From: Susan Kreul-Froseth <archfro@earthlink.net>
Sent: Monday, January 04, 2016 11:52 AM
To: Clay Frickey
Subject: hearing: College Eight Thirty PDP
Dear Clay Frickey,
We received The notice of the Public Hearing for the above project as we will be residing in the neighborhood at the corner of Peterson and Locust
streets. We will not be attending the meeting, but wanted to participate in the review process. Our concern is the potential of the parking spill -over
into the neighborhood. The area is already experiencing parking issues due to high occupancy rates in the existing homes.
We have personally towed cars parked on our property these past few months as there seems to be a shortage of street parking already.
Whatever can be done to increase parking should be done for this project.
Piecing together information it appears that there will be 48 beds and 27 spaces. What is not noted is if the commercial part of the project is allotted
or required to have a separate parking or if it is designated all residential parking.
It is not clear if the modification request is going to increase or decrease the number of parking spaces as the notice we received just states that the
applicant is seeking modification to the ratio of spaces required.
Again, we are concerned about the spill -over parking issues into the East Side Neighborhood.
As the city continues to seek input and be actively engaged in planning in our Old Town and
specifically East/West side neighborhoods, it is clearly a fact that the encouraged relative high occupancy mixed -use projects which are contiguous to
these zoned lower -density neighborhoods will impact the areas in a significant way. Specifically, parking and scale should be at the top of the list in
determining if a development proposal meets or preferably exceeds design and planning standards.
Thank You,
Susan Kreul-Froseth AIA
Bruce Froseth