Easements for communications will be granted as per the provider of the service.
The work within the R.O.W. with respect to the project utilities has been accomplished
prior to the street paving.
The requirement for a mitigation plan and -discussions with the department has occurred.
The application to the Corp of Army Engineers has occurred and is in process.
Thank you for comments and your review of the project. I have revised the plan to
incorporate these comments into the project. I know that this project is improved and will
be a better project with these items as a part of the project.
Ric Hattman
28. Cross access connection and easement with use to the north.
The connection to the property to the north has been explored and found that in the eyes
of the land use to the north that they would receive no benefit. Both uses need their
particular spaces at the same time and no additional spaces would be available at peak
use hours.
29. Coordination of site features and infrastructures with requirements of reviewing
agencies before submitting.
Work on project features have been reviewed and coordinated with reviewing agencies
and have been incorporated into the project.
30. Certificate blocks.
Signature blocks have been reviewed and revised.
31. Return redlines with new plans.
Redline plans are returned.
Location of transformer in wetlands.
This area of the plan has been revised and is no longer within a wetland area. The
Transportation Division's desire to have the connection from the Mason Street to the
future transportation corridor caused this land use change.
Comments to the two Engineering firms with respect to their reports.
These firms have revised their reports with respect to the comments. The respective firm
is filling out the comment forms.
Engineering comments.
These comments are being addressed by the Site Engineer and will be reported directly
with their revisions.
The three issues of Address, Fire Lane, and fire suppression have been provided with this
The five points regarding the corridor link, the revision of the landscaping, adding
pedestrian spines through parking areas, and ramp connections have all been added to the
The two issues of dimensions and removing the signs from the building have occurred.
Trees have been added to the Mason Street elevations of the building as well as the north
and south elevations of the building.
20. Trash area needs to provide for recycling, show elevations.
The area is large enough for a standard trash receptacle and recycling containers based on
the use, which is a low volume waste producer. Elevations are provided on the elevation
21. Detail fences and walls.
The retaining wall on the north end of the property required to provide storage of storm
water from other sites that flow onto this site is shown on the elevation sheet.
22. Utilities need to be screened.
The gas meter, electric transformer, the electric meter are all shown on the site plan and
the landscaping plan, which depict the screening of these elements. This screening as
well as the location of these utility connections being remote from the public R.O.W.
allows this item of the code to be met.
23. Access easement and path to multi -modal corridor space.
This twelve -foot easement as well s the path has been added in the location directed by
the transportation department.
24. Increase the pedestrian separation and emphasis of pedestrian circulation over
vehicular transportation.
I have added a separate pedestrian circulation path for connection to the future multi -
modal corridor. The pedestrian spine from the R.O.W. leads directly to the front door
way. This walkway provides space for bike parking convenient and visible to the public
ways. The pathway is accented with pubic seating areas within the landscape spaces in
front of the building. This walkway is accented with ballard light post that adds to the
human scale and adds to the safety of the path user in the evening hours. The pedestrian
pathways through the parking areas have been fortified with the pedestrian ways being
constructed of patterned concrete, which is raised from the adjacent paving the contract
of material, height, and texture shows the importance of the pedestrians in these areas.
There are two of these walkways that focus on the pedestrian, The major path through the
north parking lot is further emphasized with the inclusion of a landscape island that is
linked to this pedestrian way.
25. Coordination of the documents with adjacent property uses.
These adjacent property references have been revised.
26. Provide cut sheets of lighting fixtures.
Manufacturers cut sheets are provided.
27.Provide species diversity.
Landscaping plant diversity is provided.
16. Architectural elements.
a. Entry elements.
Entry canopies have been revised to make them more consistent with the form
of the building. This building form is compatible with the form, materials, and
massing as the building adjacent. This building provides continuity with its
b. Windows show human scale and detail.
I have added sills, and lintel detailing to all windows. This gives a human
scale to the windows on the first floor and ties the windows visually to the
windows above.
c. Door on south more detail.
This door was an entry to the mechanical room and has been eliminated.
d. Show gutters and downspouts.
Gutters are noted and downspouts are shown.
e. Color scheme and accent stucco.
Design elements and color changes are noted.
f. Define lattice.
The lattice is made of 1 '/z" x 1/8" steel. Lattice is welded. It is set off from the
wall by six inches. The color of the lattice matches the wall that is adjacent.
g. Note materials
Materials are noted on the plans.
h. Note height of ridge, eaves, and vertical elements.
Items noted.
i. Signs require separate permit and should be removed.
Signs have been removed.
17. Note screening of parking lot areas.
Landscaping has been added to screen the parking areas.
a. Trees need to be added to screen the parking lot areas.
Trees have been added to meet these requirements.
b. Screen parking area.
Residential uses are not adjacent to the site. Commercial uses surround this
site. To the west are the Burlington Santa Fe Railroad, the New Mercer
Irrigation Ditch and a City detention pond before you get to any residential
uses. The west parking lot line and the property line has been reinforced with
additional landscaping both trees and shrubs that meet the code requirements.
It has further been determined on similar properties along this street that the
land uses of the railroad and the irrigation ditch separate the uses eliminating
the need of a fence along the west property lines.
18. Tree spacing and locations.
Tree spacing has been reviewed and the center of trees meets the requirements of the
19. Trees meeting full stocking.
reconstruct Mason Street in this section. Since the City has just completed a major project
to reconstruct Mason Street within the constraints of the current curb lines, it is highly
unlikely that the City will rebuild this street again within the next fifteen years. In
addition the City's emphasis on the multi -modal corridor that is directly to the west of the
property reduces the need to construct Mason Street in a different configuration.
5. Plans comply with standards.
Plans comply with standards.
6. Revise narrative and provide diagram of wetlands and classification.
Narrative is revised. And diagram provided.
7. Provide dimensions for buildings and project elements.
Clear dimensions of all elements are provided.
8. Note Open Space, location, and size.
Items shown.
9. Add information as to percentages of Open Space, Active Recreation Space, and
Information added.
10. Temporary and permanent drainage ways.
The existing drainage curses are shown with the existing contours that are on the site pan.
The permanent drainage courses are shown on the grading plans.
11. Shown surrounding uses and Zoning.
Information added to the plans.
12. Shown plan dimensions.
Dimensions added to plan.
13. Show street width, bike lanes width, and sidewalk widths.
These items have been added.
14. Add dimensions for landscape islands drives, and parking spaces.
Items shown.
15. Show site triangles and site lines.
So added.
October 27, 2000
Ronald Fuchs
City Planner
City of Ft. Collins
281 N. College Ave
Ft. Collins, CO 80524
Dear Mr. Fuchs;
Architecture & Planning
145 W. Swallow Road * Ft. Collins, CO 80525
970. 223 . 7335 * * * Fax 970. 223 . 0511
This letter is written in response to your letter reviewing the project. I will respond to
your letter in the same order as your comments are listed on your letter.
1. Submittal of revisions.
I received a letter from Mr. Gloss indicating that I could turn the proposal back to you
on October 30a'.
2. Submit documents to the Army Corps of Engineers and discuss with Natural Resources.
mitigation options.
I have resubmitted the project with the Corps as to the ability to fill the site. A copy of
this application is provided with these plans. This application is in process and will need
to be reviewed by Denver staff before being presented for permit with the Omaha
Division of the Corps. We understand that until we receive a reading from the Corps that
this project cannot precede. I will provide you a schedule of their review when that
information becomes available. I have also discussed the project with Natural Resources
and I have provided a proposal with this submission subject to Federal Review.
3. Revise all plans.
All plans revised and redrawn for this submission. The requirement for a shadow study is
required by the code when a structure exceeds forty feet in height. The building plans
have been revised to reduce the height of the building to increase compatibility with the
adjacent motel that is close to but less than forty feet in height.
4. Plat submission.
This item was discussed with Engineering and the option to provide a plat was not taken.
The option to provide easements instead of a plat was reviewed by engineering and the
easement route was taken. The property currently has a valid plat according to City
Standards. The Engineering Department reviewed its request for additional R.O.W. and
determined that since this has not been asked of other properties adjacent or on this street
and therefore not reasonable for this property. The additional easements requested are
provided with easement documents submitted with this plan. The build -to -line is
provided for this future alignment when it may occur in the future. The owners are
willing to provide the additional R.O.W. at such time that the City is planning to