Fort Collins
30. Question: (Citizen) Will there be landscaping along Willox?
Answer: (Applicant) Yes, landscaping will meet City standards.
31. Question: (Citizen) Will there be sidewalks along the north side of Willox?
Answer: (Applicant) Unsure.
32. Question: (Citizen) What will be the price of these homes?
Answer: (Applicant) They will start at $120K to the mid $200K.
33. Question: (Citizen) How will water be used from the ditch west of the property?
Answer: (Applicant) We hope to use it for some irrigation of landscaping, but realize that we will
only have access to it when it is free flowing.
34. Question: (Citizen) What do you mean by free flow?
Answer: (Applicant) We understand that we can not store the water on site, so we can only use it as
it passes through naturally. We don't know all the details at this point.
35. Question: (Citizen) Will the mixed use buildings be 3 stories?
Answer: (Applicant) They will most likely be 2 stories.
36. Question: (Citizen) What type of commercial will you have?
Answer: (Applicant) There is a wide variety allowed in the CN zone, but it will most likely be
professional uses.
37. Comment: (Citizen) A library branch would be a great fit for this location
Answer: (Applicant) We would love to have a library branch locate in Union Place.
38. Question: (Citizen) What does the timing look like for this project?
Answer: (Applicant) Our goal is to begin infrastructure by mid summer and vertical development by
mid 2010.
39. Comment: (Citizen) Want to emphasize the importance to the neighborhood to the north that Cedar
Street be realigned.
40. Question: (Citizen) Will the irrigation ditch be tiled or closed?
Answer: (Applicant) No, we don't believe it is even on this property.
ort Collins
18. Question: (Citizen) Do the streets meet width requirements for emergency and school bus access?
Answer: (Applicant/City Staff) Poudre Fire Authority and the school district are review agencies in
the Development Review Process and will make sure the streets meet the requirements.
19. Question: (Citizen) Will the units have garages and onsite parking?
Answer: (Applicant) The intension is to have at least 2 off street parking spaces per unit in either
garages or carports.
20. Question: (Citizen) Will there be covenants requiring this development stay cleaned up?
Answer: (Applicant) Yes and the HOA will do this.
21. Question: (Citizen) Will there be landscaping?
Answer: (Applicant) Yes.
22. Question: (Citizen) How will the mixed -use building be developed?
Answer: (Applicant) We are not planning on developing it ourselves so it will depend upon who
does develop it.
23. Question: (Citizen) Why does this development need such a large detention pond?
Answer: (Applicant) The City has designated this site for a regional detention pond; it is not only for
this development. This development is taking extra precautions to limit the need for
detention by using pervious pavement, bio swales and other natural features throughout
the site.
24. Question: (Citizen) Will the HOA manage the geothermal aspects of the site?
Answer: (Applicant) Each house will have individual systems and the condos will have community
geothermal infrastructure. The mixed -use building's geothermal infrastructure will not be
built until the use is determined to make sure that it meets the needs of the potential use.
25. Question: (Citizen) Will drilling through the rock underneath this property be possible?
Answer: (Applicant) We are working with engineers that are very familiar with this type of project, so
they will let us know what is possible on this site as we get further into this project.
26. Question: (Citizen) How will the geothermal be installed?
Answer: (Applicant) It will be installed just like any other utility. We will bore into the ground
creating the geothermal piping and then have a stub for each lot.
27. Comment: (Citizen) Several citizens complimented the applicants on the geothermal aspect of the
28. Question: (Citizen) Are you developing the homes?
Answer: (Applicant) No but we are very interested in creating a high quality community with quality
29. Question: (Citizen) How is this project being financed.
Answer: (Applicant) The URA is funding some infrastructure and we have several lots under
contract already. The project will have 100% financing before we break ground.
Fart Collins
7. Question: (Citizen) Will there be a light at Mason or Cedar?
Answer: (Applicant) This will be determined by City staff after review of this proposals traffic study.
8. Question: (Citizen) Will the developers pave Mason on their lot?
Answer: (Applicant) Yes.
9. Question: (Citizen) What kind of lighting will be used for the mixed -use building?
Answer: (Applicant) The City's Land Use Code (LUC) requires all developments meet its Lighting
Standards; all lights need to be downward facing to limit lighting of the night sky.
10. Comment: (Citizen) Cedar Street dead -ends north of this project and it is common for people to drive
through our neighborhood expecting it to connect to the trailer park to the north. We are
concerned that because Union Place has a road aligning with Cedar Street that this will
increase. We would like to see other alternative street alignment here. Why can't it be
offset? (comment/question reiterated various times)
Answer: (Applicant) We originally proposed a different alignment but the City determined it was
unsafe to have these streets offset. We may be willing to add signage to discourage traffic
from entering this neighborhood via Cedar Street.
11. Question: (Citizen) Will there be street lighting?
Answer: (Applicant) Yes.
12. Question: (Citizen) Will the City maintain the new streets?
Answer: (Applicant) The City will maintain Mason and Willox but will not maintain the interior
streets, they are proposed as private streets, which will be maintained by the HOA for this
13. Question: (Citizen) Where will the detention pond be?
Answer: (Applicant) In the lower east corner of the site, just west of the Mason extension. This area
is planned to be landscaped so it can be used when it does not have water in it.
14. Question: (Citizen) Could Cedar Street be used only as an emergency access?
Answer: (Applicant/City Staff) This development needs 2 access points; it is unlikely that this is a
viable option.
15. Question: (Citizen) There is an emergency access like this at the development at Mulberry and Taft.
How did it happen there if it can't happen here?
Answer: (Applicant/City Staff) We were not involved with that development so we can't answer that
16. Question:. (Citizen) Is there an occupancy expectation?
Answer: (Applicant) 80 units with approximately 160 people.
17. Question: (Citizen) Will you have a play ground area?
Answer: (Applicant) There will be several open space areas within the development, but we are not
sure about that yet.
F6rt Collins
PROJECT: Union Place
DATE: March 30, 2009
APPLICANT: Merten Homes
Current Planning
Current Planning
281 North College Avenue
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
970.224.6134 - fax
kgov. com/currentplanning
The potential development proposal is known as Union Place. The applicant proposes an 80-unit
community that would include 8 single-family homes, 20 duplex units, 38 condominium units and 14 mixed -
use residential units above 3 mixed -use commercial buildings. There could be as many as 44 affordable
housing units associated with this proposal. The site is 10.2 acres on the south side of West Willox Lane,
just to the west of the McDonald's Restaurant/Shell Gas Station on the comer of West Willox Lane and
North College Avenue. Access to the site would be from West Willox Lane and a future Mason Street
extension. The property is zoned CN, Commercial North College.
Eleven (11) neighbors and interested parties, the applicant, their associates and 2 City Staff attended the
meeting. There were 350 notification letters sent to Affected Property Owners with in 800 feet of the
1. Question: (Citizen) Do you have LEED Certified Architects?
Answer: (Applicant) Yes
2. Question: (Citizen) Will the King Soopers project do street improvements first?
Answer: (Applicant) We don't know their timing, but Union Place will improve Willox and Mason to
the edges of this project's boundaries.
3. Question: (Citizen) Will there be a turn lane on Willox onto College?
Answer: (Applicant/Staff) We think so but that will be determined by a traffic study and City
4. Question: (Citizen) Will you make improvements from McDonald's boundary to your development?
Answer: (Applicant) Yes.
5. Question: (Citizen) Where will Mason Street connect?
Answer: (Applicant) It will meet up with Willox Ct to the north of Willox Ln.
6. Question: (Citizen) Will Mason dead end at the existing trailer park to the south?
Answer: (Applicant) Yes, we will improve all of Mason on our property and have a barricade on
Mason at Merten Street.
July 2, 2009
City of Fort Collins
281 North College Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80521
SUBJECT: Alternative Compliance Requests for Union Place
Dear City of Fort Collins:
This letter is an Alternative Compliance request for Land Use Code section as follows:
1. Reduction of lot depth of residential and mixed use buildings along an arterial from
one hundred and fifty (150) feet to eighty (80) feet as required in L.U.C. Section
3.6.2(E). Due to the location of the existing sanitary sewer in Green Leaf Street, the
multi -family and mixed use buildings on Lots 1-4 Block 5 can not extend 150'. Because
of this site restriction additional landscape and open space will be provided throughout
the site by incorporating multiple pocket parks and landscape upgrades in the regional
detention pond area. Additional planting areas along Willox will also be added in front of
Lot 1 Block 5.
2. Exception from required Foundation Plantings as required in L.U.C. Section
3.2.1(E)(2)(d). Due to the reduced lot depth for the mixed use buildings along Willox as
addressed above in item number 1; including a five (5) foot wide planting bed further
reduces the already small building area for these lots. Because of this site restriction
additional landscape and open space will be provided throughout the site by incorporating
multiple pocket parks and landscape upgrades in the regional detention pond area.
If you have questions, please contact meat (720) 304-0011
Robert Ross AIA, LEED® AP
Project Architect
June 22, 2009
City of Fort Collins
281 North College Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80521
SUBJECT: Explanation of Modification Requests for Union Place
Dear City of Fort Collins:
This letter is an explanation of modification requests for the Union Place project located at 137 West
Willox Lane. The following is a list of requests.
1. Reduction of minimum setback for Residential from an Arterial Street ROW from
thirty (30) to fifteen (15) feet as required in L.U.C. Section 3.5.2(D)(1). Due to the
location of the existing sanitary sewer in Green Leaf Street, requiring the thirty (30) foot
setback for multi -family lot would make the lot nearly un-buildable.
Reduction of minimum parking stall dimensions for a standard vehicle in Land Use
Code Section 3.2.2(L) from eight (8) foot to seven (7) foot along Urban Prairie Street.
Urban Prairie Street is being constructed as a Residential Local Street (Figure 7-9F) per the
Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards which specifies seven (7) foot parking lanes
and a sixteen (16) foot travel width. This sixteen (16) foot travel width is four (4) foot
smaller that the minimum standard required by the Poudre Fire Authority; however, they
have agreed to the smaller travel width of sixteen (16) foot as a compromise with the
Residential Local Street section approved by the City of Fort Collins. Requiring the parking
to be eight (8). foot in width will reduce the travel width to fourteen (14) foot which the
Poudre Fire Authority would not approve. Requiring an eight (8) foot parking stall will
require a wider street section further reducing permeable surfaces and yard space along
Urban Prairie Street.
If you have questions, please contact me at (720) 304-0011
Robert Ross AIA, LEEDS AP
Project Architect
Section 5: Submission Criteria. Formal submission for Architectural Review
Committee review of design should include a written narrative, describing the designers'
justification and appropriateness of design elements/scheme as referenced in the
adopted books. The narrative should include referenced pages in the books utilized for
such justification. This includes specific references to form, color, decorative elements,
roof pitch, overhang, and shape, window placement, masonry elements or lack thereof,
siding style and type, trim and fascia, vents, vertical support posts, furnace/plumbing
vents, for the home, as well as detached garage, landscaping design, and fence design.
All design elements/scheme should comply with a particular American Home style as
articulated by the referenced books. Eclectic or combined styles will not be allowed on
any one unit.
Materials not addressed in these standards shall be reviewed on an individual basis for
which the Architectural Review Committee retains the right of refusal. These include,
but are not limited to, brick, manufactured, artificial, simulated, or imitation sidings. No
bright, unfinished or mirrored surfaces will be allowed. All exterior materials as
accepted by the Architectural Review Committee will require 2' x 2' lay-ups 30 days
prior to construction as a condition of approval. A digital photograph of the lay ups
should also be presented to the Architectural Review Committee.
Submissions for additions or remodels to existing structures must meet the same design
submittal criteria, including review of original intent of design and compliance of such
intent in proposed changes.
Section 6. Approved Colors. From time to time, the Architectural Review
Committee will select a list of approved colors that can be utilized within Union Place.
Once a color list has been approved, an owner may paint/stain or repaint structures only
in the approved colors. All materials, whether painted or not, including masonry, gutter,
overhangs, and roofing material colors will be assessed. as to whether they blend with or
are specifically included in the approved color list.
Section 7. Submission Fee. The Architectural Review Committee shall charge of
fee of $200 for each formal review of a submission. Resubmission fees shall be $100
per resubmission.
Page 2 of 2
Section 1: Concept Plan. The neighborhood design is based on New Urbanist
concepts. New Urbanism includes features such as mixed -use live/work units, narrow
streets for slower traffic and pedestrian friendliness, integrated open spaces and parks,
appealing architectural style, and higher density land use. The concept is to preserve
the feel of a rural small town atmosphere.
Section 2: Intent of UNION PLACE Design Guidelines. The intent of the Design
Guidelines is to promote a thoughtful architectural design for the benefit, safety,,
pleasure and convenience of the residents of the community. The standards and
procedures are to establish a benchmark by which to assure the construction of a
traditionally flavored neighborhood.
Section 3. Preliminary Consultations and Informal Submittals. In order to help
Lot Owners avoid the expense and frustration of possible Architectural Review
Committee disapproval of a formal submittal, requiring multiple re -submittals and project
delays, the Architectural Review Committee, consisting of Merten Design Studio
personnel, will review any owner's plans and preliminary sketches or conceptual
drawings prior to formal submittal, without fee.
Section 4. Guideline Books. The following books have been adopted as
exhaustive guidelines for architecture within Union Place. Each design for a residence,
including the home and fencing must meet the intent of one architectural style as
articulated in these books. All landscape design and installation must be xeriscape
and/or drought tolerant and may not include and invasive species. All future changes to
the residence must also comply with the architectural design standard first established
during initial construction.
American Houses. A Field Guide to the Architecture of the Home
Author: Gerald Foster
ISBN# 0-618-38799-4
A Field Guide to American Homes
Author: Virginia and Lee McAlester
ISBN# 0-394-73969-8
American House Styles; A Concise Guide
Author: John Milnes Baker, A.I.A.
ISBN# 0-393-03421-6
Every residential building will be required to include a front porch appropriate to the
style and scale of the home with a minimum area of forty (40) sq. ft. Porches may
encroach into setbacks as allowed by Fort Collins Land Use Code section 3.8.19
provided they do not encroach on any easements.
Page 1 of 2
.e development. Signage and monuments will be located near individual
describe how they work and benefit people and the environment.
Proiect Summary:
Union Place will be an innovative template for future sustainable developments in Fort
Collins. This community is striving for LEED Neighborhood accreditation and consists
of market rate and affordable housing. Located on 10.2 acres, this diverse 80-unit
community will include single-family, multi -family, and three mixed -use commercial
buildings. Currently, 18 lots have been pre -sold but the remaining lots are for sale.
LEED Neighborhood Amenities
■ On -site recycling services for construction waste management -minimum of 85%
of all construction debris will be recycled.
■ Innovative storm water management practices
■ Site precautions will be implemented to minimize site disturbance during
■ Pervious concrete upgrade. Pervious concrete to be used instead of standard
asphalt for roads and sidewalks. Permeable material allows for water to infiltrate
in the ground instead of running off the site or into a detention pond.
■ Concrete pavers. Concrete pavers to be used for landscaping hardscape details
instead of standard concrete. Pavers allow for water to infiltrate between them.
■ Renewable energy component — Geothermal will be installed throughout the site
for heating and cooling all the buildings.
■ Lighting. Lighting upgrades are necessary in order to meet dark -sky
■ Recycled homes will be onsite. 10 homes are being relocated to Union Place
from downtown Fort Collins and will be retrofitted into duplexes
■ Landscaping: Landscaping for Union Place will be one a crucial aspect of the
sustainable site design. Through various methods and systems we will be
attempting to reduce or eliminate our storm water runoff into the City's proposed
detention pond. These methods will primarily be in the ROW and include Bio-
swales, tree wells, permeable hardscapes & roads, and other systems as designed
to maximize on site infiltration of storm water. Moreover, there will be a
reduction in water needs from the city's water supply through the use of
xeriscaping throughout the site. Plants beyond the city standard will be used to
showcase the possibilities of planting materials which are native and available.
Additional trees contribute to the natural shading of buildings — thus reducing heat
and cooling loads. These methods of installationcan function as both educational
and as a demonstration project for the Storm Water Department and the City of
FC and, overall, showcase the unified goal of helping to improve standards for
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Union Place — Project Development Plan, #14-09
July 8, 2009 Administrative Hearing
Page 13
• The Union Place, PDP complies with applicable General Development Standards of
Article 3, with the exception of:
o Two Modification of Standard Requests:
1. Reduction of minimum parking lot stall dimensions for a standard
vehicle width from 8' to 7' (Section 3.2.2(L)) and
2. Reduction of minimum setback for residential buildings from
arterials street ROW from 30' to 15' (Section 3.5.2(D)(1)).
o Three Alternative Compliance Requests:
1. Landscape plan with no foundations plantings (Section
3.2.1(E)(2)(d)), and
2. Reduction of lot depth along an arterial street from 1 50'to 80'
(Section 3.6.2(E)).
• The Union Place, PDP complies with the land use and development standards of
the Division 4.22 CS, Service Commercial District.
Staff recommends the following:
• Approval of the Union Place, PDP with the following conditions:
o Update plans to accommodate 4.5' sidewalks throughout the site, and
o Obtain approval by GWET to correct the alignment of an easement
through the project site.
• Approval of the Modification of Standard Requests to:
o Section 3.2.2(L) reduction of minimum parking lot stall dimension for a
standard vehicle width of 8' to 7' and
o Section 3.5.2(D)(1) reduction of minimum setback for residential buildings
from arterial street ROW from 30' to 15'.
• Approval of the Alternative Compliance Requests to:
o Section 3.2.1(E)(2)(d) eliminating foundation plantings around the three
mixed -use buildings, and
o Section 3.6.2 (E) reducing the lot depth along an arterial street from 150'
to 80'.
Union Place — Project Development Plan, #14-09
July 8, 2009 Administrative Hearing
Page 12
that the Applicant's Alternative Compliance Plan meets the intent of this Section
equally well or better than the standard. Therefore, Staff recommends approval
of this Alternative Compliance Request.
Request #2: Section 3.6.2(E) Lots having a front or rear lot line that abuts an
arterial street shall have a minimum depth of one hundred fifty (150) feet.
Applicant's Justification
Reduction of lot depth of residential and mixed use buildings along an arterial
from one hundred and fifty (150) feet to eighty (80) feet as required in L. U.C.
Section 3.6.2(E). Due to the location of the existing sanitary sewer in Green Leaf
Street, the multi -family and mixed use buildings on Lots 1-4 Block 5 can not
extend 150'. Because of this site restriction additional landscape and open space
will be provided throughout the site by incorporating multiple pocket parks and
landscape upgrades in the regional detention pond area. Additional planting
areas along Willox will also be added in front of Lot 1 Block 5.
Review Criteria
Section 3.6.2(E)(3) Review Criteria
To approve an alternative lot plan, the decision maker must first find that the
proposed alternative plan accomplishes the purpose of this Subsection (E) as
well as, or better than, a lot plan which complies with the standard of this
Subsection. In reviewing the proposed lot plan provides screening and
protection of the lots adjacent to the arterial street from noise, light and other
negative impacts If the arterial street equally well or better than a plan which
complies with the standard of this Subsection (E).
Staff Evaluation of Applicant's Request
Staff has reviewed this request per the Review Criteria set forth in this Section
and finds that the upgraded landscaping and wider sidewalk along Willox Lane
shall provide screening to these lots equally well or better than a plan that
complies with this Section's standards. Therefore, Staff is recommending
approval of this Alternative Compliance Request.
6. Findings of Fact/Conclusion:
In reviewing the request for the Union Place, PDP, Staff makes the following findings of
• Single-family, multi -family and mixed -use dwellings are permitted in the CS, Service
Commercial District, subject to an administrative review.
Union Place — Project Development Plan, #14-09
July 8, 2009 Administrative Hearing
Page 11
Staff Evaluation of Applicant's Request:
Staff has evaluated the Applicant's request against the criteria provided in
Section 2.8.2(H) of the LUC. Staff finds that the 30' setback requirement off of
an arterial street puts undue hardship on the developer when considering the
sanitary sewer easement located approximately 80 feet from the edge of the
utility easement on the south side of Willox Lane. This satisfies the criteria set
forth in Section 2.8.2(H)(3). Therefore, Staff recommends approval of this
Request #1: Section 3.2.1(E)(2)(d) — Foundation Plantings
The LUC requires that all "exposed section of building walls that are high -use or
high -visibility areas of the building exterior shall have planting beds at least five
(5) feet wide placed directly along at least fifty (50) percent of such walls."
Applicants Justification
Due to the reduced lot depth for the mixed use buildings along Willox as
addressed above in [Modification Request #2] including a five (5) foot wide
planting bed further reduces the already small building area for these lots.
Because of this site restriction additional landscape and open space will be
provided throughout the site by incorporating multiple pocket parks and
landscape upgrades in the regional detention pond area.
Review Criteria
Section3.2.1(N) Alternative Compliance
To approve an alternative plan, the decision maker must first find that the
proposed alternative plan accomplishes the purposes of this Section equally well
or better than would a plan which complies with the standards of this Section.
In reviewing the propose alternative plan for purposes of determining whether it
accomplishes the purposes of this Section as required above, the decision maker
shall take into account whether the alternative preserves and incorporates
existing vegetation in excess of minimum standards, protects natural areas and
features, maximizes tree canopy cover, enhances neighborhood continuity and
connectivity, fosters nonvehicular access or demonstrates innovative design and
use of plant materials and other landscape elements.
Staffs Evaluation of Applicant's Request
When considering the upgraded landscaping that the Applicant is proposing
along Willox Lane (extra ornamental trees and decorative grasses), Staff finds
Union Place — Project Development Plan, #14-09
July 8, 2009 Administrative Hearing
Page 10
(4) The plan as submitted will not diverge from the standards of the Land
Use Code that are authorized by this Division to be modified except in a
nominal, inconsequential way when considered from the perspective of
the entire development plan, and will continue to advance the purposes of
the Land Use Code as contained in Section 1.2.2
Staff's Evaluation of Applicant's Request:
Staff has evaluated the Applicant's request against the criteria provided in
Section 2.8.2(H) of the Land Use Code. Staff finds that the Applicants request to
reduce the parking stall width from 8' to T, to match the LCUASS standard, is
"nominal and inconsequential" when "considered from the perspective of the
entire development." This meets the criteria set forth in Section 2.8.2(H)(4).
Therefore, Staff recommends approval of this request.
Modification #2: Section 3.5.2(D)(1) — Residential Building Standards
The LUC requires the minimum setback of every residential building from any
arterial street right-of-way be thirty (30) feet. The Applicant is requesting a
Modification to allow fifteen (15) feet off of Willox Lane, which is classified as a
minor arterial according to the Master Street Plan.
Applicant's Justification:
Due to the location of the existing sanitary sewer in Green Leaf Street, requiring
the thirty (30) foot setback for multi -family lot would make the lot nearly un-
Review of Modification Criteria — Section 2.8.2(H):
The citation for the applicable review criteria for a Modification is as follows:
"(H) Step 8 (Standards): Applicable, and the decision maker may grant a
modification of standards only if it finds that the granting of the modification would
not be detrimental to the public good, and that:
(3) by reason of exceptional physical conditions or other extraordinary and
exceptional situations, unique to such property, including, but not limited
to, physical conditions such as exceptional narrowness, shallowness or
topography, or physical conditions which hinders the owner's ability to
install a solar energy system, the strict application of the standard sough
to be modified would result in unusual and exceptional practical
difficulties, or exceptional or undue hardship upon the owner of such
property, provided that such difficulties or hardship are not caused by the
act or omission of the Applicant.
Union Place — Project Development Plan, #14-09
July 8, 2009 Administrative Hearing
Page 9
4. Neighborhood Compatibility:
A neighborhood meeting was held on March 30, 2009. Notes recorded at this meeting
are attached. Most of the questions centered on the location of Cedar Street,
emergency access and the geothermal aspects of the site. The neighbors were in favor
of the geothermal features and supportive overall.
5. Modification to Applicable General Development Standards and Alternative
(1) As specified in Section 2.8.2 Modification Review Procedures, (H)
(Standards), the Administrative Hearing Officer may grant a modification of
standards only if he/she finds that the granting of the modification would not
be detrimental to the public good.
The Applicant has proposed the following two Modifications:
Modification #1: Section 3.2.2(L) — Parking Stall Dimensions
The Applicant is proposing a reduction in the minimum parking stall width
dimensions for a standard vehicle in the LUC from 8' to 7'. This reduction still
maintains the width required for parking stalls on a Residential Local Streets per
Applicant's Justification:
Urban Prairie Street is being constructed as a Residential Local Street (Figure
7-9F) per the Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards which specifies
seven (7) foot parking lanes and a sixteen (16) foot travel width. This sixteen
(16) foot travel width is four (4) foot smaller that the minimum standard
required by the Poudre Fire Authority, however, they have agreed to the
smaller travel width of sixteen (16) foot as a compromise with the Residential
Local Street section approved by the City of Fort Collins. Requiring the
parking to be eight (8) foot in width will reduce the travel width to fourteen (14)
foot which the Poudre Fire Authority would not approve. Requiring an eight
(8) foot parking stall will require a wider street section further reducing
permeable surfaces and yard space along Urban Prairie Street.
Review of Modification Criteria — Section 2.8.2(H):
The citation for the applicable review criteria for a Modification is as follows:
"(H) Step 8 (Standards): Applicable, and the decision maker may grant a
modification of standards only if it finds that the granting of the modification would
not be detrimental to the public good, and that:
Union Place — Project Development Plan, #14-09
July 8, 2009 Administrative Hearing
Page 8
Staffs Evaluation
Following the review of the guideline books and character sketches provided by
the Applicant, staff finds the Applicant's proposed design review appropriate to
meet the standards of this section. Staff will also review the building architecture
when building permits are applied for.
G. Section 3.5.2 — Residential Building Standards
Staff finds that the Applicants proposed design review process meets the bulk of the
standards of this section, with the exception of the Modification of Standard
Requests. More information will be provided for these requests in Section 5 of this
H. Section 3.5.3 — Mixed -Use, Institutional and Commercial Buildings
The three mixed -use buildings will be reviewed by the same Design Review Process
discussed previously and character sketches have been provided by the Applicant.
Staff finds that the Applicant's design review process will ensure that these buildings
meet the standards of this section. Staff will also review the architecture when a
Building Permit is applied for to ensure that the architecture meets the standards of
this Section.
Section 3.6.2 — Streets, Streetscapes, Alleys and Easements
The Union Place, PDP, complies with the standards of this Section, with the
exception of the minimum lot depth off an arterial street of 150'. The Applicant is
requesting Alternative Compliance to this Standard. More information will be
provided for this request in Section 5.
J. Section 3.6.4 — Transportation Level of Service Requirements
The Transportation Impact Study has been reviewed and evaluated by the Traffic
Operations and Transportation Planning Departments. The PDP adequately
provides vehicular and bicycle facilities necessary to maintain the adopted
transportation Level of Service standards contained in Part II of the City of Fort
Collins Multi -modal Transportation Level of Service Manual for the following modes
of travel: motor vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian.
K. Section 3.6.6 — Emergency Access
The Union Place, PDP, has been reviewed by emergency access referral agencies,
such as Poudre Fire Authority, and has been determined to have adequate access
for their emergency vehicles.
Union Place — Project Development Plan, #14-09
July 8, 2009 Administrative Hearing
Page 7
Every residential building will be required to include a front porch appropriate
to the style and scale of the home with a minimum area of forty (40) sq. ft.
Porches may encroach into setbacks as allowed by Fort Collins Land Use
Code section 3.8.19 provided they do not encroach on any easements.
Section 5: Submission Criteria. Formal submission for Architectural Review
Committee review of design should include a written narrative, describing the
designers' justification and appropriateness of design elements/scheme as
referenced in the adopted books. The narrative should include referenced
pages in the books utilized for such justification. This includes specific
references to form, color, decorative elements, roof pitch, overhang, and
shape, window placement, masonry elements or lack thereof, siding style and
type, trim and fascia, vents, vertical support posts, furnace/plumbing vents,
for the home, as well as detached garage, landscaping design, and fence
All design elements/scheme should comply with a particular American Home
style as articulated by the referenced books. Eclectic or combined styles will
not be allowed on any one unit.
Materials not addressed in these standards shall be reviewed on an individual
basis for which the Architectural Review Committee retains the right of
refusal. These include, but are not limited to, brick, manufactured, artificial,
simulated, or imitation sidings. No bright, unfinished or mirrored surfaces will
be allowed. All exterior materials as accepted by the Architectural Review
Committee will require 2' x 2' lay-ups 30 days prior to construction as a
condition of approval. A digital photograph of the lay ups should also be
presented to the Architectural Review Committee.
Submissions for additions or remodels to existing structures must meet the
same design submittal criteria, including review of original intent of design
and compliance of such intent in proposed changes.
Section 6. Approved Colors. From time to time, the Architectural Review
Committee will select a list of approved colors that can be utilized within
Union Place. Once a color list has been approved, an owner may paint/stain
or repaint structures only in the approved colors. All materials, whether
painted or not, including masonry, gutter, overhangs, and roofing material
colors will be assessed as to whether they blend with or are specifically
included in the approved color list.
Section 7. Submission Fee. The Architectural Review Committee shall
charge of fee of $200 for each formal review of a submission. Resubmission
fees shall be $100 per resubmission.
Union Place — Project Development Plan, #14-09
July 8, 2009 Administrative Hearing
Page 6
following Design Review Process to ensure that the structures in Union Place are
compatible and of high design quality.
Applicant's Design Guidelines:
Section 1: Concept Plan. The neighborhood design is based on New
Urbanist concepts. New Urbanism includes features such as mixed -use
live/work units, narrow streets for slower traffic and pedestrian friendliness,
integrated open spaces and parks, appealing architectural style, and higher
density land use. The concept is to preserve the feel of a rural small town
Section 2: Intent of UNION PLACE Design Guidelines. The intent of the
Design Guidelines is to promote a thoughtful architectural design for the
benefit, safety, pleasure and convenience of the residents of the community.
The standards and procedures are to establish a benchmark by which to
assure the construction of a traditionally flavored neighborhood.
Section 3. Preliminary Consultations and Informal Submittals. In order to
help Lot Owners avoid the expense and frustration of possible Architectural
Review Committee disapproval of a formal submittal, requiring multiple re -
submittals and project delays, the Architectural Review Committee, consisting
of Merten Design Studio personnel, will review any owner's plans and
preliminary sketches or conceptual drawings prior to formal submittal, without
Section 4. Guideline Books. The following books have been adopted as
exhaustive guidelines for architecture within Union Place. Each design for a
residence, including the home and fencing must meet the intent of one
architectural style as articulated in these books. All landscape design and
installation must be xeriscape and/or drought tolerant and may not include
and invasive species. All future changes to the residence must also comply
with the architectural design standard first established during initial
American Houses. A Field Guide to the Architecture of the Home
Author: Gerald Foster
ISBN# 0-618-38799-4
A Field Guide to American Homes
Author: Virginia and Lee McAlester
ISBN# 0-394-73969-8
American House Styles; A Concise Guide
Author: John Milnes Baker, A.I.A.
ISBN# 0-393-03421-6
Union Place — Project Development Plan, #14-09
July 8, 2009 Administrative Hearing
Page 5
D. Section 3.2.4 — Site Lighting
The Union Place, PDP, complies with the lighting standards set forth in this section.
E. Section 3.2.5 — Trash and Recycling Enclosures
Each of the three mixed use buildings has one trash and recycling enclosure that
meets the standards of this section. An elevation is provided in the attachments
following this report. All single family and multi -family dwellings will have trash and
recycling pick-up off the rear of the lot.
F. Section 3.5.1 —Building and Project Compatibility
The Union Place, PDP, proposes four different types of structures: single family
dwellings units, condominiums (multi -family dwelling units), triplexes (multi -family
dwelling units) and mixed use buildings. The overall development has been
evaluated per the standards of Section 3.5.1 and individually based on the specific
building types by Sections 3.5.2 Residential Building Standards and 3.5.3 Mixed -
Use, Institutional and Commercial Buildings.
Site Context
The Union Place, PDP, is located in the North College Corridor Plan area and is
considered an infill project that will help contribute to the redevelopment and
upgrading of the North College area as a whole. North College is considered the
backbone of this subarea and a goal of the North College Corridor Plan is to
develop inviting cross streets and a more pedestrian oriented neighborhood. The
Union Place, PDP, will be located approximately 350' from the intersection of
Willox and N College Ave, which is proposed as the location of a new
Neighborhood Shopping Center, called North College Marketplace, PDP.
The existing neighborhoods around the Union Place site consist of commercial
uses to the east, medium intensity residential to the south, and mid to low
intensity residential to the north and west. Union Place itself proposes a mixed
use neighborhood acting as a buffer between commercial to the west and the
residential uses to the north, west and south. The mixed use environment is
intended to encourage live/work lifestyles for its residents and will develop
inviting mid to low intensity commercial uses along the cross streets of the North
College Corridor Plan area.
Architectural Character
The existing North College area is an eclectic mix of uses that do not have a
dominant architectural character. In addition to providing character sketches of
potential building designs the Applicant for the Union Place, PDP, proposes the
Union Place — Project Development Plan, #14-09
July 8, 2009 Administrative Hearing
Page 4
3. Compliance with Applicable General Development Standards:
Where CS District standards of Article 4 are more specific or stringent, they prevail over
the less specific or stringent standard that may be found in the General Development
standards of Article 3. The PDP complies with the applicable General Development
standards as follows:
A. Section 3.2.1— Landscaping and Tree Protection
The PDP is applying for alternative compliance to this section of the LUC. Overall,
the PDP satisfies the applicable standards set forth in this section of the LUC, with
the exception of the foundation planting requirements, per Section 3.2.1(E)(2)(d).
More information will be provided for this Alternative Compliance request in Section
B. Section 3.2.2 — Access, Circulation and Parking
This is a green field site within the defined Fort Collins infill area and is surrounded
by existing development. The northern edge of the site is bounded by a minor
arterial, Willox Lane. Two vehicular access points are located off Willox Lane into
the Union Place Development. Future vehicular access is planned through Mason
Street, from Willox Lane to the southeastern edge of the site. Mason Street will be
improved to the southern edge of the site with this development proposal. All interior
streets are proposed as private drives.
Pedestrian access is proposed along all public and private streets and from
Westwood Dr. (County Subdivision) to the pocket park located on the western edge
of the site. Public sidewalks are 10' wide along Willox Lane and 5' wide along
Mason Street. Private sidewalks, interior to the site, are 4' wide, with the exception
of T walks along the north side of Green Leaf Street. Larimer County Urban Area
Street Standards (LCUASS) requires sidewalks be 4.5' wide. Staff is recommending
a condition of approval increasing all interior sidewalks by 6" to meet this standard.
The proposal meets the number of parking spaces required for this proposal but a
Modification of Standard request, reducing stall width from 8' to T, is being made for
parking along Urban Prairie Street (3.2.2(L)). More information will be provided for
this Modification Request in Section 5.
C. Section 3.2.3 —Solar Access, Orientation, Shading
This Section applies to single-family and duplex units. The Union Place, PDP,
proposes 8 single family dwellings. All 8 units have southern exposure which
exceeds the 65% minimum set forth in Section 3.2.3(B) of the LUC.
Union Place — Project Development Plan, #14-09
July 8, 2009 Administrative Hearing
Page 3
1. Background:
The surrounding zoning and land uses are as follows:
N: LMN, Low -Density Mixed Use Neighborhood; Existing single family detached
dwelling units
S: CS, Service Commercial; Existing unplatted trailer park
E: CS; Existing McDonalds Restaurant, Convenient Store and Fuel Facility
W: O, Open County Zoning; Existing County Subdivision, Single-family and multi-
family dwelling units
The property was annexed into the City of Fort Collins in the North College Annexation
in December 1959. It has remained unplatted since that time. The site is currently
unimproved and used as an agricultural field.
2. Compliance with Division 4.22 C-S, Service Commercial District:
Land Use:
The land uses proposed consist of three mixed -use buildings and single family and
multi -family dwelling units, containing 89 total dwelling units and 17,400 square feet of
non-residential space on the first floor of the mixed -use buildings. These land uses are
permitted in the CS zone district, subject to Administrative Review and Public Hearing in
front of a Hearing Officer.
The CS District has no density/intensity limitations.
Dimensional Standards:
The CS District has no dimensional standards.
Development Standards:
The CS District has no development standards.
Land Use Standards:
Union Place, PDP, complies with the maximum building height of 3 stories, set forth in
Section 4.22(D) of the Land Use Code (LUC). All structures proposed in the Union
Place, PDP, shall be either 2 or 3 stories.
Union Place — Project Development Plan, #14-09
July 8, 2009 Administrative Hearing
Page 2
• Approval of the PDP with the following conditions:
o Update plans to accommodate 4.5' sidewalks throughout the site, and
o Obtain approval by Greeley Waterline Enhancement Transmission
(GWET) to correct the alignment of an easement through the project site.
• Approval of the Modification of Standard Requests to:
o Section 3.2.2(L) reduction of minimum parking lot stall dimension for a
standard vehicle width of 8' to 7' and
o Section 3.5.2(D)(1) reduction of minimum setback for residential buildings
from arterial street ROW from 30' to 15'.
• Approval of the Alternative Compliance Requests to:
o Section 3.2.1(E)(2)(d) eliminating foundation plantings around the three
mixed -use buildings, and
o Section 3.6.2 (E) reducing the lot depth along an arterial street from 150'
to 80'.
• Single-family, multi -family and mixed -use dwellings are permitted in the CS, Service
Commercial District, subject to an administrative review.
The Union Place, PDP complies with applicable General Development Standards of
Article 3, with the exception of:
o Two Modification of Standard Requests:
1. Reduction of minimum parking lot stall dimensions for a standard
vehicle width from 8' to 7' (Section 3.2.2(L)), and
2. Reduction of minimum setback for residential buildings from
arterials street ROW from 30' to 15' (Section 3.5.2(D)(1)).
o Two Alternative Compliance Requests:
1. Landscape plan with no foundations plantings (Section
2. Reduction of lot depth along an arterial street from 150' to 80'
(Section 3.6.2(E)).
• The Union Place, PDP complies with the land use and development standards of the
Division 4.22 CS, Service Commercial District.
City of
Fort Collins
_SUS►., - �� _ r� .
PROJECT: Union Place, Project Development Plan (PDP) - #15-09
APPLICANT: Donna Merten
Merten Construction
55 S 32"d Street
Boulder, CO 80305
This is a request for a mixed -use project known as Union Place, Project Development
Plan — File #15-09. The proposed development is on 10.91 acres of agricultural land,
located southwest of the intersection of Willox Lane and N College Avenue (west of the
McDonalds' site). The entire site is in the Service Commercial (CS) zone district.
The proposal consists of 8 single-family homes, 30 triplex units, 37 condominiums and
14 mixed -use units. The maximum building height will be 40', with all buildings being
either 2-3 stories. All single-family homes, condominiums and mixed use units are
expected to have 3 bedrooms and triplexes will have two -two bedroom units and one -
one bedroom unit each; maximum bedrooms for the development being 218. The
development is required to have 168 parking stalls for the residences, 130 are off-street
parking spaces and 38 are on -street parking. Fifty-two units (58%) are planned to
become permanently affordable.
There are no current commercial uses proposed, future commercial uses will be limited
to those subject to a Type I (administrative) Review or will require a Major Amendment
and Public Hearing.
A portion of this site has been designated as the location of a regional detention pond,
which will consume approximately 2 acres of the parcel. The developer has requested
funding from the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) and has been approved for
approximately $2.2 million in assistance to build the multiple public improvements
required by this proposal. The proposal also includes the use of geothermal technology
as the primary energy source for the entire development.
Current Planning 281 N College Av PO Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
fcgov.com/currentplanning 970.221.6750