Project Development Plan Suomittal 06F012.01
Submittal Requirement l.h., cont'd. August 11, 1998
vii. Narrative description of how conflicts between land used or disturbances to wetlands or
natural area are being avoided or mitigated
No known land use conflicts or disturbances to natural areas exist on the project site.
viii. Written narrative addressing each concem4ssue raised at the neighborhood meeting(s),
if a meeting has been held
(See attachment 6, dated: June 29, 1998.)
ix. Name of the project as well as any previous name the project may have come through
conceptual review with.
Larimcr County Courthouse
Latimer County Courthous EDAW, Inc.
Project Development Plan Submittal #6F012.01
Submittal Requirement l.h., cont'd. August 11, 1998
ii. Description of the proposed open space, buffering, landscaping, circulation, transition
areas, wetlands and natural areas on site and in the general vicinity of the project.
The proposed park site occupies the center of Block 31 adjacent to the proposed Larimer
County Courthouse which will occupy the northeast corner of the site. The site is
bordered on the south by existing public and privately operated buildings. To the west, a
portion of the existing parking lot large enough to hold approx. 35 cars ,will be
maintained No wetlands or natural areas have been identified on the existing site. The
proposed park will consist of a hardscape plaza adjacent to the southwest axis of the
courthouse, which serves as a focal point for the circulation going through the site. The
plaza is meant to act as a transition space between the open space and the more formal
environment of the courthouse. This plaza will incorporate an interactive water feature,
which will strengthen the parks relationship to the courthouse axis and then evolve into
the natural forms expressed in the landscape. The function of this is to serve both as a
metaphor symbolic of justice, its meaning to the community and to physically lead people
through the space.
The open spaces reconstructs a natural area in which park users can engage in a number
of activities. It also serves as a detention basin to meet onsite storm water retention. Its
bowl shape is directed toward the plaza and water feature so that the space is adaptable
for outdoor performances.
Circulation through the site is emphasized by a major walkway which winds through the
site's north -south axis. Secondary circulation paths enter the site from the east and west.
All circulation paths pass through the central plaza which then tie into the downtown
streetscape. This provides the opportunity to link the downtown area and the courthouse
public and open space for various activities.
Statement ofproposed ownership and maintenance ofpublic and private open space
areas, applicant's intentions with regard to future ownership of all or portions of the
planned unit development.
The site is owned by Larimer County. The design and construction of the Courthouse
and park will be funded by Larimer County. The park will be maintained by the City of
Fort Collins.
iv. Estimate of number of employees for business, commercial, and industrial uses.
It is estimated that there will be a total of 250 employees for the entire facility.
V. Description of rationale behind the assumptions and choices made by the applicant.
The project has been designed to help achieve the goals and objectives of the Fort
Collins Civic Master Plan It has also been designed in cooperation with the City of Fort
Collins Planning, Parks, Forestry and Maintenance Departments and the Larimer County
vi. The applicant shall submit as evidence of successful completion of the applicable
criteria, the completed documents pursuant to these regulations for each proposed use.
The Planning Director may require, or the applicants may choose to submit, evidence
that is beyond what is required in that section. Any variance from the criteria shall be
(See attached Submittal dated: August 11, 1998.)
Larimer County Courthouse EDAW, Inc.
Overall Development Plan Submittal #6F012.01
Submittal Requirement 3.d.
Larimer County Courthouse
Statement of Planning Objective
The courthouse was designed as a five -story building in order to maximize future expansion, maintain area
for the public park, anticipate further building uses and to best maximize efficiency in blocking and
stacking of the court's program Within these five stories, the stacking of the departments within the
various floors has been determined based upon the volume of public access required. The departments with
the least public access have been located on upper levels while those departments which have maximum
public visitation have been located in the lower portions of the building. The fast floor will house the
District and County Court Clerks, Probation, Traffic Court and Law Library; the second floor will consist
of the District Attorney, Jury Commission, Judicial District Administration and Municipal Court and
Clerks; CASA will be located in the third floor and the Public Defender will be located on the fourth floor.
County courts are located on the third floor while the District Courts are located on the fourth and fifth
The Courthouse layout utilizes three completely separate circulation routes for the principal participants in
the courtroom. The maintenance of separate circulation routes is mandatory for operation of a safe
courthouse. The main building entry faces the intersection of Mason Street and LaPorte Avenue, with a
secondary access to the courts on the southwest side of the building fronting on the public park At these
locations, there is access for the public and employees via security checkpoints consisting of courtrooms,
departmental space and public counters at judges' staff areas, which serve as reception areas for the judges.
The public circulation route has a distinct exiting system separate from the private circulation system.
Statement of appropriate City Plan principles and Policies achieved by the proposed
The proposed Larimer County Courthouse conforms with the following Land Use
Principles and Policies; LU-1 Compact Urban Form, LU-2.1 City -Wide Structure, LU-
2.2 Urban Design, T-5 Pedestrian Connection and Activity Center, CAD-1.3 Streetscape
Design, CAD-1.4 Street Tree Design, CAD-1.7 Street Art, CAD-2 Civic Buildings and
Grounds, CAD-4 Crime Prevention and Security.
The proposed Courthouse also adheres to the policies of the Downtown District and
promotes policy DD-1.2 After -Hour Activities. The project also falls within the land
uses of the Canyon Avenue Sub -District DD-1.9 Primary Government Center in the
The project will serve as a focal point and destination in the Canyon Avenue Subdistrict
In conclusion, this project will serve as a focal point and destination in the Canyon
Avenue Subdistrict and should further strengthen the character of the downtown district
of Fort Collins.
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Sheet 1 of 1
PREPARED: August 11, 1998
REVISED: November 30, 1998
No Text
fl oi:
Larimer County Courthouse and Block 31 Overall Development Plan, #37-98
December 17, 1998 P & Z Meeting
Page 4
the City Forester. A tree mitigation plan will accompany the Site Plan Advisory Review
(County parcel) and the Project Development Plan (City parcel).
8. Drainage Basin Master Plan
There are three Code sections that address compliance with the Drainage Basin Master
Plan. The site naturally drains northeast to the Poudre River. Onsite stormwater
detention will be required and storm flows will be required to be released slowly at the
historic rate. A new storm sewer will be constructed north to the Poudre to handle
Block 31 storm flows as well as flows from the larger basin upstream. This new storm
sewer is referred to as the "Howes Outfall." Therefore, this standard is satisfied.
9. Downtown Civic Center Master Plan
In 1996, City Council adopted the Downtown Civic Center Master Plan. This plan
created a vision for a 12 block area in the downtown which included Block 31. A new
County Justice Center, other future civic buildings and a small civic park are designated
on both the Illustrative Concept Plan and the Framework Plan. The O.D.P. includes
these components and complies with the Downtown Civic Center Master Plan.
10. Findings of Fact/Conclusion
In review of the Larimer County Courthouse/Block 31 O.D.P., Staff makes the following
findings of fact:
A. The O.D.P. is evaluated by the new Land Use Code.
B. The land uses represented within the O.D.P. are permitted in the Downtown
Zone District as well as the Civic Center Subdistrict.
C. The O.D.P. meets the applicable standards of the new Land Use Code.
D. The O.D.P. complies with the Downtown Civic Center Master Plan.
Staff recommends approval of Larimer County Courthouse/Block 31 Overall
Development Plan, #37-98.
Larimer County Courthouse and Block 31 Overall Development Plan, #37-98
December 17, 1998 P & Z Meeting
Page 3
with regard to safety, efficiency, and convenience for automobile, bicycle, pedestrian
and transit modes of travel. There are four specific standards that must be satisfied.
Since the parcel is a downtown block, surrounded by public streets, and since there are
no new public streets, the O.D.P. complies with this standard.
6. Code Compliance - Transportation Connections to Adjoining Properties
Section 3.2.2 [C] [6] - "Direct Onsite Access to Pedestrian and Bicycle Destinations"
This standard requires that:
"The pedestrian and bicycle circulation system must be designed to provide, or
allow for, direct connections to major pedestrian and bicycle destinations
including, but not limited to, parks, schools, Neighborhood Centers,
Neighborhood Commercial Districts and transit stops that are located either
within the development or adjacent to the development as required, to the
maximum extent feasible."
The O.D.P. allows for these connections to be made. Existing sidewalks surround the
block. An internal north -south walkway will connect Mountain Avenue with LaPorte
Avenue. Enhanced crosswalks at the corner of LaPorte and Mason will connect the
site to the future parking structure, the future transit center and the future City
administration building. The transit center will be the north terminus for the several bus
routes that serve routes in north Fort Collins.
7. Natural Areas and Features
Section 3.4.1 [C] - "Establishment of Limits of Development and Natural Area Buffer
This standard requires that:
"For every development subject to this Division, the applicant shall propose, and
the Director shall establish on the project development plan, a "limits of
development" line(s) and a natural area buffer zone(s) according to the criteria
set forth below."
The Code goes on to describe three criteria. Larimer County Courthouse/Block 31
contains no natural areas or features. The Department of Natural Resources has
identified no areas needing protection by establishing a limit of development line or a
natural area buffer zone. The existing trees that can be saved have been identified by
Larimer County Courthouse and Block 31 Overall Development Plan, #37-98
December 17, 1998 P & Z Meeting
Page 2
1. Background:
The surrounding zoning and land uses are as follows:
N: D, Poudre Valley Creamery, Abraxis Glass and Police Training Facility
S: D, Larimer County Courthouse
E: D, Parking Lot and Retail Buildings
W: D, Saint Josephs Church and Elementary School
Block 31 is part of the original town plat. The block is jointly owned by Larimer County
and the City of Fort Collins. There is presently a mix of public and private uses on the
block including a large parking lot on the northeast corner which will be the site of the
new Larimer County Courthouse.
2. Code Compliance - Permitted Uses in the Zone District
The site is located in the D, Downtown Zone District and within a specified sub area
called the Civic Center Subdistrict. The uses proposed for the Courthouse/Block 31
O.D.P. are public facilities, office, retail, parking and a city park. These uses are
permitted in the D, Downtown Zone District and within the Civic Center Subdistrict.
3. Code Compliance - Contiguity Requirements for Compact Urban Growth
The O.D.P. has over one -sixth of its boundary contiguous to existing urban
development. Since it is surrounded by existing urban development, the O.D.P.
complies with the standard.
4. Code Compliance - Master Street Plan
All four perimeter streets are designated on the Master Street Plan. On the north,
LaPorte Avenue is classified as an "arterial." On the west, Howes Street "minor
arterial." On the south, Mountain Avenue is classified as a "minor arterial." On the
east, Mason Street is classified as a "minor arterial." The O.D.P. will not include the
construction of any new streets. Therefore, the O.D.P. complies with this standard.
5. Code Compliance - Street Pattern and Connectivity Standards
The purpose of this standard is to ensure that the local street system is well designed
STAFF Ted Shepard
PROJECT: Larimer County Courthouse and Block 31 Overall Development
Plan, #37-98
APPLICANT: Larimer County Facilities Department
c/o EDAW
240 East Mountain Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80524
OWNERS: Larimer County
City of Fort Collins
c/o Larimer County Facilities Department - Mr. Dave Spencer
c/o City of Fort Collins Facilities Department - Mr. Jack Gianola
This is a request for an Overall Development Plan for the Larimer County Courthouse
and downtown Block 31 which is bounded by Mason Street, LaPorte Avenue, Howes
Street and Mountain Avenue. This block contains the proposed Larimer County Justice
Center. Other proposed uses include a city park, parking lot and future office
buildings. The site is 4.04 acres in size and zoned D, Downtown and located within the
Civic Center Subdistrict.
The O.D.P. is evaluated by the criteria of the new Land Use Code. The land uses
proposed within the O.D.P. are permitted in the D, Downtown Zone District and Civic
Center Subdistrict. The O.D.P. complies with the applicable standards of the Land Use
Code. Finally, the O.D.P. complies with the Downtown Civic Center Master Plan
adopted in 1996.
COMMUNITY PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 281 N. College Ave. P.O. Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 (970) 221-6750