Commui j Planning and Environmental ; vices
Current Planning
City of Fort Collins
October 21, 1998
Brian Shear
Shear Engineering Corporation
4836 South College Avenue, Suite 12
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Dear Brian,
Staff has reviewed your documents for the Evergreen Park, Lots 1 & 2, Block 5, Replat
that were submitted on September 28, 1998, and offers the following comments:
Please revise the site data on the Site Plan. A total of 21,500 square feet of
building coverage is proposed. By doing this, the future addition may would only
be subject to the issuance of a building permit. The open space information also
needs to be reduced accordingly to reflect the total building square footage.
7 ZZ. A signed letter of intent or signed easement must be provided from the property
owner to the south for off -site grading.
ql A signed letter of intent or signed easement is needed from the property owner to
the east for any off -site grading or drainage.
Q! The modification narrative does not adequately address the criteria for which the
modification is requested. Staff suggests that the history section up to the summary
be deleted as conformance with all other criteria does not appear to be support for
a modification. Staff suggests that the summary of the modification request address
four points: 1) what is the purpose of the 80 foot setback requirement [reference
purpose section of the criteria]; 2) what additional landscaping is proposed; 3)
where is additional landscaping proposed; and 4) how does the additional
landscaping achieve the same purpose as the required setback.
%Landscaping (tree centers) on the Landscape Plan do not fall within the proposed
7 foot landscape strip indicated on the cross sections. Please revise.
+6� Please label sheet 1 as the Site Plan rather than the PDP.
One mechanical pad is shown for the building on Lot 1. The mechanical pad is
proposed to be located at the end of the future addition to building one. How will
this mechanical equipment be screened until the future addition is constructed?
Staff suggests landscaping.
281 North College Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6750 • FAX (970) 416-2020
Trash enclosures should be constructed of concrete/masonry block and have steel
gates rather than standing seam metal. The standing seam metal will likely be
damaged by backing trucks, etc.
9. Please provide samples of proposed building materials.
Please substitute Summit Ash trees for the Marshall Seedless Ash trees on the
south property line.
Please delete the limit of development line label on the Site Plan. Only show the
limit of disturbance line and the 100 foot setback dimension from the limit of
disturbance line.
Please provide non -vertically exaggerated cross sections from the north and south
property lines to the respective buildings. Landscaping must be shown on the cross
lease label all building and fencing colors on the building elevations.
(a4/) Please show the mechanical pads on the Site Plan.
This completes the review comments at this time. Additional comments may be
forthcoming as the various departments and reviewing agencies continue to review this
Please contact me for the required number of plan copies prior to submitting plan revisions.
Please provide a written response to each of the above stated comments with the submittal
of plan revisions.
This project is tentatively scheduled for the December 17, 1998 Planning and Zoning
Board Hearing. However, the ability of this project to remain on the December 17, 1998
agenda is pending the submittal of revisions no later than November 16, 1998. Revisions
must satisfactorily address all of the above stated comments.
Please contact me at 221-6206 if you have any questions or concerns related to these
Michael Ludwig, AICP
City Planner
xc: Mark McCallum, Engineering
Current Planning File #24-96A