facing onto Illinois. If a drive -through is to be part of the design, it may be
workable on the west side of the building, closest to Timberline.
h. In accordance with 3.5.1(H)&(I)&(J)(6) of the LUC, Soda pop vending
machines cannot be lined up along the front of the store by the entrance.
The architectural character of the building was ruined at the Market Center
(Harmony) as a result of these machines. If you must have these machines,
they must be behind an attractive, will -designed screen wall. We made the
new Wal-Mart do this. This is an 'operational standard" that is needed for
i. Drive through lanes for pharmacies are, in our experience in Fort Collins,
seldom used. They separate the building from the street, and will create
the need for more site lighting, and more directional signage. They detract
from the overall architectural aesthetic form of the building. It will add
another car crossing for bikes and pedestrians. Idling cars spew air
pollution. We would like to discourage the use of this drive -through element.
j. A lighting plan will be required with the submittal.
k. A neighborhood meeting will need to be conducted prior to submittal.
I. Custer Drive is the main traffic thoroughfare into and out of the
development. It does not seem appropriate to put the loading docks of the
supermarket at such a prominent location.
m. The treatment along Timberline Road should take into account that the road
will be a 6-lane arterial. There is a fairly new project in Boulder at the
corner of 281h and Pearl Street that successfully integrates a major arterial
street with parking lots and smaller commercial pads. Please see the
attached photos. Also, design details of the transition between the parking
lot and Timberline will need to include landscape screening and urban
decorative features such as columns at key locations etc. See the attached
photos of examples of a successful treatment of this parking lot edge.
n. Please see the attached photos for retail character that would be
appropriate for Illinois.
o. Walnut Street here in Downtown Fort Collins is a good example of a street
with diagonal parking that works great. It has compariable traffic volume to
what Illinois will have, and has a fairly infrequent accident history. We have
run this example by our Traffic Operations Department, our Engineering
Department, and our Transportation Department, and as long as the curb to
curb dimemsions and striping are the same on Illonis as they are on Walnut
(including neck downs at intersections and crosswalks), diagonal parking can
be integrated into the street design. The Sidewalks will need to be 15 feet
wide from the curb to the building face with tree wells rather than a
parkway strip. Please see the attached photos of Walnut Street.
Larimer County Treasurer's Office and must reflect a zero (0) balance
before the City will accept the mylar. Larimer County is requiring this
document, showing no outstanding property taxes, before they will record
subdivision plats.
c. After much internal staff discussion about the project since the conceptual
review meeting, we have a growing concern regarding the character that the
development, as shown, would have. The intention has always been that this
commercial corner is supposed to be the showcase project that exemplifies
City Plan, but the design shown at conceptual review frankly seems to be a
standard suburban grocery store anchored shopping center that one could
find anywhere in any town along the front range.
d. The purpose statement of the NC zone district in 4.19(A) of the LUC
specifically states that the NC zone district *is intended to function
together with a surrounding Medium Density Mixed -Use Neighborhood,
which in turn serves as a transition and a link to larger surrounding low
density neighborhoods. The intent is for the component zone districts to
form an integral, town -like pattern of development with this District as a
center and focal point; and not merely a series of individual development
roiects in separate zone districts." To that end, the design character of
Illinois Street is crucial to the successful implementation of this zone
district. This street has always been represented to be the 'Main Street"
commercial component to Rigden Farm. It is crucial that great attention be
given to creating a pedestrian oriented streetscape with retail orienting and
opening directly onto the street in a manor similar to a downtown.
e. We feel that the design of this corner, as shown at conceptual review, does
not satisfy the intent of the NC zone district, and therefore does not
satisfy the Land Use Code. We feel the best and quickest way to
communicate clearly what the City would like for the development to achieve
would be to have a design charette. The Current Planning Department can
host the event. Please contact me to coordinate.
f. We analyzed the drawing presented at conceptual, and have brainstormed
several possible alternatives including several variations where the
supermarket element is shifted to different locations on the block. We
would like to go over some of these options with you at your convenience.
g. Drive-throughs, including the drive -though for the Supermarket Pharmacy,
are generally discouraged, yet not specifically prohibited, in the NC zone. If
a drive -through were to be part of the supermarket design, it must
definitely not be placed between the building and Illinois Street. As stated
above, Illinois has always been intended to be the pedestrian oriented,
mixed -use main street character. The retail shown west of the supermarket
should be moved to the east side of the supermarket, located along and
b. The Master Street Plan depicts Timberline as a "Major 6 Lane Arterial
Beyond 2015 " and Drake as a "Minor Arterial 2 Lanes' just north of the
c. The Traffic Study needs to include turn lanes at intersections.
d. Connectivity will need to be proveded to the Rigden Farm trails and
e. Bike parking will be required at building entrances.
f. Timberline and Drake will not be pedestrian oriented street fronts. Illinois
should be the pedestrian oriented street that looks like the character
g. Streetscapes and more mixed -use buildings can be brought onto the site by
the use of private drives.
h. Access points to Timberline will be limited.
9. Advance Planning:
a. The corner of broke and Timberline should be of a character similar to 28th
and Pearl shopping center in Boulder rather than, a true urban corner like
Mountain/College. (The volumes are much higher here, right?) But the
Boulder example truly works as a great compromise and hybrid. This
example is in the design manual available through the Advance Planning
Department and also shown in the attached photographs.
b. THEN, once we have dealt with the corner, Illinois street should ACTUALLY
look like the brochure... True New Urbanism. That means that Timberline
may have a little frontage consisting of screened parking lots, which is fine.
Again, note how the parking lots edge is treated at 28"' and Pearl in Boulder.
c. The building program needs to specifically be designed to address comments
a and b above. There may be tendencies (from a marketing standpoint) for
these two things to be weakened and diluted in favor of a regular
anchor/pad arterial center, but that is not what City Plan envisioned, and
that is not what the developers character sketches have shown.
d. We need to get some two story. Some upstairs apartments along Illinois
Street would be great.
10. Current Planning:
a. Refer to Section 3 (General Development Standards), and Section 4.19 (NC
Zoning District) in the Land Use Code for the standards that apply to your
proposed development. The Land Use Code is available to view on the
internet at www.ci.fort-collins.co.us/CITYHALL/CODES.
b. If there is a subdivision plat as part of this development request, you will be
required to provide a copy of "Certificate of Taxes Due' with the mylar of
the subdivision plat when it is brought to the City's Current Planning
Department for recording. The certificate may be obtained from the
5. Natural Resources:
a. The Natural Resources department highly discourages drive-thru lanes.
b. If there any prairie dogs on site, they will have to be relocated or humainly
c. Trash enclosures should accommodate recycling containers of sufficient size
to accommodate the type of recycling appropriate for the building use
(cardboard, cans, plastics, etc.), and dumpsters must be enclosed within a
fenced or walled area.
d. We ask that a single trash hauler be used to minimize traffic impacts.
e. Native grasses and plant materials should be used wherever appropriate, and
bluegrasses should be minimized.
f. If construction lasts for more than 6 months, you will have to file a permit
for fugitive dust control with Lorimer County.
g. Forward a copy of the hazardous material report that PFA will be requiring
to Natural Resources.
6. Fire Department:
a. A fire lane will be needed for access to the job -site.
b. A hazardous material impact analysis will be required for the use or storage
of any hazardous materials.
c. Address must be visible from the street using a minimum 6° numerals on a
contrasting background.
d. A fire hydrant must be within 300' of every building (measured as a hose
would lay) with a capacity of 1500 g.p.m @ 20 p.s.i. Hydrants must be spaced
no further apart than 600 feet on center.
e. The King Soopers must be sprinklered. All other building must either be
sprinklered or compartmentalized into 5000 square foot or less areas.
7. Light and Power:
a. There are existing facilities in Drake, Timberline and Custer.
b. Canopy trees must be no closer than 40 feet to street lights, and ornamental
trees must be no closer than 15 feet to a street light.
c. Normal development fees apply.
8. Transportation:
a. A traffic study will be required addressing all modes of transportation,
including transit, pedestrian, and bicycles. Contact Eric Bracke for scoping
of vehicular trips, and Tom Reiff for scoping of transit, pedestrian, and
c. The existing King Soopers on JFK Parkway has a main parking lot walkway
design that does not work well. Please design this one differently.
d. Note that section 3.2.2(K) of the Land Use Code specifies the parking
requirements. This use is limited to a maximum number of spaces.
e. This property is in the neighborhood residential sign district, which will limit
the size of signage on the site.
2. Stotmwater Utility Department:
a. This site is in the Foothills drainage basin where the new development fee is $6,525/acre which is subject
to the runoff coefficient reduction.
b. The standard drainage and erosion control reports and construction plans are required and they must be
prepared by a professional engineer registered in Colorado.
c. The Overall Drainage Plan (ODP) for Rigden Farm indicates imperviousness of 80% and 90 % for this
area. So as long as that can be met, no onsite detention is required. Water quality was also addressed
by the ODP.
d. A 54" stwmsewer is planned with Rigden 11 which will need to be built before or with this project.
e. It appears this proposal will cross several drainage sub -basins that may not drain as assumed in the
ODP. Therefore, the ODP SWMM may have to be revised to show the site still meets the end result of
the ODP and present criteria.
3. Engineering Department:
a. Street Oversizing Fees are $7.59/square foot for grocery stores. Check
with Matt Baker for the fee for the pad sites and the specific amount of
this fee for your project.
b. The project will require a Traffic Impact Study (TIS) that addresses site
access, and all modes of transportation including automobile, bicycle,
pedestrian, and transit. The right -in will need to be justified in this study.
c. The application will need to include a design of Illinois.
d. There will be 15 foot easements required along Drake and Timberline.
e. The application will be subject to Larimer County Urban Area Street
Standards, which are more stringent on access points. Any deviation from
these standards will require a variance request.
f. You will be required to have a Development Agreement, a Development
Construction Permit, and Utility Plans.
4. Water dr Wastewater Utility:
Location: SE of Drake Road and Timberline Road (M-12)
Proposal: Commercial - King Soopers and retail pad sites
Ex. Mains: Water: 16-inch in Timberline, 24-inch in Drake, 12-inch in Custer
Sewer: 8-inch in Custer (E half of site)
Comments: Use or abandon the8-inch water and 8-inch sanitary sewer lines which have been
extended into the site from the S. Extend the 8-inch water and 8-inch sewer in
Illinois. The water conservation standards for landscape and irrigation will apply
to this project. Plant Investment Fees and water rights will be due at time of
building permit. A repay will be due for the 24-inch water main in Drake.
MEETING DATE: August 23, 2001
ITEM: King Soopers and Pads in Rigden Farm
APPLICANT: Dennis Wyatt
Wyatt & Associates
1865 S. Pearl Street
Denver, CO 80210
58,000 square foot King Soopers and retail pad sites on 11 acres located in the NC
zone district at the southeast corner of Drake Road and Timberline Road.
Current Planning-
Troy Jones
Zoning Department-
Gary Lopez
Engineering Department-
Marc Virata
Street Oversizing Coordinator-
Matt Baker
Poudre Fire Authority-
Ron Gonzales
Stormwater Utility-
Glen Schlueter
Water & Sewer Utilities-
Roger Buffington
Natural Resources Development Planner
Doug Moore
Light and Power
Monica Moore
Transportation Services (ped. & transit)
Tom Reiff
Transportation Services (traffic)
Eric Bracke
Transfort (local bus service)
Gaylene Rossiter
Park Planning
Craig Foremean
1. Zoning Department:
a. The property is in the NC - Neighborhood Commercial zone district.
b. Most of the proposed uses are type 2 review.
Refer to the attached Conceptual Review Letter dated October
12, 2001 from Troy Jones, City Planner
For information concerning how issues have been addressed
refer to Statement of Planning Objectives, Item (v).