HomeMy WebLinkAboutREDWOOD APARTMENTS - PDP - 15-99A - CORRESPONDENCE - (5)Tro Jones Re: CONCORDS CAPITOL - "edwood ---"._ — _�.. From: Troy Jones To: Julie Smith Subject: Re: CONCORDE CAPITOL - Redwood No resolution as of yet. I'll talk to Eric to see what he thinks, but if I remember correctly, as long as the projected average daily trips along Lupine stay below 1000, the street is designed to handle it. The thing I don't know is what happens if the average daily trips are projected to be over 1000. I'll let you know as soon as I know. Troy >>> Julie Smith 01/06 1:10 PM >>> Was there any resolution on the concern of the neighbors re the traffic down Lupine? Was Eric Bracke going to respond to that in some way? Julie x6595 ;Troy Jones - Cocorde Capital - Redwood /'-rtments Page 1 From: Julie Smith To: Jones, Troy Date: Wed, Jan 26, 2000 10:39 AM Subject: Cocorde Capital - Redwood Apartments At the affordable housing team meeting this morning we were discussing the Redwood project and Ken says that for a 150 unit project, the trips per day would be between 10 and 12 per unit which would be quite a bit over the 1,000 trips maximum for Lupine Street. Even if the project design reduced the trips per unit to 8, it would still be over. So just as a heads -up, if they are changing the number of units or their bedroom configuration in any way or revising the project in any way from what they proposed to the CDBG Commission for funding last year, the project will need to be re -submitted to the CDBG Commission. That could slow up the process. They haven't submitted their required quarterly report (due two weeks ago) so I'm not sure what they're up to. If you hear anything, please let me know. Julie x6595 Commur._ J Planning and Environmental.' ✓ices Current Planning City of Fort Collins MEMO To: Phil Brown, Concorde Capital Drew Thomas, VF Ripley From: Troy Jones Re: CDBG funding February 1, 2000 I received an e-mail from Julie Smith, our CDBG funding administrator, on January 26th regarding the Redwood Apartments project. The information that she passed along to me may or may not be something you were already aware of. The of fordable housing team met on the morning of January 26th. At that meeting it was discussed that if for any reason the number of units changed from 150, or the bedroom configuration changes in any way, or the project is revised in any way from what was proposed to the CDBG Commission for funding last year, the project will need to be re -submitted to the CDBG Commission. The topic that brought up the issue was whether or not the project could stay under 1000 trips per day for Lupine with the current 150 unit count, and if not, whether that would affect the total number of units. I would encourage you to call Eric Bracke, the city traffic engineer, at (970)224-6062 to discuss the maximum traffic you would be allowed to put onto Lupine to see if this is an issue. Call Julie Smith at (970) 221-6595 if you have any questions regarding CDBG funding. ,Sincerely, i �Iro Jones Y� City Planner 281 North College Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6750 • FAX (970) 416-2020