To: Jason Holland — please forward these comments to the hearing officer for the proposed Stoner
RE: Comments regarding the proposed Stoner Subdivision 502 Wayne Street.
From: Mike Knowles and Michelle Haefele, 623 Monte Vista Ave., Fort Collins, CO 80521
We would like to request that you reject this proposal to subdivide the lot at 502 Wayne street.
The initial proposal (as described in the conceptual review application and in the original development
proposal documents) was a single story 1,500-square-foot house. This size of house is becoming
increasingly rare in Old Town as builders convert smaller homes to much larger houses, so we were
initially pleased to see a project which would actually add to the declining stock of smaller houses.
However, as is clear from the actual plans, the applicant is proposing building a house on the second lot
which is nearly twice as large as what was brought to conceptual review, larger than the existing house
on the original lot and which is two -stories rather than one.
This will just exacerbate the trend toward increasing house sizes in this neighborhood and has no
beneficial impact for the public. Since the Land Use Code currently prohibits this sort of subdivision, it
would seem reasonable that granting such an exception should be done only when there is a public
benefit (which the initially proposed smaller house might arguably be)
It is unfair to grant this unearned windfall to a property owner who is clearly planning on building a
speculative project. We are requesting that this proposal be rejected.
If however, you choose to grant the exception to the Land Use Code, we would like to request that no
other variance or any other exception be granted for this property —the development should be
required to adhere strictly to the rest of the rules governing the zoning district and the Westside
neighborhood. Furthermore we would like an additional requirement that no alteration be made to the
existing house at 502 Wayne Street.
Mike Knowles and Michelle Haefele