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L��o Fort Collins Good Samaritan Village
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April 6, 1999
Mr. Troy Jones
Planning Department
City of Fort Collins
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
Dear Troy:
Thanks for taking the time to meet with our architects and myself yesterday. We
appreciate the time you took to understand the full scope of our project and all we've been
through the past nearly three years.
As we discussed yesterday, we would appreciate your help to move our project
through the third round of continents and on to planning and zoning as quickly as possible.
If we could get a planning and zoning date in May our seniors and donors would simply be
delighted! We have been anticipating ground breaking for so long now that having a
planning and zoning date would just make that reality so much more evident.
Please call me if I can be of help in keeping this project moving. I'm looking
forward to hearing from you when a planning and zoning date has been set.
Thanks again for all of your assistance in making this dream come true for our
On their behalf,
Sherry L. Vriesen
508 West Trilby Road • Fort Collins, CO 80525-9989
Phone: 970/226-4909 Fax:970/226-6976