ITEM: Northgate"Commons
APPLICANT: Jim Sell Design
117 East Mountain Avenue
Fort Collins, CO. 80524
Request for a -150,000 square foot mixed -use center (retail, office,. restaurant, business
services, residential) on 27.5 acres located east of North College Avenue, north of
Willox Lane, and southwest of the Eaton Ditch. The property is in the BC Business
Center Zoning -District.
1. The Zoning Department offered the following. comments:
a. The property is in the BC - Business Center Zoning District. The proposed
uses are permitted. "uses -by -right" in the District; however, because many
of the pad sites internal to the site will not have the required street
frontage, this request must beprocessed as a planned unit development
b. This center will, be subject to the requirements of City's Sign Code.
Please contact Gary Lopez, at 221-6760, if you have questions about these
2. The Light & Power Department offered the following comments:
a. There is an existing overhead power line running north - south through the
site that will have to be undergrounded with this development.
b. .There is existing power along Willox Lane.
COMMUNITY PLANNING'AND ENVIRONMEN_ TA SERVICES 281 N. College Ave., P.O. Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 (970) 221-6750
f z;.
11 Kathleen Reaves, a City Transportation Planner; —offered the following _ -
---:_. �E14 - ..
-- _
a r Please:show pedestrian crossings. and the proposed treatment for these
- -- .
b Direct pedestrian access from the major corners of the development into
the'site `sWdUld` be provided. „
C. There should be direct entrances to the buildings from the street sides. "
d. - Safe and convenient bicycle access and circulation should be provided. -
Protected and secure bicycle parking locations are important.-
:. Kathleen can be reached at 221-6608,if you have questions about pedestrian.
arid. bicycle: issues. -
12 `There is along listof goals, policies, and .standards that this proposed
development is su6iect to. _TFiere-are adopted design standards for the North
College Corndor, Interim Commercial Development standards„ and Large Retail
Development standards if any building is over 25,000 square feet in size.
13.-- -'Store front orientation and architectural compatibility are important
considerations ofyour design development.
Normally, a minimum 100' buffer is desirable between development
'and the natural areas.
W eEffects of on -site detention should be factored into the water quality
concerns surrounding the wetlands.
Please.contact Rob Wilkinson, at 221-6600, if you have questions about these
comments concerning the on -site natural areas and wetlands.
10.. The Engineering Department offered the following comments:
a.. Street oversizing fees of $19,443 per acre will apply for the proposed land
uses and the fees will be collected at the time of issuance of building
permits. Please contact Matt Baker, at 221-6605, to verify the fees
b:. .. The normal utility plan submittal requirements will apply to this
development request:
c. -This development will have to dedicate additional right-of-way for North
College Avenue to bring it up to the current standards of 71.5' from
d. All sidewalks along the North College Avenue and Willox Lane frontages
must be detached as per the current City street standards.
e. Willox Lane is currently classified as a minor arterial street and this could
remain the standard, depending on the results of the required traffic study.
f. A traffic study is required and must be part of the preliminary submittal
g. The traffic study will help determine. if landscaped medians are needed in
the adjacent streets.
h. Access permits, from the Colorado Department of Transportation, for
points of access off of North College Avenue will be required. The permits
will issued at the end of the development review process. It is doubtful
that both points of access that are shown on the concept plan will be
Please contact Kerrie Ashbeck or Sheri Wamhoff, at 221-6750, if you have
questions about the engineering requirements.
r ti.
;ram The standard drainage and erosion control reports and plans are required,
as, well as a _basin master plan update if the existing wetland is to be
revised. -The current SWMM model will be available for use by your -
:.:..P:roject engineer.
c_ Presently, the Master Drainage Plan utilizes the existing wetlandand back
up of water north of Willox Lane.to detain the 100-year runoff. Additional
Water is. planned to be piped under the Eaton Ditch. If that causes
additional volume needs; the Stormwater Utility would purchase the ring of
land around the existing ponding area.
d. The existing culvert under Willox Lane can be usedas an outlet for this
development. Currently this outfall has been plugged by the property
e. We believe that there is an existing subdrain system that outfalls to Dry
: Creek, which is probably how the area is draining now.
f: The Eaton Ditch Company will have to sign.the plans prior to_City
signatures. _
'The Corps of Engineers will need to be involved with the City's Natural
Resources Department to reconfigure the wetlands.
h. Please consider "Best Management_Practices" for water quality treatment
of storm water runoff.
Please contact Glen Schlueter, at 221-6589, if you have:questions about the
---storm drainage requirements.
9. The Natural Resources Department offered the following comments:
a. There are existing wetlands in the natural areas on this site. There is
concern about a possible "shift in character" of these wetlands. The
existing characteristics should be conserved and improved, if. possible.
The City will look at and evaluate the values. and functions of the
wetlands. More specific information will be needed with the preliminary .
development request submittal documentation. The applicant should talk
to the Corps of Engineers about what wetland mitigation is necessary, if
allowed at all. The City is generally more stringent than the.Corps in their
evaluations of wetlands.
b. What are the exact acreages of the wetlands?
c: If not already done, a rare plant survey must be done for the wetlands and
::.natural areas.
compartmentalized or be equipped with an automaticfiresprinkler
system: '
b. Any food service uses will be reviewed by the Larimer County Health
Department. This review is separate from the City's review and, therefore,
a set of your plans should be submitted directly to Larimer County.
c. This development will be subject to the Fort Collins Non -Residential
Energy Code.
Please contact Sharon Getz, at 221-6760, if you have questions about the
Building Code requirements.
6 -` -- :The Poudre Fire. Authority offered the following comments:
a Access to some portions of the proposed development looks tight.
b: Some of the buildings will have to be sprinkled, depending on the size of
the building and access to the particular site.
C. The sizing of the water mains and the required fire hydrant locations
should be coordinated with PFA.
d. The water mains into and through this development must be looped. they
cannot be dead -ended.
Please contact Roger Frasco, at 221-6570, if you have questions about fire
prevention for and: emergency access to this development. .
7. There will be two different parkland fees associated with this development if
there is residential to. be included. The fees for neighborhood parks is based on
the type (single family or multi -family) and square footage of the units. The fees
for community parks is also based on the square footage of the units and is
included in the City's recently adopted Capital Improvements Expansion Fees.
Please contact Randy Balok, at 221-6640, if you have questions about the
parkland fees.
8. The Stormwater Utility offered the following comments:
This site is located within the Evergreen/Greenbriar Storm Drainage.
Basin, where the fees are $10,000 per acre and are subject. to the runoff
coefficient reduction.
c I x x:The transformers for all the pad sites should be coordinated With Light &.
;Power and they roust be located near.a driveable (paved) surface.
d .,;The normal electric development charges will apply to.this request and
_-.these charges will be collected at the time of issuance of building permits.
Please contact Alan Rutz, at 221-6700, if you have questions about electric
services to this development.
3. TheMater/Wastewater Department offered the following comments:
a:' .. _'.There is an existing 6" water main in North College Avenue and an
- existing 12" water main in Willox Lane. -
b. ".There is an existing 8 sanitary sewer main to the east that presently ends
at the intersection of Willox Lane and Blue Spruce Drive. The main can be
extended to the west to serve this development.
c. - :There is an existing 6" & 8" sanitary sewer main approximately 200' east
_of North College Avenue that runs parallel to the street. This main may.
-have capacity limitations downstream from this site. The developer's
engineer must submit projected wastewater flows to allow further
d. An overall utility plan must be submitted for the entire site.
e. Grease interceptors will be required for all of the restaurants.
f. Plant investment fees and water rights will apply, and will be collected at
the time of issuance of building permits.
g. A permit from the Colorado Department of Transportation will be.
required to perform work in the North College Avenue right-of-way.
Please contact Roger Buffington,.at 221-6681, if you have questions about water
and sanitary sewer services to this development.
4. The City's adopted water conservation standards, for irrigation systems and
landscaping, will apply to the additions. A copy of the ordinance and
requirements for the standards is available in the Water Department and in the
Current Planning Department.
2 -
8 SY
1tYrOf'Fort Co
- November 15, 1996 - -
Jim Sell Design
117 East Mountain Avenue
Fort Collins, CO. 80524
Dear Jim:
For your information, attached is a copy of the Staffs comments concerning the request
for Northgate Commons, which was presented before the Conceptual Review Team on
November 4, 1996.
This is a request for a 150,000 square foot mixed -use -center (retail,.office, restaurant,
business services, residential) on 27.5 acres located east of North College AverSue, north"'
of Willox Lane, and southwest of the Eaton Ditch. The property is in the B.0-Business
Center Zoning District.
The comments are offered informally by Staff to assist you in preparing the detailed
components of the project application. Modifications and additions to these comments
may be made at the time of formal review of this project.
If you should have any questions regarding these comments or the ne)d steps in the review
process, please feel free to call me at 221-6750.
Project Planner
cc: Stormwater Utility
Streets/Transportation Department
Natural Resources Department
281 North College Avenue P.O. Box-580 Fort Collins, C
FAX (970) 221-6378 TDD (970) 22
052M580 (970) 221-6750