From: Kathleen Reavis
To: Troy Jones
Date: 4/23/99 1:32PM
Subject: Re: Good Samaritan
Thanks for the explanation - I can live with 5' sidewalks internally if they add the segments that I had
shown on the site plan during the last round of review. Hopefully, they'll have the median/ped xing taken
care of by your due date.
'1 1
>>> Troy Jones 04/20/99 04:34PM >>>
I guess I should have explained what I'm up to. The reason I'm trying to hurry this project along is that
John Fischbach has been getting some letters from concerned donors to project wondering what is taking
it so long. The project has been in the works since 1996. It's not staffs fault that it has taken so long (it is
Landmark Engineering's), however John would like us to do our best to speed it up if possible.
There are only 3 departments with concerns at this point. Engineering, Stormwater, and Transportation.
The other 2 departments have a few concerns that they are working out with the applicant, however they
have both agreed that if they are shown plans that satisfy their concerns by May 4th (2 weeks from today)
they won't hold the project back from the May 20th P&Z hearing.
I just had a meeting with Engineering and the applicant today. We went over the design for the required
median and crosswalk, so they know what they need to do for it. In talking to the applicant at this meeting,
we also discussed your requirements. They think there are only two items you may take issue with. The
first will be solved by the new median/crosswalk design, and the second was the sidewalk width on the
interior of the site. They thought that 5 feet wide will work, but you are asking for 6 feet. If you still want 6
feet, maybe we could set up a conference call to clarify the reasoning for it with them.
The bottom line of what I'm asking you is that as far as you're concerned, if they address all of your
concerns by Tuesday May 4th, can I schedule them for the May 20th P&Z Hearing? This would give them
a few days after the April 28th staff review to respond and still give me time to get the staff report ready for
the packet.
If you feel that doesn't give you adaquate time to review their changes, just let me know, and I will tell
them that the May 20th P&Z just won't work for staff. If you do feel that we can schedule them for the
hearing under these conditions, let's try to resolve the 5 foot/6 foot sidewalk issue as soon as possible.
Let me know what you think.
Troy Jones, City Planner
Current Planning Department
City of Fort Collins