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October 5, 1999
connection between Lemay and Riverside on Mulberry " she is correct the T.I.A. makes no
mention of it because it is not a requirement of the L.D.G.S. but rather is still an offer by the
developer that has not been accepted by the City.
The right turn lane from S Lemay onto Mulberry, is not a requirement per Eric Bracke. The current
volumes ( 1999 - 156 vph ) and the projected volumes at the time of project completion ( 2004 -
164 vph) do not warn -ant this improvement. This improvement is required for a volume of 300
vph and in this case that volume is not met or exceeded until 2020.
Additional survey data has been provided that includes the intersection of Mulberry and Riverside
Drive, refer to attached sheet CS 3.51. This has been provided at the request of C.D.O.T. and
is not a requirement of the L.D.G.S. or City Engineering submittal requirements.
cc: Mark Goldberg
L. Lou Delaney
Lucia Liley
Kathleen Krager, P.E.
Todd Whipple, P.E.
Goldberg Property Associates, Inc.
Goldberg Property Associates, Inc.
March and Liley
Krager and Associates
CLC Associates, Inc. LJI� 0l ll �99 L
8480 E. Orchard Road
Suite 2000 !BY --
Englewood, Colorado 80111
(303) 770-2349 (FAX) Wee
Planning, Engineering, Architecture, Landscape Architecture. Land Surveying
TO: Ted Sheppard
Current Planning Department
FROM: Kurt D. Prinslow
DATE: October 5, 1999
RE: Mulberry and Lemay Crossings, Fl I i k -*� , Lzf
In Kathleen Reavis' written comments of August 3, 1999 ( which were provided to us on
September 9, 1999 ) she mentions that we need to contact the property owners on the south side
of Mulberry regarding the proposed highway improvements and proposed 3/4 access point.
Notice has been given to those property owners via certified mail. This is evidenced in the letter
we provided to your office on July 16, 1999. Enclosed are copies of those notices, please forward
them to Kathleen Reavis for her files.
In the same written comments of Kathleen Reavis, she states that the bike lanes need to be
provided ..."on Mulberry to Link (8') and 12lh and Magnolia". In her public testimony at the
Planning and Zoning hearing and in a conversation with Janelle Kechter of March and Liley she
stated that the Preliminary P.U.D. Plan provides pedestrian / bike connections to east via
a. the to be constructed Magnolia Street between 12" and Link,
b. the pedestrian links that will be provided between this development and Supermarket
c. the frontage road on both the north and south sides of Mulberry provide bicycle access
routes to the east.
This response is consistent with her memo prior to the Planning and Zoning and testimony before
Planning and Zoning Board and City Council. The Final P.U.D. matches these improvements that
she had previously approved.
As for her comment that the Traffic Impact Analysis makes _"no mention of the ped / bike