Pressure Calculation Worksheet
this form for the most pressure -demanding lateral, and submit
it to the City with the
plan. You might want to make copies of this form so you have
an adequate supply.
Pressure available at point -of -connection
Pressure loss through the meter -
Pressure loss through backflow prevention device -
Pressure loss in mainline pipe from backflow prevention
device to remote control valve
Pressure loss through remote control valve -
Pressure loss in lateral pipe from remote control valve
to most remote sprinkler -
Elevation change from point -of -connection to most remote
sprinkler (0.43 psi per foot of elevation):
pressure loss - T
pressure gain +
Miscellaneous losses through other valves, strainers, etc.
(in some cases this will not be applicable) -
Total possible pressure loss (add b through h)
- psi
Remaining pressure (subtract i from a)
Minimum pressure required at sprinkler
Difference (Subtract j from i. If the value is negative,
a booster pump may be needed. If the value is more than
+15 psi, pressure reduction may be necessary for this
zone, and/or other zones.)
Tap Size vs. Maximum Irrigated Turfgrass Area
Maximutxt Bluegrass
1. This chart is intended as an irrigation design aid, related to the City's water conservation standard that
limits the size of irrigated turfgrass area as a function of the tap size. The above values are calculated
assuming peak daily evapotranspiration rates of 0.25 inches for Kentucky Bluegrass and 0.20 inches for
Turf -type Tall Fescue. For the purposes of the calculations, assume that -the irrigation efficiency and tap
utilization efficiency are equal to 100%, and the maximum time of irrigation is 8 hours. More realistically,
however, this would be equivalent to irrigation and tap utilization efficiencies of 80%, and a maximum
time of irrigation of 12 hours.
2. These maximum discharges assume a disk -type meter. In certain cases of irrigation -only taps that are 1-
1/2" or larger, turbine meters are allowed, which have higher maximum discharge limits.
Maximum Flow (GPM)
Ptpe 5tze
PVC Class 160
PVC Class 200
PVC Sch. 40
PVC Class 160
130 '
Pipe _
PVC Class 200
PVC Sch. 40
Note: - This chart is intended as an irrigation design aid, related to the City's water conservation standard that
limits the maximum velocity of mainline pipe to 5.0 feet per second and the maximum velocity of
lateral pipe to 7.5 feet per second.
Instructions 'for completing an Annual Water Use Chart
1. Use the Water Use Chart below, including notes, as an example of what the City of Fort Collins requires to be
included on an irrigation plan.
2. The discharge figures for each lateral can be calculated by summing the appropriate discharge values in the
manufacturer's catalogs for the specified sprinklers, bubblers or drip emitters.
3. Irrigated areas for each lateral can be calculated using a scale and/or planimeter. This should be a "best
estimate," splitting areas between zones as necessary. For drip irrigation, the irrigated area should approximate
the area actually wetted by the emitters. As a general guideline, you can use one square foot for each perennial,
four square feet for each shrub and twelve square feet for each tree.
4. To calculate precipitation rate (inches per hour), multiply the discharge (gallons per minute) times the
conversion factor of 96.26, and then divide by the irrigated area (square feet).
5. The average annual depth bf irrigation can be determined by referring to Attachment A.
6. The annual volume of water (gallons) can be determined by multiplying the irrigated area (square feet) by the
average annual depth of irrigation (inches), and then dividing by the conversion factor 1.6.
7. .The annual cost for the water is determined by multiplying the volume of water by the applicable water rate. It.
is the responsibility of the irrigation designer to find out which water district serves the project, and to make
sure the current water rate is used in the calculation. The water districts are: City of Fort Collins, 221-6681;
ELCO, 493-2044; and Fort Collins -Loveland, 226-3104.
A,nuual Irrtgatton
1'rec3grta#tort Rate
>:,axeral I D
fin./hr )
(s f
li)e}tth (in j
Cnst ($)
--- I
I ---
--- .
I. This table assumes the City of Fort Collins 1996 water rate of $1.08 per 1,000 gallons.
2. The water use data corresponds_ with the June 3, 1996.landscape plan by. Acme. Landscaping.
A Guide to Landscape Water -requirement Categories
Potential landscape water -requirement categories, including some of the plants.
Categories are based on inches of supplemental water necessary per watering season.
High Water Use: 24"/season Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass .
Moderate Water Use: 16"/season Turf -type Tall Fescue
Low Water Use: 5"/season .Buffalograss, Blue Grama
High Water Use: 26"/season
Trees Birch, Cottonwood, Fir, nonnative Maple, Willow
Shrubs Hydrangea, Quince, Willow, Yew
Perennials Cardinal Flower, Fern, Foxglove, Hosta, Meadow Rue
Moderate Water Use: 14"/season
Trees Aspen, Austrian Pine, Blue Spruce, Crabapple, Mountain Ash, Honeylocust,
Linden, English or Red or White Oak, Redbud, Tatarian Maple
Shrubs Cranberry Viburnum, Winged Euonymus, Honeysuckle, Lilacs, Potentilla
Perennials Ajuga, Bishop's Weed, Bleeding Heart, Bugleweed, Hardy Chrysanthemum,
Columbine, Coral Bells, Iris, Lupine, Peony, Periwinkle, Shasta Daisy
Low Water Use: S"/season
Trees Bigtooth or Rocky Mountain Maple, Bristlecone or Ponderosa Pine, Golden
Raintree, Green Ash, Kentucky Coffeetree, Rocky Mountain Juniper, Russian
Hawthorne, Western Catalpa, Western Hackberry
Shrubs American Plum, Bluemist Spirea, Spreading Cotoneasters, Golden Currant, Grape
Holly, Littleleaf Mockorange, Mugho Pine, Potentilla, Shrub Rose, Siberian
Perennials Basket -of -Gold, Coreopsis, Candytuft, Daylilies, Dianthus, Harebell, Himalayan
Border Jewel, Lamb's Ear, Perennial Statice, Primrose, Sweet Woodruff
Very Low.Water Use: 4"/season
Trees Amur Chokecherry, Bur Oak, Canyon Maple, Pinyon Pine
Shrubs Apache Plume, Buffaloberry, Junipers, Mexican Cliffrose, Mountain Mahogany,
New Mexican Privet, Rabbitbrush, Russian Sage, Sand Cherry, Saskatoon
Serviceberry, Three -leaf Sumac, Yucca
Perennials Blue Flax, Cacti, Gaillardia, Gayfeather, Hardy Ice Plant, Poppy Mallow, Prairie
or Purple Coneflower, Pussytoes, Penstemon, Sedum, Snow -in -Summer, Sulfur
- Flower, Woolly Thyme, Yarrow
Non -irrigated areas without plants; including walks or patios, but not parking lots or driveways.
13. A pressure reducing valve shall be installed on the mainline, or as a feature of the remote
control valves, if it is anticipated that the operating pressure at any spraysprinkler, minus the
maximum recommended pressure for that particular sprinkler, is equal to 20 psi or more.
14. A rain sensor shall.be installed with each irrigation system, in order to interrupt irrigation in the
event of a significant rainfall.
15. When drip irrigation is used, emitter discharges within any single zone shall not vary -by more
than 5%. If necessary because of long runs and/or elevation changes, pressure -compensating
emitters shall be used.
16. -Remote control valves shall have flow control stems..
Sprinkler spacing
For both cases below, the radius of throw is defined as the value shown in the manufacturer's
specifications for the specific design operating pressure for the sprinkler.
17. With a square pattern layout, sprinklers shall be spaced no further apart than 1.0 times the
manufacturer's published radius of throw.
18. With a triangular spacing layout, sprinklers shall be spaced no further apart than 1.1 times the
manufacturer's published radius of throw.
Hydraulic considerations
19. Where Kentucky.Bluegrass and/or Perennial Ryegrass is used for turfgrass, the tap size shall be
sufficiently sized to deliver 6.25 inches of irrigation water over the turfgrass area within an 8-
hour period. Where Turf -type Tall Fescue is used, the tap size shall be sufficiently sized to
deliver 0.20 inches of irrigation water over the turfgrass area within an 8-hour period. For
special circumstances, the City may allow exceptions to this standard. (See Attachment Q
20. The maximum system discharge shall be less than or equal to the maximum allowable, relative
to the meter size, as determined by the City of Fort Collins Water Utilities. This shall be as
follows: 3/4" - 10 gpm, 1" - 25 gpm, 1-1/2" - 50 gpm, 2" - 80 gpm, 3" - 160 gpm. These
maximum discharges assume a disk -type meter. In certain cases of irrigation -only taps that are
1-1/2" or larger, turbine meters are allowed, which have somewhat higher maximum discharge
limits. Contact the Water Utilities for more information.
21. The maximum velocities shall be less than or equal to 5.0 feet per second for mainline pipe and
less than or equal to. 7.5 feet per second for lateral pipe. (See Attachment C)
22. The irrigation system shall be designed such that the point -of -connection design pressure,
minus the possible system pressure losses, is greater than or equal to the design sprinkler.
operating pressure. (See Attachment D)
23. The lateral pipe shall be sized such that there is less than or equal to a 10% variation between
the highest and lowest sprinkler operating pressures on a zone.
4. On steep grades, an irrigation method with a lower precipitation rate shall be used, in order to
minimize runoff. If practical, these areas shall be zoned separately.
5. When practical, areas with significantly different solar exposures shallbe zoned separately.
6. Different types of irrigation equipment (drip, micro -spray, spray, rotary, etc.) shall not be
combined on the same zone. Only drip and micro -spray equipment may be on the. same zone.
7. As much as practical, the irrigation method shall be selected to correlate with the plant density.
For example, drip irrigation or bubblers should be used for sparsely -planted trees and shrubs,
and sprinklers should be used for turfgrass.
8. The type of sprinkler and associated nozzles should be selected to correlate with the size and
geometry of the zone being irrigated. For example, pop-up spray sprinklers should be used for
smaller and more chopped up areas. As a rule of thumb, sprinklers should'be spaced no closer
than 75% of the maximum radius of throw for the given sprinkler and nozzle.
Equipment selection
9. A master valve should be installed on all irrigation systems with a tap of 2 inches or larger.
10. For irrigation systems that are on a combined -use tap, with a water meter installed further
upstream to measure total water use, the installation of an irrigation -only submeter should be
considered. This submeter would enable the owner and landscape maintenance contractor to
more easily determine water use for irrigation, and would not be used for billing purposes. The
cost of installation and maintenance of the submeter shall be borne by the owner of the
property, and not by the City. All such submeters shall be installed in accordance with the
specifications established by the City of Fort Collins Water Utilities.
11. The irrigation controller shall have a minimum of the following capabilities:
a. multiple program
b. percent watering
c. multiple starts per day
d. enough stations to prevent the necessity of combining zones on a single station that
have dissimilar water requirements or precipitation rates, or exceed the hydraulic
limitations of the tap
12. Sprinklers and nozzles shall meet the following requirements:
a. spray sprinklers in turf areas shall have a minimum 3-1/2 inch pop-up riser height.
b. coverage arcs and radius of throw shall be selected and adjusted to water only
vegetated areas and minimize overspray onto hard -surfaces, buildings, fences, etc.
c. sprinklers, bubblers, or emitters on a zone shall be of the same manufacturer. Spray
sprinklers on a zone shall have matched precipitation nozzles. Nozzles for rotary
sprinklers on a zone shall approximate a uniform precipitation rate.
d. check valves shall be used on all low-lying sprinklers with 3 feet or more of lateral
pipe head against them and on all sprinklers along sidewalks.
City of Fort Collins
for Water Conservation
Irrigation Plan
If areas of planting are extensive, the installation of an underground irrigation system shall be
required and an irrigation plan shall be submitted to and approved by the City, prior to the
issuance of a final certificate of occupancy. If no building permit is required, the plan is due
prior to commencing construction.. If the water requirements of the plants are low enough to be
met with natural precipitation, and if a means of temporary irrigation is available to establish
the plants; the City may waive the requirement for an underground irrigation system. When
required, the irrigation plan shall be accurate and clear, drawn to the same scale as the
associated landscape plan, and include the following:
a. an annual Water Use Chart that includes: the square footage of irrigation zones,
lateral precipitation rates (inches/hour), and seasonal water use and cost. The seasonal
water use data shall reflect the water requirements of the plants identified in the
landscape plan associated with the irrigation plan. The irrigation plan shall reference
the specific landscape plan, with its date and the designer's name. (See Attachment B)
b. a general note stating the point -of -connection design pressure and the peak flow. For
example, the system design: assumes a minintun: dynamic pressure for the irrigation
system of 75 psi at a maximum discharge of 50 gpm at the 1-112-inch tap and point-
of -connection. The irrigation contractor shall verify pressure and flow on the site
prior to construction.
c. the design criteria to assist the installer with field adjustments, in a general note or in
the legend. The criteria shall include the sprinkler and nozzle specifications, the
sprinkler discharge at the design operating pressure, and the maximum distance
between sprinklers.
d. a general note stating that, Any field adjustment or redesign of this irrigation system
must conform to the City of Fort Collins Irrigation Standards.
e. in the specifications, or as a general note, a requirement for the contractor installing
the system to provide the owner with as -built drawings after installation is complete.
f. details of the installation method for bubblers or drip emitters, when the irrigation
design includes these components. It must also include the number and discharge rate
of emitters or bubblers per type of plant material.
Irrigation methods and layout
2. Where untreated, raw water isavailable from a nearby irrigation ditch or lake, it should be
considered as a possible water* source. .
3. As much as practical, plants with dissimilar water requirements shall not be irrigated on the
same zone. For example, turfgrass areas should be on separate zones from planting beds. (See
Attachment A for water requirements of specific plants)
City of Fort Collins
for Water Conservation
Landscape Plan Requirements
1. The landscape plan shall have a general note calling for the review and approval by the City
of Fort Collins of any required irrigation system, prior to the issuance of a Building Permit.
2. The landscape plan shall include the total area (in square feet) for each landscape category.
Landscape categories are based upon water requirements. (See Attachment A, A Guide to
Landscape Water -Requirement Categories)
3. Mulch shall be used for planting beds. The mulch can be either organic or inorganic, and
shall be applied to a minimum depth of 3 inches. In order to prevent large expanses of
barren mulch, there shall be a minimum plant cover of 50%within five years of planting.
Design Considerations
4. Group plants with similar water requirements on the same irrigation zone.
5. Design the landscaping with an efficient irrigation layout in mind. For example, the
dimensions of turfgrass areas should be in multiples of the radius of throw of the sprinklers,
and the geometry should be such that overspray is minimized.
6. Minimize steep grades. Where necessary, design landscaping to minimize water runoff and
to take advantage of the water that does run off.
7. Use lower water -requiring plants on south -facing berms of 25% slope or greater.
8. Minimize landscaping in strips less than 8' wide. When necessary, such as between sidewalk
and street, use lower water -requiring plants.
Natural Area Preservation
9. If there are portions of the site that are worthy of preservation, the alternative of leaving
them undisturbed or with only slight improvements should be considered. The worthiness of
such sites shall be determined by the City's Natural Resources Director.
Other good practices for water -efficient landscapes, but not required
• Have a testing laboratory analyze the nutrient and fertilizer needs of the soil. For most soils,
add at least 3 cubic yards of compost per 1,000 square feet. Rototil to a depth of 6 to 8
• Consider using lower water -requiring turf and ornamental grasses. Turf -type Tall Fescue is
often a good substitute for Kentucky Bluegrass. For areas where a natural look is desired,
Buffalograss; Blue Grama, Little Muestem, Sideoats Grama, Smooth Brome, Crested
Wheatgrass or Western Wheatgrass can be good choices. For more information about these
grasses, call the CSU Department of Horticulture at 491-7019.
City of Fort Collins
Water Conservation Standards for
General Information
What are the water' conservation standards?
There are two separate standards for water conservation: (1) Landscaping and
(2) Irrigation Systems. The standards for Landscaping promote the installation of
landscapes that require less water. The standards for Irrigation Systems ensure irrigation
systems are designed to apply water efficiently to meet the needs of the landscape.
What projects are subject to the standards?
All projects within the city limits that are required to. submit a landscape plan to the City
as part of the development review process. In general, this includes all commercial,
industrial, institutional, and multi -family projects. Duplexes are also included when they
are part of a planned unit development. The standards apply to common areas of single-
family developments, but do not apply to single-family residential lots.
What do I have to do to comply with the Landscaping standards?
Submit a landscape plan as part of the development review process. The plan must meet
the requirements in the document, Landscaping Standards for [Vater Conservation before
the development plan is approved.
What do I have to do to comply with the Irrigation System standards?
Submit an irrigation plan as part of the construction permit review process. The plan must
meet the requirements spelled out in the document, Irrigation System Standards for
Water Conservation. The City will review the plan, and then inspect the system after
installation. The irrigation plan and system inspection must be approved by the City .
before a certificate of occupancy is issued..If construction of the irrigation system is
delayed until after construction is completed, a certificate of occupancy can be issued
only with an acceptable bond deposited with the City.
How strict are the standards?
The standards most important to water conservation are mandatory requirements,
identified with the word shall. Other standards are more flexible, they use the phrases
should or to the extent practical. These are.enforced on a case -by -case basis.
Where do I get more information?
Call the Water Utilities at 221-6681.
❑ 4. The landscape shall be designed with efficient irrigation layout in mind. For example, the
dimensions of turfgrass areas should be in multiples of the radius of throw of the specified
sprinklers, and the geometry is such that overspray is minimized.
❑ 5. Steep grades shall be minimized. Where steep grades are necessary, the landscape shall be
designed to minimize water runoff and to take advantage of the water that does run off.
❑ 6. Where south -facing berms of 25% slope or greater exist, the plants used should be lower
water -requiring species.
❑ 7. Narrow landscaped strips (less than T wide) shall be minimized. Where necessary, such as
between sidewalk and street, they should be planted with lower, water -requiring plant species.
❑ 8. Mulches shall be used for planting beds. The mulch can be either organic or inorganic, and
shall be applied to a minimum depth of 3 inches. In order to prevent large expanses of barren
mulch, there shall be a minimum plant cover of 50 percent within 5 years of planting.
City of Fort Collins
Project Name:
Date of Review:
Reviewed By:
Water " =-'ies
Stormwater • Water • Wastewater
Water Conservation Standards for Landscapes
Fo-VT Cc (t nJ 41,
Laurie D'Audney, Utility Education Specialist, 221-6877
I have reviewed this landscape plan and it does not comply with the standards marked below.
Landscape Plan Requirements
1. The landscape plan shall contain a general note calling for the review and approval by the
City of Fort Collins of any required landscape irrigation system, prior to the issuance of a
Building Permit.
2. The landscape plan shall include the total area (in square feet) for each landscape category.
Landscape categories are distinguished by their water requirements and intended maintenance
level. Examples of possible categories include, but are not limited to, high water turfgrass,
low water turfgrass„low water planting beds, moderate water planting beds, and non -plant
areas (paved areas, etc.).
Plants and Design
❑ 3. To the extent practical, plants with similar water requirements shall be grouped together on
the same irrigation zones.
P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6681
South Fort Collins
Sanitation District
September 2, 1997
Ms. Leanne Harter, City of Fort Collins Planner
City of Fort Collins
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
RE: #23-97 Ft. Collins Health Care & Rehabilitation Center
Dear Ms. Harter,
The Fort Collins - Loveland Water District and the South Fort Collins Sanitation District have reviewed the above
mentioned project and submit the following comments.
The proposed sanitary sewer line must be installed and accepted by the District and the existing sanitary
sewer line abandoned prior to approval of these drawings.
The District requires easements, on the District's standard easement form, for all facilities that are not
located in a public ROW.
District facilities are not to be located in water quality ponds.
A back -flow -prevention -device with flow detection is required on the fire line and located near Southridge
Greens Boulevard.
The meter pit is to be located near Southridge Greens Boulevard to the «est of the driveway
Please do not hesitate to contact me at 226-3104, ext. 14, if you have any questions or require additional
Mr. Tern Farrill
Systems Engineer
xc: Mr. Michael D. DiTullio, District Manager
AUG. -29' 10(FR1) 14:38 124 W MAGNOLIA FT. CL TEL:919"^14'411 P. 001
%. Qualified Affordable
®n ®1 Housing Project
Conunent Sheet
Current Planning
DATE: August 19, 1997 DEPT: U S West
PROJECT: #23-97 Fort Collins Health Care & Rehabilitation
Center - Type H PDP/FC
PLANNER: Leanne Harter
All comments must be received no later than the staff review meeting:
Wednesday, September 17,1996
Review of these plans should not be construed as a commitment that telephone facilities sufficient to serve
this project are presently available. U. S WEST will provide telephone service in accordance with the rates
and tariffs on file with the Colorado Public Utilities Commission.
The owner is responsible -for provision of all conduit, ditch crossings, and street crossings for telephone
facilities within the project. The owner also provides terminal room space and power for the telephone
terminal, generally in a utility room. Contact the U S WEST engineer for conduit specifications for the
telephone entrance cable.
Any relocationof existing telephone facilities required by these plans will be paid for the developer.
Susan M. Peterson
Capacity Provisioning Field Engineer
Date la ?A Sigrutuae �� ^^
2<P)zt X Siff Nap
p X7d Of!>Pr
�CUtk - Redline ual T(T City of Fait Calllne
%. Qualified Affordable
Housing Project
-' -' Comment Sheet
Current Planning
DATE: August 19, 1997 DEPT: PFA
PROJECT: #23-97 Fort Collins Health Care & Rehabilitation
Center - Type II PDP/FC
PLANNER: Leanne Harter
All comments must be received no later than the staff review meeting:
Wednesday, September 17,1996
Vencor Ft. Collins Nursing Care Center
The facility to be protected with a fire sprinkler system as well as a fire alarm system.
Fire hydrants - one fire hydrant required within 300 feet of building fire department connection,
and a second hydrant within 600 feet along an approved road way.
Access - provide turning radius of 20 feet inside 40 feet outside on the south part of the west
parking lot.
Knox Box - a "Knox Box" with -keys to the front door, alarm panel, alarm boxes, and other
essential areas that may be locked is required.
Date: 5,- z la • c %
_ Plat _ Site _ Drainage Repod _ Oler
— Utility _ Redline Utility _ bands*
City of Fort Collins
Fort Collins Health Care and Rehabilitation Center
1 Food service establishments, nursing homes and childcare facilities require approval
by the Larimer County Health Department at the time of building permit application.
Please contact Jim Devore at 970.498.6775 for submittal information.
Qualified Affordable
Housing Project
Comment Sheet
Current Planning
DATE: August 19, 1997 DEPT: Building Inspection
PROJECT: #23-97 Fort Collins Health Care & Rehabilitation
Center - Type II PDP/FC
PLANNER: Leanne Harter
All comments must be received no later than the staff review meeting:
Wednesday, September 17,1996
The site shall be accessible to persons with disabilities in accordance with Uniform
Building Code Section 3103 and UBC Appendix Section.3106. Provide a designated
and marked "accessible route of travel' among all the buildings on the site and building
exits and entrances and the public way (public sidewalk). Accessible routes shall
comply with ANSI Al 17.1-1992 with running slopes no greater than 1:20 and cross
slopes no steeper than 1:50. Where routes cross lanes for vehicle traffic, they shall be
designated and marked as a crosswalk. Provide parking and signs per Appendix
Section 3107. Parking and access aisles shall comply with ANSI Al17.1-1992 with
slopes no greater than 1:50 in any direction.
Buildings shall be designed to comply with the Fort Collins Residential Energy Code or
Fort Collins Nonresidential Energy Code whichever applies to individual buildings.
Buildings which exceed 5000 square feet in area must be equipped with an automatic
fire suppression system or be compartmentalization by fire -resistive construction as
required by Section 3802, Uniform Building Code as amended by the City of Fort
Date: �ZjeMeWAatk 9 , t99�:)
_ Plat _ Site _ Iha Ne Report Other
_ Utility _ Redline Utility _ Landscape
City of Fort Collins
Article 3, General Development Standards Division 3.5, Building Standards
walkways or other directly connecting outdoor spaces
such as plazas, courtyards, squares, or gardens.
3. in the case of a large building with employment,
vehicle -related; or other uses that have little
relationship to pedestrians, or that have a need to limit
ground floor windows, where the "build -to" line is not
feasible for the entire building. The design of such a
building shall be permitted to contribute only a
portion of a facade to a build -to line by extending at
least 30% of one side of the building to a build -to line.
(See Figure 9).
(4) In the case of Large Retail Establishments, Supermarkets, or other
anchor -tenant buildings that face internal connecting walkways with
pedestrian frontage in a development that includes additional outlying
buildings adjacent to the street(s).
(C) Variation in Massing. A single, large, dominant building mass shall be
(1) Horizontal masses shall,not exceed a height:width ratio of 1:3 without
substantial variation in massing that includes a change in height and
a projecting or recessed element(s).
(2) Changes in mass shall be related to entrances, the integral structure,
and/or the organization of interior spaces and activities and not
merely for cosmetic effect. False fronts or parapets create an
insubstantial appearance and are prohibited.
(D) Character and Image.
(1) Site -Specific Design. Building design shall contribute to the
uniqueness of a zone district, and/or the Fort Collins community with
predominant materials, elements, features, color range, and activity
areas tailored specifically to the site and its context. In the case of a
multiple building development, each individual building shall include
predominant characteristics shared by all buildings in the
development so that the development forms a cohesive place within
City of Fort Collins.
Land Use Code Article 3, Page 78 Effective March 18, 1997
Article 3, General Development Standards
Division 3.5, Building Standards
established building/sidewalk relationships that are consistent
with this standard.
(b) Buildings shall be located no more than fifteen (15) feet from
the right-of-way of an adjoining street if the street is smaller
than a full arterial or has on -street parking.
(c) Buildings shall be located at least ten (10) and no more than
twenty-five (25) feet behind the street right-of-way of an
adjoining street that is larger than a minor arterial that does
not have on -street parking.
(d) ' Exceptions to the build -to line standards shall be permitted:
in order to form an outdoor space such as a plaza,
courtyard, patio, or garden between a building and the
sidewalk. Such a larger front yard area shall have
landscaping, low walls, fencing or railings, a tree
canopy, and/or other similar site improvements along
the sidewalk designed for pedestrian interest, comfort,
and visual continuity.
2. if the building is adjacent to a full arterial or major
arterial street, and the Director has determined that an
alternative to the street sidewalk better serves the
purpose of connecting commercial destinations due to
one or more of the following constraints:
a. high volume and/or speed of traffic on the
adjacent street(s),
b. landform, `
C. an established pattern of existing buildings
that makes a pedestrian -oriented streetfront
Such an alternative to the street sidewalk must include
a connecting walkway(s) and may include internal
City of Fort Collins
Land Use Code Article 3, Page 77 Effective March 28, 1997
Article 3, General Development Standards
Division 3.5, BuildingStandardr
through (4) above. The facade oriented to the second street or
walkway spine shall include windows, doorways, and a structured
transition from public to private areas using built elements such as
porch features, pediments, arbors, low walls, fences, trellis work,
and/or similar elements integrated with plantings.
(6) Alternative garage door treatments shall be accepted by.the Director
(a) the configuration of the lot or other existing physical
condition of the lot makes the application of these standards
impractical; and
(b) the proposed design substantially meets the intent of this
Land Use Code to line streets with active living spaces,
improve the appearance of streetscapes, and provide variety
and visual interest in the exterior design of residential
3.5.3• Mixed -Use and Commercial Buildings
(A) Purpose. These standards are intended to promote the design of an urban
environment that is built to human scale to encourage attractive streetfronts
and other connecting walkways that accommodate pedestrians as the first
priority, while also accommodating vehicular movement.
City of Fort Collins
Land Use Code
Relationship of Buildings to Streets, Malkways and Parking.
(1) Orientation to a Connecting Walkway. At least one main entrance of
any commercial or mixed -use building shall face and open directly
onto a connecting walkway with pedestrian frontage. See Figure 8.
(2) Orientation to Build -To Lines for Streetfront Buildings. Build -to
lines based on a consistent relationship of buildings to the street
sidewalk shall be established by development projects, in order to
form visually continuous, pedestrian -oriented streetfronts with no
vehicle use area between building faces and the street.
(a) To establish "build -to" lines, buildings shall be located and
designed to align or approximately align with any previously
Article 3, Page 76
Effective Alarch 28, 1997
zoning districts, location of existing municipal boundary lines, traffic circula-
tion systems with street names labeled, and major public facilities (schools,
parks, etc.)
This completes the review comments at this time. Additional comments may be
forthcoming as the various departments and reviewing agencies continue to re-
view this request.
Please provide a written response to each of the above stated comments with
the submittal of plan revisions. Please contact me at 221-6750 if you have any
questions or concerns that are related to the comments. If you would like to
schedule a meeting, please call me as soon as possible.
As you are aware, the City of Fort Collins Current Planning Department recently
implemented a new development review process. Under that new process, revi-
sions may be submitted at any time. With the submittal of revisions, please in-
clude the enclosed redlined plans. Please contact me for the number of revi-
sions required.
Best Regards,
dta��� 4V���
Leanne A. Harter, AICP
Project Planner
xc: M.I. Zehnder, META Associates, Inc. 401 South Fourth Avenue, 9th Floor,
Louisville, Kentucky 40202
Marcus Palkowitsh, MSP Companies, 650 South Cherry Street, Suite
435, Denver, Colorado 80222
Dave Klockeman, P.E., JR Engineering, Ltd., 2620 East Prospect Road,
Suite 190, Fort Collins, Colorado 80525
Mike Coley
Stormwater Utility
file/Project Planner
September 19, 1997 Page8
Comment Letter
n) Specify the colors and building materials on the elevations. In addition, the
shingles must be a high -profile shingle type, with the color specified. Please
provide a palette of materials that are proposed to be used on the structure.
o) A direct sidewalk connection must be provided from the front entrance to the
sidewalk along Southridge Greens Boulevard. (See the enclosed landscape
plan for more detail.)
p) Locate the trash collection area and screening on the landscape plan as well
as the site plan. Please provide a detail of the trash enclosure.
q) Are the trees within the parking lot tree wells in sidewalks or islands? They
should be islands, with shrubs and other appropriate landscaping materials,
with well-defined pedestrian connections.
r) Please add a Land Use Data Table on the site plan combining the site data
and building data, and add the number of employees, percentage of open
space, percentage of building used for long term care, and percentage of
building used for rehabilitation services.
s) What is the name of the development proposal? There are two different
names on the submittal materials.
t) Please add General Notes to the site plan including all relevant information,
specifying lighting, fire sprinkler and access, trash enclosures, signage de-
tails, and any other appropriate details.
u) The pedestrian connections (parked on the redlined site plan) must be well
defined using proper techniques such as special paving materials.
v) What is the structure to the west of the trash enclosure? This should be la-
beled on all plans if it is not part of the building.
w) Centered at the top of the page, label the site plan as follows:
Project Development Plan
Site Plan
Name of Project
Appropriate changes to this effect should be made to the landscape plan and
elevations as well.
x) The landscape plan and elevations must be on 24" x 36" sheets.
y) The legal description at the top of the Final Plat has some spelling errors.
z) . On the site plan, please include a vicinity map of the area surrounding the
site within a distance of at least one mile, including the following information:
September 19, 1997 Page7
Comment Letter
e) Foundation plantings are required per Section 3.2.1(E)(2)(d) for exposed
sections of building walls that are in high -use or high -visibility areas of the
building exterior. These planting must be at least five (5) feet wide placed di-
rectly along at least fifty (50) percent of such walls. Specific areas are noted
on the site plan.
f) The parking lot along Southridge Greens Boulevard must be screened in ac-
cordance with Section 3.2.1(E)(4)(a-b).
g) The design and layout of the parking lots must be in accordance with Section
3.2.1.(E)5)(a-e) Parking Lot Interior Landscaping.
h) You are required to comply with Section .3.2.2(C)(4)(a) which defines the
minimum number of bicycle spaces as 5% of the total parking provided. In
addition, the facilities must be designed in accordance with Section
3.2.2.(C)(4)(b-c) which states:
"Design. Bicycle parking facilities shall be designed to allow the bicycle
frame and both wheels to be securely locked to the parking structure. The
structure shall be of permanent construction such as heavy gauge tubular
steel with angle bars permanently attached to the pavement foundation.
Bicycle parking facilities shall be least two (2) feet in width and five and
one-half (5 %) feet in length with additional back -out or maneuvering
space of at least 5 feet."
i) Please supply additional information to support the request for a modification
to the parking maximum standard. Please include the total number of em-
ployees, total number of employees at each shift, the square footage dedi-
cated to the long term care facility and to the rehabilitation services.
j) All site lighting must comply with Section 3.2.4(D) of the Land Use Code.
Please provide additional information as to the type of lighting proposed as
well as a detail of the proposed lighting.
k) Please provide a detail of the proposed fence, including the type of fencing
materials and the height. City staff recommends that the fencing provided be
a 3-4' wrought iron to add visual interest while provide for security.
1) There is some confusion regarding the berm along Lemay Avenue. The
grading plan shows this as a swale. The details of this area need to be pro-
vided and listed on the landscape plan.
m) Please remove all landscaping from the site plan (with the exception of any
existing landscaping.
September 19, 1997 Page6
Comment Letter
building shall be differentiated into multiple sections of mass in
order to achieve proportions that are compatible in scale with
adjacent residential neighborhoods.
2. Minimum front yard setback of all buildings shall be fifteen (15)
feet in order to provide a landscaped from yard consistent with
the residential character of the L-M-N zone district.
(f) Orientation. Building entrances shall face and open directly onto the
adjoining local street with parking and any service functions located in
side or rear yards and incorporated into the development according to
the provisions of this Land Use Code.
(g) Outdoor storage shall be prohibited.
(h) The decision maker may limit hours of operation, hours when trucking
and deliveries may occur, and other characteristics of the non-
residential uses in order to enhance the compatibility with residential
(i) Drive-in uses shall be prohibited.
Review of the proposal indicates that it does not comply with Section 4.4(E)(2)(b)
Maximum Size, Section 4.4(E)(2)(e)(1) Building Massing, and Section 4.4(E)(2)(f)
Orientation, as stated above. City staff would support a request to modify Sec-
tion 4.4(E)(2)(b), however, not to the other referenced standards. Thus, as a
non-residential/commercial use, it would be necessary to redesign the site layout
to the extent that it complies with the code provisions. Staff recommends that a
meeting occur to discuss these standards, as well as any additional outstanding
c) The proposal does not comply with Section 3.2.1(D)(2)(a) which defines that
street trees shall be planted at 30'-40' intervals. Along Lemay Avenue, the
plans indicates that the trees are spaced at 25' apart which is too close.
d) Section 3.2.1(13)(3) Minimum Species Diversity states:
"To prevent uniform insect or disease susceptibility and eventual uniform
senescence on a development site or in the adjacent area or the district,
species diversity is required and extensive monocultures are prohibited.
The following minimum requirements shall apply to any development
Number of trees on site Maximum % of any one species
10-19 50%
20-39 33%
40-59 25%
60 or more 15%
According to the numbers on the Landscape Plan, 58 Autumn Purple Ash
exceed the maximum percentage allowable for any one species.
September 19, 1997 Page5
Comment Letter
dwelling units per net acre of residential land, except that residential
developments (whether overall development plans or project develop-
ment plans) containing twenty (20) acres or less and located in the
area identified on Figure 22 as "infill area" need not comply with the
requirement of this subparagraph (a).
(b) The maximum density of any development plan taken as a whole shall
be eight (8) dwelling units per gross acre of residential land.
,(c) The maximum density of any phase in a multiple -phase development
plan shall be twelve (12) dwelling units per gross acre of residential
Therefore, a modification must be requested to this standard as a long term care
facility is technically one dwelling unit according to the definitions in the Land
Use Code. City staff would not support a modification of any residential density
b) If this project is defined as a non-residential/commercial use, it must comply
with Section 4.4.(D)(2)(a-i) which states the following:
(a) All non-residential building permitted under this Section, including in-
dustrial buildings, shall meet the standards for Mixed Use and Com-
mercial Buildings in Section 3.5.3. (These are attached for reference.)
(b) Maximum Size. No building footprint shall exceed a total of twenty
thousand (20,000) square feet.
(c) Height. In order to encourage roof forms, dormers, windows, balco-
nies, and similar features associated with occupied space, to the
maximum extend feasible, buildings or parts of buildings shall be at
least one and one-half (1.5) stories in height (with functional and occu-
pied space under the roof).
(d) Roof Form. Buildings shall have either. • 1) sloped roofs; 2) combined
flat and sloped roofs, provided that the sloped portion(s) forms a sub-
stantial part of the building and is related to the integral structure, en-
tries and activity areas; or 3) flat roofs with building massing stepped
or terraced back to form usable roof terrace area(s). The minimum
pitch of any sloped roof shall be 6.12. Buildings containing more than
four thousand (4,000) square feet of gross floor area shall have at
least three (3) roof plans that are directly related to building facade ar-
(e) Building Massing. No building permitted by this Section shall have a
single undifferentiated mass with a footprint over ten thousand
(10,000) square feet. No building footprint shall exceed a total of
twenty thousand (20,000) square feet.
1. For any building with a footprint in excess of ten thousand
(10,000) square feet, walls that are greater than seventy-five
(75) feet in length shall incorporate recesses or projections cre-
ated by wall plan returns of at least thirty (30) feet, any such
September 19, 1997 Page4
Comment Letter
11) The Zoning Department offered the following comments:
a) If individual units contain kitchens (cooking units), then this project will
be viewed as an apartment building and, thus, cannot contain over six
(6) units per building.
b) The appropriate landscape notes must be placed on the landscape
plan, including that the installation is to be secured with a line of credit.
An example of landscape notes is attached for reference.
c) Please show the scale on the landscape site plan.
d) The building dimensions need to be shown and building envelope
identified with distances to more than one property line.
12) Please see the site plan and landscape plan for comments from the Ad-
vance Planning Department.
13) Comments from the Building Inspections Department are attached.
14) The Natural Resources Department offered the following comments:.
a) The Limit of Development (LOD) line needs to be indicated on all
15) The Current Planning Department offered the following comments:
There exists some discrepancy in the Land Use Code as to the definition of a
long term care facility as a residential land use or a commercial/non-residential
land use. Related to this discrepancy is some confusion as to what standards
from Division 4.4 Low Density Mixed -use Neighborhood are applicable to this
development proposal. The discrepancy exists in that long term care facilities
are listed as a residential use under the permitted uses, and within Article 3, the
General Development Standards, are categorized as a non-
residential/commercial use. Below are the applicable standards based upon the
two separate definitions. Comment "a" relates to the proposal as if it were de-
fined as a residential use, and comment "b" is based upon a non-
residential/commercial use. Please contact me at your convenience to schedule
a meeting in which to discuss this matter and how it relates to the development
a) If this project is defined as a residential use, it must comply with Section 4.4
(D)(1)(a-c) Density which states the following:
(a) Residential developments in the Low Density Mixed -Use Neighbor-
hood District shall have an overall minimum average density of five (5)
September 19, 1997 Page3
Comment Letter
4). Water Conservation notes that "the species "Narrowleaf Cottonwood" has
been grown for ten years at the City's Zeriscape demonstration garden and
has caused a terrible suckering problem. The maintenance time to keep the
suckers out has outweighed the value of the trees. They were an experiment
in our area and are not recommended." Please see the attached comment
5) Comments from the Engineering Department are attached.
6) The Transportation Planning Department offered the following comments:
a) Please provide additional sidewalks, paths and crosswalks as noted on
the site plan. It would be helpful to have a direct pedestrian walkway
from the building out to Lemay Avenue. .
b) It may be necessary to provide a pedestrian crossing at the corner of
Lemay and Southridge Greens Boulevard as none currently exists.
c) The driveways and turnarounds as indicated are not large enough to
accommodate the Dial -a -Ride service offered by the City of Fort Col-
7) Comments from the Stormwater Utility are attached.
8) Public Service offered the following comments:
a) An utility easement is needed adjacent to ROW on Southridge Greens
Boulevard and Lemay Avenue.
b) No trees are to be planted within four (4) feet of gas lines.
c) Any re-route of existing Public Service facilities will be at the devel-
oper's expense. There may be potential conflicts caused by grading
9) The Police Department noted that "Fort Collins Health Care already exists at
1000 South Lemay. This facility needs to be renamed."
10) The Park Planning Department offered the following comments:
a) One neighborhood park fee and one community park fee will due at
the time of building permit.
b) Will pedestrian connections be provided to the Fossil Creek park for
recreation and rehabilitation purposes?
September 19, 1997 Page2
Comment Letter
Community Planning and Environmental Services
Current Planning
City of Fort Collins
September 19, 1997
Mr. Ken Kirkpatrick
META Associates, Inc.
401 South Fourth Avenue, 9th Floor
Louisville, Kentucky 40202
RE: Fort Collins Health Care and Rehabilitation Center
Dear Mr. Kirkpatrick:
Staff has reviewed the submittal for the Fort Collins Health Care and Rehabili-
tation Center that was submitted on August 19, 1997, and would like to offer
the following comments.
1) Light and Power Utility offered the following comments:
a) Please contact Light and Power to provide loading information and to
coordinate transformer location.
2) The Mapping Department offers the following comments:
a) Is the County Clerk's Certificate needed?
b) Are utility easements needed along the R/W's?
c) What are the encroachment limits? If shown on the plat, they should
be dimensioned.
d) All lines need to be dense enough to reproduce.
3) TCI of Fort Collins states "No problems found at this time. TCI has facilities
along Lemay Avenue and Southridge Greens Boulevard. Should any facili-
ties be required to move, developer shall be responsible for all the costs in-
volved. If the owners are interested in cable television service, TCI of Fort
Collins requires a broadband utility easement, obtainable from Reneta San-
toro at 493-7400."
281 North College Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6750
FAX (970) 221-6378 • TDD (970) 224-6002