HomeMy WebLinkAboutHARMONY TECHNOLOGY PARK, 1ST, CELESTICA - FDP - 12-97B - CORRESPONDENCE - TRANSPORTATION ISSUE (5)DEC- 4-97 THU 11 : 45 __.. _ , _ , r e►'. U I Based on the i domtation avalable, there appears to be jtasttficatioxt an y to =ahitain the cat=t HP -West 3/4 movement an the swath aide (current dedsh) and to allow a new w uttd-ft at soLF&Wg subdivision street due to tits lack of demand for At best, culy the I'g emrm Sill buUd cut of the eabdivrW= may req *e At traffic sisal at IMP -West to raliove NO CR-9 to WB SH 68 left tttm demand. For many there wM be reserve capacity at CB�+9 and midge Road uunrsecM -- A bra�4Z at the FP-WWt location wlll a nuinly cause peff* mance and s#ely irdgwm for PAau=W Rood and net aleedy h vase the acddent rate an Mrmenty Road, 71te developer has failed to provide a to intamal ewMvest dreulatiask titsreb aatxslrtg several of the volume and dis� based problems identified by t aosisultu% The dsvebnpment should act to salve much of its traffic issnas by a sft design that hu b Mw ittbsr W streets with dreulstion and ca rWIlons io �� Cambridge Road. FMn►couraging ea*oyees to walk from HP to and fronn Celewim, across Meawny Road travel lanes with hlglx traffic voldmms and tmvd speeft is =desasble. It safe cr s*q Is d:ede Wk an undexspess or all weather overpam should be provided by the developer There axe better tranapourtatian plate and treEBc management solutitms avaGM to mitigate and accommodate tits impacts of *& davalopn=t an tine tras+apatt'atlan system. PBD: DEC- 4-97 THU 11:44 ____.. . 1" ub M • The Signal will dictinish the perfmnw se of ialarmcny Rued• Iraffic signals an bigh apesd arterials are not desirabie and add addiftnal =fliCt to the flow od traffic, also lhaeasirtg the vaNde accident rate, Given the alternative$, it appears that am new siFW Paposal is not eaasistemt with the purposes of the Areas code, the aesiped ategory, or lice Agmement Bath traffic repo to followed yt. C0111ns report guidelines. Neliher report waS done in ae =dance with A;Caaa Code cxiteria. The aansuitlrAg aver aheuld cmtsider revising the hwhway capacity analysis mid the progression Hyde in accprdam with the ;requhmenft of category three standards in Ehe IM Access Coda % rc of artalyats are contained in sectimt 345e. These include the use of �ffi4M bandwidtlh, and mlaimimc palastrfan moaft timea• 1lut the subsacwim must be reviewed Mor an accurate underntarcding of the crtteda. in the meeting of November 6th, them was cansideraWe emphaain by the City regarding the use of bus service along SH 58 and the need for pedestdans to hequantl)r cross tits highway. A field review ide rM d pedestrian. currently in the peak hams, whkh will increase with the new d employees Yet titeae items were not adegpaiely included in the two analysis. The capacity analysis is missing bus stops end the number of pedeabdan corft g• The PROM p( ragressiarO alyeis did not set minimu R pe mblan� c�eo��t�g times, nor maintain 40% bandwidth for ft major croas streets (I;fntile) so requited; by ft Code. Whi[e the noised analysis wM most likely indicate pot W operatttctg Conditions, the extent that a newm alysis would predict the lower perfo=wnae of Harmany PAW is nut ktmvm If the Region wishes to ptaocaed with app mal of the proposal, it siwuld request a man emplae and Cob based analyalsusing dw most recent inlormadon and attemptta find the bat txtaf$c solutions and pbasing of the ele mere a T� abould be a coazdt,ment b the developer to provide W d raulation which would d1minate any warrant for a s;IVW at IiRW est during the feat , Arty eonsalbont trait or engineering analysis should be sealed in accotdartoe w Titic iZ CR9. In addition to the traffic operation analysis, a new owumm raised is the width of the existing rnedisat, and the ability of the median to &woo xtodate full design let turn lanai, boA to back between CR 9 and IV west, A detailed field review and median design &Wym ho not been completad. 7he distarmeit provide in figure 10 of the August report do riot ar to be aorr�ect. The rough estimate for each t'uA lane is 900 and 975 feet. The total s over INC fed only about WO feet is available, so tout LvA over ap would be neaeswuy. There may not be adequate width in the cunt Median for title iatltrovement - which, if approved, will require a deaign vastanee for substandard lengiirs, or widening to median ton 90+f t mir=mn with no lanlsmpir& Phase cue development design has no apparent k dketion of providing for pedestrian acaveritettts tlu'o'ugh laxge parking areas between HPand Celestim In addition, adding turns to ice --west as proposed will demaw the safety of pedestrians cro=Wg at i9F-watt. Y4 the devoiaper Im emphadzed lite lfiwUhood of pedest to crossings between NP and Celes&L 4 DEC- 4-97 THU 11 : 43 _ __ . _ „____„ � y r. uo 710 August '97 stud)r was do= for an arthiteeh w tuns is Zbrento, Can"16 canting the Celestuon a CM Phase e is an electronics complex, rose large b iCelestira Carp) in the northwest cmner of the develrtpment. Predicted to open in early 1999, will be ghostly industIW with 2 shifts of M production workers (700 per day) pie 20D ohioe workers. No odd plans have been provided far the lap reudnder of the cubdeviston. The location of sits generabad itmft volumes [Mtn Heathenry geed and therefore potential aignel warrant krcatlMMi are strongly MUenced by hive layout of *A developohent.'a irdemal street system. The Etter phase psopoeed dwulatton as ahown in the phase one proposal The the rorthv►est corner, cleady. shows a lack of internal dmulation planned fat the developau t, The phase one plait, shows that no eaSt+avest street ate WithirL 1400 fact of Harmony Road. Phase care prvvides no street Ownection between. CR 9 and HPdwmL No c mute won to Cambeldge is pravlded. The future build -out of the industrial building in phase one wd=ds to tine south, further restnictatg the possib Hty of &W rovements to CR 9. 'Yids lads of adequate inbarnal dt nation could be corrected by ftng htfal = Wportadm planning srtd t«ite. deeiWL Wi@s the existence of the signal at CR-9, these is no reason that the drivers exiting Ce mica wlisldng to travel west would choose to make it left hum at NP-West When Owe is a good Iavai of service t►t CR 9 and an existinig trd & d5nd tm a protected turn. However, *= odty a dr;Wtma route around the phase i building and through several PAt5dag lab Is pzovided, employees using the east side pa*ing lets are plated toward tree of the MP44ftt acom location Due to the inadegaabe intemal stet systetit the consultant predicts that during *a FM pea$, as workers go home. 207 will want to use HP-West and sty 1N will use CR-9 at SHw(A Short hair,, (phase 1) shows LOS far the intersection of Mj-68 and CR-9 as W, Thera Is ienty ?n capacity at t3vs k tez M and therefore no sitert term need fCr a ftrua at except Fur tire, inadeq"In intanul drealatkm plats. ff reasonable ac aess is provided from the site to, CR-9, traffic signal warrants will scut be a tat at the RNWest hdft%ecft. i Even the kno termb Wid oat report does net show a s" need for a now traW signal at HP West acaeaa. The mad system and internal dsladeah omAd provide access at CR- 9 and Causbridge and limited access to Harunorry Road at E? West: Adding snodw signal (for a total of 3 serving ft dwdopment) is W desirable, The trafRc repeat doss not report on the necessity of rho signal, foe short and medium term needs. The report claims xtaceaaity due to heavy lairs, NO CR-9 to WB W 60 upon tine bcu`ldoUt of ft erfte 130* acres. 'rise report doss not look at a range of aliernatfvrs or 4 rap of impla rdaticm phases. Cady tim-lang term, build out of tta; site kagates arty potgtthd need for the signal. The Cary considers Hatmony Road as a major arterial in its master transportation plan. Tihe cmmd assignatertt of CatsM 3 is apprvpdaie for a limited act sae major arterial Of this type, The pwPosed JOgmI does not meet the sttutdat& of cataegasy 3 which call f0f 1/2 mile SIOW The aW l does that meet flue desirable bandwidth of d0 %. DEC-14-97.THU 11:43 _ _ P.04 2. Change in the access deed (Tarmahle y 8idmis, comadmimtj Thre DepartOtertt airy v*ly owns &0 access right e%ng the entire & tW of the south devalpprter* except for A driveway to a farm h6um which is nak a pert of this ��op ht ptroposaL As pare of the rlghr of way deed charygs prombe, A categorical exc]usicur � +�=flan would be required by fede> pl resulat om 23 CF11, 77Y,ii7(dj(7j, citarAgittg the scores deed would foIIos,r adbpasal proredtue i>tidudittg standard appraisal eed rteW deeds. Itt� 23 CFAL 620.?A3 regturr9s the state to defdn+3 the rite bein retard is a to furrier aY px�ctt day standrards; and that tits release wm ax adversely affect file federai�atd htgltway facility or the traffic thereon. S. Authorization for public openhtg onto a freeway {eiabets, Vidal,} The b%hwayis a desiFtsted fft way by the Comndssim in a mrdanoe wigs 9.3-& 101 C RIL Ae su* +my lublki*wcdon requires specw approval from flte dtief engineer and the emmtive Reef of 4. ha umm of access p=dts �olltnp and Re&4 TWO -Permits are necessary, One for rite revised SP-weet north driveway, and Oita or the now Routh leg industrial subditiwm street. Ft Collins is an iaeuiV auemd, Region ==== would be rreer wry. however; it appears that the PWjPMd is not cotrsiatant with the cdteda at requicvwents of fhe mass CC& for category ftm and ertigirreet and Code variances would be neassary. S. Appmg for a naw traffic WpAl A signal rya be approved w md anti if the lowtim meets MUTCD e!FW warrants and if appoved on the access permit (Ft. Coilitts rims the SH 0 edSd eystani, hadwired computer contcoo Each of these aPP justi;icatieat to doetm fit rice nearsshy for the acoeas as well as determine ate best 5bluiiart for Mndl{trg the rrew traffic getwate d, by Bite aubdivisiom Tore Code applies sped6ca]1y citric the request is for MOM atians to the 1989 agteeat & C dteda of rite 1989 agrgenteitt and ihv Amm Code must be stet, fit order to prove necaasity for the proposal, 2 trafSic studies were comptoted by Matt DeUch (b i,ovelandl for tits develapam Sngin" reports have rat baen provided. The Mey'97 study was dam for the Hewlett Padcard Company and covers tit® entire raw 150+ acre subdivision. The tra ft did not dish the phasing of ttre wlnidt witl tabs atany years is no erecter plan trd& circulatlan layout for die sabdivieioa, gecauae the ka& report did not address the phoing of the ptsrject it did not identify increment based phased traffic:toads of the devel Amen NO orate has provided a reasonable predic im as to when tits dewatop will reads full build oat given such fActors as Ere industrial zate its the Ft. Collins area and the availability of other o�/irtdttstrial par]cs in fire regi8n. We do not kam if the 5a11 build out prediction i9 Goy 10 years. 20 yeaxa, or far 40 yeem, We do xwt know When t118 cub ' ' wlll reach 509'0 of buiLdout. 11re full bond cut pg to 150+ acre subdi�visiret wosild allow e6ot� 2 4 n+iAiaat aq meet of btsil8in�, Curt�etntIy a mix of ZQ9ro off3ee cirri E10 96 indvstrlat flee is asauated. The May report cortctuded that a traffic signal at HP�WsBt would bi acceptable and not sigrtificandy impact dgr d progression. DEC-.4-97.THU 11:42 F. U3 1V1.0 OKA V L V M DEPAMU M pP '1'AANBPORfA7lON O4201 EW tan Bodo+& a Rrn 1 Naha xroa"cda7 vS9ecs A% 7SNV219 DATE: November 21,1997 TQ Matthew Reay nox- Philip Demosthenes SUBJE 4t Review of Region RegMt to Modify SH 68 Access Cbr*ml Plan. The access management unit bas competed its irdiial essesement of the proposal for a fill] movemme ftMOOHM with traffic OP4 1/4 mile east of County Road 9 on Ha mmW Road (refenc®d to as Iip-viest). 7hc t by the City, in support 0f the desires of the MWIett Packud Comp=y and the C�ca C,.arpcuatiart, is to modify the MuTag Hatamy Road (SH 6)8 Access Contml Plan ItowagrMg Aft C" Weemerq to allow a new full movement fora leg intemecum and traffic signal. The kmrsecdo n would serve I? (a primate driveway) to the north as it does moan+, and serve a new city stmot to the south as part of sn in&mbdalloffice subdVWm of about 130 acres. (shalt Z4 m8lian sq ft of bpildittgs). TI* report zelen to the access 10aation as IP Writ. A asap is attadzed. Harmony goad is cummily regulated by the Ae = Code surd the 2989 agreement with Pt COMIL The a remzscrt cans for ttw card Mt -Wed ddveway to be dunged to a right tum ady dd"vaay The W development to the nx& also enjoys aaaws to CR 9 and to the it ac= to Tim many goad oppoilte CAn*ddge Road, Both CR 9 and 2ambridgge we listed an tine A,grewm t as full movement signaiiaed intezaBcdom Cp is already dpaU24 Cwftdp is not dam it is gO very law vobMW, Two traffic studies have been reviewed. one in May'97 for the buBd out of the site (150+. acres) called Harmony Tpchn logy Pars;, the Aw=d. m August 97 for Phase are one in the northwest Cbrtler of the subdivIden, for Sze Celatim induct w There are pave legal purrs necessary to approve a h� mov�t inbersecdan and atop H& at tills Coati (I�-Wart). I. Axa►endment to the Access Control Plea utm agency agreement (ft Collins & Siebels) The Currant qp memt does not allow a full movemeztt mbumcdon or traffic signer at this location and the agreema t states spadamny ftt this type of t SEC signal should not be approved. DEC- 4-97 THU 11:42 1I20 Znd Pisan .FACrSXMXl.'rir T, SMS'T'T .Ii �xorr: ?Ez01�TYa Q 7{DDR8�8H8 ALL PI@Rtlp rerrrw.rsw�rhrws,.m�rnwer.� F IB'S/xW0BjW10m: A.M. ' TOTAL PAGES Sj=, P.2N. PBM. (970) L7 i�DTY iDD MEM 13 D$G m wzm= i mmg �-7 13 IWg transNdmaton is to be oaamIdarea your original. 13 The Original of this transniee;(OA r123 be sanC to irou by one of the fa?2aw1mv meansr Q �, g. !Nail 13 Courier C1 Xaad Delivery DEC- 4-97 THU 11:41 r. u i FAX TRANSMISSION CrrY of FoRT COta rNs TttA1vS10 E. Ouve SSEltvic>rs ^ o 2 I O E. Ouve srnsEr /J�/ FORT GOWNS, CO 60524 '�� 970-221-6606 FAx; 970-221,6239 To. v Frank Bruno Date: December 4, 1997 Gary Diede Tom Frazier Susanne Edminster Kathleen Reavis Eric Bracke Pages. 7, including this cover sheet Ft -Om: Ron Phillips Subject: Celestica Access Permit I received this fax this molming from Doug Rames slier talking with Doug about where this request stands with CDOT. He had just received it from MOT headquarters. He suggests we respond to it ASAP. We need to make this a priority — do we need to have a meeting to discuss our response strategy? Please advise. rim 0 DEC-15-97 MON 14:40 P.05 Rames/SH 68 Access Control Plan Amendment December 10, 1997 Page 5. We appreciate the opportunity you have given the City of Fort Collins to comment on the November 21 memorandum. The Celestica project is of great economic importance to the City of Fort Collins and your prompt attention to our concerns is welcomed. Sincerely, Rondall V. Phillips Transportation Services Director xc: J. Fischbach, City Manager E. Bracke, Traffic Engineer D. Stringer, Development Review Manager G. Diede, TOP7s Group Leader F. Bruno, Assistant City Manager K. Reavis, Transportation Planner DEC-15-97 MON 14:40 P.04 Rames/SH 68 Access Control Plan Amendment December 10, 1997 Page 4 The results of the Passer II-90 analysis indicate that the 4 signal and 5 signal scenarios are comparable with slight differences in efficiencies and average vehicle delays under the original run; where the passer I1-90 program attempts to achieve good progression and minimize overall vehicle delays. If a 40 percent average bandwidth is forced onto the system, the 4 and 5 signal scenarios perform similarly with the exception of Harmony/CR 9 during the AM peak hour and HarmonyW East during the PM peak hour. It should be noted that the S.H.A.C. requires that pedestrian clearance time for the cross street be included in the analysis. The new analysis did not include the time required for a pedestrian to cross Harmony Road. On most state highways and on urban arterials, pedestrian recall is only provided in downtown or other high pedestrian areas. When the pedestrians push the ped button, enough time is allocated on the cycle to give sufficient time to cross the street. To constrain a progression pattern based on pedestrian clearance intervals in an area of low pedestrian volumes is not a reasonable approach. What is important to realize is that following the activation of the ped clearance, progression returns within several cycles. The temporary loss of mobility due to pedestrian clearance is a fair trade off for the safety of the crossing. In the fifth paragraph of page four, concern is expressed regarding the median design of the "back to back' left turn lanes on Harmony Road between HP -west and CR9. Based on the S.H.A.C. requirements the storage and taper widths were calculated correctly for a 55 mph facility. In reviewing the site plan, we have found that the two left turn lanes can work effectively in the 1270 foot median without widening the median. Furthermore, with signalization at 1/4 mile spacing, it is likely that CDOT will reduce the speed limit in the future from the current 55 mph to 45 mph. The standards required by code for a 45 mph are well within the proposed design. The second paragraph of page five discusses diminished performance along Harmony Road and needlessly increasing the accident rate. Obviously, the addition of a traffic signal will slightly decrease the performance of the overall roadway and provide a conflict point for accidents. However, the performance of the roadway with the addition of a signal is well within the City of Fort Collins standards. What was not mentioned in the memorandum is the realization that the intersection of CR 9 and Harmony Road has the potential to become extremely congested in the long tern due to numerous large developments in the area, which will also increase the accident rate of the facility. The provision of a signal at Technology Parkway and Cambridge Drive will relieve congestion at CR 9 and keep the accident rate within acceptable standards. DEC-15-97 MON 14:39 P.03 -t Itames/SH 68 Access Control Plan Amendment December 10, 1997 Page 3 in summary, the Passer 1I-90 analysis included the following intersections: HP East/Cambridge, the proposed IV West signal, County Road 9, Corbett, and Timberline. The purpose of the study was to analyze future signal operations on Harmony Road both with and without the proposed HP West signal. This analysis was performed previously under an assumed speed limit of 55 mph. However, based upon criteria set forth in the Access Code, this analysis was re-evaluated at 45 mph. It should be noted that although it is understood that the Access Code requires an analysis at 45 mph, it might be necessary to also evaluate Harmony Road at 50 mph- Based upon knowledge of local conditions, it is anticipated that the A= l speeds in the fLnUV on Harmony Road, with proposed developments, will most likely be closer to 50 mph (similar to College Avenue, south of Harmony Road). The signal analysis was also performed with the goal of achieving an average bandwidth of 40 percent. This is represented by the "Efficiency" output of 0.40 or greater. This approach allows for the predominant traffic flow to receive a higher bandwidth, by decreasing the bandwidth of traffic in the opposite direction if necessary. The Passer II-90 analysis was initially performed with minimum green times of 10 seconds, and with a cycle length of 100 to 120 seconds. The results of this analysis are shown in Table I (attached) under the "Original Run" column. The results indicate the following: The AM peak hour analysis with 4 signals would result in an efficiency of 0.38, and with 5 signals 0.37. The intersection delays under either scenario would be similar. The PM peak hour analysis with 4 signals would result in an efficiency of 0.41 which satisfies CDOT goals. The 5 signal scenario resulted in an efficiency of 0.35. The average intersection delays under the 5 signal scenario were slightly lower than the 4 signal scenario. The minimum signal timing for the AM and PM peak hour under both the 4 and 5 signal scenarios were modified to achieve a 0.40 efficiency. The results of this analysis are also shown in Table 1, under the "Modified" column. The results indicate the following: For the AM peak hour, an efficiency of 0.40 can be achieved under both the 4 and 5 signal scenario. However, under the 5 signal scenario the average intersection delay is substantially higher than with the 4 signals (80.9 versus 29.9 seconds/vehicle respectively). This is due to an increased green time for Harmony Road at County Road 9. This intersection represented the constraining point in the 5 signal scenario. For the PM peak bout, the minimum signal timing under the 5 signal scenario was modified could be achieved. As indicated, this could be to determine if an efficiency of 0.40 accomplished with similar intersection delays with the exception of HP West/Cambridge scenario. signal which would experience longer delays under the 5 signal DEC-15-97 MON 14:38 P.02 Rames/SH 68 Access Control Plan Amendment December 10, 1997 Page 2 In terms of the east -west connections, the attached O,D.P. clearly shows that a connection from the site to Cambridge is intended. The trip distribution in both traffic studies did assume that Cambridge would take some of the traffic from the site and distribute it to Harmony Road. However, the main attraction in the distribution is the population density of Fort Collins and most of the trips are distributed to the west. Additionally, one of the key findings was that the future design of Cambridge Drive must be sensitive to the single family homes that front on Cambridge. At this tune, Cambridge lies both in the city and unincorporated Larimer County and its ultimate improvement and terminus are not known at this time. Technology Parkway, however, will play an important role in providing collector circulation to both this immediate square mile section and the adjoining section to the south. This area to the south is known as the Fossil Creek Reservoir Area and is subject to a joint city/county plan known as the Land Use Framework Plan, which is included as an attachment. It is our belief that Technology Parkway will play a more crucial role in serving the general area than would Cambridge Drive. As you can see, the 35 acre Celestica site is a piece of a larger puzzle on the southeast side of our urban area. The public improvements associated with the Celestica project will contribute to the necessary infrastructure required to serve the southeast area as it gradually (or rapidly) transitions from a rural character to an urban environment. On page three, paragraph four, there is a statement relating to the traffic signal warrants not being met at the Technology Parkway/Harmony Road intersection due to inadequate internal circulation on the site plan. The attached site plan clearly shows reasonable access to CR 9, so we are concerned about this statement. The analysis of the intersection indicates that Warrant 11, Peak Hour Volume, Warrant 2, Intemtption of Continuous Traffic and Warrant 10, Peak Hour Delay would be met with the first phase of the Celestica development. We also expect that there will be pedestrians/bicyclists traveling between the HP and Celestica sites. Technology Parkway is the most direct route between the two sites and is the route that most folks will travel. Although there will not be enough pedestrians to meet ped signal warrants, it is still imperative that they have a safe and protected place to cross Harmony Road. On page three, paragraph five, we do understand that the S.I:LA.C. requires a 1/2 mile spacing between signals on a category 3 highway and that a variance would be requested to allow for a signal at the 1/4 mile spacing. However, good signal progression can be achieved on a 1/4 mile spacing with approximately a 40% bandwidth. Ms. Ruth Rollins, PE and Matt Dellich, PE have revised and worked through the additional analysis (attached) to show that the 40% bandwidth can be achieved. DEC-15-97 MON 14:37 ;- P. 01 Transportation Services Administration December 10, 1997 Mr. Doug Raines, Regional Director Colorado Department of Transportation, Region N 1420 Td Street Greeley, Colorado 80631 Post -it- FaX Note TO '671 [late p f 10, S From '� l 6/ Co./Dept, CA. Phone C Phone 8 /_ 75 ' Fax a Fax B ut �. (P 2-3c% RE: SH 68 Access Control Plan Amendment - Response to Phil Demosthenes' memo dated 11/21/97 Dear Mr. Rames: Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the issues raised by Mr. Demosthenes in his memorandum dated November 21, 1997- We will try to respond to each of the questions raised in an orderly manner that follows the format of Mr. Demosthenes' letter. ' Prior to responding to the issues, we do realize that Harmony Road is regulated by the State Highway Access Code (SHAG) and the 1989 Intergovernmental Agreement (I.G.A) implementing the Harmony Road Access Control Plan (HI AC). When the I.G.A. was signed by both the Colorado Department of Transportation (then C.D.O.H.) and the City of Fort Collins, stab from both agencies attempted to estimate the number of trips that would be generated within and through this particular corridor. We could not have guessed that the City of Fort Collins would be one of the fastest growing communities in the country. The trip generation estimates used to develop the HRAC were underestimated. For example, from the Celestica site in question, we had estimated approximately thirteen thousand average daily trips (adt). We now are assuming that the trip generation will be in the neighborhood of twenty thousand adt. The point that we are making is that the HRAC cannot be a static document and needs to be flexible and adapt to a growing Community. Page two, the last paragraph and continuing into page three, makes reference to the phasing of the project, lack of a reasonable prediction as to build out of the project, and the lack of east -west circulation. The Celestica site is part of a 155 acre Overall Development Plan (O.D.P.) known as Harmony Technology Park which is included as an attachment. This O_D.P. was approved by the City of Fort Collins Planning and Zoning Board on August 7, 1997. The land uses identified on the O.D.P. include office, manufacturing, light industrial, and a small area devoted to retail services. Hewlett Packard (HP) currently owns the entire site and the eastern portion of the property is intended for future expansions of the HP facility. The determination of the phasing is unknown at this time, however, for the traffic study purposes, build out was assumed to beby the year 2015. This assumption is reflected in the Harmony Technology Park Traffic Impact study dated May, 1997. 210 E. Olive 0 P.O. Box 580 - Fort Cottins, CO 80522-0580 - (970) 221-6608 - Fax (970) 221-6239