Sterling House Ft. Collins
City Comments
March 11, 1997
12. A trash enclosure elevation showing the materials and gate needs to be added to the plans.
The elevation can be added to the site plan where space is available.
13. The grading on the site plan needs to eliminate the Swale south of the pipe that transruits the
water to our pond.
14. Curb ramps need to be shown on the site and landscape plans at all locations where the
sidewalks intersect the drives.
15. 4n the elevation sheets, key notes 7, 8 and 16 need to be noted as "Not Used".
At this time, the project is scheduled for the March 24, 1997 Planning and Zoning Board
meeting. The project is schedule for the consent calendar subject to the above comments being
addressed and the following being submitted prior to 12 noon on Monday, March 17:
- PMTs of the Site Plan, Landscape Plan and Building Elevations
A color rendering of the Landscape Plan
- 8 folded copies of the Site Plan, Landscape Plan and Building Elevations
The revised plans need to be reviewed by BWR to confirm compliance with the comments prior
to resubmittal.
Following approval of the project by the Planning and Zoning Boardl approximately a 2 month
period will elapse in which the following events need to occur
- 2 week appeal period of the P&-Z Board decision.
- Final review and app val f the utility plans.
- Completion of the S��ment (following approval of the utility plans).
- Submittal and recording of mylar copies of the Site Plan, Landscape Plan and Building
Elevations and Plat (following completion of the n Agreem,/ent).
W1� Plr14.n k 04
Upon completion of these events, a building permit could be is ued subject to building
department approval.
+3032925668 [3W4R DENVER CO. I F-199 T-1/" P-002 MAR 11 197 11:15
To: File
From: DCB
Date: March 11. 1997
Subject: Comments on March 5 Submittal
Ft. Collins Sterling House
This morning 1 spoke with Mike Ludwig. City of Ft. Collins Planner and he verbally provided the
following comments on the March 5 submittaL•
1. The landscape plan needs to include a water usage table as requested in comment 8b.
2. Trees need to be added along the east and west sides of the entry drives (at least 2 trees each
side) and encompassing the, center detention pond along the drives.
3. The sidewalk on the east side of the east drive needs to be shown on the site plan.
4. The sidewalk from the rear of the building needs to be shown all of the way to Oakridge
Drive. The walk shall not be contingent upon negotiation with adjacent property owners. The
walk has to be built with this project. The walk shall traverse through an existing easement or
we need written approval from the adjacent property owner and a signed easement prior to
proceeding. The contact at the Church is Mr. Tom Glossy, phone no. (970) 223-6507.
5. The plays planning board approval block needs to be revised to read: `By the Planning and
Zoning Board of the City of Fort Collins ......."
6. Site plan note 3 needs to be revised tozianned Business......: '
7. Renumber the general notes on the site plan. Note 4 is missing.
8. Revise site plan note 13 to "....shall be completely screened from public view.
9. On the Wilson Darnell Mann plans, remove the copyright located just above the Sterling
House title block'.
10. The site sidewalks need to scale to 4 feet.
11. The building elevations need to show the height to the ridges. What is the PL in the' fop of
PL" note?
+3032925668 BWRR DENVER CO.
F-199 T-14F, P-001 MAR 11 197 11:15
To: e0v*e-
From: ZUy e--6 ► r�
Number of Pages
Telephone: including Cover Page:
FAX#: f!97oi z-z.1- G37 8 Date: 3- /�� Q7
BWR Project No. 96 071
Notes: i�%i' ' — Lt4v� �9c.+A►a�^i"c��s=cx� ®fir�rsa�i.
�a►9c*s� Coco✓ �tr �Iovc�� � /,ems �r �/�r.—
1 7 743 WAZEE STREET, SURE 200 1 DENVER, COLORADO 80202-1280 1 3031292-5056 1 FAX_303/292-5668