Meeting of September 17, 1998
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Moved by Ms. Weitkunat, seconded by Ms. Craig: To approve Agenda Items
1,2,4,5,6,12,13 and 16, and the amendment to the Urban Growth Area
boundary for the Cathy Fromme Prairie. Motion passed unanimously. ! _
The remaining agenda for the evening consisted of Item 14, Amendment to the
Fossil Creek Area Reservoir Plan and Items 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 — Coyote Ridge
Recommendation to City Council on the Amendment to the Fossil Creek
Reservoir Area Plan.
Pete Wray, Advance Planning, spoke to the Board regarding Staff
recommendation for Agenda Item 14. Staff felt the amendment was necessary
to bring the adopted plan into conformance with the City Structure Plan. Mr.
Wray stated that the Hansen, Renauld and Johnson properties would be
affected. The amendment included adding two new land use designations to the
Fossil Creek Reservoir Area Plan, including medium density mixed -use
neighborhoods and a neighborhood commercial center.
Mr. Wray read the description of the policy statement for the proposed
amendment. He discussed the proposed layout and location of the commercial
center and the medium density housing. He explained that one of the main
items that determined what would be an appropriate location for the commercial
center was that it must be located on a main arterial street - Timberline being the
main arterial to the area.
Mr. Wray then explained the process that initiated the proposal to add the two
land uses to the Fossil Creek Plan. He stated that prior to the Plan adoption,
Doug Hansen had come forward and requested adding the proposed medium
density housing and commercial center land uses for their property, immediately
South of the Willow Springs development. After discussion by elected officials
prior to Plan adoption, it was acknowledged that these uses were consistent with
the City Structure Plan, and as a condition of approval, acknowledgment of these
uses was added to the adoption of the Plan.
He added, however, the addition of these acknowledgments was tabled with no
final decision, and the Plan adoption proceeded, so that further public notification
of the change could be provided.
Mr. Wray said Planning acknowledged the concern received by many property
owners and neighborhoods surrounding this area. Planning consented that this
notice should be expanded and additional time provided for the proposal.
Because of the concern, the hearing sequences were cancelled to allow for more
time to work through the concerns that were raised. Three neighborhood focus
SEPTEMBER 17, 1998
6:30 P.M.
Council Liaison: Scott Mason I Staff Liaison: Bob Blanchard
Chairperson: Glen Colton Phone: (H) 225-2760 (W) 898-7963
Vice Chair: Sally Craig Phone: (H) 484-9417
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chairperson Colton
Roll Call: Weitkunat, Carpenter, Craig and Colton. Members Gavaldon and
Davidson were absent:
Agenda Review: Director of Current Planning Bob Blanchard reviewed the
consent and discussion agendas:
15. #34-97
16. #53-84L
Minutes of the July 16, 1998 Planning and Zoning Board
Modifications of Conditions of Final Approval.
Ryland Annexation and Zoning (Continued).
Cathy Fromme Natural Area Annexation and Zoning.
Pineridge 3rd Annexation and Zoning.
Cottonwood Hollow Annexation and Zoning.
Coyote Ridge 1st Annexation and Zoning.
Coyote Ridge 2"d Annexation and Zoning.
Coyote Ridge 3rd Annexation and Zoning.
Coyote Ridge 4th Annexation and Zoning.
Coyote Ridge 5th Annexation and Zoning.
Arapahoe Bend 1st Annexation and Zoning.
Arapahoe Bend 2"d Annexation and Zoning.
Recommendation to City Council on the Amendment to
the Fossil Creek Reservoir Area Plan.
Lemay 3`d Annexation and Zoning. (Continued)
Warren Farms Rezoning.
Mr. Colton asked if there was anyone who wished to address Agenda Item 16.
There was no public input for Agenda Item 16 and it was moved from discussion
to the consent agenda.
Sally Craig asked the Board to pull Agenda Items 7,8,9,10 and 11 from the
consent agenda for Staff questions only.
Leeann Harter asked that the Board include in the recommendations to City
Council support for an amendment to the Urban Growth Area boundary for the
Cathy Fromme Prairie Annexation.