WilMarc Medical TIS, October 2016
Page 17
This study assessed the impacts of the WilMarc Medical site on the street system in
the vicinity of the proposed development in the short range (2021) future. As a result of
this analysis, the following is concluded:
The development of WilMarc Medical is feasible from a traffic engineering
standpoint. The trip generation for the WilMarc Medical development resulted in
564 daily trip ends, 71 morning peak hour trip ends, and 74 afternoon peak hour trip
- The key intersections operate acceptably with the existing traffic and geometry,
except for the Harmony/HP West Access intersection during both peak hours.
Delays commensurate with level of service F are considered to be normal at stop
sign controlled intersections along arterial streets in an urban area.
The theoretical peak hour signal warrant evaluation demonstrated that a signal
would be warranted at the Harmony/Technology-HP West Access intersection with
the short range (2021) background traffic. That background traffic includes the
Harmony Technology Park Retail development. However, signalization of the
Harmony/Technology-HP intersection has not been pursued by the Harmony
Technology Park Retail development, located in the southwest quadrant of the
Harmony/Lady Moon intersection. Therefore, this intersection will function as a
right-in/right-out/left-in intersection for the foreseeable future. Since this intersection
will not be signalized prior to the WilMarc Medical development, the peak hour
warrant will not be met with only the WilMarc Medical site generated traffic. The
WilMarc Medical development will not pursue signalization of the intersection.
- In the short range (2021) future, given development of the WilMarc Medical site and
an increase in background traffic, the key intersections will operate acceptably.
- The short range (2021) geometry is shown in Figure 9. The Harmony/Technology-
HP intersection is shown with right-in/right-out/left-in movements.
- Acceptable level of service is achieved for pedestrian, bicycle, and transit modes
based upon the measures in the multi -modal transportation guidelines and future
improvements to the street system in the area.
-_—DELICH WilMarc Medical TIS, October 2016
that there would be a sufficient number of northbound left turns such that the peak hour
signal warrant would be met in both peak hours. The WilMarc Medical site generated
traffic was assigned to the subject intersection, which would add traffic to the northbound
left -turn movement. However, the WilMarc Medical traffic alone would not cause the signal
warrant to be met. Actually the WilMarc Medical development adds very little traffic to this
movement during the peak hours (2 in the morning and 13 in the afternoon).
However, the Harmony Technology Park Retail development chose not to pursue
the traffic signal at the Harmony/Technology intersection. Therefore, the traffic signal
would not be installed with the retail development. Given its location within the HTP, it is
likely that the northbound left turns generated by the Harmony Technology Park Retail
development would utilize the Harmony/Lady Moon intersection, which is signalized.
Since the WilMarc Medical traffic alone will not meet the peak hour signal warrant, a
reassignment of the peak hour northbound left turns to a route via Precision Drive to
Ziegler Road to the Harmony/Ziegler intersection was performed. This would add 1
percent and 5 percent, respectfully, to the current peak hour traffic on the south leg of the
Harmony/Ziegler intersection. It is expected that the operation at this intersection would
continue to meet the criteria of the City.
Therefore, it is concluded that the WilMarc Medical development does not require,
nor will it pursue, signalization of the Harmony/Technology-HP intersection. It can move
forward in the Fort Collins development review process without signalization at the
Harmony/Technology-HP intersection. A revision of the 'CONCLUSIONS' page of the
WMMTIS and the 'Figure 9, Short Range (2021) Geometry' page are attached.
DELICH ASSOCIATES Traffic & Transportation Engineering
2272 Glen Haven Drive Loveland, Colorado 80538
Phone: (970) 669-2061 Fax: (970) 669-5034 "711 r
TO: Bill Coulson, Eldon James Corporation
Nicole Hahn, Fort Collins Traffic Operations
FROM: Matt Delich
DATE: November 28, 2016
SUBJECT: WilMarc Medical Transportation Impact Study Addendum
(File: 1611 ME01)
This memorandum serves as an addendum to the "WilMarc Medical Transportation
Impact Study" (WMMTIS) dated October 2016. It addresses City staff comments with
regard to signalization of the Harmony/Technology-HP intersection.
Based upon previous documentation, there has been an expectation that the subject
intersection could be signalized at some future date. Meeting the signal warrants, in the
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, would need to be evaluated through a traffic
assignment process in transportation impact studies (TIS) for all development proposals
within the Harmony Technology Park (HTP). While the peak hour signal warrant may be
applicable at this intersection, other signal warrants should also be evaluated. The
evaluation/assignment would be based upon the likely route of HTP users, notwithstanding
the delay that would be experienced prior to actual signalization. It is primarily the
northbound left turns that cause the signal warrant to be met. This is described as a
theoretical signal warrant evaluation. It is acknowledged that signalization of the subject
intersection does not meet the spacing criteria of the City of Fort Collins. The City of Fort
Collins has agreed to abide by the previous agreements with regard to signalization of this
intersection. It is not known when the signal will be implemented. While a TIS is
necessary for each proposed development within the HTP, in most/all cases, there are
alternative routes for the northbound left -turning traffic at this intersection. Therefore, each
development can make a judgment whether to pursue the subject signalization. The
overall developer of the HTP may choose to pursue implementation of the signal when
there has been sufficient development activity within the HTP, since it will provide the
As agreed to in the base assumptions scoping of the WMMTIS, one of the other
traffic studies that was to be included in the background traffic was the Harmony
Technology Park Retail development, located in the southwest quadrant of the
Harmony/Lady Moon intersection. In the TIS for that retail development it was
demonstrated, through the traffic assignment at the Harmony/Technology-HP intersection,