From: Ken Waido
To: Cameron Gloss
Date: 10/8/02 9:26AM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Zoning of Cove Island Townhouses
I guess that area could be zoned RL if they want to live with what I guess is referred to as "limited
permitted uses" according to the LUC. Which is just a fancy way around saying they are "non -conforming"
but they are not non -conforming.
>>> Cameron Gloss 10/08/02 08:51AM >>>
Help me, please! with a response to Mr. Kitze. I'm getting a little worn out on this whole thing
owr ses
Tom and Sally Kitze <paulkitze@yahoo.com>
Cameron Gloss <cgloss@fcgov.com>
10/8/02 8:49AM
Zoning of Cove Island Townhouses
Cameron, thanks for the quick response. I'm still a little confused by
some of the wording in the code, especially Division 4.3. The
(A)Purpose states that RL designation is intended for predominately
single-family residential areas existing at the time of adoption of the
LUC. Article 4.3(B)(1)(c&d) appear to allow uses other than low density
single family. What uses do (c) and (d) allow? Maybe you or Ken Waido
can tell me why Cove Island townhouses don't qualify for RL designation
and the Jamestown townhouse group on the other side of the Warren
Shores subdivision does qualify.
Zoning us (Cove Island) as LMN to "be clustered around and
integral with a Medium Density Mixed -Use Neighborhood" to the north of
Horsetooth Road is inappropriate. Where is the neighborhood center
without crossing an arterial street as specified in 4.4(D.)(3)(a)? It
appears to me that under the new LUC only new development is to be
zoned LMN, with existing predominately single family neighborhoods
going into the RL designation. What was the motivation for splitting
off Cove Island and zoning it MMN in 1997? 1 can only assume that it
was to make a developable infill site (the present Bella Vista project
site) easier to get through the development process.
I look forward to your response.
Do you Yahoo!?
Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos & More
CC: John Fischbach <jischbach@fcgov.com>
Steve Olt -. wd: Zoning of Cove Island vnhouses Page 1
From: Cameron Gloss
To: Steve Olt
Date: 10/11/02 9:18AM
Subject: Fwd: Zoning of Cove Island Townhouses
In my absence, please draft a response to Mr. Kitze on this latest e-mail. I'll forward a response I got from
Ken Waido--you may want to followup if his message is unclear.
Steve Olt - Re. Zoning of Cove Island T ihouses Page 2
>>> Tom and Sally Kitze <paulkitze(a.vahoo.com> 10/08/02 08:49AM >>>
Cameron, thanks for the quick response. I'm still a little confused by
some of the wording in the code, especially Division 4.3. The
(A)Purpose states that RL designation is intended for predominately
single-family residential areas existing at the time of adoption of the
LUC. Article 4.3(B)(1)(c&d) appear to allow uses other than low density
single family. What uses do (c) and (d) allow? Maybe you or Ken Waido
can tell me why Cove Island townhouses don't qualify for RL designation
and the Jamestown townhouse group on the other side of the Warren
Shores subdivision does qualify.
Zoning us (Cove Island) as LMN to "be clustered around and
integral with a Medium Density Mixed -Use Neighborhood" to the north of
Horsetooth Road is inappropriate. Where is the neighborhood center
without crossing an arterial street as specified in 4.4(D)(3)(a)? It
appears to me that under the new LUC only new development is to be
zoned LMN, with existing predominately single family neighborhoods
going into the RL designation. What was the motivation for splitting
off Cove Island and zoning it MMN in 1997? 1 can only assume that it
was to make a developable infill site (the present Bella Vista project
site) easier to get through the development process.
I look forward to your response.
Do you Yahoo!?
Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos & More
CC: Cameron Gloss; Ken Waido
Steve Olt - Re Zoning of Cove Island T ihouses Paiiill
From: Steve Olt
To: "paulkitze@yahoo.com".GWIA.FC1
Date: 10/17/02 4:01 PM
Subject: Re: Zoning of Cove Island Townhouses
I am responding to your questions because Cameron is on vacation this week. He asked me to draft a
response this week in his absence.
First, to provide some background, Cove Island (Spindrift Court) was approved as a part of the Landings
Planned Unit Development (PUD), First Filing. PUD's approved under prior City Code could include
multiple land uses and multiple residential densities, such as the single-family detached and single-family
attached dwelling units in the Landings PUD. Prior zoning on the Landings PUD, First Filing was RP -
Planned Residential, which was "for areas planned as a unit to provide variation in use and building
Now, with regards to Division 4.3 RL - Low Density Residential Zoning District of the Land Use Code
(LUC), the purpose of the RL District is that it is intended for predominately single-family residential areas
as they existed at the time adoption of the LUC in 1997. Sections 4.3(13)(1)(c) & (d) do permit land uses
that were approved under prior City Code and physically existed on a property as of March 27, 1997. Cove
Island certainly fits into this category.
Cove Island is an existing cluster of single-family attached dwelling units (3 and 4 per building) on lots that
do not meet the Dimensional Standards in the current RL - Low Density Residential Zoning District in the
LUC; therefore, Cove Island would be considered an "Existing Limited Permitted Use" in the RL District,
as set forth in Division 1.6 of the LUC. City staff recognizes the fact that several properties may have been
rezoned into inappropriate districts with the adoption of the LUC in 1997. Although staffs opinion is that
Cove Island is an existing development that consists of a permitted residential use (single-family attached
dwellings) in the LMN - Low Density Mixed -Use Neighborhood District we have no objection to Cove
Island being rezoned and included in the RL - Low Density Residential District. However, you must
understand that if rezoned into the RL District, Cove Island will be subject to restrictions and requirements
set forth in Section 1.6.3 - Change of Use, Section 1.6.4 -Reconstruction, and Section 1.6.5 - Enlargement
of Building and Expansion of Facilities, Equipment or Structures of the LUC.
Lastly, the suggestion that the City, in 1997, rezoned the Cove Island property into the MMN - Medium
Density Mixed -Use Neighborhood District to make a developable infill site (the present Bella Vista project
site) easier to ge eroug!1Ahe development process holds no validity or merit. As City staff looked at
existing zoning a x1'sfing conditions (developed properties), Cove Island was identified as a
single-family attached dwelling residential development with a density of 8 dwelling units per acre. The
properties to the north of East Horsetooth Road and just east of S nford Road contain multi -family
residential developments. These properties were to be rezonecr i ot 1pe MMN District. Staffs evaluation at
that time was to continue that zoning designation onto the Cove nd development because the existing
land use seemed to warrant that designation and it was considered not to be appropriate to create a very
small pocket of LMN zoning in that location. Also, whether the Cove Island property is zoned RL, LMN, or
MMN, the Bella Vista development proposal is subject to (and must satisfy) all the applicable
requirements, standards, and regulations set forth in Article 3 - General Development Standards and
Division 4.4 - Medium Density Mixed -Use Neighborhood of the LUC,,
As previously stated, City staff will support a rezoning request to City Council for next Spring's (2003)
semi-annual rezonings. The new zoning designation could be either RL - Low Density Residential or LMN
- Low Density Mixed -Use Neighborhood, whichever zoning district you and the other property owners in
Cove Island prefer.
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance regarding the Bella Vista project or the potential
rezoning of Cove Island.