<,bsookee/ol w com cc: INET w1
> SAjeca: Two 9QWKFC
OWI1101 02:49 rY
I have doer some preliminary traffic work an the Lemay/Malberry Crossing
proposal to add a fast food restaurant to the site. The original TIS assumed
a future use of 26 ksf of high turn over, sit doom restaurants.
The 26 kof sit down restaurants were estimated to produce 422 peak hour trips_
The fastfood proposal of 3.6 ksf would produce an estimated 123 trips during
the PN peak hour. This comes out to approximately 290 of the estimated
restaurant trip generation.
At this time, I will be willing to let the now TIS •alide' since Mr. Goldberg
is still under In estimated trip generation. However, keep in mind for future
submittals that cha TIS in now over two years old. once walmart is opened, I
will be requiring updates to the existing 2-year old scady.
The Apr issues with Vine/Lemay are very real and we will be watching it
Let we know if you have any questions.
Kind Regards,
Eric L. Dracks, P.N.
Traffic spginaer
City of Fort Collins
7. The East Larimer County Water District redlined comments have been addressed.
8. Per Xcel Energy's requirements trees will not be planted within four feet of a gas
9. The transformer location has been revised so that it is within ten feet of a hard
surface. Please see Sht. C2.
10. Per City requirements the Street Oversizing Fee will be paid prior to the issuance
of a building permit.
11. An 8' sidewalk has been added along the south property line, which is half on half
off of our property. Please see Sht. C2.
12. The drive -through entrance has been reconfigured to eliminate congestion at the
main entrance to the property off of the main interior drive -aisle. Please see Sht.
13. The inset panels on the KFC and Taco Bell towers have been changed from
E.I.F.S. to masonry. Please see Shts. A4 and A4.1.
14. The "KFC red" color has been revised to a more muted "Colonial red". Please
see Shts. A4 and A4.1.
15. The Taco Bell purple has been removed from the exterior paint schedule. The
color will be confined to the signage.
16. The trash enclosure has been revised to accommodate containers for recycled
materials. Please see Sht. C2.
17. The site plan title as been changed to "Mulberry-Lemay Crossings, Phase Three,
KFC/Taco Bell, Portion of Lot 6, Filing Two." Please see Sht. C2.
18. The zoning call -out has been revised on the site plan. Please see Sht. C2.
19. A building envelope is indicated on the site plan. Please see Sht. C2.
20. The property line has been called out on the site plan. Please see Sht. C2.
Hopefully, this letter along with the accompanying revised plans has adequately
addressed all of your questions and concerns. If you have any questions please do not
hesitate to give me a call at (480) 894-4637. Thank you for your assistance.
Matthew Pridemore
Account Manager
Matthew Pridemore
398 S. Mill Ave. #301
Tempe, AZ 85281
Ph: (480) 894-4637
Fx: (480) 894-4638
October 22, 2001
Ted Sheppard
Chief Planner
Current Planning
281 N. College Ave.
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
Mr. Sheppard,
I am writing in regards to the KFC/Taco Bell project at the Mulberry4zmay Crossings
development. This letter is in response to your written comments dated 8/29/01 and are
as follows:
1. Per Eric Bracke's memo dated 9/11/01 the revised traffic study requirement has
been waived for the KFC/Taco Bell project. A copy of the memo has been
attached to this response letter.
2. We are matching approved civil plans for the overall development. Given the
Developer's construction schedule all improvements will be in place before
construction begins on the KFC/Taco Bell project so that interim improvements
will not be necessary.
3. The parking for the overall development has been revised to match the approved
layout for filing two. Please see Sht. C2.
4. The sidewalks have been dimensioned on the site plan. Please see Sht. C2.
5. The legal description on the site plan has been verified with the plat for filing two.
6. The Stormwater comments have been addressed per the written and red -lined
comments. The construction schedules have been reviewed and the
improvements will be in place before work begins on the KFC/Taco Bell project.
However, the 48-inch storm sewer has already been installed so temporary
measures will not be required.
398 S Mill Ave, 301 Tempe, AZ 85281
480 894.4637 T 480 894.4638 F