To: Troy Jones
Date: Wed, Nov 15, 2000 8:13 AM
Subject: Re: Johnson Farm Rezone
Hi Troy,
Just to let you know, someone from engineering will be there to discuss the timing of improvements on
Timberline to Prospect.. As for who pays for the improvements and the APF questions, we have not even
begun to have those discussions. That will definitely be a ODP/PDP discussion.
As for the cut -through issue, I will be there to explain my position. People in the "new neighborhood" will
more than likely drive through the Parkwood neighborhood to get to the Park and potentially the school.
This new traffic should be minimal. However, this is not cut through traffic, this is destination traffic. It is
normal for people to drive their kids to school and to drive to Regional Parks. It is a key characteristic of
the neighborhood. They may not like the answer, but that's the answer they will receive.
>>> Troy Jones 11/14 10:04 PM >>>
At the worksession for Johnson Farm Rezone, Sally requested that you be prepared to explain your views
on Thursday night on the timing of Prospect/Timberline Improvements in relation to the development of
this site. Also, she indicated that although the residential uses will have less of an overall impact on traffic
than the Employment uses, the park (and possibly the school in the future) will be a destination for many
of the residents, and she is concerned about the added cut through traffic to the Parkwood and Parkwood
East neighborhood.
CC: Cam McNair; Cameron Gloss