Page 14
Improvement Plans by TST Consulting Engineers). Construction coordination has
been performed with the contractor, CFC Engineering, and developers.
Thank you for your review and approval of these plans and responses. If you need further
clarification on any of the above responses, please call me (419-1316) at your convenience.
Nolte Associates, Inc.
Thomas Ochwat, P.E.
Senior Engineer
Mr. Ted Shepard Of
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Response: Poudre School District prefers to dedicate easements by separate documents rather
than going through the platting process.
Topic: Private Storm Line
Comment 16: The storm sewer on Timber Trail is carrying off -site flows from the east; it will need
to be sized to accommodate 100-yr. historic off -site flows. Additionally, the line is
now shown to be on the school district property. Why not extend the storm sewer
being built in the ROW by the Timbers development further west rather than have a
parallel line built on private property as the plans currently show. The Timbers line
might have to be upsized to take care of the street and offsite flows.
Response: This comment has been addressed per our meeting on February 7`h, 2002.
Topic: Timber Trail Inlets
Comment 22: Inlets on Timber Trails should be directed at a public storm sewer system rather than
a private line owned and maintained by the school district.
Response: This comment has been addressed per our meeting on February 7`h, 2002.
Topic: Timberline Road Improvements
Comment 18: Please provide street capacity calculations for Timberline Road.
Response: Noted and provide in the Final Drainage Report.
Comment 18 continued: There is a low point on Timberline Road that is to the north
of the proposed improvements. The plans call for a future 10-ft. Type R inlet but
there is no sizing that was done and the plans do not show what will happen to the
street flows in the interim condition.
Response: This comment has been addressed per our meeting on February 7th, 2002. Sizing
calculations have been provided in the Final Drainage and this inlet is "proposed" as
to be constructed as part of the street improvement and school improvement plans.
Comment 18 continued: The existing 18" CMP pipe under Timberline is shown to be
merely extended. The City does not allow CMP under the ROW; this pipe will need
to be removed and replaced with and RCP culvert. It will be sized such that it would
be able to handle the 100-yr. historic flows. No bends are allowed in the storm sewer
without a manhole, please correct.
Response: This comment has been addressed per our meeting on February 7`h, 2002. This 18"
CMP is to be abandoned and removed. This is noted on the street improvement plans.
The proposed storm sewer within Zephyr Road (a.k.a. Timber Trail Road) has been
extended to the west side of Timberline for future connection (per the Timbers Utility
Mr. Ted Shepard
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The off -site areas from the north and from the west are being currently routed to the
detention pond at the 100-yr historical rate without taking these into account in the
Timbers outfall pipe capacity. If your site is releasing at 25.1 cfs this would leave no
capacity whatsoever for these off -site areas.
Response: This comment has been addressed per our meeting on February 7`h, 2002.
Topic: Erosion Control
Comment 25: The plan index of drawings shows the wrong plan page designation for the
grading/erosion control plan.
Response: Noted and the plan has been corrected.
Comment 25 continued: The report states that erosion control matting will be utilized
at curb cuts and storm sewer outlet locations prior to the final grading and
landscaping of the site. Please indicate these BMPs on the plan and explain the
sequencing of the BMPs as you indicate them in the report through notes on the plan.
Response: Curb cuts have been eliminated from the site plan and riprap is to be installed at the
storm sewer outfall locations. The sequencing of the BMPs has been included in the
report and standard erosion notes added to the plans.
Comment 25 'continued: Please put a note on the plans as to the manner of final
stabilization of disturbed areas not under paving or building (e.g. the detention pond,
is to be reseeded and with what, sodded, etc.)
Response: Noted and refer the Landscape Plan.
Comment 25 continued: Please provide PS, EFF, surety calculations.
Response: Noted and provided in the Final Drainage Report.
Topic: Off -site Flows
Comment 21: Flows from the north of the site are routed through the on -site pond. It would be
better if these flows remained off-line.
Response: This comment has been addressed per our meeting on February 7`h, 2002.
Topic: Plat
Comment 23: Please provide a Plat for the proposed site. The detention pond as well as all storm
sewer and other drainage facilities should be placed in drainage easements.
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Response: Completed
6. Landscape Plan: See redlines.
Response: Completed
Stormwater Utility
Topic: Basin Delineation
Comment 27: Please provide a basin size and tributary area to the west. This area should be allowed
to pass through bypassing the pond at the 100-yr. historic rate.
Response: Per our meeting on February 7s', 2002, the proposed storm sewer within Zephyr Road
(a.k.a. Timber Trail Road) has been extended to the west side of Timberline for future
connection. Construction coordination has been performed with the contractor, CFC
Engineering, and developers.
Topic: Detention Pond Overflow
Comment 24: Please provide a design for the water quality pond outlet structure. Make sure that
there is an overflow design that allows larger flows to bypass the water quality outlet
release point. Design and show location of spillway. Account for what happens
during larger storms where the spillway operates. Check for flooding potential
through the Timbers and Westchase.
Response: A water quality/detention pond outlet structure has been designed to the required
release rates and is shown on the Utility Improvement Plans. This detention pond is
below the adjacent street/sidewalk grade, thus the spillway would be the overtopping
of the sidewalk and onto the adjacent street. The 100-yr. pond elevation has been
calculated to be 4949.25 with the sidewalk grade approximately at 4952.3. The pond
will have approximately 3 more feet of additional storage (2.82 ac-ft) before spilling
onto Zephyr Road. This additional storage volume is approximately three times the
required storage of 0.93 ac-ft. If the. detention pond were to overtop, storm water
would be collected into the proposed inlet within Zephyr Road adjacent to the pond.
If the inlet were to be plugged, the storm water in Zephyr Road would overtop the
high point and continue east to the next storm sewer inlet. No structures within the
Timbers PUD would be at risk of flooding (per phone conversation with Eric
Fuhrman of TST Consulting Engineers).
Topic: Detention Pond Release Rate
Comment 26: The detention pond was sized using a release rate of 25.1 cfs per the Timbers
drainage report. Please provide documentation that the off -site facilities from the
Timbers PUD to the ultimate outfall through the Westchase property have enough
capacity to be able to handle such flows.
Mr. Ted Shepard
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Response: This is all shown on Civil Sheets. It is our policy not to show this information twice
as it is not applicable to the Landscape Contractor and it makes the chance for errors
4. Coordinate the Site plan with the Utility sheet comments.
Response: See responses to Utility sheets. Again, it is our policy not to show this information
twice due to increase of errors and the Landscape Contractor does not need this
5. Show and label detention pond and fencing.
Response: Completed.
6. Remove grading layer.
Response: Completed.
7. See redlines.
Response: Completed.
Landscape Plan (Response by Tam Wahl — Landscape Architect)
1. Provide a Legend.
Response: Completed
2. Show existing and proposed property lines, easements, building envelopes, buffer zones,
ROW, etc., properly labeled and dimensioned. Include a legend.
Response: See response under Site Plan
3. Incorporate comments from the site and utility plans.
Response: See response under Site Plan
4. Landscaping must be in accordance with Division 3.2.1 of the Land Use Code.
Response: Completed
5. Show and label detention pond/fencing.
Mr. Ted Shepard
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Response: A variance request will be provided as part of this submittal for a high volume
driveway because of the high volume of traffic generated by the parent/student drop-
8. Provide spot elevations in accordance with LCUASS detail 7-32b.
Response: Noted and are shown on the improvement plans.
9. Move the midblock pedestrian ramp on Timber Trail to the west side of Regal Road to match
up with the Timbers PUD crossing. See redlines.
Response: Noted and are shown on the improvement plans.
10. Update outdated details, coordinate and combine plan sets with the Timberline Road
Response: Noted and are shown on the improvement plans.
11. Show existing and proposed property lines, easements, building envelopes, buffer zones,
ROW, etc., properly labeled and dimensioned. Include a legend. Each sheet.
Response: Noted and are shown on the improvement plans.
12. Label the Bioswale — must be contained inside the school's property line, no portion of it
may be constructed in the public ROW.
Response: Due to site grading constraints, the bio-swale has been eliminated from the
improvement plans.
Site Plan (Responses by RB+B Architects)
1. Please dimension all parking spaces.
Response: Dimensioning of parking spaces is not appropriate on the Landscape Site Plan. They
are dimensioned on the civil horizontal control sheet HCOL It is our policy not to
dimension anything twice as the chance for errors increases drastically if this is done.
Please refer the Civil Utility Improvement plans.
2. Label proposed features, future modulars, etc.
Response: Completed.
3. Show existing and proposed property lines, easements, building envelopes, buffer zones,
ROW, etc., properly labeled. Include a legend. Each sheet.
Mr. Ted Shepard
Page 8
2003 Elementary School Overall Utility Plan
1. Combine and submit the School and Timberline Road designs into one set. All comments
and requirements regarding the Timberline design apply here as well.
Response: Noted and these plans have been combined for this submittal.
2. Add note: "Concrete to property line" on all drive entrances to the school.
Response: Noted and this note has been added to the Horizontal Control Plan.
3. How will the future inlet by others on Timberline and Timber Trail (?) work with your
drainage design if not in by the time you go to construction?
Response: The "future inlets" have been noted as "proposed" and will be constructed as part of
the street improvement plans and storm sewer system for the elementary school.
4. No drainage from the berm over sidewalk along Timberline. Sheetflow should go from back
of sidewalk into ROW, and then r.o.w into the property.
Response: Runoff from the bermed areas along Timberline will be collected in the curb inlet
north of the school curb return and routed to the on -site detention pond. A variance
request is included in this submittal.
5. See redlines. Is a manhole required where the proposed 18" CMP (must replace with RCP)
joins the existing pipe in Timberline? Also, the invert elevation does not match the elevation
given on the Westchase PUD plans. Please coordinate the design with Westchase PUD and
The Timbers PUD so that everything matches.
Response: Per our meeting with Basil Hamdan of Storm Water Utilities, this 18" CMP is to be
abandoned and removed. This is noted on the street improvement plans. The proposed
storm sewer within Zephyr Road (a.k a. Timber Trail Road) has been extended to the
west side of Timberline for future connection. Construction'coordination has been
performed with the contractor, CFC Engineering, and developers.
6. Radial curb return radius must be in accordance with Table 8-2. Label all curb return radii on
Response: A variance request will be provided as part of this submittal for the curb return radii.
Refer to the Horizontal Control Plan for curb return information.
7. High volume drive not permitted in the parent/student drop off parking lot. Must be designed
in accordance with LCUASS 7-29a.
Mr. Ted Shepard
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Response: Addressed on plans.
39. Show existing and proposed property lines, easements, building envelopes, buffer zones,
ROW, etc., properly labeled and dimensioned. Include a legend. Each sheet.
Response: Addressed on plans.
40. Show existing features within 150' of the project limits — driveways, etc.
Response: All known information within 150' of the project limits has been shown on the plans.
Street Plan & Profile (Responses by David Evans & Assoc.)
1. Need to identify beginning and end of street taper. Identify if taper is "both sides" or one side
Response: Addressed on plans.
2. Show existing grades on the flowlines and tie proposed into it.
Response: Addressed on plans.
3. Station all the inlets and curb returns.
Response: Addressed on plans.
4. Future Inlets by station 44+00 on the right and left flowlines — do we need them to construct
now? Need to show how the design will work without them
Response: Addressed on plans. The east inlet will be installed now. Runoff from the low point
on the west side will drain to the ditch along the west side and into the existing 18" culvert. This
culvert will be extended to the proposed storm system in the Timbers P.U.D.
5. Provide spot elevations in accordance with LCUASS detail 7-32b.
Response: Addressed on plans.
6. See redlines.
Response: Addressed on plans.
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Response: The striping plan shows the existing striping shaded back. The proposed striping will
match into the existing.
31. Striping Plan Scale should be 1"=30' per LCUASS 3.2.7.C.
Response: The striping plan has been changed to 1" = 30'.
32. Where is the "Continental Crosswalk Bars" detail going? All crosswalks must be in
accordance with LCUASS.
Response: Addressed on plans.
33. The Timber Trail Road Intersection detail does not match what's shown on the plan view or
the Timbers PUD. Please coordinate the plans to match.
Response: Coordination with TST and Nolte has been ongoing. The plans should now all match.
34. Provide detail LCUASS 14-6, 7-20a,8-05,8-06,7-29a, 7-29b, 9-01,16-1,16-5,16-4c.
Response: The details have been added to the detail sheets.
35. The design for Arterials shall be continued 1000 feet beyond the end of the proposed
construction. Westchase has the ultimate design all the way to Trilby... what about the north
Response: The ultimate design has been continued 1000 feet beyond the school property line.
36. LCUASS Tables 7-1, 7-3. Minimum sight distance at driveways and intersections on an
Arterial is 1030'. Minimum distance between high volume driveways and intersections with
a raised median is 660' measured between as the separations between centerlines. A variance
request must be submitted in accordance with LCUASS 1.9.2.
Response: Nolte Associates, Inc has provided a variance for the school driveway location on
Timberline Road.
37. The left turn bay must be designed in accordance with detail 8-06.
Response: Addressed on plans.
38. Radial curb return radius must be in accordance with Table 8-2 and Land Use Code
3.6.6.D.4.g — the minimum turning radius for emergency fire access roads and in parking lots
shall be twenty-five (25) feet inside and fifty (50) feet outside. Label all curb return radii on
Mr. Ted Shepard
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Response: Curb return information has been added to the plans.
23. LCUASS 3.3A.A.12. Centerline stations of all proposed driveways and all intersection
Response: Addressed on plans.
24. LCUASS 3.3.4.A.13. Survey tie lines to section corners or quarter comers.
Response: Timberline Road should be tied to same location as the Timbers P.U.D. and 2003
Elementary School projects.
25. LCUASS 3.3.4.A.15. Intersections. Any roadway intersections shall include construction and
lane details for the new construction and existing facilities for a minimum of 150' beyond the
limits of construction.
Response: Addressed on plans.
26. LCUASS Label existing and proposed grades.
Response: Addressed on plans.
27. LCUASS 3.3.6. See this section for striping plan requirements. All permanent and temporary
traffic signing and pavement markings shall be shown on the signing and striping plan, with
the existing and proposed street system used as the base layout. Locations of signs and
pavement markings shall be indicated by station/offset, or other specific dimensions
indicating exact locations. This sheet shall also contain any construction or application notes.
Provide an area map, section A. See 3.3.6.B,C,D for additional requirements.
Response: All signing and striping is shown per LCUASS 3.3.6.
28. Taper Length formula L=WS or 540=12'x45mph (the posted speed limit).
Response: The taper length has been changed to 540 feet.
29. Underground existing overhead utilities.
Response: All existing utilities are shown on the plans.
30. Striping Plan: Show how the proposed striping will tie into the existing striping on
Timberline Road south of Timber Trail Road.
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Response: Addressed on plans.
15. LCUASS 3.3.2 Provide the Construction Notes, Appendix E-2.
Response: Addressed on plans.
16. Please provide a Sanitary Sewer Plan & Profile sheet.
Response: No sanitary sewer proposed within Timberline Road.
17. LCUASS 3.3.4.A.I. Show existing and proposed property and or/ right-of-way lines,
easements, and/or tracts. Type and dimension of easement or tract is to be clearly labeled.
Dimensions of property and right-of-way lines are to be marked.
Response: ROW and property lines are labeled and dimensioned.
18. LCUASS 3.3.4.A.2. Survey lines and stationing lines shall normally be based on centerline
of street: other profiles may be included but shall be referenced to centerline stationing.
Response: All stationing is based on the centerline.
19. LCUASS 3.3.4.A.3. Existing utilities and structures (shown as phantom lines), including, but
not limited to: See section.
Response: All known existing utilities and structures are shown on the plans.
20. LCUASS 3.3.4.A.7. Storm drainage flow direction arrows, particularly at intersections and
all high and low points.
Response: Addressed on plans.
21. LCUASS 3.3.4.A.9. Station and elevation of all horizontal curves including PI, PC's, PT's,
etc.; high and low point and PI of all vertical curves; existing and proposed, centerline
bearings, distances, and complete curve data.
Response: Addressed on plans.
22. LCUASS 3.3.4.A.10. Curb return radii, existing and proposed. Stations and elevations of all
curb returns; mid -point elevations and additional locations necessary, flowline-flowline
intersection elevations, and percent of grade from the PCR to flowline-flowline intersections
of all crosspans.
Mr. Ted Shepard 00 so
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Response: Noted.
Timberline Road Improvement Plan (Responses by David Evans & Assoc.)
10. LCUASS 3.2.1 Complete and submit the Checklist in Appendix E-4.
Response: The checklist has been completed and is a part of this submittal.
11. Correct the misspelling in the legal description below the project name.
Response: Addressed on plans.
12. LCUASS 3.2.7.E Vicinity Map 1"=1,000 — 1,500'
Response: The Vicinity Map has been changed to a scale of 1'=1000'.
13. LCUASS 3.2.12 Legend of Symbols — each sheet shall include a legend that identifies the
symbols pertaining to the sheet.
Response: Addressed on plans.
14. LCUASS 3.3.1 Cover sheet requirements:
A. Provide the General Notes, Appendix E-1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate
Response: Addressed on plans.
B. Provide a typical street section for Timber Trail Road when the plan sets are
Response: Addressed on plans with notation that designates the limits of construction for
Timberline and Zephyr Roads (which is not a part of this contract).
C. Engineer/Owner Contacts: Provide the name, address and phone number of the
Response: Addressed on plans.
D. Indemnification Statement: The indemnification statement shall be shown on the
cover sheet. Annotate as shown 3.3.1.F.
Response: Addressed on plans.
E. Provide a Legend of Symbols.
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additional ROW and utility easements for the east side of Timberline and the north side of
Timber Trail by separate document.
Response: R-O-W and easement documents will be provided as separate documents at a later
4. Is the school making the full road width improvements including the c/g/sidewalk on the
west side of Timberline? Cross sections indicate a c/g/sidewalk going in but the plan view
does not show these improvements. If so, ROW and easements required on the west side.
Response: The east half of Timberline Road will be designed and constructed per the City's
5. Phasing issues - Timber Trail must be constructed by the project that goes first, the Timbers
PUD or the school.
Response: Coordination with the developer (Byron Collins) of The Timbers is ongoing and
construction agreements between PSD and Mr. Collins has addressed this comment.
6. Coordinate the utility connections in Timber Trail with the Timbers PUD to avoid future
street cuts. Contact TST at 970-226-0557.
Response: Ongoing coordination with TST Consultants regarding the utility stubs has been made
throughout this project.
7. Provide directional ramps at Timber Trail Road & Timberline Road, the private drive off of
Timberline and the private drive off Timber Trail Road. Line up the crosswalks and the ped
refuge in the medians with the ramps. All crosswalks must be in accordance with the city's
street standards, see detail 8-05, 7-21.
Response: Noted and are shown on the improvement plans.
8. Section of the Land Use Code — Building Placement: All portions of the exterior wall
of the first story of any structure must be located within one hundred fifty (150) feet of a
public street (except major arterial streets) or an approved fire access road in which fire
apparatus can be maneuvered. It appears that the structure exceeds the 150' limit.
Response: This comment has been addressed by several meetings with Poudre Fire Authority
(Ron Gonzales). Fire lane access and the implementation of a building sprinkler
system and fire hydrant locations have provided their acceptance to this comment.
9. Please see comments from Larimer County Engineering on the Timbers PUD. There are
some comments that apply to this project.
April 17, 2002
Mr. Ted Shepard, Senior Planner
Current Planning Division
City of Fort Collins
281 N. College Ave.
Fort Collins, CO 80524
SUBJECT: Response to City of Fort Collins Comments dated February 27, 2002
Proposed 2003 Elementary School — Timberline Site
Site Plan Advisory Review, #5-02
Dear: Mr. Shepard:
This letter is in response to the comments received from the City of Fort Collins and other entities.
Specific responses are in the order of each comment sheet for each department and reference the
note number where applicable.
Fort Collins -Loveland Water District / South Fort Collins Sanitation District — Response
• We will continue to meet and coordinate with the District on water line issues.
Excel Energy
• A note has been added to the landscape plan stating that no trees shall be located within 4
feet of gas mains and services.
Engineering Department - Responses
1. Please combine and submit the School and Timberline Road designs into one set.
Response: Noted.
2. Coordinate all sheets, including Landscape and Site, so that all sheets match and present the
same information.
Response: Landscape Plan and Site Plan are typically submitted as separate sheets to the Civil
Improvement Plans.
3. Since you are not platting, you will need to provide ROW, utility easements, and temporary
construction easements on the west side of Timberline by separate document as well as
970.221.2400 TEL 970.221.2415 FAX