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Project: Jc-wA So.v
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City of Fort Collins Date:
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which calls for higher densities in strategic location to reduce sprawl, the plan provides
the required neighborhood parks near dwelling units, and promotes the City's vision of a
more urbanized form based on the regulations within the Land Use Code. In a nutshell,
the applicant stated that the project meets the goals and objectives of City Plan, which
was established to enhance the quality of life for all residents of Fort Collins. Another
neighbor mentioned after the meeting that providing multifamily housing may not
improve the -quality of life for existing Parkwood residents, but on a city-wide scale, the
provision of apartments allows a larger base of more affordable housing, which in turn
possibly improves the quality of life for someone who may otherwise not be able to find
housing opportunities in Fort Collins. Also, this neighbor made the point that a higher
density configuration developed with the high quality design features required in City
Plan would allow more people access to a higher quality of life.
It was discussed that Timberline will ultimately be a 6-lane major arterial that will carry
roughly 45,000 vehicle trips per day (College Avenue currently carries roughly 55;000
trips per day). There will be three through -lanes in both directions plus additional left
and right turn lanes in key locations.
A resident from the Parkwood neighborhood stated that this development would add cut -
through traffic on Eastwood Drive because some of the residents of this proposed
development would drive through the Parkwood to get to the EPIC center. This resident .:_..
stated that he and his neighbors along Eastwood drive would like Parkwood East
Apartment access to Eastwood Drive and Kirkwood closed off. City staff clarified that
such an effort is out of the scope of this proposed development. The city policies
generally favor multiple and direct connections within and between neighborhoods, and it
is unlikely the closing of this access point would be supported by staff. Any discussions
of this nature should be directed to Eric Bracke, the city's Traffic Engineer, and Kathleen
Reavis from the city's Transportation Planning Department.
A neighbor asked about the applicant's plans for drainage, and pointed out that they have
problems with basement flooding when the detention pond fills up. The applicant went
over plans for a major stormdrainage line to be build along Drake going east, and
mentioned the water on the north part of the site goes to another basin.
What will be built first? The single family area next to the tracks, then the multifamily
portion on the eastern part of the site.
How many accesses/street connections will be provided on Drake? There will be one at
the current alignment of Sagebrush which goes into the Meadows East neighborhood.
This intersection will start off as a unsignalized full movement intersection, but may
change to a limited movement in the future when and if it conflicts with the smooth
operation of Drake traffic. It will not be signalized.
How many accesses/street connections will be provided on Timberline? One traffic light
roughly 1/3 mile north of Drake, and two limited movement intersections between Drake
and the new light.
The traffic projections for this use compared to if the property were developed as " E-
Employment show that the am/pm peaks have 40% less traffic with the proposed use that
with -the E use. It is projected that there will be a total volume out of 5300 trips. 25 to
30% going north, 30 to 35% going west, 35 to 40 % going south, and 5% going east.
A neighbor asked if the traffic study had addressed the issue that FCHS will impact the
traffic on Drake and Timberline at times other than the standard peaks, namely 7:30 a.m.
and 3:00.p.m., and pointed out that there are currently a lot of accidents on Timberline.
The applicant responded that the widening of Timberline from Vermont to Drake will
help to solve the problems that the FCHS impacts create. The traffic generation counts in
the traffic study were based on actual traffic counts.
A neighbor from the Parkwood neighborhood stated that this development will add
substantial traffic impacts to the Parkwood neighborhood. One of the current traffic
problems that the Parkwood residents are experiencing is a high number of cut through
traffic from the Parkwood East Apartments through the neighborhood to get to Drake.
The neighbors are concerned that this will add to an already problematic situation. The
applicant responded that the traffic study reflects the proposed density, and that they are
willing to take any unanticipated traffic issues into account. The applicant also pointed
out the proposed residential uses would have less of an impact to Timberline and Drake
during the a.m. and p.m. peaks than an E-Employment development would.
A neighbor asked what price range the single family component would be. The applicant
answered that it's to soon to tell for sure, but most likely they will range in prices from
the low to mid 200's.
A neighbor asked the applicant how this project is anticipated to improve the quality of
life in Fort Collins. The applicant responded that it embraces the philosophy of City Plan
City of Fort Collins
Comm ty Planning and Environmental -rvices
Current Planning
for the Johnson Farm Rezone and ODP
conducted from 7 to 9 p.m. on August 24, 2000 by Troy Jones
at the FCHS school library
It was discussed that the timing of Improvements of Timberline Road will tentatively be
as follows:
• Construction of the portion from Vermont to just north of Drake will start
within about 8 weeks,
• The extension of the improvements from just north of Drake to Prospect is
still up in the air. This development will have to contribute to the
improvements in some way.
It was discussed that the "E" uses will be located on the north part of the site to act as a
buffer between the residential and the existing vacant pipe factory.
A neighbor asked what the lot sizes will be in the LMN portion of the site. The applicant
responded that the lots will range in size from around 40'x 80' to about 50' x 100'.
Neighbors asked about whether or not there would be any plans to make a street
connection across the railroad track at any point between Drake and Prospect. There are
no new street connections across the RR tracks possible for this specific site. The site
just east of the tracks in the EPIC center vicinity has yet to have a development proposal,
so it cannot be determined if any connections at that location may be made. It looks
unlikely. Neighbors expressed a desire to have a street connection across the tracks
between the cul-de-sac at the end of Riverside and Timberline Road so that the uses of
the EPIC center and the Parkwood East Apartments would have another route south
rather than driving through the residential neighborhood.
Neighbors asked what the pipe plant is currently zoned. It is zoned T-Transition, and has
an E-Employment designation on the structure plan.
It was asked what the plans for the Employment area of the site are. The developer
anticipates selling the land to office, financial services, medical clinics and/or childcare
Who is that applicant? The Cumberland Companies, who have the project under contract
with the Johnson's, who have farmed the land for years.
281 North College Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6750 • FAX (970) 416-2020