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would also like to see a more consistent public notice radius regardless of the type
of project.
7. NC: Helen Everhart, 521 Sycamore Street, commented that she liked the project
and that the proposed building elevations fit the character of the neighborhood.
8. NC: Steve Mack, 420 E. Laurel, commented that he agreed with Helen Everhart
that the proposed building elevations fit the character of the neighborhood.
9. NC: Bruce Brown, 425 N. Whitcomb Street, commented that trust was a part of the
process, and that he felt that the design was a good fit.
10. NC: Carol Gyger, 425 N. Whitcomb Street, commented that she liked the design
and felt that it was compatible. She commented that she felt comfortable with the
explanation of the approval process.
11. NC: Kathy Lambert, 514 Sycamore Street, commented that she felt the design
was appropriate.
12. NC: Gary Schroeder, 520 N. Sherwood Street, stated his support for the project
and felt that it was an appropriate use of the lot.
13. NC: Diane Giffin, 303 North Loomis Street, expressed her support for the project.
Community Development
city of
and Neighborhood Services
Current Planning
Fort Collins
College Ave.
P.Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
- fax
Neighborhood Meeting Comments
Proposed Project: 412 North Sycamore Street
Meeting date: June 6th, 2012 at The Farm at Lee Martinez Park
Note Key:
NQ: Neighbor Question
NC: Neighbor Comment
AR: Applicant Response
SR: Staff Response
1. NC: Wirt Wolff, 418 N. Whitcomb, asked if the building design is still conceptual at
the public hearing.
SR: Jason Holland: The applicant will be required to submit building elevations of
each side of the building for approval. The elevations are conceptual, and are required
to describe proposed building materials, size, form, massing, and scale sufficient to
present a clear picture of the final design intent. If the elevations provided with the
project are approved at the hearing, future proposed changes to the elevations will
also require review and approval from staff. After this original approval, proposed
elevation changes may be permitted provided that the changes fit with the character of
the original approved building elevations.
2. NQ: What is the maximum building height permitted in this zoning district?
AR: Dennis Sovick: Two-story; 18 feet maximum for any portion of a wall or
building at the 5' setback line. If any portion of the wall of building exceeds 18 feet,
then that portion shall be set back an additional 1 foot for every 2 feet of additional
building height.
3. NQ: How tall is the house next door to the south?
AR: Chris Maldonado: One-story.
4. NC: Steve Mack, 420 E. Laurel Street, commented that the proposal appeared to
fit in with the existing streetscape appropriately. He expressed concerns with two
recent projects where plans were approved with no building elevations and with
multiple Modifications of Standards. He also expressed a need to change the
submittal requirements to require a block face elevation drawing that included
representations of existing surrounding houses on the block face in relationship to
the proposed structure.
5. NC: Kathy Lambert, 514 Sycamore Street, commented that she did not like the
new homes at Maple and Grant because they feel too large and crowded together.
6. NC: Steve Mack, 420 E. Laurel Street, commented that he would like to see the
West Side Neighborhood Plan have more teeth and be more strictly enforced. He