Peter Barnes ,
Friday, July 11, 2014 8:40 AM
'Rabbi Yerachmiel Gorelik'
Noah Beals
RE: Chabad Jewish Center basic development review comments
Yes, the existing building setback along Westward is grandfathered in, and the setback of the proposed addition
complies with the code in effect on the date of your application. My comment applies to any future addition, which isn't
shown on the approved plan. Such addition, if one should ever be proposed, will need to comply with whatever the
code requirements are at the date of your application to amend the plan. There's no guarantee that the 'contextual
setback' regulation won't change at some time in the future.
From: Rabbi Yerachmiel Gorelik[mailto:rabbioorelik(a)yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2014 11:34 PM
To: Peter Barnes
Cc: Noah Beals
Subject: Re: Chabad Jewish Center basic development review comments
sorry forgot one more thing.
In comment number 1 on page 10 regarding the setbacks. It is a moot point
because we anyway grandfather the position of the existing house which is actually
around 40 feet from Westward. However just in case the new code changes things
we had discussed the existing code for "contextual setbacks" so the adjacent
property is also around 40 feet from Westward so accordingly our front setback
would be 40 feet not 60 feet. I guess a moot point unless we were demolishing the
old building but I just wanted to make sure this was indicated in our file that our
westward/front setback is 40 feet.
13) Contextual Setbacks. Regardless of the minimum front setback requirement imposed by the zone district
standards of this Land Use Code, applicants shall be allowed to use a "contextual" front 'setback. A
"contextual" front setback, may fall at any point between the front setback required in the zone district and
the front setback that exists on a lot that abuts, and is oriented to, the same street as the subject lot. If the subject
lot is a corner lot, the "contextual" setback may fall at any point between the zone district
required frontsetback and the front setback that exists on the lot that is abutting and oriented to the same street
as the subject lot. If lots on either side of the subject lot are vacant, the setback shall be interpreted as the
minimum required front'setback that applies to the vacant lot. This provision shall not be construed as requiring
a greater front 'setback� than that imposed by the underlying zone district, and it shall not be construed as
allowing setbac
ks to be reduced to a level that results in right-of-way widths below established minimums.