Meeting of September 17, 1998
Page 8
Ms. Craig stated that she had problems with "flag -poling" Taft Hill and asked
about the responsibility of the road maintenance and the impact trucks would
have along that stretch.
It was indicated by Rick and Dave that the county maintains that stretch of road,
and that it had been built as a main arterial. The road is in good shape, and was
built to withstand truck traffic.
Ms. Craig then expressed concern regarding the funding impact of the road
maintenance, citing the funding gap, that this kind of "flag -pole" annexation
causes. She also questioned how two rangers could cover over 432 acres of
land, stating that trespassing would still occur. She also stated that there are
natural areas outside the UGA and she did not see a need for annexation at this
Mr. Colton asked Rick to verify the deficit figures on public record that Ms. Craig
had cited. He also asked what impact, if any, the Cathy Fromme obligation
would have.
Rick confirmed the figures Ms. 'Craig, had cited stating that the $3.1 million in
deficit is street maintenance, covering issues like traffic signals, sweeping, and
pavement. He estimated that the. road would cost approximately $100/mile per
year to maintain, and in 9 years, it would need an overlay, costing approximately
$200,000. Rick stated he believed the cost of maintenance would probably
become a 3-way shared venture between Loveland, the City, and the County.
The Planning Director stated that ther'e was no major impact on the UGA at this
time for the area to be annexed'
Ms. Weitkunat asked for a clarification, questioning if all the motions were for
annexation only and if it was understood that by annexing, it wouldn't amend the
UGA. She also requested clarificationfrom Mr. Eckman as to if the Items could
go individually or if they were contingent upon one another.
Leeann responded that Staff. reports. had been in error as they stated that the
annexations automatically amended. the UGA boundary. The language in the
IGA indicated that the Board would have to amend the UGA as a separate
motion, but could indicate in a motion that the Board supported amending the
UGA boundary.
Planning and Zoning Board
Meeting of September 17, 1998
Page 10
Ms. Carpenter stated that she agreed with Ms. Weitkunat regarding the
responsibility of maintenance, but not about the bearing, or lack of, on the UGA.
Moved by Ms. Carpenter, seconded by Mr. Colton: To recommend
annexation of Items 1, 20 4, 5 and 6 without the UGA, and pending with
further discussion and research on the amending of the UGA. Motion split
Mr. Colton again voiced his concern. with the annexation, especially regarding
the responsibility of the road maintenance issue, and the "flag -pole" annexation
approach that was being taken. He did not feel as though a clear and informed
decision was being made regarding the Items.
Moved by Mr. Colton, seconded by -Ms. Craig: That no recommendation be
made to Council tonight, with motion to continue until October Vt to see if
further information could be gathered on the issue so the Board may make
an informed decision. Motion split 2-2.
Mr. Colton declared the Items would be sent on to the City Council with no
recommendation from the Board, rioting that the Board supports conservation
and laws in the natural areas, but that there were some concerns some Board
members would still like to have addressed.
No further business.
Meeting adjourned.
Planning and Zoning Board
Meeting of September 17, 1998
Page 9
Mr. Eckman's response to Ms. Weitkunat's clarification was that the Board was
to make a recommendation to Council only, so if their thoughts were the same
on all the Items, he felt they could put them all into one vote.
Mr. Colton asked for public input on the issue.
Randy Sullivan, landowner boarding on Item 4 at address 6844 Hidden Springs
Road came forward to voice his support for the annexation, but he also had
concerns with how the land is to be used. His primary concern centered on the
un-maintained portion of Trilby Road due to traffic problems that are getting
worse. He explained that the County refused to maintain the road and that the
maintenance was the responsibility of the homeowners.
Mr. Colton asked Staff to address Mr. Sullivan's concern.
Staff indicated the public access had not yet been determined and that it would
be part of the Management Plan., "
Ms. Craig asked for the issue of Trilby Road to be addressed, asking if it would
be part of the annexation, and, if the City would take it over.
Dave indicated that the road that Mr. Sullivan was speaking of was not part of
Trilby Road, but a designation of the County put in to accommodate the
development of the area. He stated that it was common for the County to
require these roads be maintained by a HOA. He explained that if the road were
part of the annexation, the City would maintain it. He also stated, however that it
was the responsibility of the' HOA to bring the road up to City standards, and that
if the HOA did not bring the road up to City standards, they would continue to be
responsible for its maintenance.
Staff indicated that Trilby Road was not included in this annexation plat.
Ms. Craig recommended Staff, give -]Mr. Sullivan Mr. Shoemaker's name and
number so that he could voice his .concerns regarding this issue and go over it
with him for future direction.
Mr. Colton closed Public comment.
Move by Ms. Weitkunat, no second: To approve recommendation for
annexation on Items 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 with responsibility of the City to
maintain its natural areas, with no major bearing on the UGA.
Planning and Zoning Board
Meeting of September 17, 1998
Page 7
Ms. Craig withdrew the Motion:
Mr. Colton expressed his concern with the issue of the UGA and amending it
without further information and study.. "
Mr. Eckman explained that the` City can annex outside of the UGA boundary,
using a provision from the .Intergovernmental Agreement that if the County
Commissioners were given 35 days notice, annexation could occur even outside
the UGA boundary, and that the issues could be separated and presented as
Mr. Colton asked for other Board member opinions on the issue.
Ms. Weitkunat, stated that the decision was one of their responsibilities and
should not be taken lightly. She felt`that if the areas were important enough to
purchase, then they were important. enough to bring under jurisdiction. She felt
that by postponing the decision they were not meeting this responsibility.
Mr. Colton again expressed his. concerns regarding the UGA boundaries and
voiced that he felt that circumstances regarding the UGA were not outlined
sufficiently to indicate when and if the UGA should be amended.
Ms. Carpenter asked if the properties > could be. annexed without changing the
UGA boundaries.
Mr. Eckman explained again that, yes, it could be done and read a paragraph
from Page 8 of the IntergovernmentalAgreement, "the County agrees that the
City in its sole discretion, may annex"outside the Fort Collins UGA. The City
agrees that proposed annexations outside the UGA be sent by certified mail to
the Board of Commissioners for review and comment at least 35 days prior to
the scheduled public hearing on the annexation." Mr. Eckman continued, stating
that in the agreement, before it was redrafted, if the City annexed outside the
UGA, it was an automatic amendment"to the UGA boundary, but that that was no
longer the case since it had .been deleted from the Agreement, making it no
longer automatic.
Ms. Carpenter stated that she felt'there were compelling reasons to proceed with
the recommendation to annex:and felt.;as a compromise, it could be done without
amending the UGA boundary. She suggested further discussion and review in
future meetings or work sessions to -understand more what amending the UGA
boundary might mean, and to create a public policy on this subject.
Planning and Zoning Board
Meeting of September 17, 1998
Page 6
Moved by Ms. Weitkunat, seconded -by Ms. Craig: To recommend that the
Board forward the Amendment on to City Council, the Larimer County
Planning Commission and the County Commissioners, to adopt Item 14 -
Amendment to the Fossil Creek Reservoir Area Plan, as being consistent
with the City Plan and the Structure Plan for building/planning a
community in that area. Motion passed unanimously.
Coyote Ridge 1$`, 2°d, 3`d, 4`h, an& 5" ; Annexation and Zonings:
Ms. Craig suggested tabling the Items in order to review a new packet of
materials that had been received concerning the issues.
Moved by Ms. Craig: Motion to continue the discussion to Oct Vt to get the
chance to look over the new information.
Ms. Harder stated Staff was willing,to:'summarize the information for the Board
and refer legal questions to Paul Eckman. She stated that the packet and letter
received addressed why the natural'resource areas need to be located within the
city limits for legal reasons - so ,that.fhe laws could be enforced by the rangers.
She explained that trespassingwas.the primary problem.
Mr. Eckman briefly reviewed •the memo and stated that Tom Shoemaker had
been advised by his office that there was a law stating if the property was open
to the public, even if it is outside -'the city's jurisdiction, city laws could be
enforced on it; but if it is not open to the public, the laws could not be enforced.
He also stated that if the State Legislature happened to change that law, the City
would then be at the mercy of the State Legislature.
Ms. Craig asked why the area hadn't :been opened to the public temporarily so
that law enforcement could handle the problem.
Ms. Harder explained that the Natural Resources Department had not yet
completed its Wildlife Management�Rlan, which needed to be done before the
area could be opened to the public: She stated that if the area fell within the city
limits, rangers would then have., -the authority to control the incidence of
trespassing, and thus be able to minimize the impacts and damage it was doing
to the natural area.
Ms. Craig asked why the'Sheriff,could,not deputize the rangers.
Mr. Eckman stated that the current Sheriff would not deputize.
Planning and Zoning Boaro
Meeting of September 17, 1998
Page 5
Ms. Carpenter asked Mr. Wray to address the notification process and why
people were missed.
Mr. Wray explained that the Plawhad;'been a two-year process, with extensive
notifications and had included as many people as they could reach by mail. He
admitted there were probably some owners that were missed due to glitches. He
stated that recent mailing for the notification process had included owners within
a 1,000-foot radius of the Hansen property. He felt they had tried to give enough
time for people to find out and spread the word about the happenings. He also
felt that the issues raised had been worked through and many compromises had
already been made to accommodate the concerns. Mr. Wray stated he felt Staff
had taken it as far as they could and;now was up to the elected officials at this
time to make a consideration.
Mr. Wray reiterated again that Item 1'4 was trying to bring consistency between
the Structure Plan and the Fossil .Creek Plan and Staff was recommending that
the Area Plan be amended to bring it, into conformance. He stated that Item 14
was not a rezoning but a land -use. designation policy plan only. The Structure
Plan had always had provisions for these land -use designations.
Mr. Colton asked why the center couldn't be located elsewhere. He also
expressed concern that the issue may,need to be addressed with reevaluation in
the future.
Mr. Wray explained that the, street plans do not work out anywhere else and
locating the center across' the road as suggested by public input was not
consistent with the City Structure Plan. He again stressed that this was not a
rezoning or annexation. Item14 was just to bring the two plans consistent with
each other and to allow for these future land uses to better serve the area in the
long run.
Russ Laid explained that the areas we're set by a land use pattern based on the
landowner/neighborhood setup. The TDU and Structure Plan was supposed to
work together and that higher densities did not work currently with the TDU, but
maybe in the future. Also that there were legal constraints with density shifting.
J T'
Mr. Colton then asked for the affect on the Johnson property value to be
Mr. Wray stated that many properties are affected and again stated that this was
just to incorporate future land'.uses as,part of a policy plan.
Planning and Zoning Board
M f fS t b 1 98
ee mg o ep erner 7, 19
Page 4
that further investigation of _other sites shoulc
concern regarding potential dangerous access
Timberline. He also suggested relocating the
be done. He also indicated
problems into the center from
center to the opposite side of
Lisa Osborn of Willow Springs echoed the concerns of Mr. Johnson and Mr.
Renauld regarding the center access from Timberline and the potential of
increased traffic congestion in: the area. She told the Board that the Planners
had indicated that the center was not for the Willow Springs area but for the
housing that would be going in to the east. She felt the center's location would
not serve the housing it was being planned for.
Rod Hansen spoke to the Board as the representative for the Hansen Family,
whose property was sited for the center's proposed location. He told the Board
of the three major reasons 4thy"°& Hansen family supported the center's
location. First that the City was growing tremendously to the SE and the center
would be needed. Second that -the location was outside the TDU program and
located on a major North/South arterial, . and by a "collector" and a "connector",
being the best choice in the area. Finally, that the center plans were compatible
with his family's future plans for the, sale of the property in 10 to 15 years; the
family was trying to be realistic in the growth that would occur in the area.
Mr. Johnson addressed Mr. Hansen's point to the Board regarding the "future
plans" and stating that if Item 14 was 'agreed upon with the 10-15 year plan, it
would be locking his property in as well and he felt that would not be fair.
Mr. Colton asked the Staff fo.address'the public concerns including the question
of the potential location and why,it could not be moved, commercial viability, the
steep hill at that location and, its impacts, lack of western access, and the golf
course conflict and impact.
Mr. Wray said they tried to IOW rat the entire SE area as it was now, and with
future development in mind, and how it -would best be served. He stated that the
City Plan was developed to try t6feather down the housing densities. He felt the
TDU clearly identified the receiving area for Fossil Creek, and there was not an
allowance for more intense land uses such as the medium density housing and a
commercial center. He explained that'the main purpose of Item 14 was to bring
the Fossil Creek Plan consistent with -.the City Structure Plan. Wray stated that
location issues had been addressed and other locations had been explored, but
no street patterns worked out.
Planning and Zoning Boaro
Meeting of September 17, 1998
Page 3
Mr. Wray said Planning acknowledged the concern received by many property
owners and neighborhoods,surroundi'hg this area. Planning consented that this
notice should be expanded:. and additional time provided for the proposal.
Because of the concern, the hearing sequences were cancelled to allow for more
time to work through the concerns that were raised. Three neighborhood focus
groups were held to work through:the;concerns, as well as a public open house.
The hearing sequences were then'recommenced, set for Sept 17, Oct 5/6, and
Oct 21. Mr. Wray pointed out that the original Plan process took over two years
to develop and that other sites and locations had been looked at for medium
density neighborhoods and a commercial center, but there were no other
suitable locations.
Ms. Craig asked for an example of what a "neighborhood commercial center"
looks like. Mr. Wray used the Scotch Pines Shopping Center as the example.
Public input on Item 14 was Heard.
Eric Renauld, property owner to`the South and West of the proposed site of the
commercial center and niediurn , density housing, expressed his concern
regarding the affect.of the amendment` specifically on his property and its value.
He told the Board that the original notification of the commercial center's location
was given as approx. 2 miles ENE of the present location. He stated that March
of this year was the first they had; heard of the new location and that no
notification of the change had been"given. He also questioned the commercial
viability of the proposed center location with no access to the West and a
collector street to the East with a steep hill and blind intersection. He also told
the Board he felt there were lack of sufficient transitions between the proposed
center location, the medium density housing and the rural estate properties.
Also, a possible expansion of .the ekisting Southridge Golf Course onto the
Renauld property would make,the location poor because it would put it within a
couple hundred yards of the,. commercial center and medium density housing.
He did not feel these concerns 'had been adequately addressed and that
alternate locations for the centen,had not been considered in great detail. He
suggested relocating the center to the opposite side of Timberline to alleviate
some of the addressed problems '''
Tom Johnson, property owner to `the South of the proposed location, expressed
the same concerns regarding the center's location and the potential negative
impact on his property value, as well as the notification problems. He explained
too that the proposed medium de"risity housing would be located on part of his
property, with only a couple hundred `yards from his newly constructed estate
home. His concern lay with the "devaluation of his property. He told the Board
Planning and Zoning Board
Meeting of September 17, 1998
Page 2
Leeann Harter asked that the Board include in the recommendations to City
Council support for an amendment to the Urban Growth Area boundary for the
Cathy Fromme Prairie Annexation.
Moved by Ms. Weitkunat, seconded by Ms. Craig: To approve Agenda Items
1,2,4,5,6,12,13 and 16, and the amendment to the Urban Growth Area
boundary for the Cathy Fromme Prairie. Motion passed unanimously.
The remaining agenda for the evening consisted of Item 14, Amendment to the
Fossil Creek Area Reservoir Plan and Items 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 — Coyote Ridge
Recommendation to City Council on the Amendment to the Fossil Creek
Reservoir Area Plan.
Pete Wray, Advance Planning, spoke to the Board regarding Staff
recommendation for Agenda Item 14. Staff felt the amendment was necessary
to bring the adopted plan into conformance with the City Structure Plan. Mr.
Wray stated that the Hansen, Renauld and Johnson properties would be
affected. The amendment included adding two new land use designations to the
Fossil Creek Reservoir Area Plan, including medium density mixed -use
neighborhoods and a neighborhood commercial center.
Mr. Wray read the description of the policy statement for the proposed
amendment. He discussed the proposed layout and location of the commercial
center and the medium density housing. He explained that one of the main
items that determined what would be an appropriate location for the commercial
center was that it must be located on a main arterial street - Timberline being the
main arterial to the area.
Mr. Wray then explained the process that initiated the proposal to add the two
land uses to the Fossil Creek Plan. He stated that prior to the Plan adoption,
Doug Hansen had come forward and requested adding the proposed medium
density housing and commercial center land uses for their property, immediately
South of the Willow Springs development. After discussion by elected officials
prior to Plan adoption, it was acknowledged that these uses were consistent with
the City Structure Plan, and as a condition of approval, acknowledgment of these
uses was added to the adoption of the Plan.
He added, however, the addition of these acknowledgments was tabled with no
final decision, and the Plan adoption proceeded, so that further public notification
of the change could be provided.
SEPTEMBER 17, 1998
6:30 P.M.
Council Liaison: Scott Mason I Staff Liaison: Bob Blanchard
Chairperson: Glen Colton Phone: (H) 225-2760 (VV) 898-7963
Vice Chair: Sally Craig Phone: (H) 484-9417
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chairperson Colton
Roll Call: Weitkunat, Carpenter, Craig and Colton. Members Gavaldon and
Davidson were absent:
Agenda Review: Director of Current Planning Bob Blanchard reviewed the
consent and discussion agendas:
15. #34-97
16. #53-84L
Minutes of the July 16, 1998 Planning and Zoning Board
Modifications of Conditions of Final Approval.
Ryland Annexation and Zoning (Continued).
Cathy Fromme Natural Area Annexation and Zoning.
Pineridge 3rd Annexation and Zoning.
Cottonwood Hollow Annexation and Zoning.
Coyote Ridge 1st Annexation and Zoning.
Coyote Ridge 2"d Annexation and Zoning.
Coyote Ridge 3`d Annexation and Zoning.
Coyote Ridge 4th Annexation and Zoning.
Coyote Ridge 5th Annexation and Zoning.
Arapahoe Bend 1st Annexation and Zoning.
Arapahoe Bend 2"d Annexation and Zoning.
Recommendation to City Council on the Amendment to
the Fossil Creek Reservoir Area Plan.
Lemay Yd Annexation and Zoning. (Continued)
Warren Farms Rezoning.
Mr. Colton asked if there was anyone who wished to address Agenda Item 16.
There was no public input for Agenda Item 16 and it was moved from discussion
to the consent agenda.
Sally Craig asked the Board to pull Agenda Items 7,8,9,10 and 11 from the
consent agenda for Staff questions only.