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Examples of Similar Large Campus Users in Fort Collins
Link-n-Greens ODP
August 30, 2012
The following illustrates other similar large employer campuses that exist in Fort Collins. These campus
layouts would similarly require modifications to Standard 3.6.2(K)(6) — Gated Developments, Standard
3.5.1 (B)(2) — Orientation to Build -to Lines for Streetfront Buildings, and/or Alternative Compliance
with 3.6.3(D) and (F) regarding Spacing of Street Connections.
Hewlett-Packard/Agilent Technologies Campus on East Harmony Road
Poudre Valley Health System Campus on East Harmony Road
o The Link-N-Greens development site abuts the Cache la Poudre River along its south and
west edges. The proposed alternative plan minimizes the impact on this natural feature
while still providing for distribution of the development's traffic. A traffic study has been
prepared as required at the ODP submittal. As a campus setting, the Woodward site will
include facilities for pedestrians and bicycles both to and within the site enhancing
neighborhood continuity and connectivity along its edges, and the opportunity for
improved access to new commercial uses.
Specific findings for the Alternative Compliance Request
• The alternative plan better accomplishes the purpose of this Section than would a plan which
complies with the standards of this Section
o The Purpose of this Section is intended to ensure that the local street system is well
designed with regard to safety, efficiency and convenience for automobile, bicycle,
pedestrian and transit modes of travel. For the purposes of this Division, "local street
system" shall mean the interconnected system of collector and local streets providing
access to development from an arterial street. The General Standard of this Section is
that the local street system of any proposed development shall be designed to be safe,
efficient, convenient and attractive, considering use by all modes of transportation that
will use the system, (including, without limitation, cars, trucks, buses, bicycles,
pedestrians and emergency vehicles). The local street system shall provide multiple
direct connections to and between local destinations such as parks, schools and
shopping. Local streets must provide for both intra- and inter -neighborhood
connections to knit developments together, rather than forming barriers between them.
The street configuration within each parcel must contribute to the street system of the
As a large campus development, the proposed Woodward campus would serve as the
primary destination from the adjacent local, collector, and arterial street network. The
site is adjacent to the Cache la Poudre River, so has significant natural barriers along the
west and south boundaries prohibiting the ability to continue a sub -arterial street
network both south and west of the property. As such, the property is well -suited for
this large campus use as a primary neighborhood and community destination. A 660'
public street grid required by these two code sections would not allow the parcel size
required for this larger campus setting.
• The proposed alternative plan accomplishes the purposes of this Division equally well or
better than would a plan and design which complies with the standards of this Division, and
that any reduction in access and circulation for vehicles maintains facilities for bicycle,
pedestrian and transit, to the maximum extent feasible.
o The proposed alternative plan meets the purpose of Division 3.6 Transportation and
Circulation, is in compliance with the Master Street Plan, and is in compliance with area
Access Control Plans. As a campus setting, the Woodward site will include facilities for
pedestrians and bicycles both to and within the site, and access to transit facilities will
be provided to the maximum extent feasible based on needs for campus security.
• The alternative design minimizes the impacts on natural areas and features, fosters
nonvehicular access, provides for distribution of the development's traffic without exceeding
level of service standards, enhances neighborhood continuity and connectivity and provides
direct, sub -arterial street access to any parks, schools, neighborhood centers, commercial
uses, employment uses and Neighborhood Commercial Districts within or adjacent to the
development from existing or future adjacent development within the same section mile.
Request for Alternative Compliance with 3.6.3(D) and (F) regarding
Spacing of Street Connections
Link-n-Greens ODP
August 30, 2012
Concurrent with the Link-n-Greens ODP, we would like to request the following Alternative Compliance
with Section 3.6.3(D) and (F) regarding Spacing of Street Connections
Current Standard
3.6.3(D) - Spacing of Limited Movement Collector or Local Street Intersections With Arterial
Streets. Additional nonsignalized, potentially limited movement, collector or local street intersections
with arterial streets shall be spaced at intervals not to exceed six hundred sixty (660) feet between full
movement collector or local street intersections, unless rendered infeasible due to unusual topographic
features, existing development or a natural area or feature.
3.6.3(F) - Utilization and Provision of Sub -Arterial Street Connections to and From Adjacent
Developments and Developable Parcels. All development plans shall incorporate and continue all sub -
arterial streets stubbed to the boundary of the development plan by previously approved development
plans or existing development. All development plans shall provide for future public street connections
to adjacent developable parcels by providing a local street connection spaced at intervals not to exceed
six hundred sixty (660) feet along each development plan boundary that abuts potentially developable
or redevelopable land.
Description of need for Alternative Compliance
The Link-n-Greens ODP is being established to accommodate a new campus for Woodward. As a large
employer, Woodward intends to develop a campus of office, manufacturing and testing facilities. These
facilities would likely be developed as a collection of buildings within close proximity to each other with
functional and operational connectivity, and parking areas served by private drives. A 660' public street
grid required by these two code sections would not allow the parcel size required for this larger campus
As a result, we would like to request alternative compliance with 3.6.3(D) - Spacing of Limited
Movement Collector or Local Street Intersections With Arterial Streets and 3.6.3(F) - Utilization and
Provision of Sub -Arterial Street Connections to and From Adjacent Developments and Developable
Parcels in order to allow for a campus development pattern.