1. There is no erosion control report which defines the type of BMP's which are to be
used in connection with the construction sequence to preclude sediments from leaving
the site. (Previous Note #1 has not been addressed).
2. Previous Note #2 has not been addressed.
3. There is a symbol for silt fence on the plan legend. Is the line with circles shown on
the plan just north of the new parking area silt fence?
4. The plan needs to have BMP details or reference where they are.
Please refer to redlined plans and report for additional review comments.
4. There are many small discrepancies in the hydrologic and hydraulic calculations,
most of them arising from miscalculated areas and the resulting flows. Please make
sure the plans and report agree in all aspects.
5. Please indicate the area of pond inundation under 100-year conditions. Cross.-.
hatching or shading works well for this purpose.
6. Please prove to us that there are no building openings along the north side of the
buildings that are within 1 foot of the water surface in swale EE.
Erosion/Sediment Control Comments
Second Submittal Comments
1. Most of this site grades steeply from the north to the south and east onto existing
asphalt. There is no discussion in the report, and nothing shown on the plans defining
how sediment transport is to be controlled on -site prior to paving, sod installation, etc.
Please provide this information.
2. Effectiveness calculations use P-factors for straw bales and roughened ground.
Calculations do not include a gravel inlet filter. Your report and your plan do not
indicate roughened ground. What is the plan? In what sequence of the construction
are any of these BMP's to be used? Which BMP's?
3. The project schedule on the plan indicates silt fence is to be installed. There is no
mention of this in the report and none shown on the plan. Is it is, or is it ain't??
4. The project schedule indicates both seeding and sodding. Is this correct? If so, which
goes where?
5. The plan needs standard erosion/sediment control notes.
6. The plan needs BMP drawings.
Third Submittal Comments
DATE: August 26, 1998 TO: Stormwater
PROJECT: #28-07 The Lofts @ Campus West - Type I -
All comments must be received by Mike Ludwig no later than the staff
review meeting:
Wednesday, September16,1998
1. Please show drainage easements from the site to West Elizabeth Street, including all
alleys. Drainage easements for this area will need to be dedicated, if easements do not
exist. Are the easements large enough to accommodate the increase in flow? Also
provide signed agreements with the owners of the properties that will be affected with
the proposed construction. The letters of intent must be signed before the public
hearing (repeat comment).
2. The City Criteria Manual states that unlined open channels may not exceed 4:1 side
slopes. We said the maximum permissible variance for swale EE is 3:1, but you must
request the variance before it is approved.
3. Please provide an acceptable off -site drainage exhibit. Instead of improving the last
one, it got removed and was not replaced.
Date: azg Sipature•
Pc.9-0tSfz. RrTAA-pj cc: Sw4R, VJA1%4i+oFF
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SHEAR �jJCc�J6E2r�
T r M g r&W L i 1J E City of Fort Collins
DATE:August 26, 1998 DEPT: Water/Wastewater
PROJECT: #28-97 Lofts @ Campus West — Type I
All comments must be received by Mike Ludwig no later than the staff
review meeting:
Wednesday, September 6,1998
-As previously indicated, show all water/sewer mairis and service on landscape
plans and provide required landscape/utility separations.
-Coordinate_la%dscape design with civil desiQxl.
-Provide a minimum of 5 feet of separation between meter pits and buildings.
-Show existing grade in profile of proposed sanitary sewer main.
mill location of proposed manhole be in detention area? If so, provide watertight
manhole ring and lid. Include specifications for ring and cover (i.e. Neenah R-
1916-e with type "F" concealed pickhole).
-See landscape, site and utility plans for other comments.
Date: i r Signature:
X Plat X Site _ Drainage Report _Other
X Utility X Redline Utility X Landscape
Citv of Fort Collins
City of Fort Collins
Current Planning
Lofts at Campus West September 22, 1998
• The encroachment permit needs to be applied for at the engineering counter and will be
reviewed and issued there.
• Letters of intent for all off -site easements and work are needed prior to this project going to
the board.
Site/Landscape Plan
• The drive isle width on the east side of the property is shown on the site plan as 22 feet, but
almost 24 feet on the utility plans?
• Note on the site plan indicates that the two eastern trash enclosures are `raised'. What makes
these raised, there is nothing shown on indicated on the detail or on the utility plans to know
what this is to mean.
• It does not appear that there is adequate room for the overhang for the parking stalls along the
northern property line. A note on the Landscape plan indicates that bollards are to be installed
to protect the trees from car bumpers. If the trees or the bollards are not a minimum of two
feet behind the curb than adequate clearance does not exist for the parking stalls.
Utility Plans
• The retaining wall or seat wall on the south side of the property. What are the limits of this
wall? What is the height and the width. The sidewalk just south of this wall is shown to have
steps at the east end on the site plan. Is that correct?
• How does water get into the water quality device? Provide a better detail of the concrete
channel, metal plat and how it connects with the water qualitMdvice.
Date: q/Zz—��� Signature:�
Plat D4Site ,�." Drainage Report _ Other
motility Redline Utility ✓�ndscape
X. Please renumber as Sheet 6 of 6.
SHEET 7of7:
Y. Please delete sheet from the plan set.
2. TCI of Fort Collins has no issues with the Plat. However, TO will make no plans
to service The Lofts At Campus West until a Broadband Utility Easement is signed
with the TCI Commercial Accounts Executive, Reneta Santoro. If this could be
done early in the project, it could be possible to joint trench with another utility.
3. Comments and redlined utility plans from the Engineering Department are
attached. Please return all redlined documents with plan revisions.
4. Comments and redlined utility plans from the Water and Wastewater Utility are
attached. Please return all redlined documents with plan revisions.
5. Comments and redlined utility plans from the Stormwater Utility are attached.
Please return all redlined documents with plan revisions.
This concludes the Staff comments at this time. Any additional comments will be,
forwarded to the applicant.
An Administrative Hearing date will not be assigned by City Staff until all issues
have been addressed. Letters of intent for all off -site easements must be submitted
and reviewed before a hearing will be scheduled.
Plan revisions be submitted at any time. Please contact me for the number of folded
revisions required for each document prior to the submittal of plan revisions.
Please submit a written response addressing each of the comments.
Please contact me at 221-6206 if you have any questions or concerns related to these
Michael Ludwig, AICP
City Planner
xc: Sheri Wamhoff
Stormwater Utility
file/Project Planner
1 Q
i. Please renumber as Sheet 1 of 6.
SHEET 2 of 7:
j. Landscape Note #3 should be deleted.
k. Landscape Note #6 must be revised to reference that the bond or escrow is
for 125% of the landscaping and installation.
Please add a deciduous tree on the east property line adjacent to the parking
M. Please revise the missing triangular section of the tinted textured concrete
walkway on the south property line.
n. Please delete the 10 parking spaces on the along the north property line.
The new single loaded drive aisle can be reduced to 22 feet from 24 feet and
the parking stalls on the south side of the drive aisle can be increased from
15 feet to 17 feet. The bollards for the trees along the north property line can
then be deleted.
p. Staff recommends that a different species of shade tree be proposed in
place of the Upright European Aspen on the north side of the building. The
Aspen will have a difficult time surviving in the area.
q. Please renumber as Sheet 2 of 6.
SHEET 3 of 7:
Please renumber as Sheet 3 of 6.
SHEET 4 of 7:
S. Please revise the landscaping on the north elevation building elevation to
reflect the actual species that are proposed.
t. Please renumber as Sheet 4 of 6.
SHEET 5 of 7:
U. Please revise cross section B to reflect changes to the parking lot
(elimination of the north parking row, etc.).
V. Please renumber as Sheet 5 of 6.
SHEET 6 of 7:
W. High pressure sodium light sources are preferred over metal halide.
Commu y Planning and Environmental vices
Current Planning
City of Fort Collins
September 22, 1998
John Donaldson
Timberline Property Management
4529 S. Stover Street
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Dear John,
Staff has reviewed your revisions for the Lofts at Campus West Project Development
Plan (PDP) that were submitted on August 26, 1998, and would like to offer the following
The Current Planning Department stated the following:
a. Please delete "----FDP" from the title of the Plat. The Title should just state
"A Plat of The Lofts At Campus West" Being A Replat of ....."
SHEET 1 of 7:
b. Please show all existing trees to label as to remain or remove.
C. Please add the words "6-unit residential building" within the footprint of each
d. Please revise the missing triangular section of the tinted textured concrete
walkway on the south property line.
e. Please revise General Notes #8 and #11 as noted on the redlined plan set.
f. Please add General Note #15 as noted on the redlined plan set.
g. Please revise the City Signature Statement and Signature Block to reference
the Director of Planning rather than the Administrative Hearing Officer.
h. Please delete the 10 parking spaces on the along the north property line.
The new single loaded drive aisle can be reduced to 22 feet from 24 feet and
the parking stalls on the south side of the drive aisle can be increased from
15 feet to 17 feet. The bollards for the trees along the north property line can
then be eliminated.
281 North College Avenue • P.O. Box 580 9 Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6750 • FAX (970) 416-2020