(Phlox subulata)
Very good evergreen groundcover with
red, pink, blue or white flowers in May.
Height: 4 in.
Q Border Jewel
(Polygonum affine )
A true creeping groundcover with light
green foliage turning crimson in fall.
Pink flower stalks in spring. Spreads by
runnners. Height: 4-6 in.
2 Fleece Flower
(Polygonum reynoutria)
Fast growing groundcover for sunny
areas. Light green foliage turns crimson
in fall. Coral -pink flowers.
Height: 12 -15 in.
l2 Potentilla, Creeping
(Potentilla aema)
Creeping groundcover with mat -like
foliage similar to strawberries. Yellow
butter -cup flowers all summer. Best for
sunny areas. Height: 2-4 in.
Purple Leaf Wintercreeper
(Euonymus fortunei'Coloratus7
Excellent broadleaf evergreen that can
be adapted as a groundcover or useful
vine. Dark green color in summer
turning purple -red in winter. Height:
Depends on usage.
(Antennaria roses)
Low growing native groundcover for
09 sunny locations. Silver-gray, wooly,
mat -like habit. Light pink flowers in
summer. Height: 24 in.
Fleece Flower
12 Rock Soapwort
(Saponaria ocymoides)
Broad -spreading, leafy plant covered
with pink phlox -like flowers in May and
June. Height: 6-12 in.
Very popular groundcover practically
indispensable in rock gardens. Very
�I vigorous, cold -hardy, drought -resistant
plants with thick, fleshy leaves.
Flowering time in mid -summer.
Sedum Acre 'Utah' - Bright green,
evergreen foliage with yellow flowers.
Height 3 in.
Sedum'Dragon's Blood' -
Reddish -green fleshy leaves with rosy -
red flowers. Height: 6 in.
Sedum Hybridum - Light green
foliage in summer turns bronze in fall.
Bright yellow flowers. Height: 4-6 in.
Sedum'Red Carpet- Red version of
Dragon's Blood Sedum. Height: 6 in.
12 Snow -In -Summer
(Cerastium tomentosum)
Excellent hardy groundcover with
wooly silver foliage that makes a large
mat and holds through the winter.
Lovely masses of white flowers in May.
Height 4-8 in.
12 Snow -On -The -Mountain
Creeping Mahonia
Bugle Ajuga
(Aegopodium rmriegatum)
Old favorite with white and green
variegated leaves, flat-topped white
flower stalks in early summer. Does
best with some shade. Height: 10-15 in.
Snow -in -Summer
12 Strawberry, Barren
(Waldsteinia fragaroides)
Glossy green strawberry -like foliage
with yellow flowers. Fruitless.
Height: 4-6 in.
Strawberry, Mock
(Duchesnea indica)
Deep green strawberry -like foliage,
yellow flowers and red fruit. Spreads
by runners. Height: 4 in.
Q Strawberry, Wild
T (Fragaria americana)
Rocky Mountain native that provides a
99 quick spreading groundcover. White
flowers followed by tart fruit.
Height: 4-6 in.
G Sweet Woodruff
(Galium odoratum)
An excellent groundcover for shady or
sunny areas. Fragrant white flowers in
late spring held above rich green foliage.
Spreads by underground stems.
Height: 6-8 in.
THYME (thymus)
Lemon -scented light -green foliage with
tiny pink flowers in early summer. Will
Withstand light foot traffic.
Height: 1-2 in.
Rapidly spreading plant with wooly
gray -green foliage and pink flowers.
Tolerates light foot traffic.
Height: 1-2 in.
Groundcovers fill a variety of gardening and landscaping needs, especially in difficult situations
such as, poor soil, deep shade, limited moisture or steep slopes. Groundcovers are useful in
preventing erosion, providing background for other plants and reducing lawn areas
to conserve water.
Ajuga, Bugle
(Ajuga genevensis)
Deep blue flowers in May and June
characterize the A�'uga. Available with
bronze, variegated, purple or shiny dark
green leaves. Low growing spreader
that provides excellent, dense ground -
cover. Height: 8 in.
Coralberry, Hancock
Light green foliage with small pink
spring flowers followed by red berries
which hold well into the winter. Low
growing, spreading habit makes it a
good groundcover, especially on banks.
Branches of this plant take root where
they are in proximity to the ground.
Height: 3 ft.
(Teucrium canadense)
Slow -spreading plant with shiny
evergreen foliage that winters well
when provided some protection. Rose-
colored flowers in June and July.
Height: 10-12 in.
Creeping Phlox
io Hardy Ice Plant
y (Delosperma nuhigena)
7 A bright green, succulent, vigorous
groundcover that is covered with yellow
daisy -like flowers in May. The cool
temperatures in fall turn the foliage red.
Grows in any soil with full sun, dry
location. Height: 1 in.
Ivy, Ground
(Glechoma hederacea)
Fast covering groundcover with light
green leaves and blue spring flowers. A
prolific grower. Shade tolerant.
Height: 6 in.
i2 Kinnikinnick
(Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)
Prostrate native evergreen with bright,
lustrous foliage turning reddish in
winter. Light pink flowers in spring,
followed by small red fruit. Likes well
drained soil, and should be planted in
light shade. Height: 8-10 in.
Q Mahonia, Creeping
(Mahonia repens)
Rocky Mountain native with a spreading
habit through underground stolons.
Excellent groundcover with evergreen
leaves turning red in fall. Does best
with some shade. Height: 12-18 in.
f� Moneywort
(Lysimachia nummularia)
Fast growing groundcover with small
light -green foliage. Bright yellow
flowers in late spring. Height: 1-2 in.
Penstemon, Featherleaf
(Penstemon pinifolius)
�' An evergreen groundcover for sunny
and hot, dry places. Reddish -orange,
tubular flowers in early summer.
Height: 6-8 in.
i2 Periwinkle
(Vinca minor)
Very popular shiny green groundcover
with light blue flowers in spring.
Trailing habit. Does best with some
shade. Height: 6-8 in.
Dragon's Blood Sedum
Hardy Ice Plant
Mr. Ted Shepard
Page 2
2. Areas adjacent to new parking lots on the west will be native seeded. These areas are
currently dirt with no plantings. These areas will not be irrigated, but in the future,
when additional buildings are built to the west, they will probably be converted to sod
with irrigation.
3. Main entrance to the detention facility -a planter will be constructed on the north wall of
the Detention Facility, approximately 5' deep. The planter will contain Vinca Minor,
which will have drip irrigation. The planter is intended to prevent pedestrians from
wallring directly to the wall of the building, and attempting to vandalize or damage the
building, per security objective number two above. A low ground cover was selected to
prevent the creation of hiding places. The planting bed will continue on the west side
of the building, to the point where the sallyport drive enters the building.
4. Cell areas -adjacent to the cell exterior wall is a gravel strip, designed to match the
existing gravel strip around cell areas. Sod areas will occur beyond the gravel, and will
extend to the nearest road or walkway. All sod areas will be irrigated. Metal edging
will occur between sod and gravel. A PVC coated chain link fence, to match the
existing fence, will be constructed around the cell areas, to prevent pedestrian access to
the cell windows or exercise yard openings.
5. All existing plantings not in the way of new construction are to remain.
Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the landscape plan or the written statement.
Bob Brashears
Gary Darling LCSD
JAN-29-1999 09:3e REILLY JOHNSON ARCH. 303 932 9135 P.02%03
29 January 1998
Mr. Ted Shepard
Community Planning and Environmental Services
Current Planning
281 North College Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 90522
Re_ Latimer County Detention Facility Expansion
Final Development Plan
Landscape Plan -Written Statement
Dear Ted:
SLTTE 1320
303.832 9111
303.911-9135 FAX
The following is the written statement for the landscape plan for the Larimer County Detention Facility
Expansion -
The landscape plan for the Lanmer County Detention Facility Expansion has primarily been influenced
by the security requirements of the facility. The landscaping cannot be in conflict with the security
requirements of the facility, otherwise a potentially dangerous situation could be created_ The most
important security issues which affect the landscaping are:
L The need to be able to view the entire site from closed circuit television camera& which
are mounted on the building and on poles throughout the sire. It's extremely important
that the central control room shall be able to monitor Lire entire site, including parking
areas, adjacent roads, and areas around buildings, to prevent undesirable access onto the
site. Also, the site must be monitored to prevent the biding or people or contraband. In
order to satisfy this security objective, new bushes and trees have been held to a
2 The need to keep people away from the exterior walls of the building, to prevent attack
or vandalism to the building. Because cell windows, and other windows and doors are
located on the first floor and are susceptible to attack, it is important that the landscape
help to keep people away from the buildings.
The landscape plan has been designed to enhance the security requirements listed above, while
ee t the
same rime providing an aesthetically pleasing environment for visitors and staff. The primary
or the landscape plan are the following:
Drive, where the new
1. The existing sod areas of the site have been extended to Midpolntof the Detention
entrance road is relocated. This will continue the sodded appearanceThere
Facility as it is viewed from Midpoint Dnve. The sodded areas will be irngaLcd. te
b h m trees planned for this area. in conformance with security objective
are no us es
number one above.