City of Fort Collins
Rigden Farm Meeting Date: 06/27/2002
King Soopers
Staff present: Troy Jones, Current Planning
Sheri Wamhoff, Engineering
Questions and Answers
Q: How much commercial acerage is there within Rigden Farm to east of this?
A: 15 acres approx., east of that MMN
Q: Will the MMN property east of this be like Parkside?
A: Most likely it will be more diverse, 18-20 units/acre.
Q: What are the plans for lighting in parking lot?
A: State of the art - deep box, flat lens, horizontal box. King Soopers has worked out a design that
will reduce light spillage. The plan will need to be at levels consist with City requirements. Light plan
will also need to be coordinated with the landscape plan
Q: How will trucks leave the site, will they go through the neighborhood?
A: Most will take Drake to Ziegler to Harmony then out to 1-25. Some vendors may have some traffic
in neighborhood, but not likely much.
Q: What about Timberline Road north of this site where it is currently 1 lane in each direction?
A: It's a tough issue. Riigden Farm was required to participate substantially in the existing
improvements to the Drake/Timberline intersection. Before any development can occur on the
Johnson Farm property north of this site, Timberline will need to be improved from the point where it
necks down to one lane, all the way through and including the Prospect intersection. A ballot initiative
to fund a capital project for the City to make these improvements may be on ballot this November.
Q: Where will any new traffic signals be serving this site?
A: Custer Drive will be signalized when it meets traffic warrants.
Q: Church traffic?
A: The church is served by 2 curb cuts to Timberline and 2 street connections to Custer Drive. When
the USGS when its gone, intersections with Timberline will line up and potentially have signal.
Q: Will King Soopers operate 24 hours a day?
A: Yes.
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