July 16, 2001
Mr. Steve Olt, Planner
City of Fort Collins
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80525
RE: #44-00 Fossil Creek Community Park
Dear Mr. Olt,
The Fort Collins - Loveland Water District and the South Fort Collins Sanitation District have reviewed
the above mentioned project and submit the following comments.
The District is working with the Parks and Recreation Department and BHA with respect to the
location of landscaping near existing utilities.
Please do not hesitate to contact me at 226-3104, ext. 14, if you have any questions or require additional
Mr. W. Farrill
Systems Engineer
, wLI
xc: Mr. Michael,D. DiTullio, District,Manager.
5150 Snead Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 Phone (970) 226-3104 Fax (970) 226-0186
Received no elevations for re -review
Issue Contact: Jenny Nuckols
Be sure and return all of your redlined plans when you re -submit.
If you have questions regarding these issues or any other issues related to this project,
please feel free to call me at (970) 221-6750.
Yo s Tr<
City Planner
8 of 8
26 Issue Contact: Tom Reiff
Contact E. Brake in Traffic Operations regarding guidelines for new handicap
striping methods.
27 Issue Contact: Tom Reiff
Note on site plan who is responsible for trail connection to Roma Valley Drive
(K. Reavis)
29 Issue Contact. Tom Reiff
Construct a raised enhanced x-walk where Fossil Creek Trail crosses the drive
aisle near Fossil Creek Parkway (see red lines, K. Reavis)
30 Issue Contact: Tom Reiff
Transportation Planning needs to see the Lemay Ave. roadway plans I design,
including the underpass design.
Issue Contact: Tom Reiff
Trail connections to Lemay and the underpass need to include a ramps and
connections to the Lemay bike lanes, northbound and southbound (see red
lines, K. Reavis).
Issue Contact: Jenny Nuckols
REPEAT COMMENT - Sheet 5 of 16 - HC space in upper right corner of lot
needs an HC ramp
Issue Contact: Jenny Nuckols
REPEAT COMMENT - Need to show HC ramps at entry off of Lemay.
16 Issue Contact: Jenny Nuckols
Page 10 of 16 - parking aisle closest to basketball courts, entry feature has too
many spaces. No more than 15 in a row allowed - need to add landscaped
island to break it up.
Still not clear what an "interpretive Node" is.
Issue Contact: Jenny Nuckols
18 Issue Contact: Jenny Nuckols
I still recommend some benches picnic tables within the Adventure Island Play
area and more picnic pavillions around the park
21 Issue Contact: Marc Virata
Now that the plans are calling out a pedestrian bridge, is a design of the ped
bridge needed from Stormwater and Natural Resources? No vertical alignment
is shown, the plans don't call out any detail of the bridge, etc.
22 Issue Contact: Marc Virata
Will the final plat show dedication of the necessary easements on the plat or will
these be by separate document?
23 Issue Contact: Marc Virata
Are access ramps being proposed for the connections into the park from the
main driveway to Lemay out to the crosswalks?
24 Issue Contact: Marc Virata
How does future grading for parking lot expansion work?
Stormwater Utility
20 Issue Contact: Wes Lamarque
Please provide a plat with all required information.
35 Issue Contact: Wes Lamarque
Please provide a bridge detail for the pedestrian bridge crossing Fossil Creek.
Include detailed grading around the footings and show lowest part of bridge is
higher than the 100-year WSEL.
36 Issue Contact: Wes Lamarque
Please show interim grading for area along Lemay Avenue where the future
pedestrian underpass is to be constructed.
37 Issue Contact: Wes Lamarque
Please see redline regarding WQ Outlet Pipe on Drainage Plan.
Transportation Planning
12 Issue Contact: Tom Reiff
Design of the Fossil Creek trail underpass should be designed with the overall
site plan.
25 Issue Contact: Tom Reiff
Confirm with Matt Baker in Engineering the Lemay underpass and realignment
design and construction work. Utilize the new design guidelines for grade
seprated pedestrian, bike and eqestrian structures.
o. Is it likely that some wireless telecommunications company will want to
co-habitate on light poles in this park? Maybe the poles should be designed to
accommodate this equipment.
P. What kind of public outreach and public information meetings has taken
place to date, mostly relating to the lights for the ballfields? Will some of
the elements in this park be somewhat intrusive to the surrounding
neighborhoods and will it catch them by surprise?
Issue Contact: Marc Virata
Shouldn't the underpass at Lemay be designed at, this time?
Without having the design finalized at this time, does it leave to chance that the
design might not work or be more difficult to construct with the onsite grading
already established?
7/11 - Sheet 6 shows on a note that the exact location of the underpass has not been determined but
on sheet 12 the grading and appearance of a wingwall seems to imply a location has been specified
and will be constructed. Sheet 18 has the note that this is to be built in the future... how will grading
be done in an "interim" basis so as to not cause a drainage problem?
5 Issue Contact: Marc Virata
Distinguish on the plant the improvements that were previously approved.
-A portion of the trail improvements shown on the plan set were previously
approved as part of the Huntington Hills 7th P.U.D. This (as well as any
previosuly approved improvements) should be delineated on the plan set,
referencing the approved project utility plans.
Issue Contact: Marc Virata
Compare improvements to obligation in the Huntington Hills 7th DA.
I would strongly suggest the Parks Department review the Development
Agreement for Huntington Hills 7th Filing with regards to obligations for
construction as well as reimbursements between the City, Andover, and MSP.
The Huntington Hills Developer is currently obligated to construct several
pedestrian path improvements. Details need to be worked out if the City
(Parks) wants to construct the improvements ahead of the timeframes specified
that Huntington Hills 7th developer is required to do in the D.A.
7/11 Are the improvements proposed on the northwest corner of the site being coordinated with the
multi -family developer?
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The following comments were expressed at Staff Review on Wednesday, July
11 the
a. What is the status of the proposed Lemay Underpass at the southeast
corner of the site? The grades are being shown on the grading plan. Who
will build this underpass and when will it be built?
b. A design of the pedestrian/bicycle bridge across Fossil Creek, at the
northwest corner of the park, needs to be submitted to the City for review.
C. The required subdivision plat has not yet been submitted to the City for
review. Will the necessary easements be dedicated on the plat or will they
be dedicated by separate documents?
d. More detail is needed on the handicapped access ramps at the main
entry to the park and the entry to the maintenance yard.
e. The utility plans do not clearly show the second phase of parking.
f. Parks Planning should check with Huntington Hills, 7th Filing about
coordinating the trail and bridge connection to Roma Valley Drive.
g. Stormwater needs to see the required subdivision plat.
h. A design of the pedestrian/bicycle bridge across Fossil Creek, at the
northwest corner of the park, needs to be submitted to the City for review.
Transportation Planning.....
i. Please clarify the trail connection to Roma Valley Drive and how the
park is coordinating the construction of this trail with Huntington Hills, 7th
Filing. The appropriate note(s) should be added to the Site and utility plans.
j. Where should the major pedestrian crossing of South Lemay Avenue be
located? This issue will be discussed at a Thursday staff meeting for
Transportation Coordination.
k. The design for the realignment of and improvements to South Lemay
Avenue will be discussed at a Thursday staff meeting for Transportation
Traffic Operations.....
I. Some of the berming and landscaping may create sight problems for
vehicles vs. pedestrians.
M. The City does not wan the painted crosswalk on Lemay Avenue in the
location shown.
n. - The proposed setbacks for the sidewalk where it crosses the entry
drives into the park is awkward and may create visivility and safety
concerns. 4 of 8
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Issue Contact: Steve Olt
Current Planning
Issue Contact: Steve Olt
Ward Stanford of Traffic Operations offered the following comments:
Previous, unaddressed comments.....
a. What is the timing of the expected South Lemay Avenue improvements?
b. Provide an estimate of the expected peak volume the sit emight
generate from a large sports function.
C. The Lemay Avenue access should provide a 3-lane cross section, an in -
lane, plus left- and right -out lanes.
Further comments.....
d. An access location letter from Matt Delich discusses sone sight distance
issues at the right- in/right-out Lemay Avenue access and the Fossil Creek
Parkway access. Nothing further has been provided to address these sight
distance issues. Please evaluate and provide documentation regarding the
resolution of these items.
e. The access location letter from Matt Delich also cites a traffic study for
the project. Has a TIS been submitted for review?
f. Please remove the painted crosswalk crossing South Lemay Avenue at
the main entry to the park.
g. One several sheets of the Site Plan there are "site triangles" shown that
seem to vary in their application. Please provide the guidelines/criteria used for
their application or used to determine their placement.
h. The non-standard location of the access road crosswalk at the main
Lemay Avenue access needs to be placed in -line with the sidewalk or
information must be provided that demonstrates that no landscaping or
structures will block the view of pedestrians or cyclists in the crosswalk
from motorists approaching and turning into the access drive.
Issue Contact: Steve Olt
Pete Wray of the Advance Planning Department indicated that they have no
concerns or comments regarding this development proposal.
Issue Contact: Steve Olt
A representative for AT&T Broadband (cable TV) indicated that they have no
concerns or comments regarding this development proposal.
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Cihvof Fort Collins
BHA DESIGN Date: 7/19/01
Staff has reviewed your submittal for FOSSIL CREEK COMMUNITY PARK PDP - TYPE 1
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outstanding issues must be resolved so that the item can be
scheduled for public hearing or revisions re -submitted with
the 90 day period.
You may contact me at 221-6341 if you have questions about
these comments or would like to schedule a meeting to
discuss them.
*tee Olt
Project Planner
xc: Engineering
Stormwater Utility
Transportation Planning
Traffic Operations
Natural Resources
JR Engineering
Project File #44-00
Comm, ty Planning and Environmental 2rvices
Current Planning
City of Fort Collins
July 19, 2001
BHA Design
c/o Roger Sherman
4803 Innovation Drive
Fort Collins, CO. 80525
Dear Roger,
Staff has completed a review of your revisions for the Fossil
Creek Community Park - Project Development Plan that
were submitted to the City on June 20, 2001. A copy of the
STAFF PROJECT REVIEW comment letter is attached. The
letter is from our new Development Management System
(DMS). It obviously needs some formatting modifications and
we are working on that.
The most significant outstanding issues seem to be the need to
review the subdivision plat for the property that is yet to be
submitted, the status of the Lemay Underpass, the Lemay
Avenue pedestrian crossing(s), and the trail and pedestrian
crossing of Fossil Creek (and how it relates to Huntington
Hills, 7th Filing). Another full round of review may not be
necessary; however, the stated issues must be resolved before
the item can be scheduled for a public hearing.
There will be additional comments and red -lined plans
forthcoming. Also, this development proposal is still subject to
the City's 90-day turnaround period (as set forth in the Land
Use Code) that begins on the date of the comment letter
prepared by the project planner in the Current Planning
Department. In this case the date is 7/ 19/01. The
281 North College Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6750 • FAX (970) 416-2020