To: Paul Eckman
From: Glen Schlueter
Subj: Parkway Townhomes P.U.D. - Easements
Date: May 15, 1996
Paul attached is a letter from Parsons and Associates Inc. where they quote you as saying it is
OK for them to use the sanitary sewer easement for a drainage ditch. First off is it OK and if so
please reply in writing for our records. Also I have some concerns about this that I'm wondering
if they explored with you.
1. A surface ditch is a lot different than a buried sewer line. These easements cut an offsite
property in the middle.
2. Did they give you copies of both easements to review? One is the Warren Lake trunk line and
the other is a lateral than feeds into the trunk line.
3. I have concerns that the ditch cannot be constructed without equipment getting outside the 20
ft. and 16 ft. easements. Normally we require construction or grading easements.
4. Also normally we require a concrete pan in the bottom of a ditch when the grade is less than
2%. The average slope is 1% with some areas flatter. The consultant maintains this is only
temporary until the Harmony Center develops and builds JFK Parkway to the south so why
install the pan and then take it out?
I have requested Parsons and Assoc. to contact the property owner to at least get some kind of
written permission. Another factor is that this is an affordable housing project that is scheduled
for a combined Preliminary and Final hearing on May 20. Please send me your comments on
this and if you want to discuss it further my extension is 6065. The fun keeps on happening even
when you are supposedly out of the development arena.