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le a 1• GRAPHIC SCALE r m�numn _—x. ._—y___•-____—•_—___.._—__—._---v • x—_.. __—.--.__e __—..per—_ __ ..._-�._. „__ ,._a---__ ,__ _ _._ M S .93 .80 1 104 � � •• • 108 1 105 1 AM 2 - - -- - ---- --- - --i--�-- - ---- ------------- - 1 r 202 I -- --- I --==�- - ------ --- t10 .26 — - ------------- — it J{ --'� I�T-�--------------------- ` --------------------It�-----------� r-------------------�---. 201 �;. - — �' j6Z i8.25 5.80 6880 (335 1 1 1 .38 1 1 � 1 �1 1 1 1 11 - - - ��_--- - - I I -W�-� ______- - _ i_-+-_}-___ � - - - - 113-_---Y __-^______--114 -- t18 .80 .Y .ice }�A^ 've i� :' �- —� --r � .� � �— ._ Y 1- ---�.- Y _ J - -Y I�l�_�L �- �_.- __ _� • �_s....� ..—s.._• ...... rr s_�.�.•._ w.iswen�i .yam' 115 VOGn�BEWHIE ROAD LEGEND &x51N 10 +-1 STOP. _ONPEIINCE •PRO. L =�4 FIIM >PRpW rl • I* 1• Basin Area c 115 2.55 0.85 Tc 1(100) RO V IN 100-yr RR V out Req'd Det. (min) (iph) (cfs) (cf) (cfs) (co (cf) 10 740 20.05 12029.6 1.02 612.0 0.26 20 5.20 14.09 16906.5 1.02 1224.0 0.36 30 4.17 11.30 20336.6 1.02 1836.0 0.42 40 3.51 9.51 22823,8 1.02 2448.0 0.47 50 3.00 8.13 24384A 102 3060.0 0.49 60 2.60 7.04 25359.8 1.02 3672.0 0.50 70 2.30 6.23 26172.6 102 4284.0 0.50 80 2.05 5.55 26660.3 1.02 4896.0 0.50 90 1.87 5.07 27359.3 1.02 5508.0 0.50 100 1.70 4.61 27635.E 1.02 6120.0 0.49 110 1.57 4.25 280745 1.02 6732.0 0.49 120 1 1.44 3.90 1 28090.8 1.02 7344.0 0.48 TOTAL DETENTION REQUIRED = 7.32 AC -FT I* I* I* Basin Area C 113 1.91 0.60 Tc 1(100) RO V IN 100-yr RR V out Req'd Det. (min) (iph) (cfs) (cf) (cfs) (co (cf) 10 7.40 10.60 6360.3 0.76 458.4 0.14 20 5.20 7.45 8938.8 076 916.8 0.18 30 417 5.97 10752.3 0.76 1375.2 0.22 40 3.51 5.03 12067A 0.76 1833.6 0.23 50 300 4.30 12892.5 0.76 2292.0 0.24 60 2.60 3.72 134082 0.76 2750A 0.24 70 2.30 3.29 13838.0 0.76 3208.8 0.24 80 2.05 2.94 14095.8 0.76 36672 0.24 90 1.87 2.68 14465.4 0.76 4125.6 0.24 100 170 2.44 14611.5 0.76 4584.0 0.23 110 1.57 2.25 14843.6 0.76 5042.4 0.23 120 1.44 1 2.06 1 14852.2 0.76 1 5500.8 0.21 Basin Area C 114 1.21 0.85 Tc 1(100) RO V IN 100-yr RR V out Req'd Det. (min) (iph) (cfs) (cf) (cfs) (co M 10 7.40 9.51 57082 0.48 290.4 0 12 20 5.20 6.69 8022.3 0.48 580.8 0.17 30 4.17 5.36 96499 0.48 871.2 0.20 40 3.51 4.51 10830.1 0.48 1161.6 0.22 50 300 3.86 11570.6 0.48 1452.0 0.23 60 2.60 3.34 12033.5 0.48 1742.4 0.24 70 2.30 2.96 12419.1 0.48 2032.8 0.24 80 2.05 2.64 12650.6 0.48 2323.2 0.24 90 1.87 2A0 12982.2 0.48 2613.6 0.24 100 1.70 2.19 13113A 0.48 2904.0 0.23 110 1 57 1 2.02 13321.6 0.48 3194.4 0.23 120 1.44 1.85 13329.4 048 3484.8 0.23 10 I* Basin Area C 111 1.16 0.6 Tc 1(100) RO V IN 100-yr RR V out Req'd Det. (min) (iph) (cfs) (cf) (cfs) (co (cf) 10 7.40 6.44 3862.8 0.46 278.4 0.08 20 5.20 4.52 5428.8 0.46 556.8 0.11 30 4.17 3.63 6530.2 0.46 835.2 0.13 40 3.51 3.05 7328.9 0.46 1113.6 0.14 50 3 00 2.61 7830.0 046 1392.0 0.15 60 260 2.26 8143.2 0.46 1670.4 0.15 70 2.30 2.00 8404.2 0.46 1948.8 0.15 80 2.05 1.78 8560.8 0.46 2227.2 0.15 90 1.87 1.63 8785.3 0.46 2505.6 0.14 100 1.70 1_48 88740 046 2784.0 0.14 110 1.57 1.37 9014.9 0.46 3062.4 0.14 120 1 A4 1.25 9020.2 0.46 3340.8 0.13 Basin Area C 112 1.87 0.60 Tc 1(100) RO V IN 100-yr RR V out Req'd Det. (min) (iph) (cfs) (cf) (cfs) (cf) (co 10 7.40 10.38 6227.1 0.75 448.8 0.13 20 5.20 7.29 8751.E 0.75 897.6 0.18 30 4.17 5.85 10527.2 0.75 1346.4 0.21 40 3.51 4.92 11814.7 0.75 1795.2 0.23 50 300 4.21 12622.5 0.75 2244.0 0.24 60 2.60 3.65 13127.4 0.75 2692.8 0.24 70 2.30 3.23 13548.2 0.75 3141.6 0.24 80 2.05 2.88 13800.6 0.75 3590.4 0.23 90 1.87 2.62 14162.4 0.75 4039.2 0.23 100 1.70 2.38 14305.5 0.75 4488.0 0.23 110 1.57 2 20 14532.7 0.75 4936.8 0.22 120 1 44 1 2 02 1 14541.1 1 0.75 1 5385.6 0-21 11 L` I• No Basin I Area C 109 5.38 0.60 Tc 1(100) RO V IN 100-yr RR V out Req'd Det (min) (iph) (cfs) (cf) (cfs) (cf) (cf) 10 7.40 29.86 17915.4 2.15 1291.2 0.38 20 5.20 20.98 25178.4 2.15 2582.4 0.52 30 4.17 16.83 30286.7 2.15 3873.6 0.61 40 3.51 14.16 33990.8 2.15 5164.8 0.66 50 3.00 12.11 36315.0 215 6456.0 0.69 60 2.60 1049 37767.6 2.15 7747.2 0.69 70 2.30 9.28 38978.1 2.15 9038A 0.69 80 2.05 8.27 39704.4 2.15 10329.6 0.67 90 1.87 7.55 40745.4 2.15 11620.8 0.67 100 1.70 6.86 41157.0 2.15 12912.0 0.65 110 1.57 6.33 41810.7 2.15 14203.2 0.63 120 1 1.44 1 5.81 1 41834.9 1 2.15 15494.4 0.60 Basin Area C 110 3.35 0.85 Tc 1(100) RO V IN 100-yr RR V out Req'd Det. (min) (iph) (cfs) (co (cfs) (co (cf) 10 7.40 26.34 15803.6 1 34 804.0 034 20 5.20 18.51 22210.5 1.34 160&0 0.47 30 4.17 14.84 26716.7 134 2412.0 0.56 40 3.51 12.49 29984.2 134 3216.0 0.61 50 3.00 10.68 32034.4 1.34 4020.0 0.64 60 2.60 9.25 33315.8 1.34 4824.0 0.65 70 2.30 8.19 34383.6 1.34 5628.0 0.66 80 2.05 7.30 35024.3 1.34 6432.0 0.66 90 1.87 6.66 35942.E 1.34 7236.0 0.66 100 1.70 6.05 36305.6 1.34 8040.0 0.65 110 1.57 5.59 36882.2 1.34 8844.0 0.64 120 1.44 5.13 j 36903.E 1 1.34 9648.0 0.63 I• 1• 10 Basin Area C 107 3.35 0.60 Tc 1(100) RO V IN 100-yr RR V out Req'd Det. (min) (iph) (cfs) (cf) (cfs) (co (cf) 10 7.40 18.59 11155.5 1.34 804.0 0.24 20 5.20 13.07 15678.0 1.34 1608.0 032 30 4.17 10.48 18858,8 1 34 2412.0 0.38 40 3.51 8.82 21165.3 1.34 3216.0 0.41 50 3.00 7.54 22612.5 1.34 4020.0 0.43 60 2.60 6.53 235170 1.34 48240 043 70 2.30 5.78 24270.8 1.34 562&0 0.43 80 2.05 5.15 24723.0 1.34 6432 0 0.42 90 1.87 4.70 25371.2 1.34 7236.0 0.42 100 1.70 4.27 25627.5 1.34 8040.0 040 110 1.57 3.94 26034.5 1 34 8844.0 0.39 120 1.44 1 3.62 1 26049.E 1 1.34 9648.0 0.38 Basin Area c 108 1 5.61 I 0.60 Tc 1(100) RO V IN 100-yr RR V out Req'd Det. (min) (iph) (cfs) (co (cfs) (cf) (co 10 7.40 3114 18681.3 2.24 1346.4 0.40 20 5.20 21.88 26254.8 2 24 2692.8 0.54 30 4.17 17.55 31581.5 2.24 4039.2 063 40 3.51 14.77 35444.0 2.24 5385.6 0.69 50 3.00 12.62 37867.5 2.24 6732.0 0.71 60 2.60 10.94 39382.2 2.24 8078A 0.72 70 2.30 9.68 40644.5 2.24 9424.8 0.72 80 2.05 8.63 41401.8 2.24 10771.2 0.70 90 1.87 7.87 42487.3 2.24 12117.6 070 100 1.70 7.15 42916.5 2.24 13464.0 0.68 110 1.57 6.61 43598.1 2.24 14810.4 0.66 120 1.44 6.06 43623.4 2.24 161568 0.63 1• 1• Basin Area c 105 6.35 0.60 Tc 1(100) RO V IN 100-yr RR V out Req'd Det. (min) (iph) (cfs) (of) (cfs) (CO (CO 10 7.40 35.24 21145.5 2.54 1524.0 0.45 20 5.20 24.77 29718.0 2.54 3048.0 0.61 30 4.17 19.86 35747.3 2.54 4572.0 0.72 40 3.51 16.72 40119.3 2.54 6096.0 0.78 50 3.00 14.29 42862.5 2.54 7620.0 0.81 60 2.60 12.38 44577.0 2 54 9144.0 0.81 70 2.30 10.95 46005.8 2.54 10668.0 0.81 80 2.05 9.76 46863.0 2.54 12192.0 0.80 90 1.87 8.91 48091.7 2.54 13716.0 0.79 100 1.70 8.10 48577.5 2.54 15240.0 0.77 110 1.57 7.48 49349.0 2.54 16764.0 0.75 120 1.44 6.8E 49377.6 2.54 18288.0 0.71 Basin Area c 106 4.47 0.85 Tc 1(100) RO V IN 100-yr RR V out Req'd Det. (min) (iph) (cfs) (cf) (cfs) (cf) (cf) 10 7.40 35.15 21087.2 1.79 1072.8 0.46 20 5.20 24.70 29636.1 1.79 21456 0.63 30 4.17 19.80 35648.8 1.79 3218.4 074 40 3.51 16.67 40008.7 1.79 4291.2 0.82 50 3.00 14.25 42744.4 1.79 5364.0 0.86 60 2.60 12.35 44454.2 1.79 6436.8 0.87 70 2.30 10.92 45879.0 1.79 7509.E 0.88 80 2.05 9.74 46733.9 1.79 8582.4 - 0.88 90 1.87 8.88 47959.2 1.79 9655.2 0.88 100 1.70 8.07 48443.6 1.79 10728.0 0.87 110 1.57 7.46 49213.0 1.79 11800.8 0.86 120 1.44 6 84 49241.5 1.79 12873.E 0.83 1• I* Basin Area C 103 5 83 0.6 Tc 1(100) RO V IN 100-yr RR V out Req'd Det. (min) (iph) (cfs) (cf) (cfs) (cf) (cf) 10 7.40 32.36 19413.9 2.33 1399.2 0.41 20 5.20 22.74 27284A 2.33 2798A 0.5E 30 4.17 18.23 32820.0 2.33 4197.6 0.66 40 3.51 15.35 36833.9 2.33 5596.8 072 50 3.00 13.12 39352.5 2.33 6996.0 0.74 60 2.60 11.37 40926.6 2.33 8395.2 0.75 70 2.30 10.06 42238.4 2.33 9794A 0.74 80 2.05 8.96 43025.4 2.33 11193.6 0.73 90 1.87 8.18 44153.5 2.33 12592.8 0.72 100 1.70 7.43 44599.5 2.33 13992.0 0.70 110 1 57 6.86 45307.8 2 33 15391.2 0.69 120 1.44 6.30 45334.1 2 33 16790.4 0.66 Basin Area C 104 7.44 0.60 Tc 1(100) RO V IN 100-yr RR V out Req'd Det. (min) (iph) (cfs) (cf) (cfs) (cf) (cf) 10 7.40 41.29 24775.2 2.98 1785.E 0.53 20 5.20 29.02 34819.2 2.98 3571.2 0.72 30 4.17 23.27 41883.5 2.98 5356.8 0.84 40 3.51 19.59 47005.9 2.98 7142.4 0.92 50 3.00 16.74 50220.0 2.98 8928.0 0.95 60 2.60 14.51 52228.8 2 98 10713.E 0-95 70 2.30 12.83 53902.8 2.98 12499.2 0.95 80 2.05 11.44 54907.2 2.98 14284.8 0.93 90 1.87 10.43 56346.8 2.98 16070.4 0.92 100 1.70 9.49 56916.0 2.98 17856.0 0.90 110 1.57 8.76 57820.0 2 98 19641.6 0.88 12p 1.44 8 04 578533 4 2.98 21427.2 0.84 • 1• 10 10 Basin Area c F: 201 1 36 0.25 Tc I I(100) RO V IN 100-yr RR V out Req'd Det. (min) (iph) (cfs) (cf) (cfs) (cf) (co 10 7.40 3.15 1887.0 0.54 326.4 0.04 20 5 20 2.21 2652.0 0.54 652.8 0.05 30 4.17 1,77 3190.1 0.54 979.2 0.05 40 3.51 1.49 3580.2 0.54 1305.6 0.05 50 3.00 1.28 3825.0 0.54 1632.0 0.05 60 2.60 1.11 3978.0 0.54 1958.4 0.05 70 2.30 0.98 4105.5 0.54 2284.8 0.04 80 2.05 0.87 4182.0 0.54 2611.2 0.04 90 1.87 0.79 4291.7 0.54 2937.6 0.03 100 1.70 0.72 4335.0 0.54 3264.0 0.02 110 1.57 0.67 4403.9 0 54 3590.4 0.02 120 1 1.44 0.61 4406,4 0.54 39168 0.01 Basin Area c 202 1 10 0.25 -Tc I I(100) RO V IN 100-yr RR V out Req'd Det. (min) (iph) (cfs) (cf) (cfs) (cf) (cf) 10 7.40 2.54 15263 0.44 264.0 0.03 20 5.20 1.79 2145.0 0.44 5280 0.04 30 4.17 1.43 25802 0.44 792.0 0.04 40 3.51 1.21 2895.8 0.44 1056.0 0.04' 50 3.00 1.03 3093.8 0.44 1320.0 0.04 60 2.60 0.89 3217.5 0.44 1584.0 0.04 70 2.30 0.79 3320.6 0.44 1848.0 0.03 80 205 0.70 3382.5 0.44 2112.0 0.03 90 1.87 0.64 3471.2 0.44 23760 0.03 100 1.70 0.58 3506.3 0.44 2640 0 0.02 110 1.57 0.54 3561 9 0.44 2904 0 0.02 120 1 44 0.50 1 35640 0.44 3168.0 0.01 I• APPENDIX B • Basin Runoff and Detention Calculations 1• 1• Ir I• 1• 1• 1• C 1• t r eo determine if flood insurance is available in this community, ontact your insurance agent, or call the National Flood Insurance .rogram, at(800) 638-6620. APPROX IMAIF SLALL IN 1 I L1 600 0 600 NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO (UNINCORPORATED AREAS) PANEL 193 OF 278 (SEE MAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTED) COMMUNITY -PANEL NUMBER 080101 0193 E MAP REVISED: MARCH 18, 1996 1• Federal Emergency Management Agency A 10 v- - '� AO� r 4�� - \\\4 ,.,Nam ♦\ BM aW W SITE LOCATION MAP SPRING CREEK FARMS __]I! FORT COLLINS, COLORADO T. •�•• MANHHm D CONSULTING LTD. °A'� ^ e—g—off �H►•�'� ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS • PLANNERS 8232 E. Park Meadows Dr. Littleton, Colorado 80124 k � " tel: 303/708-0500 fax: 303/708-0400 http://www.MANHARD.com VICINITY MAP SHEET 1 of 1 CM WCC C164 1• APPENDIX A Vicinity Map • Drainage Map • FEMA FIRM Panel # 080101 0193E 1• 1• 1• onsite detention ponds. One detention pond will be in the southeast comer of the site and the second, smaller detention pond will be in the neighborhood park area. It has been determined that the site will require 7.32 ac-ft of detention volume to detain the 100- year storm event. The release rate for the two detention ponds combined will be 22 cfs, approximately 0.4 cfs/ac. The calculation for detention requirements can be found in Appendix B 19 1• 149 1• 1• 1• INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of a conceptual drainage investigation for the Spring Creek development. This evaluation was performed to determine the amount of area required to detain the runoff from the 100-yr storm event. PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION The Spring Creek development is situated in the Southeast ''/o of Section 19, Township 7 North, Range 68 West of the Oh P.M., Latimer County, Colorado. More specifically, the site is bounded by Timberline Road on the east, East Drake Road on the south, industrial to the north and an existing railroad to the west (See Appendix A). The development will included the following approximate areas and categories: • Single-family detached residential, • Multi -family attached residential, • Single-family attached, residential • Neighborhood Center Employment • Centralized neighborhood park. PREVIOUS STUDIES The Master Drainage Plan was reviewed prior to the preparation of this report. The City of Fort Collins staff provided additional information. FEMA FIRM Panel # 080101 0193E shows the site is not located within the 100-year flood plain. HISTORIC CONDITIONS The project site consists of approximately 55.3 acres and the land is used for row crops. The ground cover is variable ranging from dense vegetation to little cover. The terrain slopes slightly to the southeast with slopes from 0.4% to 1.0%. A locally owned irrigation ditch cuts through the northern portion of the site on a natural ridge. The ridge cuts the entire site into two natural basins. DRAINAGE PLAN DEVELOPMENT The proposed drainage plan consists of overland and gutter flow to an underground storm sewer system. The runoff will sheet flow across the landscaped yards, parks, and parking lots to proposed streets. It will then gutter flow to proposed inlets and piped to one of two proposed 10 1• 1• No X/f AXTl Littleton COI TS 7TTTL G 8232 E. Park Meadows Drive 11\�IIJU 11.11 1111\III Littleton, CO 80124 T rt� 303.708.0500 U} Fax: 303.708.0400 Email: infoomanhard.com ILLINOIS Vernon Hills 847.634.5550 Downers Grove 630.515.8500 CONCEPTUAL DRAINAGE REPORT For SPRING CREEK FARMS FORT COLLINS, COLORADO August 3, 2000 Prepared for: The Cumberland Companies, Inc. 6300 South Syracuse Way, Suite 293 Englewood, CO 80111 (303) 741-1113 Prepared by: Engineers Manhard Consulting, Ltd. surveyors 8232 Park Meadows Drive Littleton, CO 80124 Planners (303) 708-0500 C