August 17, 1998
Page 2
No jurisdiction wetlands occur on the site because all three wetlands key features for the site
(hydrology, soils and vegetation) were not met.
My qualifications for conducting this wetland survey include 5 years of wetlands identification and
management work. I am recognized by the U.S. Corps of Engineers under Regulatory AF to identify
and delineate wetlands for purposes of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. I am a Registered
Professional Geologist and also a member of the Society of Wetland Scientists, Rocky Mountain
U you have any questions regarding the contents of this letter, please do not hesitate to call me.
Terry Geiselman
Geologist(Wetland Delineator
xc: Stephen Johnson
August 17, 1993
Mr. Dave Pietenpol
Commercial Property Services, LLC
149 W. Harvard — Suite 401
Fort Collins, Colorado 800.25
Dear Mr. Pletenpol:
This letter documents the results of a jurisdictional wetland survey of the Rigden Farm development
in Fort Collins, Colorado (hereafter referred to as ''the site"). The legal description of the site is a
portion of the east half of Section 29, Township 7 North, Range 68 West on the west side of Minor
Road. A roconnaissance of the site was conducted on August 13, 1998. The reconnaissance included
traversing the perimeter and interior of the site and surveying the vegetation, soils, and hydrology of
the area.
The results of the survey Indicate that there are no jurisdictional wetlands within the site. This
determination is made using the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (dated January
1987) and is supported by the following information.
The U.S. Department of Interior Fish and Wildlife Service's National Wetlands Inventory
mapping for the Fort Collins, Colorado, quadrangle identifies the site as not containing any
The site is located in the Cache la Poudre floodpWn but does not contain any low-lying
areas that appear to have recently ponded water or have the capacity to significantly pond
water. There is a drainage in the middle of the property with flowing water but it is our
understanding that this is a stormwater collection ditch that is owned by the City of Fort
Collins and will not be disturbed. Based on the hydrologic information collected for the
site, the wetland hydrology criterion is not met.
The UZ. Department of Agriculture's Soil Survey of Latimer County Area Colorado
describes the soils on the site as being Caruso clay loam, 0 to 1- percent slopes, classified as
the subgroup Fluvaquentic Hoplustolls of the Mollisols order. This soil is not identified as a
hydrie soil according the Hydrlc Soils Listing for Latimer County, Colorado (dated
February 13, 1991). Soil pits were dug at several locations throughout the site, No eNridence
of wetlands soils were encountered in any of the pits (including locations that contained
wetland plants). Based on the soils information collected at the site, the hydric soils criterion
is not met.
The majority of the site contained upland herbs and grasses such as Smooth brome and
Western wheatgrass. Portions of the site contained Fox -tail barley, which is classified as a
Facultative Wetland plant, however the soils in these areas did not meet the wetlands
criterion. Based on the vegetation information collectod at the site the hydrophytic
vegetation criterion is met in some locations.
S/t,'A 7S4'nm 17-1 C73JALJ WTTcuLNA i.W)C.T MX271c-2-c1nN
If you have any questions ,please give me a call.
Zlyro R. Bo9s, FluA.
TR Boss Envk micntal and Biological Consulting
Certifled Profession Scientist "000179
Certified USFWS Habitat Certified Scientist
S/6'd 2S9'ON n 11 q--UnH gaTq>NH.I W, V.(z:? A9cV'F7'MH
TR Boss
May 1201999
Mr. Dave Pietonol
Wheeler conzwelal
1027 $orsetooth Road Suite 200
Fort Collins, CO 80526
RE: Ecological Characterization Study of the Rigden Farm, LLC, Fort Collins, CO
Dear Dave:
Following is TR Boss Environmental and Ecological Consulting
(TRB) Ecological Characterization of the Rigdon Farm LLC.
.Under Condition 3A of City of Fort Collins ' Envirownental Natural and Cidwral Standard4
Sections 3.4.1 (C), Page 39 (D)-Ecological Characterization and Natural Habitat or Feature
Boundary Definition.
Under D- I (Ecological Characterization Study) states that If the Development Site contains, or
is witlAm 500 feet of a natural habitat feature, or the site likely iiwluda- area with wildlife, and/or
plant life, and and/or natural is need of protection than the City of Fort Collins wishes an
Ecdogied Characterization of the property in question.
The Rigdon Forms Site is either an active farm site cr is fallow. The ditch that the City Natural
Resources is concerned about is small, deep sided. Dabbluxg ducks such as mallards may utilize
the ditch during the year. The ditch is probably used by such wildlife as raccoon, skunk, and
meadaw mice.
The habitat is not conducive to the Preblo's Jumping Mouse or to the Ute Ladie's Tresses.
308 MILKY WAY • Fon COLLINS, CoLORADO 80525 * (970) 223-5052 • (970) 223-5145 OFRcE/FAx
E-MAIL Ted@wpbaccess.net
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