City of Fort Collins
Greg D. Fisher, Architect Date: 1/23/02
3115 Clyde St.
Fort Collins, CO
Staff has reviewed your mylar submittal for LEVON'S 2ND, WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE BUILDING
PDP, MAJOR AMENDMENT - TYPE I (LUC), and we offer the following comments:
Department: Current Planning
Issue Contact: Troy Jones
1) The ink on the elevations smears. Please reprint this mylar with ink that doesn't smear.
2) Label the species of trees on the landscape plan in an easy to read format. As it is now, each
tree is a circle, but we can't figure out how to tell what species each circle is.
3) I'm leaving the whole bundle of mylars out on the counter for you to pick-up. Only those
mentioned in this comment letter need to be revised.
Department: Engineering
Issue Contact: Dave Stringer
4) Dave Stringer is in the process of checking the latest fire lane configuration against the legals on
the emergency access easements to see if additional easement is needed to be dedicated. If so,
this won't affect the mylars, as this easement will need to be dedicated through separate
document. Coordinate with Dave Stringer.
Department: PFA
Issue Contact: Michael Chavez
5) The landscape plan does not label the species of trees clearly. Ron has indicated that he met
with the applicant and it was agreed that some of the trees adjacent to the fire -lanes were to be
replaced with certain specific species. This information is relevant to PFA because he needs to
ensure that the tree canopies won't encroach to severely into the airspace of the fire lanes. Ron
will need to see the revised landscape plan to compare against his notes of the species that were
agreed to.
Department: Water Wastewater
Issue Contact: Roger Buffington
6) The landscape plan still shows the meter pit and curb stop in the sidewalk. This needs to be
changed to show it the way it is depicted on the utility plan, which shows these items off the
sidewalk to the east.
Department: Transportation Planning
Issue Contact: Tom Reiff
7) The profile of section C needs to be changed to show the width of the sidewalk as six (6) feet
wide to match the site plan.
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