P D t oVIP
A rendering of the Maverik convenience store and as station a COURTESY Interstate 2 MAVERIK, INC.
road east of Fort Collins. Maverik operates 270 stores in western approved
including 10 Colorado. frontage
MaverAe 's Mulberry c-store
clears city hurdles to build
PAT FERRIER M A ti 0, i s i b 4333 E. Mulberry St. on the Interstate 25
PATFERRIER®C-RADOAN.COM Frontage Road to accommodate a 5,04S-
Nearly a yea after first proposing plans square -foot area for gas, including 10 fuel ie store and s-
to r t restaurant with a conve- lands.
nience store and gas station, Maverik, Inc. is The northeastern part of the site will be
almost ready to build its first Fort Collins lo- landscaped to accommodate a rest area with
cation. tables, a kids lot and a dog run.
The Utah -based chain will raze the for-
mer Colorado Feed & Grain Cookhouse at See MAVERIK, Paqe 3C
Continued from Page 1C
Fort Collins City Council approved annex-
ing the 1.2 acre site into the city in March; a
hearing officer approved development plans
May 6.
The site is surrounded by city property on
three sides, including the Interchange Busi-
ness Park. However, when the park was an-
nexed the restaurant site was not included.
America's Best Value Inn & Suites, adjacent
to the Maverik site, is not included in the an-
.Maverik, which operates 270 stores in 10
western states, plans to demolish the restau-
rant that closed in 2011. Maverik already has
10 Colorado locations.
Once the company breaks ground con-
struction is expected to last about 130 days.
Maverik was started by Reuel Call, who
opened a two -pump gas station in Afton,
Wyoming, with money earned from renting
roller skates, according to Maverik's web.
site. The business grew, and he started pro-
viding fuel to surrounding towns and ranch-
es. The company is still family owned.