Emma McArdle
From: Emma McArdle
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 11:41 AM
To: 'Rob Ross'
Subject: RE: Union Place - Drive Aisle
Attachments: Scanner. DevRev@FCgov. com_20110914_111004.pdf;
Scanner. DevRev@FCgov. com_20110914_115854. pdf
Hey Rob,
My suggestion for the parking is to consider where you are measuring the parking stall dimensions from. Can we
stretch that curb curve to account for some of that space? Do you have the space there to get your 6' for the 3 parking
stalls? Bottom line is you will need to accommodate Zoning's comment, I think you can get there looking at the plan,
check out my scanned document as a suggestion. The measurements are so close, I think it can work so there no
need to address the modification for 158 vs. 156 parking spaces.
Regarding landscaping, not having any trees along the sidewalks will not fly. In the attached sketch, the yellow sticky
note is a sketch Clark provided me with, the first one showing car, sidewalk, foundation planting is what we do not
want. The second shows a tree between the car and sidewalk, this creates a space for the pedestrian, where the other
provides no buffer between the person on the sidewalk and the car.
I've contacted the City forester to see what he suggests for smaller than typical grates and trees that will work in them.
It is possible as I've seen it in other projects. I would suggest looking at an option like the other scanned document, you
can make the grates diagonal protruding into the parking spot, I've drawn in approximately 5x5 squares. If I get you a
tree that will survive in that or smaller grates can you make it work? Also, I've taken every other tree out, what I've
suggested meets the intent, but extends the grates between light poles. I'm not sure if the rectangular boxes you have
are the foundation plantings or something else. I would recommend scratching that if that is your proposal, not that it
wouldn't look nice while on the walk, but it will make getting out of the parking lot onto the walks difficult. The
foundation plantings should be located in the nooks where the building pulls away from the sidewalk in my opinion.
Regarding the drive aisle in the central parking lot, I don't recommend trying to do a modification for 22', 1 would take it
out of the sidewalks here and we can possible have 3x3 grates here if we can find a tree that works. I prefer seeing at
least 5x5 grates in the other areas where you have room for the 8' sidewalk though.
I hope you've checked in with the utilities about decreasing the easements also before depending on this plan.
I like the direction you are going in, almost there!
Emma McArdle I City of Fort Collins
From: Rob Ross [mailto:rross@merteninc.com]
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 3:03 PM
To: Emma McArdle
Subject: Union Place - Drive Aisle
Hi Emma,
Here is a copy of the site plan showing lots 1 & 2 block 4. This is where I have the 22' drive aisle. Also note the 6
compact parking spaces we discussed along the north side of lot 1 block 4. Thanks for checking this out for me.
MERTEN, INC. I Robert Ross AIA. LEED AP I Project Architect I rross@mertenina.com I office: 720.304.0011, ext.12 I
fax: 303,325.5418 1 mobile: 720.250.7903
11 /2/2011