Proposing significant b==9 and landscaping along with a retaining wall that will raise the
elevation from street level approximately 3 1/2 feet. This will further serve as a buffer and
camouflage of cars that may be stacked in the drive -up lanes.
3 _ The west side of the First National Bank Plaza has significant excess parking available. The
proposed lot that the Bank will use for the drive -up will still have 28 available parking spaces.
In addition, there is a lot just to the north that has 43 spaces available. These lots have very
little historic use_ The basic uses within the shopping center have not changed since its
construction in 1978. The anchor tenants. Safeway and Walgreens, remain solid with no
plans of moving. The remaining mix of tenants are minimal parking users and there is no
reason to believe that similar uses would not prevail into the fntrure. At the present time the
Center has significant excess parking available-
4- In response to this question, a drive -up facility is a service. It is essential to the retention and
in some cases the attraction of new customers, however we cannot open new accounts, both
loan and deposit accounts at a drive -up facility. It is therefore essential that we have a basic
banking center facility in which we can conduct sales and cross ales efforts with our clients.
It is in this facility where we generate revenues that make a branch operation like the one at
First National Bank Plaza profitable. The drive -up facility is an essential part of a profitable
branch operation to be sure. However, we generate revenues through our main branch office,
not through the drive -up facility. Should we outgrow the current walk-up banking facility,
our options would be either to attempt to expand the current facility within the shopper
center, or construct a new full service location at a different site to augment this existing full
service location at First National Bank Plaza
I hope you find these useful Steve. We will be prepared to answer these or any other questions
which the Board members might pose next Monday night
MAR-07-97 FR I 10 : 00 Ali FIRST ►'"T I ONAL BANK FAX NO. 970 4A' 4738
P. O1
TO: Mr. Steve Olt DATE: 3-6-97
City of Fort Collins
FROM: Mark Driscoll-�
SUBJECT': Responses to Questions from P & Z Board
Steve, when we met last week prior to the neighborhood meeting, you indicated that the P & Z
Board members had four questions that might come up in the hearing. From my notes this is my
recollection of those questions:
I. What would be the effect on air quality in the area especially with a daycare center located
within 200 - 300 feet from the drive -up?
2. What would the drive -up look like if there were 25 cats stacked at one time?
3. It appears that there are approximately 40 parking places eliminated by the construction of
this drive -up - What would happen to the Center's parking requirements if there were a
significant change in use within the Center that would require additional parking?
4. Does the Bank have any plans to close the main banking facility at Fiist National Bank Plaza
and leave only the drive -up facility?
Steve, the following are responses to these questions the Bank would offer:
1. While we have not conducted any studies of any potential air quality concerns, it is our belief
that the amount of traffic created by the drive -up represents a minimal increase to the existing
traffic. As part of our approval process, we commissioned a traffic study for the proposed
drive -up facility. The conclusion of the study was that the drive -up would have minimal
effect on traffic levels in and around the Center. The Bank's experience with drive -up
facilities is extensive. Our experience would lead us to believe there would be very little
stacking of cars and insignificant "idle" time that could create any concerns for noxious
fumes or air quality problems. Also, the daycare center is at Im%t 200 feet away from the
proposed drive -up facility. This distance should alleviate any concerns that the air quality
would be affected to the point of harming the children.
2. In response to this question, first of all it is highly unlikely given our experience that 25 cars
would be stacked up at any one time in the drive -up facility. In our latest neighborhood
meeting, we provided numbers from our actual experience with other drive -up facilities. The
average transaction in a drive -up facility takes 3 minutes. The traffic study stated that at
absolute peak periods, we could expect to have a maximum of 80 - 90 cars proceed through
the drive -up. We have 4 drive -up lanes which means that there would be approximately 20 -
23 cars proceeding though each lane in this peak hour. With a 3 minute transaction time, we
could conclude that there would be no stacking at the drive -up during a very heavy peak hour_
Similar facilities to this one have a maximum of 40 cars per hour at current volume levels_ It
is our conclusion that it will be very unlikely that all drive -up lanes will stack up to their frill
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