Number: 7 Created: 6/23/2004
[6/23/04] General Note #6 implies that all exterior lighting will be building mounted, yet there
are pole fixtures shown on the site plan. If there are to be pole fixtures, then the note should
address those as well (i.e., down directional, height of poles, etc). If there aren't going to be
any poles, then remove them from the site plan. Note #6 has been revised to apply to
building mounted exterior lighting only. The ground mounted site lighting is specified on
sheet 4.
Red line drawings are available at the Current Planning front desk. Be sure and return all of
your redlined plans when you re -submit. The applicant must set up a meeting with Ginger
Dodge (970) 221-6750 prior to resubmitting the project. So noted.
If you have any questions regarding these issues or any other issues related to this project,
please feel free to call me at (970) 221-6750.
Yours Truly,
Bob Barkeen
City Planner
Page 6
Number: 12 Created: 7/6/2004
[7/6/04] The proposed evergreen trees along Mason Street appear to be growing into the
sidewalk. This will most likely create a maintenance problem with constant pruning. Trees
along sidewalks are required to be maintained at an 8' clearance above the sidewalk, which
may look silly for the proposed evergreens. Please use deciduous trees or shrubs along the
sidewalks. Deciduous crabapple trees have been substituted for the evergreen trees aiong
Mason street as requested.
Department: Water Wastewater Issue Contact: Jeff Hill
Topic: General
Number: 11 Created: 7/6/2004
[7/6/04] Provide top of water main and bottom of sanitary sewer service at the water main
crossing in Boardwalk Dr. Will a lowering of the water main be required at this crossing?
Provide details if so. (FDB/S&A) Revised sewer service location per your suggestion.
Number: 13 Created: 7/6/2004
[7/6/04] Provide a copy of the utility easement documentation for our review. (FDB/S&A)
Number: 14 Created: 7/6/2004
[7/6/04] Include the concrete encasement detail on the detail sheet. (FDB/S&A) Added to
Detail Shee{
Number: 15 Created: 7/6/2004
[7/6/04] See site, landscape and utility plans for other comments. Comments on returned
plan sheets noted and revisions made accordingly to resubmitted plans.
Department: Zoning Issue Contact: Peter Barnes
Topic: zoning
Number: 3 Created: 6/23/2004
[6/23/04] Building envelopes are labeled, but not dimensioned. Please show envelope
dimensions. Building envelopes dimensioned as requested.
Number: 4 Created. 6/23/2004
[6/23104] Need to provide bike racks. Show/label locations on site plan. Bike racks added
near the main entrance of each of the 2 buildings and noted accordingly.
Number: 5 Created: 6/23/2004
[6/23/04] Only one trash enclosure is shown. Should provide another one for Lot 1
building(s) or relocate the one shown so that it's more conveniently located between the
buildings. A trash encdsure of significant size has been kocated at a centra6y located
internal island that provides convenient access for all proposed buildings.
Number: 6 Created: 6/23/2004
16/23/04] General note #4 states that there "shall be no rooftop or ground mounted
mechanical equipment". If that's true, where will the mechanical equipment be located?
Perhaps the note should be reworded so that it states that rooftop or ground mounted
mechanical equipment shall be screened from view. Agreed. Note revised accordingly.
Page 5
Number: 37 Created: 7/9/2004
1. There are two "Grading, Sediment, and Erosion Control Plan" sheets in the back of the
report and they are different. Which one is the real plan? (FDB/S&A) Removed one
grading etc. from plans
2. The area inlet to be installed in the new WQ pond will need protection when it is
constructed. �=DB/S&A) Added protection.
3. The silt fencing along the east side of the new construction is very difficult to see on the
plan. (FDB/S&A) Revised with note location of silt fence.
4. Since the plan shows all of the BMP's and no phasing, it is going to be assumed that
all of them will be installed and kept in good working order and repair from the first
shovel of dirt being moved until project completion. This should be reflected in your
surety calculations. S&A) No phasing.
5. There must be a project schedule on the plan indicating when various BMP's are to be
placed and/or removed in relation to construction sequencing. (FDB/S&A) Added
project schedule to plan.
6. What is the "Native Grass Area?" Is this to be reseeded/mulched, or is it to be
landscaped? Please indicate on the plan. There will be no 'Native Grass Area'. All
grass areas will be sodded grass turf. The plan sheet has been revised accordingly.
Department: Traffic Operations Issue Contact: Eric Bracke
Topic: Traffic
Number: 2 Created: 6/22/2004
[6/22/04] The Transportation Study prepared by Sear -Brown is acceptable. I support the
conclusion that the NBRT lane on Mason onto Boardwalk is not required. The intersection
of Mason and Boardwalk will operated acceptably under stop sign control into the long
range future. So noted.
Department: Transportation Planning Issue Contact: Tom Reiff
Topic: Transportation
Number: 8 Created: 7/6/2004
[7/6/04] Please label the 6' sidewalk for Mason Street and the 5' walk for Boardwalk on both
the site and utility plans. Sidewalks have been labeled as requested.
Number: 9 Created: 7/6/2004
[7/6/04] Please identify the locations and label the bike racks on all plan sets. Bike racks
are required to be located near the building entrance in a visible secure location (one for
each bldg.) Bike racks have been added near the entrances of both bldg's. in visible, secure
Number: 10 Created: 7/6/2004
[7/6/04] Is it wise to have a parking stall immediately in front of the trash enclosure where a
vehicle could potentially be blocking the dumpster? The trash dumpster enclosure has been
relocated to an internal island and is not in conflict with any parking stalls at its new location.
Page 4
Topic: sitellandscape plan
Number: 19 Created: 7/7/2004
[7/7/04] After close inspection, I can see that an attempt was made to use different line
weights for existing features vs. proposed features, but at this quality of printing, they are
nearly indiscernible. Please change the line weight used for existing features so that they
are more distinct from proposed ones. Line weights adjusted as requested.
Number: 20 Created: 7/7/2004
[7/7/04] Please clarify the extents of phase 1. Extents danfied with additional arrows.
Department: Light & Power Issue Contact: Bruce Vogel
Topic: General
Number: 1 Created: 6/21 /2004
[6/21/04] No Comments. So noted.
Department: Police Issue Contact: Joseph Gerdom
Topic: General
Number: 17 Created: 7/6/2004
[7/6/04] Parking lot requires a minimum of 1.Ofc throughout. Western most line of parking
falls below this. Also, the north -south driveway should meet this requirement. The driveway
intersection with Mason (sw comer) is under lfc - need better levels to illuminate
sidewalk/vehicle intersection. Lighting levels adjusted to meet minimum 1.0 f.c.
Number: 18 Created: 7/6/2004
[7/6/04] Trash enclosure needs to be better illuminated - recommend the 1.Ofc standard.
Also, Honeylocust in center of parking will block lighting - would suggest fixture be moved to
west property line to address lighting/landscape issues. Lighting levels at trash enclosure
raised to .9 f.c. Honeylocust moved to center of landscape island to allow for better light
Department: Stormwater Utility Issue Contact: Wes Lamarque
Topic: Drainage
Number: 33 Created: 7/9/2004
The Mail Creek Master Plan states that the release rate for detention ponds be the 2-year
historic flow rate for the site, including half the street frontage. For this site, the designated
.87 cfs for the area that drains into the 30-inch storm sewer will control. Please adjust the
release rate for this site to be .87 cfs/acre. DB1S&A) Revised release rate from site.
Number: 34 Created: 7/9/2004
Please document the total release rate for the site, including half the street frontage, and
show how the overall sites release rate meets the .87 cfs/acre criteria. (FDB/S&A) Revised
Number: 35 Created: 7/9/2004
Please add a flow calculation for the sidewalk chase. (FDB1S&A) Added flow calculation for
sidewalk chase to drainage report.
Number: 36 Created: 7/9/2004
A drainage easement is required for the detention pond. The existing drainage easement
needs to be vacated for the part that is in conflict with the proposed building. (FDB/S&A)
Revised required easement in progress with this report.
Page 3
Number: 24 Created: 7/7/2004
[7/7104] The plat shows a small utility easement off the 30' access road that is not shown on
the plan and may overlap the proposed building. Please show all easements on the plans.
(FDB/S&A) The easement does not overlap and is or will still be required for water The
easement was shown but faded off from crappy printing.
Number: 25 Created: 7/7/2004
[7/7/04] Please dedicate a public access easement to the back of the sidewalk on Mason.
(FDB/S&A) A public access easement is being dedicated along with this project.
Number: 26 Created: 7/7/2004
[7/7/04] Please dedicate a total 15' wide utility easement behind the ROW on Mason or
request an engineering variance to that standard (approval of this variance requires
additional time to obtain approval of all utilities). A 10' utility easement behind the ROW has
been provided along the southern half of the property with a 15' ROW provided along the
northern half.
Number: 27 Created: 7/7/2004
[7/7/04] Please find a common title for all the plan sheets that is unique (not used
previously). The project title has been amended to read 'Boardwalk Crossing at Mason
Street and all plan sheets have been labeled accordingly.
Number: 28 Created: 7/7/2004
[7/7/04] Please review appendix E-10 in LCUASS for the City's scanability requirements for
all plan sheets and revise plans as necessary. (FDB/S&A) Revised for scanability.
Number: 29 Created: 7/7/2004
[7/7/04] Please use the standard detail for an under -walk drain (attached). Standard detail
added as requested.
Number: 30 Created: 7/7/2004
[7/7/04] Any work performed outside this property's boundaries requires offsite easements.
(sidewalk near southeast corner of site) Please provide a letter of intent from the adjacent
property owner prior to hearing, and a copy of the completed easement prior to mylars being
signed. (FDB/S&A) We have attempted to contact REI both by mail and phone and have not
received any kind of response. Their refusal to cooperate has put us in the position of
redesigning our parking access curb cut to stay off their property. A non -radius drive cut has
been substituted for the radius cut and the sidewalk on their property has been eliminated.
Number: 31 Created: 7/7/2004
[7/7/04] Please see redlines for any additional comments. All redlines addressed
accordingly on revised and resubmitted plan sheets.
Number: 32 Created: 7/7/2004
[7/7/04] The city is revising its detail for the pedestrian ramps used at corners to meet ADA
requirements. See attached memo. I will get you the finalized detail as soon as I receive it.
Detail has not been received from the city.
Pagc 2
City of Fort Collins
4710 S. COLLEGE AVE. Response: 11/04
Staff has reviewed your submittal for BOARDWALK CROSSING, LOT 2, FILING 2 PDP -
TYPE I, and we offer the following comments:
Department: Current Planning Issue Contact: Bob Barkeen
Topic: General
Number: 16 Created: 7/6/2004
The site plan shows both building entrances accessing within the adjacent parking area,
instead of directly onto the adjacent streets (Mason, Boardwalk or the rear access to REI).
Given the location within the Mason Street Corridor, direct building access should be
considered on either Mason/Boardwalk and on the private drive to the south (for the
southern building). An entrance from Boardwalk has been added to the north bldg. and an
entrance from the private drive has been added to the south bldg.
Number: 38 Created: 7/13/2004
[7/13/04] In the event the southern building is moved to the east, thus eliminating the
foundation plantings along this eastern wall, an alternative would be to include trees in tree
grates along the sidewalk. The southern building has not moved to the east
Current Planning supports the relocation of the trash enclosure. Trash enclosures may not
be located within 20 feet of a public sidewalk. The trash enclosure has been moved to a
centrally located internal island and substantially enlarged to accommodate all 3 buildings.
Department: Engineering Issue Contact: Katie Moore
Topic: General
Number: 21 Created: 7/7/2004
[7/7/04] Please provide both directional ramps on the northwest corner of the site. Both
directional ramps have been added.
Number: 22 Created: 7/7/2004
[7/7/04] Please dimension the parkways and sidewalks to meet or exceed LCUASS
standards. The parkways and sidewalks have been dimensioned accordingly.
Number: 23 Created: 7/7/2004
[7/7/04] The southern retail building is overlapping an existing drainage easement, which is
not allowed unless that portion of the drainage easement is proposed to be vacated, and the
City agrees to vacate it. In order to vacate the easement the City will need a legal
description of the portion of the easement to be vacated, and a letter requesting the
vacation. The easement vacation would then be processed through Cameron Gloss, since
this is a Type I project. (FDB/S&A) The existing drainage easement is being requested to be
vacated on Lot 2. Also a new easement will be completed for the new drainage easement
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