000)
-What does ACC mean?
-Ambulatory-walk in/walk out same day
-Noise from sirens?
-No-showing urgent care center
-Any agendas for anything higher than 3 stories?
-Not at this time.
- Functions of ACC
-cardio. cath.
Poudre Valley Hospital Harmony Campus
Neighborhood Information Meeting
July 14, 1998
-Series of steps -General to specific
ODP-"bubble plan"
PDP-more specific- approximately 80% complete "construction drawings"
-P&Z Board hearing is based on staff recommendation Approval, Approval with
conditions, or Denial
-Final compliance
-ODP and 1st Phase PDP is what's being proposed
-Wht PVH is looking at this site/campus?
-Out of space
-Not good access
-"peel of functions" -outpatient services
-medical office setup to serve up function
-relieve pressure
-campus is easily accessible
-lit orange: core of medical campus -ACC
-30 year plan -may evolve over time -changing medical needs
-1st Phase
-healthy living center -day care
-integrated medicine-acupuncture/holistic medicines
-may come next
-most intensity along Harmony -decreasing intensity to increasing subdivisions
-retirement/independant living
-medical lodge -hotels oriented to those using ACC/MOB
-Access/circulation on site-N/S connection to Harmony; West connection to Timberwood
-Signals and roads not to be done immediately
-City Plan -recently adopted new comprehensive plan- interconnectivity- reduces
congestion along major roadways
-Drainage-NW to SE
"green corner" in SE corner
-Green circle in middle- pedestrian corridor -pedestrian town center
-Circulation road -private drive to serve PVHHC-with first phase
PDP-1st Phase
-Building size
-MOB-128,000 sq. ft.
-ACC-86,000 sq. ft.